3.1 Structural analysis
All the structural parameters like bond lengths, and bond angles were analyzed and are listed in SD 1, and SD 2 respectively. The probe geometry of 2NT was optimized and computed dipole moment of the molecule was 4.91 Debye. The geometry of 2NT is planar and the methyl group (15H – 8C – 13H) attached to 4C is non-planar part. The 16H – 9C bond has bond length 1.08 Å. the ground state energy for 2NT was computed as -12953.7 eV. The 16H atom attached to the para position (9C) of the benzene ring was substituted by the halogen atoms (F, Cl, Br, and I) and the geometries of 2NT-F, 2NT-Cl, 2NT-Br, and 2NT-I are shown on Fig. 1. Halogens are the most electronegative elements of the periodic table. Due to their one valency, they are capable to gain single electron more easily, increasing the chemical reactivity of the molecule. Thus, the introduction of the halogen into the 2NT molecule results in the increment of overall chemical reactivity of the complex. Similar to the probe 2NT, the geometries of 2NT-F, 2NT-Cl, 2NT-Br, and 2NT-I are also planar except the 15H – 8C – 13H methyl group that leads to the non-planarity in the complex. The bond lengths of 17F – 9C, 17Cl – 9C, 17Br – 9C and 17I – 9C were observed as 1.39, 1.82, 1.94, and 2.13 Å respectively. There seems a rise in the bond length after the introduction of the halogen atom. However, 2NT-I had the largest bond length. The large bond lengths are promising in inducing more chemical reactivity as the large the bond is, easily it will dissociate to give free electrons [42]. So, the increasing bond length from F to I reveals that the 2NT-I has the ability to generate charge cloud more easily. The ground state energies of the 2NT-F, 2NT-Cl, 2NT-Br, and 2NT-I are − 360999.34, -587126.73, -1913610.98, and − 305451.91 Kcal/mol respectively. The structural parameters show the enhanced possibility of halogen atoms in inducing the intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) within the compounds.
Table 1
Variation in the bond lengths of halogen substituted location in (a) 2NT, (b) 2NT-F, (c) 2NT-Cl, (d) 2NT-Br, and (e) 2NT-I using B3LYP/6-311G.
Compound | Bond | Bond length |
2NT | 9C – 16H | 1.08 |
2NT-F | 17F – 16H | 1.39 |
2NT-Cl | 17F – 16H | 1.82 |
2NT-Br | 17F – 16H | 1.94 |
2NT-I | 17I – 16H | 2.13 |
3.2 Mulliken charge and Counter plots analysis
The charge distribution was also examined for the 2NT-F, 2NT-Cl, 2NT-Br, and 2NT-I and the Mulliken charge distribution of these molecules are listed in SD 3. The Mulliken charge distribution of the molecules shows the negative charge contribution of the oxygen and nitrogen atoms. The hydrogen atoms however, contribute positively. The 9C atom attached to the para hydrogen 16H have negative charge of -0.111e. This charge seems to decrease as the atomic number of the halogens increased. This can be due to the decreasing order of electronegativity of the halogen atoms i.e., F > Cl > Br > I. The 17H atom has positive charge 0.167e. The 17F has negative charge (-0.323 e) but the rest of the halogen atoms imparts positively (17Cl (0.012e), 17Br (0.216 e), 17I (0.165 e)) in the total charge of the molecules. There seems a huge charge variation in the Mulliken charge among the halogenated hydrogen and the nitro group. This variation identifies the intramolecular interaction within the molecules [43]. The chemical reactivity was also verified by counter maps of the molecules (Fig. 2). The counter maps generally symbolize the behavior of the field lines when the material is placed in the electrostatic field [44]. The gathering of field lines near nitro group in 2NT shows that this area is highly under influence of the electrostatic field. The bonds settled near such areas experience a regular stretching and shrinking of the bonds resulting in the weakening of the bonds [45]. Such bonds have more probability of undergoing dissociation resulting in the evolution of charge cloud. The red counter lines indicate the electron donating part. Thus, the free charge cloud is seen to generate from the nitro group. The substitution of halogens enhanced the ability of ICT. The counterplots of the halogen substituted molecules (Fig. 2(b), 2(c), 2(d), and 2(e)) exhibits the highly accumulated yellow lines surrounding the halogen atoms showing electron withdrawing behavior of the halogen atoms. It reveals the active participation of the halogens in accepting charge cloud. Thus, the counter plots indicated the dislocation of charge cloud from the nitro group towards the halogen atoms. Therefore, the Mulliken charge distribution and the counter plots convey that the introduction of the halogen atoms enhances the ability of the molecules to induce ICT within the molecules.
