34 students and staff (20 females; age 18–52 years; mean age = 24.8; AQ scores 8–30, mean AQ = 16.5) from the University of Aberdeen participated for renumeration or course credit. Written consent was obtained from all and the study was approved by the School of Psychology, University of Aberdeen Ethics Committee (PEC/4344/2019/10).
The experiment used a 2 x 20 mixed-design with one between-subjects factor of ‘Socialness’ (‘live’ interaction = social condition, pre-recorded videos = non-social condition) and one within-subjects factor of ‘Interval’ (200–2100 ms in 100 ms increments; 20 conditions total). The Socialness factor was conducted as between-subjects for two reasons: to keep the duration of experimental sessions reasonable (< 1 hr) and to maintain the necessary deception element: the same pre-recorded videos were used in both Socialness conditions, so participating in both could easily lead to the discovery that the social interactions were not ‘live’.
The experiment took place in two testing cubicles (in adjoining rooms of a research laboratory), each equipped with a desktop PC, LCD monitor, QWERTY keyboard, and webcam. Webcams were mounted so that they each filmed the cubicle’s keyboard and a section of desk so that the interaction partner’s hand was in view (see Fig. 1 to see what was visible to participants on-screen). E-Prime software (Schneider et al., 2002) was used for the delivery of the experimental programme.
Colour videos of the interaction partner’s (i.e., confederate’s) button presses were pre-recorded using an iPhone 11’s integrated camera software (Apple, 2021). Each video showed the partner’s hand with the index finger in a resting position on a keyboard, pressing the ‘B’ key and then returning to the original position. Videos of 11 seconds were edited using VideoPad Video Editor for Mac (NCH Software, 2020), where the key press occurred after exactly 10 seconds, and the video terminated 1 second later. Importantly, the hand was required to remain as still as possible before initiating the move to press the ‘B’ key. This allowed the E-Prime programme (Schneider et al., 2002) to cut sections of the video seamlessly (i.e., without the hand position jumping), to deliver the specific time intervals between participant and on-screen keypresses. Multiple videos were recorded with slightly different hand starting positions to increase believability in the ‘live’ condition that the videos were in fact a genuine live stream from the partner’s webcam.
Participants filled out the Autism Spectrum Quotient (Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright, Skinner, Martin, & Clubley, 2001) questionnaire. This 50-item self-report questionnaire evaluates the degree to which an individual possesses traits associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder, with higher scores (range 0–50) indicating the presence of more autistic traits; any score of 32 + is of clinical relevance (Baron-Cohen et al., 2001). As it has been demonstrated that higher AQ scores can be indicative of lower sensitivity to social stimuli (Bayliss et al., 2005; Freeth et al., 2013), it was desirable to be able to account for this possible modulator to Social Agency effects.
Participants were randomly assigned to either the ‘live’ condition (i.e., they were told that they would be interacting with a confederate who was introduced as another participant; social condition) or the ‘pre-recorded videos’ condition (where they were told that they would be watching pre-recorded videos that would be played in response to their action; non-social condition). Participants in the social condition were instructed not to move the position of the keyboard and to keep their hand as still as possible when not pressing the ‘B’ key. This was explained as being important to reduce ambiguity of when they were choosing to press the key or observing the likewise keypress, but was in fact a cover story to justify why the hand viewed on-screen was (perhaps unusually) still. The computerised experimental task was completed either in pairs (where the confederate was taken to the adjoining laboratory) or individually, according to condition.
On each trial, the participant pressed ‘B’ on their keyboard at the time of their choice. The (partner’s) hand on-screen would press ‘B’ in response after a variable time interval (200–2100 ms in 100 ms increments; randomised across trials). The on-screen hand was visible from trial onset to 1000 ms after the hand pressed ‘B’. Following each trial, the participant was asked to replicate the interval between their keypress and the on-screen keypress: they were asked to press and hold the spacebar for the same length of time (see Fig. 1 for trial sequence). There was then a 500 ms blank screen, after which the next trial began.
The experiment started with a practice block of 10 trials where only the interval initiation (participant action) and response (observed action) were presented. The participant completed a further 20 trials where this sequence was followed by the replication task. Experimental blocks (4 blocks of 20 trials; each ‘Interval’ used once per block; 80 total) with the full sequence were then presented; each block required participant action to commence, allowing for breaks to be taken as desired.
After completing the experimental task, participants completed the AQ (Baron-Cohen et al., 2001). Participants in the social condition were also asked, post-debrief, if they had believed they were interacting with the confederate (yes/no).
