Routine health data is essential for quantifying health care utilisation, estimating the reach of interventions in the community and monitoring progress toward national and global targets such as SDGs [28]. However, data quality concerns, primarily due to the non-reporting of health facilities, have continued to persist, impacting the accurate assessment of the performance of a country's health system [15, 19-21, 23]. These concerns become even more significant when attempting to estimate the current supply and demand for point-of-care testing to guarantee an adequate diagnostics supply. Consequently, to address quality concerns in routine data reported through DHIS2, we sought to establish whether the non-reporting of health facilities in DHIS2 is due to a lack of capacity triangulating diagnostic test reports made in DHIS2 with health capacity information from a comprehensive facility survey, KHFA.
Our findings show that most facilities that offer both diagnostic services and have requisite RDTs reported testing on the DHIS2 platform. However, about 17-48% of the facilities did not report, and yet they could conduct the common tests (Figure 5). More importantly, despite routine tests, HIV and malaria RDTs had 42-48% of facilities with RDT kits available at the time of the survey failed to report testing in DHIS2 over three years. When the analysis was restricted to data from 2018 to ensure congruence in temporal comparison, a similar pattern was observed, with 38% and 43% of facilities failing to report for HIV and malaria, respectively. Applying the same temporal restriction (2018), across the other RDTs, facilities failing to report despite having RDT kits were heterogeneous, ranging from 2% (CRAG) to 55% (TPHA). Further, reporting is driven by level, and facility ownership as primary health facilities and private-for-profit owned facilities account for the largest share of poor reporting despite having capacity consistent with findings in other studies [29, 30].
Although survey data is constrained since it only provides a cross-sectional picture, its high degree of accuracy can be used to understand better non-reporting problems related to the RDTs in DHIS2 through triangulation. The survey data have shown that RDT kits are routinely available within health facilities but may not necessarily be captured in the routine health information system reporting. Therefore, relying on routine data only to inform the availability of tests may underestimate the actual diagnostic capacity among health facilities, emphasising the need for validation and triangulation with other data sources. Our results are consistent with a study in which no health facility reported diagnostic testing for malaria in DHIS2, despite 90% of health facilities having the diagnostic capacity and 40% confirming malaria-positive cases [31].
The historical investment [3, 32] in high-priority diseases such as HIV and malaria was apparent as most facilities (>76%) reported having these RDT kits (Additional file 1, Figure 1). For such priority programmes, routine data presents an invaluable source for surveillance, facilitating accurate assessments of current disease prevalence to determine intervention coverage. Therefore, it would be expected that the reporting pattern in DHIS2, particularly for these two tests, would correspondingly be as high as the testing capacity; however, a high non-reporting rate was observed. Multiple programmes are keen to track HIV and malaria in Kenya and may have introduced parallel reporting channels within DHIS2. Thus, the lack of integration of monthly reporting tools and the elimination of old reporting tools after updates to remove redundancies within DHIS2 could contribute to poor reporting within the MoH 706 tool [33]. Further, technical efforts such as Electronic Medical Record Systems (EMRs) can potentially improve facilities' reporting performance [34, 35]. However, the lack of interoperability between EMRs and DHIS2 to allow seamless data transmission remains challenging [29]. Additionally, testing and reporting within EMR and DHIS2 are subject to human behaviour [36, 37]. The reliance on syndromic diagnosis may result in the under-utilisation of diagnostic tests even where they are already available [38]. Therefore, there is a need to address challenges such as parallel reporting channels and interoperability between systems to obtain reliable diagnostic metrics in pursuing robust metrics to track the SDGs and the UHC agenda.
Compared to the secondary health facilities, primary facilities had poor reporting in the DHIS2 for facilities with capacity. This might be ascribed to the fact that not all primary facilities have access to the DHIS2 system; instead, some rely on the resources available at the sub-county level. Further, the facility records data on manual forms that are later aggregated to the platform, which delays validation checks to ensure data quality [29]. The manual entry may have contributed to the instances where facilities with no testing kits submitted a report of testing in DHIS2, which was also largely prevalent in primary health facilities (Figure 6, Panel 2). In some cases, the sub-county health records officer (HRIO) tasked with data entry may be overwhelmed by the number of facilities reported to contribute to delays and errors [29, 39, 40]. This and other potential drivers may potentially account for some portion of the primary facilities submitting reports to DHIS2, yet they had no diagnostic capacity (Figure 6, Panel 2) [29, 39, 40]. The possibility of erroneous reports driven by data entry errors or pressure to meet performance targets or the quality of KHFA requires further examination.
