Alt-EJ is suppressed in G0- as compared to G1-phase cells
We previously demonstrated that alt-EJ is suppressed in mouse and hamster c-NHEJ mutants when they grow into a plateau- and enter G0-phase 26,49,50. Here we extend these observations to human cells and begin the elucidation of the underpinning mechanisms. Figure 1a shows that under the conditions employed, 82 − 6 hTert cells grow logarithmically for 3 days and enter later, if not refed, a plateau-phase. In plateau-phase, the majority of cells accumulate with a G1–phase-equivalent DNA content (Fig. 1b). The parallel decrease in Ki67 level (Fig. 1b), a cell proliferation marker 51,52,53 that is low in G0 cells, shows that plateau-phase cultures mainly comprise G0-phase cells. To reduce irreproducibility associated with unfed plateau-phase cultures 15, we generated G0-phase 82 − 6 hTert cell populations using serum deprivation (SD) starting at day-2 of growth (Fig. 1a). Figures 1a and 1b show good stability and enrichment in G0-phase similar to that of plateau-phase cultures at day-3. SD-cultures are therefore exclusively used in the experiments. To compare the responses of G0- to those of G1–phase cells, we employed the protocol outlined in Figure S1a to obtain enriched populations of G1–phase cells. This protocol generates highly enriched G1–phase cells, 4 h after release from nocodazole-block (Figure S1b).
Analysis of DSB repair using PFGE after exposure to 20Gy (Fig. 1c) shows indistinguishable repair potential in exponentially growing, as well as in enriched G0- and G1-phase 82 − 6 hTert cells (see Fig. 1d for a confirmation of cell cycle distribution and growth state). This repair activity mainly reflects the function of c-NHEJ 5,54, which removes over 90% of DSBs within 2h independently of cell growth and cell cycle stage. Treatment of cells with the DNA-PKcs inhibitor NU7441 (2.5 µM, DNA-PKcsi) inhibits c-NHEJ and allows alt-EJ to come to the fore 6. Exponentially growing cells treated with NU7441 show a profound reduction in DSB repair, but alt-EJ still repairs over 50% of DSBs within 2 h; G1-phase cells show similar repair activity in the presence of DNA-PKcsi. Strikingly, G0-phase cells treated with DNA-PKcsi are profoundly deficient in DSB repair, particularly at early times after IR and repair less than 20% of induced DSBs in 4h (Fig. 1c). This is an evidence for a strong suppression of alt-EJ, as cells transit from G1 to G0-phase of the cell cycle.
Lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells can also be maintained under analogous growth conditions to generate highly enriched G0- and G1-phase cultures (Figure S1c and d). When DSB repair is analyzed in the presence of DNA-PKcsi, a similar, strong suppression of alt-EJ is observed in G0-phase cells (Figure S1e and f). We conclude that suppression of alt-EJ in G0-phase cells is a general phenotype, detectable in many cell lines from different species, and focus below on the elucidation of the underpinning mechanisms.
The results presented here and the majority of those reported earlier 26,49,50, analyze DSB repair at high doses of IR. We recently reported profound adaptations in DSB repair pathway choice with increasing IR up to 20 Gy 5,55,56,57. We therefore examined the above described suppression of alt-EJ in human G0-cells after exposure to 2Gy using γH2AX foci scoring (results not shown). While strongly suppressed DSB repair activity was observed in G0-phase cells, the difference from G1-phase cells was small, because G1-phase cells show limited repair activity after treatment with NU7441. We investigate whether this reduced growth-state effect on alt-EJ at low IR doses reflects the earlier discussed 58 divergence between DSB repair analysis with assays of physical DNA integrity versus resulting DDR, or the dose-dependence of alt-EJ 59,60. Therefore, we focus here on effects measured after exposure to high IR doses.
DNA end-resection is undetectable in G0-phase cells
As resection facilitates alt-EJ, we investigated whether a reduction underpins its suppression in G0– versus G1-phase cells. We employed a previously described method 5,55,56,57 enabling cell-cycle-specific analysis in G0- and G1-phase, as outlined in Figure S2a and b. Figure 2a shows as already reported 16 low-level resection in G1-phase cells of exponentially growing cultures (the method of analysis obviates synchronization in G1-phase and is free of manipulations) after exposure to 10Gy. In accordance with recent results in G2-phase 56,57, NU7441 fails to modify resection in G1-phase (Figure S2c). Therefore, subsequent resection experiments are carried out in the absence of inhibitor. The same pattern of resection is also observed in A549 cells with low but detectable resection in G1-phase cells of exponentially growing cultures after exposure to 10Gy (Figure S2d) that remains unaffected by NU7441 (Figure S2e).
