The novel finding of this study was that cardiac insulin resistance estimated using dynamic 18F-FDG-PET combined with euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp is an independent contributor of myocardial mechano-energetic efficiency, considered an emergent marker of CV risk (23). Notably, we found that in subjects having different degrees of glucose tolerance without history of CHD impaired insulin-stimulated myocardial glucose metabolic rate was associated with a progressive decrease in myocardial MEEi paralleled by an increase in cardiac oxygen consumption, estimated using the “double product” of sBP x HR. Although cardiac energy and myocardial oxygen consumption can precisely be measured invasively by coronary sinus catheterization (26), these measurements are not feasible in routine clinic evaluation. A well-validated index of myocardial oxygen consumption is the “double product” which has been reported to have a high correlation with myocardial O2 consumption (r = 0.86–0.88) measured directly with coronary sinus catheterization (44–45). Similarly, cardiac energetic efficiency was estimated using myocardial MEEi, a simple, non-invasive, ultra-sound guided method, validated by DeSimone et al. that provides an estimate of the ideal amount of blood ejected at each systole per each gram of LV mass in 1 s (22–23, 29, 31). Reduced myocardial MEEi has been shown to be an independent predictor of major CV events in hypertensive patients (22). Furthermore, low myocardial MEEi was reported to be a powerful predictor of heart failure in subjects with normal ejection fraction (23).
In our cross-sectional study, we show a direct relationship between cardiac insulin resistance and depressed myocardial energetic efficiency. Notably, in a stepwise multivariate linear regression analysis, after adjustment for several confounding factors, insulin-stimulated myocardial glucose metabolic rate was the only independent contributor of myocardial MEEi, explaining 34.6% of its variation. Our findings confirm and expand the knowledge on the role of insulin resistance in determining impairment of left ventricular efficiency (23, 30–34). A decrease in myocardial MEEi has been observed in conditions of insulin resistance, including obesity, prediabetes, T2DM, and NAFLD (23, 30–34). Furthermore, Mancusi et al. have demonstrated that severity of insulin resistance, assessed by the HOMA-IR index, had a negative impact on myocardial MEEi in nondiabetic individuals (31). Additionally, previous studies have confirmed an independent relationship between myocardial MEEi and insulin resistance, estimated by the Matsuda Index or the HOMA-IR index, in nondiabetic individuals (32, 33). Of note, the present data represents the first demonstration of a direct independent correlation between myocardial MEEi and whole-body insulin sensitivity, assessed by the gold standard euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp technique (38), in subjects having different degrees of glucose tolerance.
We also found a negative correlation between insulin-stimulated myocardial MrGlu and cardiac oxygen consumption in subjects without history of CHD. Overall, our findings support the idea that an impairment in insulin-stimulated myocardial glucose metabolism might contribute to the early compromission of left ventricular mechano-energetic efficiency, thus playing a significant role in the development of CVD. Our data extend previous findings (14) suggesting that cardiac insulin resistance may cause the development of CHD and heart failure in individuals with T2DM. An impairment in myocardial glucose uptake has been shown to be a predictor of adverse CV outcome also in subjects with ischemic heart disease (20). Thus, a decrease in myocardial energetic performance could represent the pathogenetic mechanism through which cardiac insulin resistance contributes to the progression to CVD. Indeed, in a normal myocardium, 60–70% of energy is produced by free fatty acid (FFA) oxidation, while only 30–40% of energy is produced by glucose-pyruvate oxidation (31). The ratio of produced ATP/MVO2 is higher with glucose (P/O = 2.58) than with FFA (P/O = 2.28), which produces a redundant number of ATP molecules, a source of energy that is mainly dissipated as heat (46, 47). Accordingly, myocardial mechano-energetic efficiency is significantly higher when utilizing glucose rather than FFA. Under conditions of insulin resistance, the myocardium reduces glucose intake, leading to a substrate shift toward FFA oxidation. Consequently, the efficiency of cardiac energy utilization decreases, and the myocardium loses its metabolic flexibility. This reduction in cardiac efficiency coupled with raised oxygen demand increases susceptibility to myocardial ischemia leading to a greater reduction in myocardial performance (14, 18, 19, 21, 31, 46–50). Clearly, further prospective studies are needed to confirm the causal role of the cardiac insulin resistance in the progression of CHD.
This study has some strengths that merit considerations. A main strength of the present study is the use of gold standard methods to assess myocardial and whole-body metabolism by cardiac FDG PET combined with the euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp technique, which allows the valuation of insulin-stimulated myocardial glucose uptake under uniform experimental conditions of euglycemia and physiological hyperinsulinemia by removing the confounding factor of different circulating glucose and insulin levels (14, 51). Moreover, glucose tolerance was accurately assessed using FPG, 2h post-load glucose levels during an OGTT, and HbA1c according to ADA criteria thus excluding any potential misclassification of participants (36). Additionally, all tests including echocardiographic measurements and 18F-FGD PET scan combined with euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp were collected by skilled examiners after a standardized training, who were blinded to the clinical data of the study participants.
Nonetheless, this study has also some limitations. Myocardial mechano-energetic efficiency was estimated by indirect measures rather than by coronary sinus catheterization (26). However, this measurement is invasive, expensive, and time-consuming thus making this procedure not feasible in epidemiological studies. Moreover, this analysis of the CATAMERI cohort study includes only Caucasian individuals aging between 30 and 70 years with at least one cardiovascular risk factors attending a referral university hospital, thus limiting the generalizability of the present results to other ethnicities or to white Caucasians cohorts. Additionally, the cross-sectional design and the observational nature of this study do not permit any causal inferences.