Among the health facilities, private facilities had poorer reporting rates relative to the public facilities even when further disaggregated by levels (Additional file 1, Figure 3, Panel 1). This is directly linked to the diagnostic capacity that is skewed towards the public facilities. For all RDTs, 63%-84% of facilities in the public sector had diagnostic capability compared to only 16-37% in the private sector (Additional file 1, Figure 2). Private health facilities might be hesitant to adopt HMIS if the benefits gained do not supersede their existing systems contributing to poor reporting in DHIS2 [37]. Ensuring access to essential RDTs cannot be met solely through the public sector. However, the inequality in capacity between public and private facilities evident from the survey data highlights an existing capacity gap that needs to be filled to increase the availability of RDTs in the community. Kenya's Vision 2030 set forth the agenda to expand public-private partnerships in healthcare service provision to ensure adequate health services for the growing population [41]. In addition, a better understanding of the sub-national level diagnostic landscape will better tailor and guide public-private partnerships where needed.
DHIS2 reporting for RDTs, particularly malaria and HIV, is likely to have been impacted by stockouts in 2018. These two RDTs had the highest stockout rates, 31% and 13%, respectively, out of the six RDTs where the stock was evaluated (Additional file 1, Table 3). Over half of the facilities with stockout (51% for malaria and HIV) in 2018 did not submit reports to DHIS2. Dealing with systemic stockout issues, such as supply chains, through simple approaches like SMS reminders [42] might reduce the problem. Resultantly, RDTs will be available when needed by patients and may increase the likelihood of reporting utilization.
To optimise the role of RDTs in supporting clinical decisions and filling the diagnostic gap in LMICS, an assessment of the availability of tests is critical. Kenya has a substantial availability of RDTs (hence diagnostic capacity) across the health system. However, the availability varied between RDT type and facility. Across all the RDTs, diagnostic capacity was high (at least twice) in primary facilities (over 67%) when compared to the secondary facilities (less than 33% except CRAG). These results show that primary public facilities could be the largest consumer of RDTs attributable to better health accessibility (affordable, available, spatially accessible) as most citizens' first point of contact.
Where the health sector faces enormous human resource gaps compounded by funding and infrastructure limitations (8), RDTs are a sustainable solution. However, comparing RDT volumes consumed across the health system versus those needing diagnostic testing is necessary to determine if these RDTs satisfy the community's needs. Consequently, in the context of limited resources in LMICs, such an analysis would align disease burden, healthcare utilisation, and inequities in diagnostic access for targeted resources for RDTs. Therefore, focusing investment on RDTs may offer the most significant opportunity to bridge the health system diagnostic gap as they are easily implemented in rural and primary health care contexts while requiring minimal technical training to perform and interpret the results [8, 10]. Support by government and donors in training and through entrenching the use of data in decision-making would further incentivise reporting and strengthen routine health systems.
In Kenya, several other variables besides a lack of capacity for health facilities have contributed to non-reporting. First, zero reports (no testing) in DHIS2 are usually converted to missing values by the DHIS2 system [13, 19]. This makes it impossible to distinguish between zero reports and non-reporting. An assumption is thus made that any missing value in the dataset was not reported for that period which inflates non-reporting rates. Second, it is also possible that non-reporting in DHIS2 for some tests may have been triggered by clinicians' preference for alternative tests despite KHFA demonstrating confirmed service availability. For instance, a full hemogram is a frequently utilized test panel that provides a wide range of haematological parameters, including Hb levels that haemoglubinometers would have rapidly offered.
Further, with the introduction of Kenya's devolved health structure [39], an eventual increase in the number of sub-counties (from 185 to 316) may have resulted in constrained Health Information System (HIS) resources [43, 44]. Moreover, poor induction of health officers during the transition period, particularly on the new system and reporting, could cause some of the data quality issues currently experienced with the DHIS2 system [44, 45]. Finally, other elements contributing to reduced reporting and require further investigation include health workers' strikes [22, 46], low motivation for health workers, poor logistical infrastructure [8, 15, 29] and limited human resources.
In DHIS2, it is impossible to distinguish between zero and missing reports as both are recorded as blanks that may inflate non-reporting. Therefore, in this work, we assumed a test report to have been submitted if at least 1 test was conducted. Triangulation included DHIS2 data for 2020, which may have lower reporting due to disruption during the COVID pandemic; however, the 2018/2019 patterns did not differ from those of 2020. Our sample size for triangulation excluded 106 facilities from the cross-sectional survey as they were not registered on DHIS2. Hence the platform does not capture all functional facilities that are expected to report data. Delay in reporting where reports were submitted after the data was downloaded from DHIS2 may have affected the analysis. Survey questions on service availability for malaria and diabetes were framed as a combination of offering diagnosis and/or treatment. We assumed an affirmative response included diagnosis based on diabetes management requiring frequent blood sugar checks and wide availability of malaria RDTs due to its priority status. Several RDTs had a small sample of facilities that responded during data collection in KHFA; for example, blood grouping had only 34% of facilities responding. Therefore, the triangulation was informed by an inadequate sample size for several RDTs.