Evaluation of existing wetting transition models. In this section, we discuss the applicability of existing wetting transition models from the literature to predict the critical parameters during transition for the five surfaces covered in this study. For the theoretical critical pressure at transition (\({\varDelta p}_{\text{c},\text{t}\text{h}}\)), the following equation was employed [35, 52]:
$${\varDelta p}_{\text{c}, \text{t}\text{h}}=-\frac{4 {\sigma }_{\text{l}\text{g} }w \text{cos}{\theta }_{\text{A}}}{{p}^{2}-{w}^{2}}$$
where \({\sigma }_{\text{l}\text{g} }\)is the surface tension at the liquid–gas interface of the drop, \(w\) is the actual width of the square micropillars measured by SEM (Table S2), \({\theta }_{\text{A}}\) is the advancing CA on a flat surface (~ 115° for Teflon [53]), and \(p\) is the actual pitch between micropillars. For the theoretical critical angle (\({\theta }_{\text{c},\text{t}\text{h}}\)), the following equation was selected, which was derived based on the surface free energy [46]:
$${\theta }_{\text{c},\text{t}\text{h}}={\text{cos}}^{-1}\left(\frac{{f}_{\text{s}}-1}{r-{f}_{\text{s}}}\right)$$
where \({f}_{\text{s}}\) is the solid fraction, and \(r\) is the roughness factor (Table S4).
The experimental wetting pressure (\({\varDelta p}_{\text{w}, \text{e}\text{x}\text{p}}\)) was approximated as the Laplace pressure at the liquid-air interface, according to the following equation [54]:
$${\varDelta p}_{\text{w}, \text{e}\text{x}\text{p}}= \frac{2{\sigma }_{\text{l}\text{g} }}{{R}_{\text{c},\text{e}\text{x}\text{p}}}$$
where \({R}_{\text{c},\text{e}\text{x}\text{p}}\) is the critical drop radius at transition from experiment.
The experimental critical angle (\({\theta }_{\text{c},\text{e}\text{x}\text{p}}\)) was estimated from the image analysis at the onset of the transition. Table 1 shows a comparison between the theoretical predictions and experimental values of above critical parameters. The experimental wetting pressure and critical angle for the w3-p15-h6 surface were not reported in Table 1 because no transition was observed up to a drop diameter of 0.37 mm. From Table 1 it is evident that, Eq. (1) highly overpredicted the critical pressure for the first two surfaces with smaller pitch (9 µm). The deviation became smaller for the w3-p15-h3 surface as the pitch increased from 9 µm to 15 µm, and minimal for the w25-p75-h8 surface having the largest pitch (75 µm). On the other hand, Eq. (2) underestimated the \({\theta }_{\text{c},\text{e}\text{x}\text{p}}\)for the w3-p9-h6 surface and overestimated for all other surfaces. Nevertheless, the deviations were reasonable for the first three surfaces but was largest for the w25-p75-h8 surface. Thus, neither theoretical model could precisely capture the critical transition parameters of this work.
The key reason behind the high discrepancy between \({\varDelta p}_{\text{w}, \text{e}\text{x}\text{p}}\) and \({\varDelta p}_{\text{c}, \text{t}\text{h}}\) for surfaces with small pitch might be as follows: Eq. (1) was originally derived from the vertical force balance between hydraulic pressure and surface tension along the micropillar walls acting on the interpillar floating water column of a drop in equilibrium with pinned TPCL [35]. However, for an evaporating drop on surfaces with small pitch under this study, a moving TPCL appeared with alternate pinning and depinning. During the movement of TPCL the Laplace pressure continued to increase due to evaporation and the liquid partly penetrated into the micropillars which led to a metastable state. Therefore, in experiment transition occurred at a much lower pressure than \({\varDelta p}_{\text{c}, \text{t}\text{h}}\). This situation was not accounted in Eq. (1).
Table 1
Comparison of critical parameters during the transition
Surface | Theoretical | Experimental |
\({\varDelta p}_{\text{c},\text{t}\text{h}}\) (Pa) | \({\theta }_{\text{c},\text{t}\text{h}}\) (degree) | \({\varDelta p}_{\text{w},\text{e}\text{x}\text{p}}\) (Pa) | \({\theta }_{\text{c},\text{e}\text{x}\text{p}}\) (degree) |
w3-p9-h3 | 5207.09 | 131.35 | 560.31 | 125.56 |
w3-p9-h6 | 3580.72 | 125.88 | 417.39 | 139.96 |
w3-p15-h3 | 1777.92 | 148.30 | 738.46 | 139.06 |
w3-p15-h6 | 992.08 | 146.76 | - | - |
w25-p75-h8 | 570.57 | 150.40 | 782.60 | 118.03 |
Evaluation of suspended meniscus penetration. In this section, a finite-element-based open source code Surface Evolver (SE) [55] was used to numerically approximate the penetration of the meniscus of the drop suspended on a unit cell under different Laplace pressures. The governing equations of the SE model are described in Supplementary Note 5. First, the bottom of the drop was defined as a planar liquid surface whose edges were pinned to a unit cell comprising four micropillars (Fig. 7a). The final equilibrium planar shape (Fig. 7b) was achieved by successive refinement of the triangular meshes and iterative energy-minimizing steps. The iterations were repeated until the energy change of the evolved surface was < 10− 8 J. The numerical penetration (\({\varDelta }_{\text{S}\text{E}}\)) was defined as the vertical distance from the pillar top to the minimum point of the evolved equilibrium surface owing to the energy minimization (Fig. S8).
