2.1 Experimental area
The experiment was carried out at AM Frutas farm, located in the municipality of Juazeiro, Bahia state, northeastern Brazil. The area was selected based on the soil's sandy texture, low CEC, and low Si contents, characteristics that increase crop responses to silicon. The region's climate is a hot desert (BWh) according to the Köppen climate classification. The average annual temperature is 26.6 0C, and the average yearly rainfall is 560 mm. The soil of the experimental area was collected and analyzed for chemical and physical characteristics (Table 1) following standard methods. Plant-available Si in the soil was determined by colorimetry in extracts of acetic acid 0.5 mol L− 1 and CaCl2 0.01 mol L− 1 following the modified molybdenum blue colorimetry procedure [31]. Silicon-available contents estimated for both extractants were low, and Si deficiency is likely.
Table 1 Chemical and physical characteristics of the soil in the experimental area
pH | water (1:2.5) | 5.98 |
Ca2+ | mmolc kg− 1 | 89.4 |
Mg2+ | mmolc kg− 1 | 14.7 |
K+ | mmolc kg− 1 | 6.2 |
Na+ | mmolc kg− 1 | 1.0 |
Al3+ | mmolc kg− 1 | 0.0 |
H+ + Al3+ | mmolc kg− 1 | 10.1 |
SB | mmolc kg− 1 | 95.5 |
CEC | mmolc kg− 1 | 99.5 |
P | mg kg− 1 | 43.7 |
SOC | g kg− 1 | 5.16 |
SOM | g kg− 1 | 8.90 |
Sia | mg kg− 1 | 4.3 |
Sic | mg kg− 1 | 2.2 |
Sand | g kg− 1 | 570.0 |
Silt | g kg− 1 | 80.0 |
Clay | g kg− 1 | 350.0 |
SB sum of bases; CEC cation exchange capacity; SOC soil organic carbon; SOM soil organic matter; Sia silicon available in the soil extracted with acetic acid 0,5 mol L− 1; Sic silicon available in the soil extracted with CaCl2 0,01 mol L− 1. |
2.2 Experimental setup
Onion (hybrid Num 1205 - Bayer CropScience) planting was performed by direct seeding with a population of 1 million plants per hectare. The fertilization followed the program adopted at the farm. Basal and top-dressing fertilization amended 302 kg ha− 1 N, 157 kg ha− 1 P2O5, 364 kg ha− 1 K2O, 46 kg ha− 1 Ca, and 30 kg ha− 1 Mg. Water was supplied to plants by drip irrigation.
The Si fertilizer used (Agrisilica®, Agripower Australia Limited) is natural diatomaceous earth of the Melosira granulata species that contains total SiO2 (52%), calcium (2%), magnesium (1%), and iron (1%) in the form of granules (2–5 mm size). The fertilizer was broadcast applied when seedlings were 8 days old at the rates of 0 (control), 75, 125, 175, and 225 kg ha− 1, with four replicates, in 20 experimental plots of 11 m2 (10 m x 1 m) each. The distance between adjacent plots was 0.5 m. The trial was laid out as a randomized complete block design and treatments were assigned to each plot within each block randomly.
2.3 Leaf sampling and analyses
Leaves were sampled for foliar analysis of Si and nutrients on the 60th day of cultivation. The content of Si in the dry leaf matter was determined according to Elliot and Snyder [32]. Nitrogen was obtained by the digestion of 0.2 g of the plant material in concentrated sulfuric acid at 350°C, according to the method of Kjeldahl, while K, P, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, and B were determined in the digestion extract of 0.5 g of samples in nitro-perchloric solution at 200°C. The determinations of P were performed by colorimetry and that of K by flame spectrometry. Calcium, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, and B were determined by ICP-OES [33].
2.4. NDVI and SAVI
The aerial survey was carried out 90 days after planting the onion using a Phantom® 4 quadcopter (SZ DJI Technology Co., Ltd, Shenzhen, China) equipped with a MAPIR® Survey 3W multispectral camera (MAPIR, San Diego, USA). This camera features a passive sensor with an 87° field of view (FOV) and captures images composed of three bands of the electromagnetic spectrum, referring to red (R) at 660 nm, green (G) at 550 nm, and near-infrared (NIR) at 850 nm. The flight was automated following a plan generated by the DroneDeploy® software (DroneDeploy, San Francisco, USA), whose parameters were: 5 m s− 1 of aircraft speed, 1.5 s of image capture interval, 70 m of altitude, overlap front (overlap) of 80% and side (sidelap) of 70%, and ground sampling distance (GSD) of approximately 3 cm pixel− 1. The cited adjustments for the flight parameters were based on the recommendations of the sensor manufacturer and the PhenoFly Planning Tool [34]. The flight was carried out between 2 pm and 3 pm, with a high incidence of sunlight and low presence of clouds.
Images captured in raw format (minimally processed) were radiometrically corrected using reflectance values of the MAPIR calibration target in the MAPIR Camera Control software (MAPIR, San Diego, USA). Subsequently, the images were processed in Agisoft Metashape v1.5.2 software (Agisoft LLC, St. Petersburg, Russia) to obtain georeferenced orthomosaics, which, in Quantum GIS v3.14.16 software (QGIS Development Team, www.qgis.org), were cut based on the vector files (shapefile) of the plots in the field, selecting the areas of interest and avoiding the edge effect on the pixels. In the same software, in the useful area of each plot, the values of the weighted average of reflectance were taken in a total of 237,968 pixels, and the information was used to calculate the vegetation indices.
We obtained the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) to evaluate plant vigor.
The NDVI is an index ranging from − 1 to 1 and is sensitive to changes in vegetation vigor and density. Additionally, it was calculated using the equation described by Rouse et al. (1973):
$$NDVI= \frac{NIR-R}{NIR+R}$$
NIR and R refer, respectively, to the spectral signatures of the plant canopy in the near-infrared and red bands of the electromagnetic spectrum.
The SAVI is an index that considers the effects of the exposed soil in the analyzed images. Therefore, it is used for evaluations in which the vegetation does not entirely cover the environment [35]. This index was described by Huete [36] and is calculated using the equation:
$$SAVI= \frac{NIR-R}{NIR+R+L}*(1+L)$$
L is the adjustment factor of the SAVI index, which assumes a value of 0.25, 0.50, and 1.00, respectively, for dense, intermediate, and low vegetation conditions. The present work used 0.50 for the L factor.
2.5 Yield and quality of onion bulbs
Harvest took place when leaves were drying and falling over (senescence). First, bulbs were pulled and sun-cured for three days. Then, they were graded by diameter according to commercial standards, in the size ranges: 2.5–4.5 cm; 4.6–5.5 cm; 5.6–8 cm; and 8.1–9 cm. Around 80% of the bulbs fall into the range of 5.6–8 cm, the preferred onion size by Brazilian consumers, but there was no difference among treatments regarding onion diameters. The onion yield was obtained by weighing each experimental plot's bulbs and then extrapolating them to tons per hectare. Data were collected from plants in the plot's central rows, leaving aside plants in the outermost rows and at the end of each row to avoid edge effects.
2.5 Statistical analyses
The experiment was designed as randomized blocks, with five treatments and four replications. The results were expressed as means of four replicates ± standard deviation. Data were subjected to analysis of variance using the SAS Statistical Software package. Yield means that differed significantly were separated using the Least Significant Difference (LSD) test procedure at a 5% significance level. At the same time, Si and nutrient concentrations in plants were submitted to regression analysis using the same software. Regression models were selected, considering their significance and highest R2 values.