Critical illness in patients is usually accompanied by direct or indirect respiratory or neuro-transduct damage, which is directly manifested as a lack or loss of the central drive. Studies have shown that many patients with severe disease have diaphragm dysfunction in the early stage of mechanical ventilation, and the long-term mortality and readmission rate of patients with diaphragm dysfunction at discharge are significantly higher than those of patients without diaphragm dysfunction [12, 13].
EAdi is the best indicator of the central driving force [14, 15]. In this study, two patients had no EAdi and could not convert to NAVA, which was caused by inhibition of the respiratory center or damage to the nerve conduction pathway. In addition, the respiratory rate of two patients with brainstem hemorrhage in NAVA mode was accelerated, which was also due to the inhibition of the respiratory center and the decrease in EAdi, resulting in insufficient tidal volume and compensatory respiratory acceleration. This study also found that EAdi in patients with good outcome tended to change at any time and gradually increased to the normal range, which was directly related to the gradual recovery of brain function, especially life center function. The EAdi signal is the intensity of the central nervous system impulse of the phrenic nerve, which plays an important role in the pathogenesis of acute respiratory failure. Research has shown that there is a significant negative correlation between EAdi and the degree of stress support. With an increase in the degree of stress support, EAdi is positively correlated with the degree of stress support. Therefore, the strength of EAdi is an index of respiratory load, and it can be considered as an early warning index for reintubation or noninvasive ventilation [16].
The EAdi signal is a new and unique ventilator monitoring parameter that provides clues for clinical diagnosis. The EAdi signal can be used as a decisive index to guide the ventilator support level [10, 17]. When the patient's condition is improved, the decrease in EAdi signal intensity leads to a decrease in ventilator support level, which is an important indicator when considering weaning and extubation. Mechanical ventilation depends on the interaction of three key factors: central respiratory drive, respiratory muscle strength, and the load exerted on the respiratory muscle [18]. EAdi is the sum of action potentials of diaphragmatic muscle fibers and is therefore the best index to reflect the central drive [19]. EAdi reflects the neural respiratory drive, is the closest indicator that reflects the driving strength of the respiratory center, and is approximately 10 uV when normal healthy people are at rest. The EAdi signal is burdened by inter-individual variability and is also affected by sedatives. In our study, the EAdi in patients with good outcome was significantly higher than that in patients with poor outcome. However, the EAdi signal of most patients with hemorrhagic stroke is lower than that of healthy people, possibly due to damage to the respiratory center or diaphragm function.
ROC curve analysis in this study showed that EAdi had a good predictive value for the outcome of patients with hemorrhagic stroke (AUC = 0.719). When EAdi = 3.60 uV was the best cut-off value, the sensitivity and specificity for predicting the patient outcome level were 69.70% and 68.42%, respectively, which showed that EAdi was a good predictive index. However, there are inter-individual and intra-individual variabilities in EAdi values since it depends on underlying disease conditions, such as the presence of COPD, location (e.g., lobar, deep, or brainstem) and amount of ICH, Hunt and Hess grade for SAH, etc, so comparing EAdi values between individuals may be meaningless. Therefore, we further studied the effect of NVE and NME on the outcome of patients with hemorrhagic stroke, which reflects the ability of the diaphragm to convert the respiratory drive into ventilation.
NVE describes the ability of the respiratory muscles to convert EAdi to tidal volume (VT/EAdi, ml/µV). NVE is used to describe the ability of respiratory muscles to convert EAdi into ventilation volume, assess the proportion of respiratory muscle unloading, and predict the readiness for extubation [20, 21]. Studies have shown that NVE is a potential tool for predicting extubation readiness [22]. The clinical relevance of the NVE index is that an increase in the index over time indicates that a patient can generate more VT for a given respiratory drive. ROC curve analysis of our study showed that NVE had a better predictive value for the outcome of patients with hemorrhagic stroke (AUC = 0.793). When NVE = 95.32 ml/µV was the best cutoff value, the sensitivity and specificity for predicting the patient outcome level were 75.76% and 77.19%, respectively, which proved that NVE was a good predictive index. The low NVE value and patient's heavier condition can indicate that the patient's ventilation load is greater, and higher support may be needed at this time.
NME is defined as delta airway pressure divided by EAdi measured during an end-expiratory occlusion and has been used to estimate inspiratory effort breath by breath [23–25]. This ratio describes how much pressure can be generated for each microvolt of the EAdi signal and the efficiency of the diaphragm in generating pressure for a certain amount of electrical activity. NME outlines the ability to convert EAdi to inspiratory pressure. NME helps to titrate ventilatory support to minimize diaphragm dysfunction resulting from ventilator over-assist and under-assist [26]. In the present study, we found that NME was significantly lower in patients with poor outcome, indicating a weaker diaphragm. When NME = 2.06 cmH2O/µV was the best cut-off value, the sensitivity and specificity for predicting the patient outcome level were 69.70% and 78.95%, respectively, which proved that NME was a good predictive index (AUC = 0.792).
EAdi is the best indicator of the central driving force, and the diaphragm is the most important respiratory muscle in the human body, and its contraction is completed under the control of the respiratory center. If the patient's central nervous system or respiratory center is damaged, their diaphragm function may be affected, the EAdi is directly related to the respiratory center, so monitoring EAdi, NVE, and NME can evaluate the respiratory drive of the respiratory center to the diaphragm. Phrenic nerve stimulation may achieve lung and diaphragm protection at the same time. Ahn studied unilateral phrenic nerve stimulation during cardiac surgery and found that stimulation every 30 minutes can increase diaphragm contractility by 30% compared with the healthy side [27]. For patients with hemorrhagic stroke, early phrenic nerve stimulation may improve the prognosis of patients. By monitoring patients' EAdi, NVE and NME, we can intuitively evaluate the diaphragm function of patients.
In future studies, it is often necessary to further expand the sample size and adopt a multicenter randomized controlled study to compensate for study deficiencies. In addition, because this was a single-center retrospective study, the sample size was small, dynamics were lacking, and the applicable population was limited, we cannot completely eliminate the interference of other factors, and it is difficult to characterize the target study population because of the broad inclusion criteria (ICH, SAH, and IVH, etc) and not meticulously collecting variables regarding patients’ condition (for example, location (e.g., lobar, deep, or brainstem) and amount of ICH, Hunt and Hess grade for SAH, etc). It should be pointed out that the patients in this study were all severe hemorrhagic stroke and could not represent all patients with hemorrhagic stroke. In the future, we will expand the sample size and adopt a multicenter and prospective research approach to further analyze the relationship between EAdi, NVE, and NME, in postoperative patients with hemorrhagic stroke.