The numerical penetration results for the three different surfaces with increasing Laplace pressure during evaporation are shown in Fig. 8a. The w3-p9-h6, w3-p15-h6, and w25-p75-h8 surfaces were selected as representative surfaces with varying interpillar distances and micropillar widths. When the interpillar spacing was the largest (w25-p75-h8), sagging became dominant, and the penetration increased significantly with increasing \({\varDelta P}_{\text{L}\text{a}\text{p}\text{l}\text{a}\text{c}\text{e}}\). On the w25-p75-h8 surface, \({\varDelta }_{\text{S}\text{E}}\) was 8.36 µm at \({\varDelta P}_{\text{L}\text{a}\text{p}\text{l}\text{a}\text{c}\text{e}}\) = 871 Pa, which was slightly larger than the micropillar height (8.23 µm). Hence, it can be inferred that the suspended meniscus touched the substrate bottom at this pressure, and the transition occurred.
An experimental plot of CA vs. \({\varDelta P}_{\text{L}\text{a}\text{p}\text{l}\text{a}\text{c}\text{e}}\) obtained for this surface is shown in Fig. 8b. At \({\varDelta P}_{\text{L}\text{a}\text{p}\text{l}\text{a}\text{c}\text{e}}\) = 871 Pa, the corresponding CA was ~ 104° which was much smaller than the \({\theta }_{\text{c}, \text{e}\text{x}\text{p}}\) of this surface (118.03°). Thus, the developed SE model could successfully predict the penetration of the suspended meniscus in the Wenzel state for a large interpillar distance. Conversely, in case of small interpillar distance (i.e., w3-p9-h6 and w3-p15-h6 surfaces), the increase in \({\varDelta }_{\text{S}\text{E}}\) was insignificant, even at a large \({\varDelta P}_{\text{L}\text{a}\text{p}\text{l}\text{a}\text{c}\text{e}}\). Therefore, it can be said that the transition on these surfaces did not occur by the sagging of the bottom meniscus. Rather, the TPCL depinned and vertically slid along the pillars when \({\theta }_{\mu }\) reached \({\theta }_{\text{A}}\) during evaporation.
Furthermore, the theoretical penetration (\({\varDelta }_{\text{t}\text{h}}\)) was approximated by the following equation for comparison with the numerical penetration [31]:
$${\varDelta }_{\text{t}\text{h}}=\frac{L}{2}\frac{1-\text{sin}(\pi -{\theta }_{\mu })}{\text{cos}(\pi -{\theta }_{\mu })} \left(=-\frac{\left(1-\text{sin}{\theta }_{\mu }\right)L}{2\text{cos}{\theta }_{\mu }}\right)$$
where \(L\) is the interpillar spacing and \({\theta }_{\mu }\) is the CA with the micropillar, which can be approximated as follows for square pillars [31]:
$${\theta }_{\mu }={\text{cos}}^{-1}\left(-{\varDelta P}_{\text{L}\text{a}\text{p}\text{l}\text{a}\text{c}\text{e}}\frac{{p}^{2}-{w}^{2}}{4{w\sigma }_{\text{l}\text{g}}}\right)$$
where \(p\) is the pitch between pillars, \(w\) is the width of the square pillar, \({\sigma }_{\text{l}\text{g}}\) is the surface tension at the liquid–gas interface, and \({\varDelta P}_{\text{L}\text{a}\text{p}\text{l}\text{a}\text{c}\text{e}}\) is the Laplace pressure at the liquid–air interface. A comparison between the numerical and theoretical penetrations of the above three surfaces at the critical transition pressure is presented in Table 2. The theoretical model overestimated the penetration of the bottom meniscus for all three surfaces.
