The results of the present study showed that the implementation of HIIT leads to a significant increase in the protein content of AKT and mTOR between the diabetic and HIIT + D groups in the myocardium. While there is no significant change in the content of AMPK proteins. On the other hand, the content of FOXO3a, Beclin1, P53, myostatin, and SMAD2/3 proteins showed a significant decrease in the HIIT + D group. While the active caspase-3 protein content did not show a significant change but the content of the initial form of caspase 3 decreased significantly.
It seems that performing HIIT in diabetic rats can deactivate AMPK protein by activating AKT and mTOR proteins. This process plays a critical role in cell survival and growth under physiological conditions and induces protein synthesis, inactivation of autophagy, and inactivation of apoptosis (7–9, 46). The results of Sturgeon et al.'s research are in line with the results of the current research in changing the content of AMPK protein, but they are contradictory in changing the content of AKT and mTOR proteins. The results of the study by Sturgeon et al. (2015) showed that moderate intensity exercise does not lead to significant changes in the content of AKT, mTOR, and AMPK proteins in the myocardium. While exercise improves cardiac function and exercise capacity, causing physiological hypertrophy in the heart (47). One of the important reasons for this contradiction is the intensity and type of exercise. In the present research, the exercise is high-intensity and intermittent, but in the research of sturgeon et al., the exercise is moderate-intensity and continuous. It seems that HIIT can be similar to resistance exercises that play an important role in protein synthesis and myocardial hypertrophy (11).
On the other hand, reducing autophagy factors such as FOXO3a and Beclin1 through HIIT can be beneficial for people with diabetes because diabetes is associated with myocardial dysfunction, which can be caused by autophagy dysfunction (48). The results of Holloway et al.'s research on the change of FOXO3a protein content are contradictory to the results of the current research because it was reported that HIIT exercises do not affect the content of FOXO3a protein in the myocardium of rats suffering from heart failure (49). One of the reasons for the contradictions is the type of disease because, in the present study, the samples are suffering from diabetes, but in Holloway et al.'s research, the samples are suffering from heart failure. On the other hand, the research results of Zeng et al. (2020) are in line with the results of the current research on FOXO3a protein content. But it is contradictory in Beclin1 protein content because Beclin1 protein content increases after resistance, aerobic, combined (aerobic + resistance) exercises in the skeletal muscle of old rats (50). One of the important reasons can be the place of protein content measurement because protein measurement was done in heart tissue in the present study and skeletal muscle tissue in Zeng et al.'s research. In addition, in the present study, the samples were diabetic rats, and in the research of Zeng et al., the samples were reported to be old rats suffering from sarcopenia. Also, Marfe et al. (2012) showed that FOXO3a transcription decreases in heart muscle tissue after a HIIT session in rats (51). While Li et al. (2018) found that HIIT is associated with an increase in Beclin-1 protein content (52). Therefore, the results of Li et al.'s research are contradictory to the results of the present research.
Therefore, it seems that diabetic rats are prone to impaired autophagy in the myocardium due to disruption of the PI3K/AKT/mTORC1 pathway (53). Because other studies have confirmed that rats lacking the insulin receptor (IRS) promote autophagy in the heart (54). Hence, it can be concluded that HIIT can decrease the autophagic proteins FOXO3a and Beclin-1 in the myocardium by activating the PI3K/AKT/mTORC1 pathway. In support of this, other studies have reported that decreased autophagy in the heart of diabetic patients is due to increased mTORC1 pathway activity due to the inactivation of AMPK (55). It seems that the mTORC1 pathway can inhibit or activate autophagy by regulating ULK1, ATG13, and FIP200 proteins (56). Therefore, probably HIIT can prevent myocardial autophagy disorder and maintain cell stability (57–59). Therefore, exercise training is an important non-pharmacological approach that can be used to increase the quality of life and reduce pathological symptoms (60).