Notably, similar analysis in G0-phase in both cell lines, fails to detect resection (Fig. 2a and Figure S2d). These observations suggest that the reduced alt-EJ in G0- versus G1-phase cells derives from a reduction in resection activity. Because resection in G1-phase cells is relatively small (Fig. 2a), we sought additional experimental validation of the putative connection between resection and alt-EJ activity.
CtIP levels are undetectable in G0-phase cells
The undetectable resection in G0-phase cells may derive either from a reduction in the abundance of components of the resection machinery, or from a down-regulation of their activities. We measured therefore the levels of key proteins of the resection apparatus in exponentially growing, as well as in G0- and G1-phase 82 − 6 hTert cells, before and 1 or 3 h after exposure to 10 Gy. Figure 2b shows that while MRE11, RAD50, NBS1 and DNA2 show only minor fluctuations, CtIP and EXO1 are markedly reduced in G0-phase cells, as compared to G1-phase or to exponentially growing cells. Irradiation profoundly increases the levels of CtIP in exponentially growing and G1-phase cells, but CtIP, or a radiation-induced increase, are undetectable in G0-phase cells. Because CtIP is the central regulatory component of the resection apparatus, its depletion in G0-phase cells suggests a role in resection that is also undetectable.
The reduction of CtIP-protein levels in G0-phase cells may reflect the normally occurring reduction in gene expression during quiescence. We measured therefore the mRNA levels of CtIP in exponentially growing, as well as in G1- and G0-phase cells. Figure 2c shows no significant differences in mRNA levels in the different conditions analyzed. Therefore, we turned our attention to CtIP stability. Figure 2d shows successful depletion of CtIP, EXO1 and DNA2 in exponentially growing 82 − 6 hTert cells and Fig. 2e shows that CtIP and DNA2 depletion suppresses resection in G1-phase, whereas EXO1 depletion is ineffective. Also, inhibition of MRE11 endonuclease activity with PFM01 inhibits resection, whereas Mirin, an inhibitor of MRE11 exonuclease activity 12 is ineffective (Fig. 2e). Figure S3a summarizes results from several experiments and confirms these conclusions.
To directly connect resection with alt-EJ, we analyzed G1-phase cells after depletion of CtIP, EXO1 or DNA2, or after inhibition of MRE11 activity. The results in Fig. 3a show that CtIP knockdown not only suppresses resection profoundly, but also alt-EJ; while EXO1 knockdown that has no effect on resection, leaves alt-EJ unaffected. In this experiment, DNA2 knockdown has no effect on alt-EJ, which might suggest that short range resection in G1 phase cells is enough for alt-EJ. PFM01 that strongly suppresses resection, suppresses alt-EJ as well, whereas Mirin remains ineffective on both endpoints. We conclude that in G1-phase cells alt-EJ benefits from resection initiated by the MRN/CtIP and that the depletion of CtIP in G0-phase cells causes the suppression of alt-EJ observed. But how is CtIP depleted in G0-phase cells?
APCCDH1 depletes CtIP in G0-phase cells
APCCDH1 ubiquitinates CtIP and mediates its degradation by the proteasome 33,45,61. We examined therefore the effect of the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib on CtIP levels. Treatment of G0-phase 82 − 6 hTert cells with 2 µM bortezomib for 2h markedly increases CtIP levels (Fig. 3b). Moreover, CDH1 knockdown similarly upregulates CtIP levels (Fig. 3b). Finally, in A549 CDH1-/- cells 25, CtIP is clearly detectable in G0-phase and increases further in G1-phase cells, as expected, after suppression of CtIP degradation (Fig. 3c). These results show that increased APC/CCDH1 activity in G0-phase cells causes the degradation of CtIP.
We investigated whether suppression of CtIP degradation using the above treatments and conditions restores alt-EJ and resection in G0-phase cells. Figures 3e shows that CDH1 depletion (Fig. 3d), or treatment with bortezomib restore to a considerable degree alt-EJ in G0-phase cells, without affecting their cell cycle distribution (Figure S3b). However, neither CDH1 depletion nor Bortezomib detectably elevate resection in G0 phase cells (Figure S3c and d). We discuss this result further below. Moreover, alt-EJ remains at G1-phase levels when A549 CDH1-/- cells enter G0-phase (Fig. 3f). Collectively, the above results identify APC/C as the key regulator of CtIP levels throughout the cell cycle that directly regulate resection and alt-EJ activity.