Method for Experiment 2
49 students and staff (29 females; age 19–49 years; mean age 25.6; AQ scores 6–33, mean AQ = 17.9) from the University of Aberdeen participated for renumeration or course credit. Written consent was obtained, and the study was approved by the School of Psychology, University of Aberdeen Ethics Committee (PEC/4344/2019/10).
The design was the same as in Experiment 1, except for the addition of a new observation control condition of the between-subjects Socialness factor (now 3 conditions: social/non-social/observation, resulting in a 3 x 20 mixed design.
Materials and Apparatus
The materials and apparatus were identical to those used in Experiment 1, except that a new set of videos were generated of the researcher’s hand.
The procedure diverged from Experiment 1 in three ways: 1) in the new observation condition, instead of the participant pressing the ‘B’ key of the keyboard to initiate the interaction within each trial, an auditory tone (150 ms, 600 Hz) would sound after a variable interval (500 ms – 2500 ms) from the start of the trial and then the on-screen hand would press at a variable interval (same as Exp 1; 200 – 2100 ms in 100 ms increments; randomised across trials) from onset of the tone, 2) the belief rating was now taken on a 5-point Likert scale (extremely/very/somewhat/slightly/not at all) and 3) the researcher now acted as the confederate in the social condition.
To improve believability of the deceptive interaction, in the new social condition the researcher pre-launched the live webcam feeds before participants entered the laboratory. Then, upon bringing participants into the laboratory, the researcher explained the webcam set-up for viewing each other’s hands and demonstrated this by waving their hand in front of one camera, letting the participant view this action on the other cubicle’s screen. Importantly, this genuinely live feed was left open in a background window whilst E-Prime was running the experiment programme. Also, participation in the social condition was now completed in adjacent testing cubicles of the same laboratory, so that researcher and participant were seated side-by-side, divided only by a screen (see Fig. 2a).
In the non-social condition (as in Experiment 1) participants were not observed by the researcher, who was still present in the lab, but worked on other tasks at a workstation in the opposite corner of the room and only interacted with the participant when prompted that they were finished. In the social condition, the researcher consistently pretended to ‘interact’ with the participant, delivering sporadic commentary on the task, asking if the participant would like a break between blocks and importantly, keeping their hand in a similar position to the resting position on the videos. This was so that when the E-Prime programme terminated, the researcher’s hand was present at a convincing position on the webcam live feed.
Statistical Analysis for Experiments 1 & 2
Outlier detection and exclusion criterion for participant-wise and trial-wise measures.
The data was pooled across Experiments 1 and 2. First, we excluded participants for whom the correlation coefficient between interval estimations and interval durations lay more than 2.5 absolute deviations from the group median correlation coefficient (MAD; b = 1.4826; Leys et al., 2013) (2 participants were excluded). This was to ensure participants included in the analysis had actively engaged in the task. Second, individual trials where responses were more than 2.5 absolute deviations from each interval duration median response were excluded (MAD; b = 1.4826; Leys et al., 2013) (8.4% of trials were excluded). This was to remove any response outliers. Finally, if any participant had more than 25% of their trials removed by the trial-wise criterion, they were excluded entirely from analyses (further 5 participants excluded). Participants to be included in analysis after all exclusions were: 36 for the social condition, and 28 for the non-social condition.
All analyses were done on percentage Temporal Binding, calculated as per Eq. 1 below. As Temporal Binding is the perceived compression of time between events, a binding score below zero represents active binding (i.e., underestimation of interval duration), zero represents accurate interval estimation, and a score above zero represents an overestimation of interval duration. Using percentage binding, rather than a measure of Temporal Binding in milliseconds (i.e. \(interva{l}_{estimate}- interva{l}_{actual})\), allows comparison across all interval durations, in that it accounts for numerically larger differences merely due to the to-be-estimated intervals being longer, and associated larger variance for longer durations.
$${Binding}_{percentage}= \frac{interva{l}_{estimate}- interva{l}_{actual}}{interva{l}_{actual}} \times 100$$
The data were analysed with a Mixed Linear Model (MLM; Kliegl et al., 2012), for the following reasons: the uneven distribution of data across conditions of multiple independent variables (both between- and within-participants), the combination of both continuous and categorical variables within the design, the desire to account for between-participant variance for repeated measures factors, and different methodologies (i.e., Experiment 1 and Experiment 2). Experiment 2 had an additional between-subjects condition for the Socialness factor (observation; 12 participants, with 10 remaining after all exclusions); while combining data from Experiments 1 and 2 in the same MLM, the observation condition was excluded from the main analysis (see Supplementary Material for a separate MLM run only on data from Experiment 2, including observation condition to scrutinise the role of action preparation/performance on binding effects).
