Conventional short-segment instrumentation for thoracolumbar/lumbar fractures initially involved inserting pedicle screws in the vertebra one-above and one-below the level of injury, creating a four-screw construct connected by rods spanning. The objective was to restore vertebral body height, correct kyphotic deformity, maintain spinal stability and indirectly decompress the spinal canal. Controversy however remains as to whether conventional four-screw short-segment instrumentation is strong enough to maintain stable reduction (Jindal et al. 2020).Traumatic thoracolumbar/lumbar fractures disrupt the structural integrity of anterior and middle columns, which directly decreases their ability to withstand longitudinal compressive loads, whereas the short-segment posterior internal fixation system lacks effective support for the anterior column, resulting in loss of reduction and undesirable rates of implant failure. Alanay and Wang(Alanay et al. 2001; Wang et al. 2008) argues that four-screw short-segment transpedicular instrumentation for type A thoracolumbar fractures is associated with a high rate of correction loss because of the absence of anterior support. The analysis of kyphotic correction made by Aly T et al (Aly 2017) indicated poorer corrections for short-segment stabilization immediately after surgery and a greater loss of this correction in the long-term follow-up. In recent years, minimally invasive spinal surgery has emerged as a promising novel method for thoracolumbar fracture patients. As an alternative procedure to treat the thoracolumbar/lumbar fractures, percutaneous pedicle screw-rod fixation aims to restore alignment similar to open surgeries, enabling early mobilization after surgery. Percutaneous insertion of cannulated pedicle screws is associated with less muscle damage and blood loss compared with open surgery, but is less stable biomechanically, and thus may result in early implant failure rate (Hirota et al. 2022). On the other hand, patients are allowed full weight-bearing ambulation and rehabilitation immediately after the surgery, though, increases the risk of loss of correction in comparison to conventional open surgery with posterolateral fusion. Hence, augmentation of pedicle screw-rod system in patients with severe type A factures may be necessary to enhance the rigidity of the construct.
The common clinical methods to improve the fixation of four-screw construct include lengthening of posterior instrumentation, which inevitably sacrifice motion and function of adjacent segments, or placement of intermediate screws at fractured vertebrae, provided the pedicles are intact and the screws can be safely inserted. Augmentation of screws at the fracture level theoretically provides additional stiffness to the construct, thereby reducing the incidence of instrumentation failure, screw pullout, and postoperative loss of correction, allowing surgeons to save motion of adjacent segments and achieving maintenance of sagittal alignment similar to long-segment stabilization(Baaj et al. 2011; Kapoen et al. 2020; Norton et al. 2014). However, more screws insertion into fractured vertebrae exposes patients to longer operating time and more blood loss along with a higher risk of screw malposition. It is also important to consider costs (resource utilization) and potential risks before making a recommendation. Therefore, its strongest advantage, the appropriate indications for six-screw short-segment fixation remain to be elucidated, and question concerning biomechanical changes to the thoracolumbar spine of augmentation screws at the fractured vertebrae need to be answered. For instance, it is important to determine to which extent six-screw construct may change the spinal stiffness compared with traditional four-screw system in relation to the pattern and severity of vertebral fracture, and what would be the implications of such changes on the biomechanical environment at fractured vertebrae and adjacent intervertebral discs.
FE analysis is a powerful and noninvasive technique to simulate and predict how materials will react when subjected to a variety of loads(Gunasekaran et al. 2022). It has widespread application as a tool of comparison between different fixation methods or models for spinal trauma(Jain et al. 2020). A high-quality 3D FE model plays a crucial role in performing an accurate analysis. The finite element model of intact thoracolumbar spine could be routinely constructed based on data collected from CT scan, but it varies widely(Jain et al. 2020) for fracture models because of the lack of standardization. Currently, the most popular finite element model of thoracolumbar fracture was established by corpectomy(Wu et al. 2019) or resecting the lower half of the vertebrae(Li et al. 2014). In most fracture models, up to 50% of the injured vertebrae was completely removed to simulate the loss of bone integrity due to fracture, which is also not reflective of the clinical situation. The results may be prone to error and inaccuracy because researchers were endeavoring to find statistical significance with models of an exaggerated integrity loss.
