This proof-of-concept study on the SARS-CoV-2 genomic evolution under small drug pressure indicates that Molnupiravir induced a higher within-host SARS-CoV-2 variability compared to Paxlovid, finding supported by the higher number of SNPs observed across time points. The SNPs induced by Molnupiravir appeared randomly along the SARS-CoV-2 genome, were most G to A and C to T transitions and showed their peak at Day 5 of treatment, when the genetic evolution showed its highest value, and the viral load reached its lowest peak. Two days after the end of treatment (Day 7) the estimates of genetic distance, number of SNPs and viral load were stable compared to those reported at the end of treatment, probably reflecting the fact that, even if the treatment was stopped at Day 5, the antiviral drug was still present as a pharmacological tail and continued to drive the genetic evolution.
These findings are consistent with the known error catastrophe induced by Molnupiravir against the virus (6) and are in line with recent large-scale data. In the AGILE phase IIa clinical trial (17), an increase in G to A, C to T and T to C mutations was observed during Molnupiravir treatment, and no amino acid substitutions were enriched consistently at specific sites during the first 5 days of treatment.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, it was clear that intra-host variation of SARS-CoV-2 can be frequently found among clinical samples without any drug pressure, but at the same time these variants were not observed in the population as polymorphisms, probably suggesting that a bottleneck or purifying selection was involved (41,42). As well as in drug-naïve samples, SARS-CoV-2 strains under the Molnupiravir and Paxlovid pressure did not experience strong selective evolution. By calculating the probability to evolve under purifying selection for each gene, during Molnupiravir-treatment only orf8, known to be involved in immune response evasion (38), seemed to evolve under a positive selection, as a consequence of the 7/7 non-synonymous mutations detected randomly along the protein. Among these, only the orf8 A27927G-T12A persisted between Day 5 and Day 7. No clear information is available about the role of this amino acid mutation in protein stability or functionality, but in silico prediction suggests that this mutation might induced a protein stability change (free energy change, ΔΔG, of -1.49 Kcal/mol compared to wild type, data not shown) (43). Further in vitro insights will be needed to confirm these in silico findings.
We noted that this amino acid change was detected with other 4 amino acid mutations (the nsp3 G5572A-M951I and T8004C-V1762A, nsp14 C18452T-A138V and G18520A-V161I) at Day 5 of the Molnupiravir-treated patient ID10, a renal transplant recipient on tacrolimus-based immunosuppression. This mutational pathway was selected at Day 5 and spread at Day 7 when an increase of genetic distance and a post-treatment increase of viral load were detected. Among the mutations observed, the nsp14 mutations fall in the exonuclease domain, and thus might impair the functionality of the error-correction mechanism, leading to accumulation of mutations and increase of variability. These hypotheses require further validation by in vitro studies and docking simulations. The nsp3 G5572A-M951I mutation falls in the PLpro domain, which plays an essential role in the viral replication and the innate immune evasion (44,45). If the substitution of methionine to isoleucine in PLpro secondary structure evoked effect on the protein stability, needs to be investigated.
A progressive SARS-CoV-2 genetic variability over time-points was observed also in ID12, but with different features. At Day 2 of Molnupiravir-treatment, two nsp14 non-synonymous mutations appeared (C18511A-P158T and C18647T-P203L) with an intra-patient prevalence of 36.0% and 23.7%, respectively. These mutations are both localized in the ExoN domain of nsp14, and the P203L was recently suggested to induce a weakly interaction between nsp14 and nsp10, possibly resulting in reduction of the proofreading activity of nsp14 (46). As a result, nsp14-P203L variants showed higher nucleotide substitution rate at population level, and in our patient induced a pronounced genomic evolution, confirmed by genetic distance (65.00 [± 3.20]x10− 4) and emergence of 175 minority SNPs (relative abundance %, median IQR 8.7 [6.5–13.6]) at Day 5.
Understanding the factors underlining the emergence of these mutational pathways in these two patients and whether they are correlated to health status rather than drug pressure might provide essential insights into the risk of SARS-CoV-2 evolutionary mechanisms.
By our proof-of-concept study, no clear evidence of RdRp and Mpro mutations that might contribute to Molnupiravir or Paxlovid resistance was found, even if further insights are needed to define if some of the enriched mutations might be involved in drug resistance mechanisms.
Looking at the variability of the whole spike protein, no site on positive selection or persistent mutation were detected. Six non-synonymous SNPs (V327I, C391F, V401I, T430I, L455S and R457K) with a relative abundance of median (IQR) 9.8 (6.4–14.9) appeared at different time-points in the RBD, but no chance of further selection or spreading was revealed, suggesting no evident risk of SARS-CoV-2 spike evolution under Molnupiravir.
Worthy of mention is the potential impact of the Molnupiravir-induced variability on molecular and Ag diagnostic assays. As already known, SARS-CoV-2 variability in diagnostics target could hamper the viral load detection or Ag positivity (47). Regarding the antigenic tests, the interference can be observed only in the presence of non-synonymous mutations, rarely found to persist during Molnupiravir-treatment. With the molecular tests, the risk of detection failure could be due to SNPs falling in the target region of the probes or primers, thus interfering with their binding and thus rendering the assays ineffective, but the multi-target RT-PCR tests used in clinical practice withdraws this risk. These hypotheses require further analyses to be in depth assessed and defined.
Our study has some limitations. The analysis of negative and positive selection induced by Molnupiravir and Paxlovid should be interpreted carefully, as the number of SNPs that define the purifying selection is small and potential errors introduced during reverse transcription, PCR amplification, or sequencing can slightly impact the results (48). To overcome these problems, only SNPs having a minimum supporting read frequency of 2% with a depth ≥ 20, and thus expected to provide more robust results, were retained.
The sample-size was relatively small, limiting general considerations. We cannot exclude that denser sampling would reveal novel patterns of mutations not observed here and further address genetic variability. The small sample size might have precluded the possibility to detect drug resistance, whose emergence under small drugs therapies remains a challenge to investigate. The results obtained were mainly addressed to hospitalized and immunocompromised individuals. This population bias may have also caused a substantial underestimation of the viral load decay kinetics and a pronounced genomic variability across time.
In conclusion, this study contributes to define the dynamics of within-host variability of SARS-CoV-2 during Molnupiravir and Paxlovid treatment, confirming the higher genomic variation induced by this nucleoside analogue (as its main mechanism of action also in-vivo), and describing in details the effect of the drug upon the evolution of each different gene constituting the SARS-CoV-2 genome. Molnupiravir induces a number of SNPs that increase against days of treatment. Due to bottleneck or purifying selection, these SNPs appear randomly and rarely persist across time points, limiting the potential risk of selection of viral variants characterized by a fitness advantage during Molnupiravir-treatment. Ad hoc designed studies are necessary to confirm our findings, provide an extensive overview of SARS-CoV-2 intra-host variability and minority variants description during small drug agents treatment, if and how these minority variants can spread in the population, and their potential role in virulence and transmissibility.