Low CDK activity in G0-phase cells keeps CtIP inactive and alt-EJ suppressed
CtIP activity is also regulated by CDK-dependent phosphorylations 29,30,31,32,33. High CDK activity is a feature of proliferating cells and is low in G0-phase cells 62,63. When mitotic cells divide and enter G1-phase, or when G0-phase cells are stimulated to proliferate by growth factors, CDK4/6 is activated by D-type cyclins, whose expression is growth factor inducible 64. In late G1-phase, Cyclin D-CDK4/6 complexes phosphorylate pocket proteins to release E2F transcription factors to induce the transcription of G1/S target genes, including the one encoding for cyclin E, thus activating CDK2/Cyclin E 65.
We considered the possibility that active CDK4/6 in G1-phase cells phosphorylates CtIP, and that this phosphorylation is important for CtIP activation, and thus for resection and alt-EJ. We tested, therefore, the effects of CDK inhibition on resection and alt-EJ in enriched G1-phase 82 − 6 hTert cells. Figure 4a shows that CDK4/6 inhibition markedly suppresses alt-EJ in G1-phase (see Fig. 4b for cell cycle distribution) to levels similar to those of G0-phase cells, whereas inhibition of CDK2 or CDK1 has no effect. This can be rationalized by CDK4/6 being fully active, but CDK1 and CDK2 still remaining inactive at this stage in G1-phase. This leaves CDK4/6 as the sole cell cycle kinase able to activate CtIP. Figure 4c shows that CDK4/6 inhibition also suppresses resection in G1-phase cells, while inhibition of CDK2 or CDK1 only has a small effect on resection. Figure 4d confirms that CDK4/6 inhibition suppresses radiation-induced CtIP phosphorylation at threonine 847 (CtIP-T847), as well as the radiation induced stabilization of the protein. It has been reported using confluent (practically G0-phase) 82 − 6 hTert cultures that PLK3 phosphorylates and activates CtIP for resection supporting a special form of resection-dependent c-NHEJ 66. We investigated therefore the effects of PLK3 inhibition on the regulation of G1-phase alt-EJ and resection. PLK3 inhibition using GW843682X (2µM) fails to suppress alt-EJ (Figure S4a) or resection (Figure S4b) in G1-phase 82 − 6 hTert cells. Thus, PLK3 may be specifically utilized in G0-phase cells to regulate resection-dependent c-NHEJ, when CDK4/6 activity is low and alt-EJ suppressed.
We investigated how inhibition of CDKs affects alt-EJ in WT and CDH1−/− A549 cells, tested in G1- and G0-phase. Notably, similar to 82 − 6 hTert cells, alt-EJ only depends on CDK4/6 in WT enriched G1-phase A549 cells. In contrast, in CDH1−/− A549 cells, single inhibition of CDK4/6, CDK1 or CDK2 exerts only small inhibitory effects on alt-EJ. However, a cocktail including all inhibitors causes a strong suppression of alt-EJ, both in enriched G1– as well as G0-phase cells (Fig. 5a). This shift in the absolute dependence of alt-EJ on a specific set of CDKs likely reflects the general stabilization of Cyclins in G1-phase following APC/CCDH1 inactivation, which leaves several CDKs active to interchangeably activate CtIP. Indeed, Fig. 5b shows that in CDH1−/− A549 cells, cyclins A2 and B1 are stabilized, while the levels of cyclin D1 and cyclin E1 remain unaffected (Figure S3e). The same trends are also observed in 82 − 6 hTert cells after CDH1 knockdown (Figs. 5c and S3e). Thus, CDH1 depletion shifts CDK activity in early G1-phase from a specific CDK4/6 activation to a general CDK4/6, CDK1 and CDK2 activation that explains the results obtained. The degradation specifics by APC/C of cyclins and CtIP in G1-phase, allow CDK-dependent CtIP activation in G1 -phase of the cell cycle and thus the resection and alt-EJ activities observed.
Suppression of alt-EJ in G0-phase cells enhances genomic stability
The above results uncover a well-designed, programmed suppression of alt-EJ in G0-phase cells that is part of a more general cell cycle regulation of CtIP levels and activity, which in-turn regulate resection and alt-EJ. But, are there benefits for the genomic stability of irradiated cells from such regulatory adaptations of the activities of specific DSB repair pathways? It is relevant that alt-EJ is error-prone and therefore a major source of genomic instability. To address this question, we exposed cells to IR, either in G0- or G1-phase and plated them at lower density to allow for colony formation 6h later. Figure 5e shows that in both cell lines, G0-phase cells are significantly more radioresistant than G1-phase cells, which confirms survival benefits from alt-EJ suppression.