Identification and characterization of the phage tail-like bacteriocins
Thirty-two genomic sequences of P. aeruginosa were analysed to search for PTLBs. In all of the genomes analysed, at least one cluster corresponding to a pyocin was found between tryptophan operon genes, trpE and trpG (Table 1S. Supplementary material). Thus, 21 of the strains contained a cluster that corresponded to a unique pyocin corresponding to an R-type pyocin. Dual clusters were identified in the 11 remaining strains. In the P. aeruginosa PAO1 reference strain 3, one of these clusters corresponded to a R-type pyocin, and the contiguous cluster corresponded to an F-type pyocin, both sharing the regulatory and lytic genes, as previously described for P. aeruginosa PAO1 10.
In order to identify the PTLBs as R or F subtypes, homology analysis of the tail fiber was conducted. In the R-type pyocins, the tail fiber proteins were compared against the reference sequence for each R subtype (R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5); the results revealed that 21 of the proteins belonged to the R5 subtype, while 11 belonged to the R2 subtype, which corresponded to those that were followed by a F-type pyocin (Figure 1A, 1B). For the F-type group, the results showed a group of 5 pyocins belonging to the F2 subtype, comprising a R2-F2 pyocin, similar to the PAO1 R2-F2 pyocin3, and a group of 6 that were similar to the P. aeruginosa PA14 F-type pyocin 10, thus giving rise to a pyocin cluster R2-F(PA14) (Figure 1A,1B).
Analysis of the protein sequence of the pyocins revealed some differences in the protein number between the R5-type pyocins. Thus, these pyocins were classified in two groups, including a group of 12 pyocins (group A) constituted by an R-type cluster of 14 genes, 4 lytic genes and preceded by 5 regulator genes. The second group (group B) of 8 pyocins differed from group A in the absence of the latter protein belonging to the lytic cassette. In both groups, the cluster was preceded by the regulatory region composed by 5 genes, while in the reference P. aeruginosa PAO1 strain it is composed by 4 genes (Figure 1B) 5. The R2-F2 pyocins (group C) were composed by 38 genes, which corresponded to an R-type cluster of 14 proteins and a F-type cluster composed by 16 genes, while in P. aeruginosa PAO1 the F-type cluster is formed by 17 genes. In addition, the two clusters share a regulatory region of 5 genes and a lytic cassette composed by 4 proteins (Figure 1B). The pyocins R2-F(PA14) (group D) comprised two consecutive R and F clusters: the R-type comprised 14 proteins and the F-type comprised 13 proteins, unlike P. aeruginosa PAO1 and the group C pyocins, in which the last 3 proteins are duplicated (Figure 1B) 5.
Homology and phylogenetic analysis of pyocins
The results obtained by the homology studies of the tail fiber specificity genes were confirmed by the homology and phylogenetic analysis of the complete pyocin genomes. The homology analysis showed that the R5-type pyocins were very similar and can be grouped in two blocks corresponding to the established groups A and B, sharing a query cover value of 97-98% and an identity value of 99.35%. The pyocin H52-R5 homology BRIG differed slightly from the two blocks but had similar homology values (Figure 2). In the case of the R-F pyocin clusters, the homology results showed two blocks of homology, one corresponding to the R2-F2 pyocins (group C) and another corresponding to the R2-F(PA14) pyocin (group D) (Figure 2). Despite the presence of two groups, the pyocin clusters represented by them were also similar, with a query cover value between 88-89% and an identity value of 98%.
The phylogenetic study of all the pyocin clusters revealed, as previously observed, that the pyocins identified are divided into four phylogenetic groups. Two closely related clades of the phylogenetic tree were represented by two blocks, one corresponding to the R5-type pyocins included in group A and another also corresponding to an R5-type pyocin grouped in B. Another two closely related clades included one corresponding to group C, which was constituted by the R2-F2 pyocin and group D, constituted by the R2-F5 pyocins (Figure 3).
Identification of pyocins by Transmision Electron Microscopy (TEM)
The purified pyocins were examined by TEM, and the images obtained (Figure 4) revealed the presence of two different type of pyocins. One type had a structure similar to a tail of the viral family Myoviridae, corresponding to the R-type pyocins, observed in three conformations: a complete form, a contracted form and an empty sheath 24. The other type was the F-type, observed as a flexible structure similar to a phage tail of the viral family Syphoviridae.
Relationship between the pyocin type and the source P. aeruginosa strain serotype, sequence type and clinical origin
In this analysis, the relationships between the serotype, the sequence type (ST) and the clinical origin of the source strains and the pyocin type were determined (Table 1). The R5-type pyocin in group A was almost always present in ST235 and serotype O11 clinical isolates. However, pyocin H52_pyoR5 that was quite different also in the homology and phylogenetic analysis, the pyocin H52_pyoR5, which was present in the H52 clinical isolate belonging to the ST309 but like the rest of group A has the O11 serotype. The R5-type pyocins from group B were associated with clinical isolates belonging to the ST175 with serotype O4. On the other hand, the group C of R2-F2 pyocins was the most variable, with isolates belonging to the ST348 and ST554 and serotype O5, O11 and O12. Finally, group C, constituted by R2-F(PA14) pyocins, was represented by isolates belonging to ST244 and serotypes O5 and O12. Finally, no relationship between the clinical origin of the isolate and each pyocin was observed.
Killing spectrum of the pyocins
The target range of the pyocins was studied by the spot test technique (Figure 5). The pyocins included in this analysis were selected by the ST and serotype of the strain from which they were isolated.
The results revealed a great variability in the susceptibility of the strains to the pyocins of the same subtype. In addition, no spots occurred when the target strain belonged to the same ST and serotype as the source strain of the pyocin, except for pyocin 10-58_R2-F(PA14), which produced a spot in strain 3-5, which belongs to a different ST but has the same serotype (O11). Furthermore, a variable percentage of target range was observed for all of the pyocins tested, with 9-86_pyoR2F2 showing the highest value and being able to lyse 37.5 % of the strains tested.