Introducing Belief and Block as exploratory fixed effects.
In addition to the fixed effects associated with experiment design (2 Socialness conditions x 20 Interval durations), we introduced two additional factors in the model. First, we recoded the social condition into participants who said they believed they were interacting live with someone else (N = 22), and those who said they didn’t (N = 14). This grouping was obtained by using the yes/no answer to the ‘belief’ question in Experiment 1 and a Likert rating of 3–5 vs 1–2 in Experiment 2. This resulted in the 2-level between-subjects factor Socialness being replaced by a between-subjects Socialness/Belief factor with 3 levels (non-social/social_no/social_yes). Second, in order to explore how differences in Sense of Agency developed over the experimental blocks, we introduced a factor Block Number with 2 levels (block 1/block 2). Due to a programming error, the distribution of interval durations was not exactly the same across all four blocks, but was identically balanced within the first two blocks and the last two blocks; these were pooled into block 1 and block 2 respectively.
The fixed effects included in the MLM were as follows. A categorical fixed effect of ‘Socialness/Belief’. Contrasts were coded for this factor to compare non-social to all social participants (regardless of belief; Socialness) and the social believers to social non-believers (Belief). An ordered categorical fixed effect of Block Number (‘BlockNr’; 1, 2), coded using orthogonal polynomial contrast, and a continuous fixed effect of Interval (200 ms – 2100 ms), which was centred and scaled using the base R scale function (‘Interval_Scaled’; R Core Team, 2019). The MLM was built using the lmer function of the lme4 package (Bates, Mächler, Bolker, & Walker, 2015) of R statistical programming language (R Core Team, 2019), in the R Studio integrated development environment (RStudio Team, 2019); ggplot2 (Wickham, 2016) was used for plotting data.
The strategy adopted when building the MLM was to begin with the maximal random effects structure justified by the design (i.e., include all random slopes and intercepts for within-subjects fixed effects, with interactions), then simplify element-by-element until the model converged (Barr et al., 2013). ‘Subject’ and ‘Methodology’ (Experiment 1/Experiment 2) were included in the MLM as random effects. As both Experiment 1 and 2 included a between-subject factor, it was important to include Subject to account for any individual differences between groups. To justifiably pool data from the two experiments, it was also essential to account for any difference in binding effects that might be attributed to the slightly different methodologies used. This maximal model did not converge, therefore we systematically simplified it.
The simplification strategy was to 1) drop interactions in slopes of random effects that accounted for the least amount of variance, 2) drop slopes of random effects, again starting with the slopes that accounted for the least amount of variance and then, if necessary 3) drop the intercept of the random effect that accounted for the least amount of variance. Once the maximal random effect structure that would converge was found, simplification continued until all non-significantly contributing elements were removed (tested by comparing model versions through analysis of variance; ANOVA) until the optimal model was reached. Lmer (Bates et al., 2015) syntax of the optimal model is shown below:
Optimal_model = lmer (Percentage_Binding ~ 1 + Interval_Scaled * Socialness/Belief * BlockNr + (1 + Interval_Scaled | Subject), data = Exp12, control = lmerControl (optimizer = "bobyqa"))
Results for Experiments 1 & 2
The output of the MLM to predict Temporal Binding from Interval, Socialness/Belief condition contrasts and Block Number is shown in Table 1 and depicted in Fig. 3. Crucially, there was a significant main effect of Socialness, with more binding (%) in the social condition (M = -38.4, 95% CI [-39.7, -37.1]; independent of belief), compared to the non-social condition (M = -19.4, 95% CI [-21.3, -17.5]), b = 20.09, SE = 4.42, t = 4.54, p < .001 (to rule out any contributory effects of differing participant demographics to this between-subject result, exploratory analyses were carried out regarding Age and AQ scores of participants: no significant results were found; see Supplementary Material). However, there was no significant difference in binding between participants who believed the social interaction (M = -38.4, 95% CI [-40.0, -36.8]) and those that did not (M = -38.5, 95% CI [-40.7, -36.2]), b = − .04, SE = 5.93, t = − .01, p = .994. This effect of Socialness was qualified by interactions with Interval (b = -5.91, SE = 2.50, t = -2.36, p = .021), which we explored through curve fitting (see below), and with Block Number (b = -6.77, SE = 1.20, t = -5.64, p < .001), with the effect of Socialness being smaller in block 1 (see below).