In this paper, we attempted to formulate new FE models of thoracolumbar fracture simulating different fracture patterns and severity. Mimicking clinical and radiological features, the ratio of the anterior bony defect was set to 15% and 50% of the original height with intact middle column in moderate and sever compressive fracture models respectively, whereas the burst fracture model was characterized by middle column disruption. These models prevented this exaggeration differences among groups, leading to more accurate perception. The FE models in this study were validated against previously published in vitro data including the ROM of the intact and the fractured models. The majority of our results remained compatible and within one SD compared to the literature.
In terms of global ROM, our simulation showed that the ROM of burst fracture models was significantly larger than compressive fracture models in all states of motion. The application of intermediate screws decreased ROM in extension, lateral bending, and axial rotation. The greatest reduction of global ROM (15.6%) was observed in six-screw stabilization for burst fracture models in comparison to compression fractures, showing that intermediate screws in unstable fractures bear more load than in compressive fractures. Therefore, especially burst fractures that are less stable due to lack of middle vertebral column support might benefit more from rigid fixation with six-screw constructs.
More than 50% of compressive load was shifted posteriorly to the pedicle screws and rods, as a result, the axial load would mostly be exerted on the construct. We investigated the maximum von Mises stress and strain energy in the implants, which was related to the risks of early implant failure if the von Mises stress surpasses the tensile yield stress. In the current study, Flexion exerted the largest mechanical stress on both the screws and rods in all implanted models and the greatest von Mises stress value of rods and screws was observed in burst fracture model as well. The results of this study showed the value of the largest maximal von Mises stress of screws decreased during nearly all states of motion in the six-screw stabilization model. The intermediate screws at fractured vertebrae carry some transmitted load, thus scattering the von-Mises stress of the internal fixation especially during flexion. Anterior flexion is the most common and important way of spinal daily activity, which has the greatest impact on the pressure of the spine. Augmentation screws at fractured vertebrae decreased the von-Mises stress of the pedicle screws, thereby reducing the rates of screw breakage and loosening risks. As shown in the stress distribution results, a maximum level of pedicle screw stress focused on the root of the screws under all loading conditions. These findings were also consistent with clinical features that most screw breaks occur at screw neck. Stress nephogram indicated high stresses were mainly concentrated on the rods between the upper and the intermediate screws in six-screw fixation constructs. Surgeons should pay close attention to these sites when there is a clinical suspicion of hardware breakage.
Continuous axial displacement/micro-motion of bone defect area influences new bone formation and causes bone resorption in intravertebral cavity, thus, results in the loss of correction/reduction and further collapse of fractured vertebrae. As a consequence of this, pseudo-arthrosis could exist at the fracture site, causing mechanical back pain or even neurological complications. Consistent with increasing stress of the pedicle screw, anterior flexion also has a significant effect on the bony defect displacement/micro-motion of the injured vertebra, which may contribute to postoperative re-collapse. The comparison between different constructs showed significantly decreased axial displacement/micro-motion in six-screw constructs during all motions. Compare with conventional four-screw constructs, the axial displacement of six-screw constructs during all motions is on average 0.3mm, 0.58mm, and 0.8mm lower in moderate compressive fracture model, severe compressive fracture model and burst fracture model, respectively. For moderate compressive fracture, the risk of correction loss for compressive fractures is lower because the middle column of the injured vertebra remains partial load bearing and stress conduction, therefore short-segment instrumentation with conventional pedicle screw is preferred. The results demonstrated that re-collapse of injured vertebrae could be avoided if unstable fractures were treated with six-screw fixation constructs. Thus, for burst fractures, we strongly advised that bilateral intermediate screws should be used to reduce early post-traumatic kyphosis and failure of reduction instead of using conventional four-screw fixation constructs.