In recent years, dual-energy CT has shown good application prospects in detecting LN metastasis in PTC [11]. However, there is still no meta-analysis to assess the diagnostic value of dual-energy CT parameters for LN metastasis in PTC. Herein, we conducted this meta-analysis, based on the included studies to evaluate whether parameters based on dual-energy CT are associated with LN metastasis in PTC. The results illustrated that the use of dual-energy CT parameters including IC, NIC, and λHU was related to the LN metastasis.
IC and NIC can reflect the difference in iodine contents of LNs, and indirectly, their blood supply [27]. In our study, IC metastatic LNs were significantly higher than those without LNs. A study assessing the preoperative of cervical LN metastases in patients with PTC found that metastatic LNs showed significantly higher values for IC [26]. However, Tawfik et al. suggested that the iodine content of metastatic LNs of squamous cell carcinoma was lower than that of non-metastatic LNs, which was different from the results of the present study. We hypothesized that it might be related to the different types of LNs [28]. The measured IC was divided by the intra-arterial IC, known as the NIC, which was designed to reduce differences between patients, scan time, and IC. In this meta-analysis, the NIC of metastatic LNs was higher than that of non-metastatic LNs in both arterial and venous phases. Consistent with our findings, Liu et al. found that NIC during both arterial and venous phases was significantly higher in metastatic than in benign LNs [29]. A study by Wu et al. reported that the NIC of metastatic LNs was significantly higher than those of benign LNs [12]. IC of LNs can accurately show the uptake of iodine contrast agent, and the increase in the number of small vascular beds in metastatic LNs and the altered pattern of tumor-associated vessels may contribute to the increase of IC and NIC values [30, 31].
Dual-energy CT scanning can simultaneously obtain material data under high and low-energy X-rays, obtain the attenuation data of material under different energies, and form the energy spectrum curve of substances [32]. The λHU value measured on the energy spectrum curve describes the dynamic change of CT values, and each tissue type has its characteristic λHU [33]. The results of this study illustrated that the λHU of metastatic LNs in the arterial phase of PTC were higher than those of non-metastatic LNs. Wu et al. also found that λHU of metastatic LNs was significantly higher than those of benign LNs [12]. A study by Liu et al. demonstrated that the λHU had significantly high accuracy in identifying metastatic cervical LNs in PTC patients [29]. A study evaluating dual-energy CT for the detection of metastatic LNs in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma has found that dual-energy CT quantitative parameter analysis can be used in the diagnosis of LN metastasis in PTC [27]. The maximum short-axis diameter in the portal phase combined with quantitative parameters (IC, NIC, or λHU) of dual-energy CT has more advantages in the evaluation of regional LNs. In the future, the diagnostic value of CT image features combined with quantitative dual-energy CT parameters for LN metastasis of PTC needs more studies to explore. In addition, no significant difference in the λHU between metastatic and non-metastatic LNs in the venous phase in this study. We speculate that the possible reason is the difference in blood supply between the venous and arterial phases [34].
Dual-energy CT provides an objective, quantitative, and non-invasive evaluation method for the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diseases. In addition to conventional image features, dual-energy CT can obtain quantitative parameters based on iodine maps and energy spectrum curves. Our study found that quantitative parameters based on dual-energy CT had clinical value in the diagnosis of LN metastasis in PTC, which provides ideas for the clinical judgment of LN metastasis in PTC. Using these quantitative parameters to evaluate LN metastasis in PTC patients can help radiologists avoid subjective bias related to experience. Our study may encourage more studies to explore the diagnostic accuracy of quantitative parameters based on dual-energy CT.
However, this meta-analysis has some limitations. First, our results may be influenced by the small number of included studies and the limited sample size. Second, this study did not conduct a stratified analysis of the models of dual-energy CT, which may have influenced the accuracy of the results. Third, due to this meta-analysis containing a limited number of studies, we did not conduct a subgroup analysis for the location of LN metastasis. More studies are needed to explore the relationship and diagnostic value of quantitative parameters based on dual-energy CT for LN metastasis in PTC.