There was a significant main effect of Interval on binding, b = -18.20, SE = 1.28, t = -14.24, p = < .001, with percentage binding increasing for longer durations. There was a significant linear main effect of Block Number on binding, b = -3.74, SE = .61, t = -6.14, p = < .001, with responses in block 2 (M = -27.4, 95% CI [-29.1, 25.7]) exhibiting less binding overall than block 1 (M = -33.1, 95% CI [-34.6, -31.5]).
1: Results of the MLM to predict percentage binding for Experiments 1 and 2.
Fixed Effect
< .001
< .001
< .001
− .04
− .01
< .001
< .001
< .001
Interval *Socialness*Block
− .92
− .77
To investigate the interaction between Socialness and Block Number, additional analyses were carried out. Follow up MLMs were run to test the simple effects of Socialness (social or non-social) and Block Number. Within block 1, binding was significantly greater for the social, compared to non-social condition, b = -15.10, SE = 4.42, t = -3.42, p = .001 (M = -39.3, 95% CI [-41.1, -37.5] and M = -24.8, 95% CI [-27.4, -22.3] respectively), this was further enhanced in block 2, b = -25.07, SE = 4.42, t = -5.67, p = < .001 (M = -37.5, 95% CI [-39.4, -35.6] and M = -13.8, 95% CI [-16.5, -11.0] respectively). As shown in Fig. 3, this increasing difference between social and non-social was due to a decrease in binding in the non-social condition from block 1 to block 2, b = 11.68, SE = 1.27, t = 9.21, p = < .001, while there was no difference in the social condition from block 1 to block 2, b = 1.71, SE = 1.10, t = 1.55, p = .121.
To examine the time course of binding differences between social and non-social conditions (Socialness/Belief*Interval interaction), we subjected the data to curve-fitting; exponential curves were fit to percent binding as a function of Interval duration for each participant. The parameters of these curve fits were then compared across conditions using analyses of variance (ANOVAs). The exponential function (Rashal & Yeshurun, 2014; Scolari et al., 2007; Soo et al., 2018) used to fit the data was:
$$y\left(x\right)= \propto \left({1-e}^{\left(-s\left(x-t\right)\right)}\right)$$
where \(y\) is the interval-replication percentage binding, \(\propto\) is the asymptote, \(s\) is the scaling factor, \(x\) is the interval duration and \(t\) is the x-intercept of the curve (see Figure 4 for a visualisation of the model). Critical interval duration (\(x\)c) was defined as the interval duration at which percentage binding reached 90% of the asymptote, and was calculated using the following equation (3) for each Socialness/Belief condition:
Any curves with poor fits (r2 ≤ .3) were excluded from the subsequent analysis; in total 8 participant curves (3 non-social, 2 social_no, 3 social_yes) were excluded. Exponential curve fits to the mean data (averaged over participants) for each condition are shown in Fig. 5, panel A. Analyses of variance were then carried out across the between-subject Socialness/Belief conditions on the asymptotes, x-intercepts and critical interval durations.
A one-way between-subjects ANOVA was carried out on the asymptotes of the three Socialness/Belief conditions. There was a significant effect of condition, F(2, 53) = 5.43, p = .007, η2p = .17. Bonferroni corrected comparisons revealed that the difference between non-social (M = -40.0, 95% CI [-49.4, -30.5]) and social non-believers (Social No in Fig. 5; M = -60.8, 95% CI [-71.7, -50.0]) was significant, t(53) = 3.00, p = .012, d = 1.0. No other comparisons were significant: the difference between non-social and social believers (Social Yes in Fig. 5; M = -54.4, 95% CI [-62.5, -46.3]) was p = 0.06, the difference between social non-believers and social believers was p = 1. Similarly, a one-way between-subjects ANOVA on the x-intercepts of the Socialness/Belief conditions indicated a significant effect of condition, F(2, 53) = 7.20, p = .002, η2p = .21. Bonferroni corrected planned comparisons revealed that the difference between non-social (M = 489.7, 95% CI [403.5, 576.0]) and social believers (Social Yes in Fig. 5; M = 272.0, 95% CI [200.3, 343.7]) was significant, t(53) = 3.64, p = .002, d = 1.2. No other comparisons were significant: the difference between non-social and social non-believers (Social No in Fig. 5; M = 326.3, 95% CI [ 177.4, 475.2]) was p = 0.07, the difference between social non-believers and social believers was p ≈ 1. Finally, a one-way between-subjects ANOVA on the critical interval durations of the Socialness/Belief conditions did not reveal any significant differences, F(2, 53) = 0.51, p = .604, η2p = .02. All three parameters are plotted in Fig. 5.
