A conceptual framework for this study can be deducted from the hypotheses and literature review of this study which has been delineated in the schema presented in the following. The schema demonstrates a chain of relationships between the variables and the demand for health care from the CC. The variables affect the demand via its effects on the intermediate variables and proximate determinants. The relationship we only care about functional relationship where cause and effect relationship prevail. The functional relationship between the dependent and independent variables is depicted below;
Then, YDD = f (XTO, XD, XEd, Xi…)
TO = f (XAbs, XSs, XMp, XDc, XEp,......)
YDD = Demand for HealthCare from CC
XTO = Traditional Outlook towards the provider of CC
XD = Distance from the Household to CC
Xi = Income of Household
XEd = Level of Education
TO = Traditional Outlook
XAbs = Absenteeism of the Provider of CC
XSs = Short time of Stay at Facility
XMp = Misconduct of the Provider with the Patient and its Attendants
XDc = Common Drug Phenomenon
XEp = Gathered Experience from Prior Visits
In this study, demand for health care is the dependent variable. The prior experience from CC, level of income, level of education, traditional outlook towards the providers, lack of knowledge about health services available at those facilities, awareness of people, etc. It was assumed that these variables are affecting the villagers to choose the provider between the CC and others, i.e. quack, in order to use of health services. The core hypothesis of this study is the traditional outlook towards the health care providers of CC which encompasses a range of factors; specially, the unavailability of the CHCP and the unavailability of drugs which aggregately navigates the potential clients, the villagers, of the CC to seek care from the quacks.
Though the contribution of CC, since its inception in 1998, to the improvement of health sector at rural level is undeniably unparalleled, the benefits from some of those facilities are yet to turn into reality due to some variables of the demand function, we literally assumed that. Traditional outlook generates basically due to the dissatisfactory prior experience of visits at CC what actually navigate the care seeker to seek from other providers than CC and create aggregately, the low level of demand for healthcare. If the level of education is low, then the people may have more traditional attitudes towards formal care of CC and may be more unaware about their health. This will eventually reduce the utilization of formal healthcare from CC. This low utilization represents the low demand for healthcare from CC.
Data Collection:
The study site, Raninagar Upazila of Naogaon district under the division of Rajshahi, was selected purposively due to financial constraint. Then, the target population from two villages; Belghoria village under Kaligram union and Sarkatia village under paroil union; were selected based on the secondary data collected from the MIS department of Raninagar Upazila Health Complex. Data was collected May to July, 2018.
Household survey with structured questionnaire was conducted in order to accomplish the empirical investigation of this study among the households of two villages. About 1700 population in 370 households reside in Belghoria village under Kaligram union and about 500 households are there in Sarkatia Village located in Paryoil Union. In order to have time constraint, only 100 (50 from Belghoria and 50 from Sarkatia) households from two villages were surveyed for this study.
Villagers at income groups
Belghoria Village (50 out of 370 HH)
Sarkatia Village (50 HH)
First of all, based on three income strata (low, middle, and rich) which can be operationalized by the regular income of the employees and the amount of farm land available for the farmers. Certainly, this is noted that level of income identity was considered from the corner of cost of living exits in the study site. In terms of regular income, more than BDT 10,000/month (solely) and additional farm land was considered as a rich individual, more than BDT 5,000/month but less than BDT 10,000, additional farm land was considered as middle income. Less than BDT 5,000/month was considered as low-income group. In terms of farmland, owners of more than 20 bighas farmland was considered as rich group, more than 5 bighas was middle income group, and below 5 bighas was considered as low-income group. After stratification from All villagers based on income group, interview was supposed to move towards the potential clients among each income groups. Total 50 households from each village were dealt with three different classified groups based on income. According to ESP strategy, five core services of the Bangladesh ESP has been structured including; ANC/PNC, Growth Monitoring, FP short acting, Integrated Management of Child Illnesses (Community IMCI includes the components of Anaemia and malnutrition, Autism), Expanded Program of Immunization (EPI), Social and Behavioral Change Communication (SBCC), NCD Screening, and limited curative care13.Based on the ESP strategy the selection of households was conducted in the third stage from all the villagers. Then, the random sampling method was applied among the potential clients in fourth stage.
Step 01: All Villagers
Step 02: Division based on Income Strata
Step 03: Potential clients based on ESP strategy
Step 04: who had the experience of visiting CC
Step 05: Commence on Systematic sampling among the clients with experience
Households having the children, women with baby lied in this study along with other villagers as per the ESP strategy. About 370 households reside in Belghoria village. From them, 50 HH was randomly selected after completing the prior three steps of stratification. Then a household were selected after every 5 households for facing the questionnaires. Same process was applied for conducting household survey at Sarkatia Village. At first, the collected data was translated from the hardcopy to softcopy through using SPSS application. Then, data analysis was accomplished using the same application.
Ethical Consideration:
To comply with the ethical issues, the study protocol was reviewed and approved by the Research Ethics Committee (REC) of the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences of Daffodil International University. Administrative approval was taken from the proper authority of the health centers. Anonymity and confidentiality were maintained strictly.