Table 2
Comparison of numerical and theoretical penetration of the bottom meniscus of the drop
Surface | \({\varDelta }_{\text{t}\text{h}}\) (µm) | \({\varDelta }_{\text{S}\text{E}}\)(µm) |
w3-p9-h6 | 0.082 | 0.067 |
w3-p15-h6 | 1.11 | 0.53 |
w25-p75-h8 | 8.09 | 7.39 |
Proposed mechanism for the stability of the Cassie–Baxter state. To elucidate the stability of the CB state, a plot of CA vs. drop diameter (\(D\)) during evaporation on the five surfaces is shown in Fig. 9. The superiority of the five surfaces in terms of maintaining CA ≥ 140° were as follows: w3-p15-h6 > w3-p15-h3 > w3-p9-h6 > w3-p9-h3 > w25-p75-h8. Here, we used CA = 140° as the reference value for the following reasons: (i) at 140° one can assume the surface close to superhydrophobic, and (ii) CA decreased rapidly after 140° on the w3-p15-h3 and w3-p9-h6 surfaces. The CAs on the w3-p9-h3 (CA < 140° at \(D\) = 1.25 mm) and w25-p75-h8 (CA < 140° at \(D\) = 1.30 mm) surfaces decreased much faster than those on the other three surfaces. On the other hand, the CAs on the w3-p9-h6 and w3-p15-h3 surfaces remained close to 140° until \(D\) reached 0.69 mm and 0.44 mm, respectively. Thus, the latter two surfaces demonstrated a better ability to maintain high CA until the drop size became considerably small. However, on the w3-p15-h6 surface, the CA remained close to 150°, even when \(D\) reached 0.37 mm, yet no decreasing trend in CA was observed; thus, this surface outperformed all other surfaces. The CA could not be measured for smaller drops with \(D\) < 0.37 mm using the developed image processing code because the image quality deteriorated significantly. Supplementary Movie S2 (lateral view) and Movie S3 (top view) shows a comparison of the evaporation and transition behavior of the fakir drop on the w3-p9-h3 and w3-p15-h6 surfaces.
Another comparison of the diameter of the wetted areas on the five surfaces after the evaporation completed is shown in Fig. S6. From this figure one can see that the diameter of the wetted area on the best performed w3-p15-h6 surface was only 75 µm, which was approximately five times smaller than that of the baseline w3-p9-h3 surface. Thus, for simplicity we assumed that the CA on the w3-p15-h6 surface was maintained above 140° until \(D\) reached 75 µm.
The above observations can be explained as follows: the stability of the CB state primarily depends on the depinning ability of the TPCL [36]. The force required for depinning of TPCL becomes significantly smaller with a decrease in the solid–liquid contact area. A small pillar width and larger pitch will result in a small solid fraction (\({f}_{\text{s}}\)) and shorter normalized TPCL (\(\delta\)) (i.e., the ratio of perimeter to pitch) [56]. Consequently, the depinning force, \({F}_{\text{D}}\) would be significantly reduced (Fig. S7) [56], and a rapidly moving TPCL would appear which in turn would inhibit the impalement of liquid within micropillars (further explanation in Supplementary Note 6).
Table S4 shows that the \({F}_{\text{D}}\) of the five surfaces under this study decreases in the following order: w25-p75-h8 > w3-p9-h3 > w3-p9-h6 > w3-p15-h3 > w3-p15-h6. This contrasts with the previously mentioned order for maintaining CA ≥ 140°. Thus, it can be inferred that reducing the depinning force was the key to maintaining high CA. Among the five surfaces, w3-p15-h6 had the lowest actual solid fraction (\({f}_{\text{s},\text{a}}\) = 1.51%, Table S4), resulting in a very low \({F}_{\text{D}}\) (0.80 mN/m) on this surface. Table S2 shows that the actual micropillar width was the smallest (w = 1.87 µm) for this surface. During fabrication, RIE on the w3-p15-h6 surface was continued for a longer duration to achieve 6 µm pillar height. The top of the micropillars was etched faster than the bottom, which led to the formation of conical micropillars (Fig. S3(d)), resulted in the smallest micropillar width. In addition, the interpillar spacing of the w3-p15-h6 surface was sufficiently large to significantly reduce \(\delta\) (\(\delta\) = 0.49, Table S4). Owing to this combined effect, a nearly super-slippery surface having a very small \({F}_{\text{D}}\) was obtained. As a result, a high CA of ≥ 150 °could be maintained on the w3-p15-h6 surface even for small micron-sized droplets.
A similar phenomenon was observed on the w3-p9-h6 surface (Fig. S3(b)), where the actual micropillar width also contracted to 2.29 µm from the design width of 3 µm, owing to the prolonged time for RIE (Table S2). However, the pitch of this surface was smaller than the w3-p9-h6 surface, resulted in the third-best performance. Although the actual and design pillar widths on the w3-p15-h3 surface were identical, the solid fraction was smaller than that on the w3-p9-h6 surface because of the larger pitch. As a result, it exhibited the second-best performance in maintaining a high CA. Thus, the current experiments revealed that reducing the solid-liquid contact by selecting an appropriate pitch and designing conical micropillars with small widths would significantly enhance the stability of the CB state. Figure 10 shows the relationship between \(\delta\), \({F}_{\text{D}}\), and the minimal drop diameter that could maintain CA ≥ 140° (\({D}_{\text{m}\text{i}\text{n}, \text{C}\text{A}\ge {140}^{\text{o}}}\)) for the five surfaces. Evidently, as \(\delta\) and \({F}_{\text{D}}\) decreased, \({D}_{\text{m}\text{i}\text{n}, \text{C}\text{A}\ge {140}^{\text{o}}}\) also reduced remarkably.