Excessive activation of apoptosis is one of the damages of diabetes in the myocardium because recent studies show an increase in apoptosis in the heart of diabetic patients (27, 61, 62). In the present study, a significant decrease in p53 protein content occurred after HIIT, which is in contrast to Sadeghi et al.'s (2020) study, as they reported an increase in p53 protein content after exercise (63). This contrast seems to be due to a lack of adaptation to exercise because after a non-exercise period the increase in p53 tended to decrease in the long-term exercise group (63). Also, other studies have shown that exercise training can lead to the inactivation of mTORC1, and activation of autophagy and apoptosis by activating AMPK and P53 (64). While the current research has shown an increase in mTORC1 and a decrease in p53 after HIIT. HIIT seems to decrease P53 due to unchanged AMPK and increased mTORC1. Therefore, factors such as adaptation, recovery, duration, and intensity of training can affect p53.
In the present study, the content of initial caspase-3 protein (Pro) was significantly decreased in the diabetic and healthy exercise groups compared to the diabetic group. But on the other hand, the active caspase-3 protein content increased in the diabetic exercise group compared to the healthy and diabetic groups. One reason for the increase in active caspase-3 is the lack of adaptation in rats to HIIT exercise at 8 weeks. These results are in line with the study of vahid et al. (2022) as they showed that HIIT resulted in a significant increase in Caspase-3 (65). Because HIIT causes an inflammatory response by increasing oxidative stress and the mitochondrial membrane becomes unstable, then cytochrome C can be released and facilitate the process of apoptosis (66). In addition, the underlying mechanisms for increased apoptosis include increased ROS, increased inflammatory cytokines, activation of caspases, Fas receptor-dependent and mitochondria-dependent apoptosis, ER stress, increased activation of the TGF-β signaling pathway, and IGF-1 resistance (67–70). Since lack of adaptation to exercise can trigger apoptosis, it seems that 8 weeks is not the right time to adapt to HIIT. However, adapting to sports activities can lead to the modulation of oxidative stress by increasing the antioxidant capacity, and reduce the factors associated with the activation of the apoptosis pathway (66).
The results of lenk et al.'s research are in line with the results of the present research. In the research of Lenk et al. (2009) (2012), the expression of myostatin protein increases in rats suffering from chronic heart failure (CHF), but after endurance training, a significant decrease in the expression of myostatin protein is seen in the myocardium. These investigators stated that downregulation of myostatin has anti-catabolic effects on CHF and halts myocardial destruction in chronic heart failure (71, 72) because the myostatin/SMAD pathway leads to reduced activity of the mTOR pathway (73). However, in both previous studies, despite the difference in the type of exercise (HIIT and endurance), myostatin expression is decreased. Therefore, it seems that exercise training can prevent muscle loss (74) and lead to an increase in the activity of the mTOR pathway, which was shown in the present study. On the other hand, in the research of Kabak et al. (2018), it was reported that the level of myostatin protein increases immediately after HIIT training; But 3 hours after training, it shows a tendency to return to the basic state (75). It seems that it is normal to increase myostatin (a negative muscle growth factor) during exercise due to muscle damage, and it makes sense for myostatin to decrease during recovery for myocardial growth. Therefore, in the present study, the reduction of myostatin and the increase of the mTOR pathway after HIIT seems reasonable.
The results of Launay et al.'s research are in line with the results of the present research because they showed that 8 weeks of HIIT training (95% intensity) leads to a decrease in SMAD2/3 proteins in the left ventricle through the mTORC1 pathway (76). It seems that exercise training can activate the signaling cascade of insulin and growth factors and then lead to the activation of AKT and mTOR proteins. The activation of these proteins can affect the reduction of myostatin and SMAD protein and lead to cardiac hypertrophy (77). In another study, the mean values of SMAD3 gene expression were significantly reduced by performing HIIT in the left ventricle of rats with type 2 diabetes. These researchers stated that HIIT could improve diabetic cardiomyopathy by affecting the reduction of SMAD3 gene expression (78). Based on the cellular pathway of myostatin and SMAD, the increase of myostatin protein leads to the activation of SMAD proteins, which play an important role in atrophy and heart defects (79). Therefore, it seems that exercise training with appropriate intensity, duration, and recovery leads to modulation of ROS, intracellular calcium concentration, cellular energy status, autophagy, apoptosis, and adaptation (80). Hence, it appears that HIIT can prevent excessive myocardial autophagy, apoptosis, and atrophy in people with type 2 diabetes.