Discussion for Experiments 1 & 2
As predicted, Experiments 1 and 2 demonstrated Social Agency in that we observed enhanced Temporal Binding effects in the social compared to non-social condition. However, contrary to prediction (Pfeiffer et al., 2012) there was no ‘peak’ of binding at any interval; instead, percentage binding evened out to an asymptote, never returning towards more accurate replication at any interval duration. Also contrary to prediction, the social condition exhibited more binding at shorter interval durations than non-social. Whilst the social enhancement was robust across blocks 1 and 2 of the experiment, the Temporal Binding effects in the non-social condition waned, increasing the social/non-social difference even further.
Binding effects are implicit: under-replicating intervals goes contrary to task instruction, and in principle over time participants should learn to accurately reproduce those intervals. However, the implicit social effect holds up during the entire experiment, with social binding no different between blocks. Non-social binding effects, however, diminish as the experiment proceeds, with participants getting overall more accurate at the task in block 2, compared to block 1. This would suggest that there may be some learning component in non-social participants, where task demands begin to override binding effects with task habituation. This non-social finding also argues against fatigue influences (e.g., boredom or rushing to complete the experiment) as non-social participants’ replication durations are in fact more accurate and hence longer in block 2.
While our results demonstrate a clear social binding enhancement, they do not reveal its specific underlying causes. Nevertheless, it was unexpected that believing (or not) the social interaction had no effect on binding. This aspect has previously been overlooked in the field as, generally, participants who do not believe in deceptive interactions are simply excluded (Beyer et al., 2017; Pfeiffer et al., 2012; Stephenson et al., 2018; Vogel et al., 2021). Participants who did not believe the social interaction would be predicted to behave the same as those in the non-social condition, since believing the social relevance of on-screen stimuli has been found to be a crucial aspect to socially driven responses (Caruana et al., 2017; Gobel et al., 2018). However, two factors may explain our contradicting results: first, self-report methods cannot be wholly relied upon due to demand characteristics (Nichols & Maner, 2008) and social desirability (Dodaj, 2012). When being told that they had been deceived, it is reasonable to consider that some of the participants who reported not believing the interaction did so out of embarrassment or not wanting to seem gullible, whilst genuinely believing. Second, belief may evolve over the experiment and many “non-believing” participants may have started off, or completed most of, the experiment as believing the cover story, only gradually catching on to the live videos being oddly similar to one another. Importantly, it is unclear if there is a threshold degree of certainty/belief that one is interacting with a conspecific beyond which one experiences Social Agency. Future experiments should continue to consider the role of belief in binding effects, rather than excluding non-believing participants.
Simply being in close proximity to a conspecific (i.e., Social Agency context; Silver et al., 2021) cannot play a significant role in the social binding enhancement found in these experiments. The contribution to the MLM of the random effect (i.e., Methodology) which would account for the methodological difference between Experiment 1, where a confederate went into an adjacent laboratory, and Experiment 2, where the researcher acted as confederate from the adjacent PC station within the same laboratory, was not significant and was removed through model simplification.
The unexpected finding that percentage binding approaches an asymptote, in all conditions, as action-effect interval durations increase (i.e., raw millisecond binding continues to increase as intervals increase) supports a theory of Temporal Binding where the underlying mechanism is the dynamic modulation of the ‘internal clock’ (Buonomano, 2007; Gibbon, 1977; Treisman, 1963), a neural pacing signal influenced by stimulation and motor activity (Wenke & Haggard, 2009). A slowing of this ‘internal clock’ would translate to a consistent percentage underestimation of time intervals, as in these experiments.
The overestimation of the shortest interval durations may be due to action preparation and/or execution confounds, which can influence the ‘internal clock’ mentioned above. Even when no participant action is part of the original interval, the reproduction of temporal intervals not only involves evaluation of the original interval, but also a motor production component which signals the start and end of each interval replication (Gilden et al., 1995). This motor component includes an inherent delay (Gilden et al., 1995), which would explain the ubiquitous overestimation of the shortest intervals. A consistent motor delay would have the greatest impact on the percentage binding of shorter intervals, with the delay effect reducing in influence as interval durations increased, which is what our results show.