3.3 Molecular orbital analysis
Molecular orbital parameters are computed in the study to investigate the chemical reactivity and the values are listed in Table 2. The energies corresponding to HOMO-LUMO were used to compute the global reactivity parameters. The ΔE of the halogen-substituted molecules decreases with the increase in the atomic number of the halogens. The low ΔE value for 2NT-I that shows the easy drifting of the electrons from lower energy orbitals to higher energy orbitals. IP is the minimum energy that is required to eject the outermost valence electrons. Among halogen-substituted atoms, 2NT-I has the minimum value of 7.32 eV for IP that reveals the tendency of 2NT-I to ionize valence electrons more easily than the other halogen compounds. The high value of EA reveals the capability of molecule to attract the free electron pairs. The values of EA increases as 2NT-F < 2NT-Cl < 2NT-Br < 2NT-I. The CP value is also higher for 2NT-I (-5.3 eV), showing its active participation in the chemical reactions than the other halogen-substituted molecules. The high values of χ reveals the high chemical reactivity of the molecules. The halogens, alkali metals and alkali metals are known to be highly reactive and thus has high values of χ. F = Cl > Br > I is the order of χ. The chemical hardness (η) defines the rigidness of the molecules. 2NT-F has the highest chemical hardness among the other halogen-substituted molecules. In contrast, the low value of S revels the chemical stability of the molecule, that is lowest for 2NT-F and 2NT-I. The uniformly distributed HOMO-LUMO map of the molecules is shown in Fig. 3. The blue color indicates the donating (i.e., positive) moieties and the red color indicates the electron withdrawing (i.e., negative) moieties of the molecules [46]. The unavailability of the HOMO-LUMO surface over the 16H atom at the para position of the 2NT over indicates that it does not participate in the charge transfer, but as the 16H was substituted by the halogen atoms, the shifting of HOMO-LUMO surfaces over the halogen atoms was observed. This indicates the active participation of the halogen atoms in ICT. The red color surface over the halogens shown in Fig. 3(b), 3(c), 3(d), and 3(e), reveals that the halogen atoms readily behave as the strong electron-withdrawing moieties in the molecules. This is obviously due to the high electronegative nature of the halogens. There seems the shifting of charge cloud in halogen-substituted 2NT that shows the enhanced chemical reactivity of these molecules. Thus, the frontier molecular orbital (FMO) and HOMO-LUMO analysis highlights the rise in the active chemical reactivity of the 2NT molecule after the substitution of the halogen atoms. Although, the 2NT-I has comparatively higher chemical reactivity among the other halogen-substituted 2NT molecules. This is also in better agreement with the high possibility of ICT in 2NT-I stated by structural and charge analysis.
Table 2
FMO parameters for the (a) 2NT, (b) 2NT-F, (c) 2NT-Cl, (d) 2NT-Br, and (e) 2NT-I molecule (all values in eV and value of S in eV− 1).
S No. | Molecular property | 2NT | 2NT-F | 2NT-Cl | 2NT-Br | 2NT-I |
1. | EHOMO | -7.62 | -7.98 | -7.91 | -7.66 | -7.32 |
2. | ELUMO | -3.02 | -3.22 | -3.3 | -3.24 | -3.29 |
3. | Energy gap (ΔE) | 4.6 | 4.76 | 4.61 | 4.42 | 4.03 |
4. | Ionization potential (IP) | 7.62 | 7.98 | 7.91 | 7.66 | 7.32 |
5. | Electron affinity (EA) | 3.02 | 3.22 | 3.3 | 3.24 | 3.29 |
6. | Chemical potential (CP) | -5.32 | -5.6 | -5.6 | -5.45 | -5.3 |
7. | Electronegativity (χ) | 5.32 | 5.6 | 5.6 | 5.45 | 5.3 |
8. | Chemical hardness (η) | 2.3 | 2.38 | 2.3 | 2.21 | 2.01 |
9. | Softness (S) | 0.43 | 0.42 | 1.19 | 1.1 | 0.49 |
3.4 Absorption and Emission analysis
The simulated absorption spectra for halogen-substituted 2NT was computed using TD-DFT and illustrated in Fig. 4 and the transition details are mentioned in SD 4. It is clearly observable that the absorbance intensity of the 2NT molecule increases after the substitution of the halogens. This shows the increment in the electronic transitions undergoing in the molecules. the high electronegativity of the halogens leads to the electronic transitions within the 2NT-F, 2NT-Cl, 2NT-Br, and 2NT-I molecules. Single broad spectra was observed for all the molecules ranging between 250 to 450 nm. The peak in the absorbance spectra of 2NT was observed due to the transition between HOMO + 4 and LUMO. The excitation energy of this transition was computed as 3.81 eV. The transition between HOMO + 1 to LUMO causes the peak of absorption spectra of 2NT-F, 2NT-Cl and 2NT-Br at 299.27, 303.72, and 306.34 nm respectively. The wavelengths of peaks for 2NT-F, 2NT-Cl and 2NT-Br donot significantly differ, but the intensity has subsequent variation. The peak of the 2NT-I has the highest intensity of the absorbance spectra that is mainly constituted due to the transition between HOMO-LUMO. The wavelength of this transition was reported as 330.53 nm that shows the existence of typical π → π∗ transitions [47]. Thus, the absorbance spectra analysis reported that 2NT-I has absorption band with highest intensity. High intensity leads to the high chemical reactivity and thus, high polarizability of the 2NT-I.
Figure 5 illustrates the emission spectra of the halogen substituted 2NT. The S0→S4 transitions were seen to be mainly responsible for the broad emission spectrum of the 2NT, 2NT-F, 2NT-Cl and 2NT-Br with f value 0.1989, 0.1997, 0.2481, and 0.2057v respectively. However, the transition S0→S3 with f value of 0.2322 was responsible for the formation of emission spectra of 2NT-I. The 2NT-I has the highest wavelength for emission as compared to the 2NT, 2NT-F, 2NT-Cl and 2NT-Br. The details of the emission spectra of all the molecules had been mentioned in SD 5. The radiative lifetime (τ) was calculated by below given formula for observing the emissive nature of the transitions [48]:
$$\tau =\frac{{c}^{3}}{2f{E}^{2 }}$$
where c is the speed of light, f and E are the oscillator strength and the excitation energy of the crucial transition (transition having larger value of f obtained in the emission spectra). The value of τ reveals whether the molecules emit radiation during the transitions or the transitions are non-radiative. The transition with value of τ < 10 ns, can be attributed to emissive radiation, however the radiative lifetimes larger than 10 ns leads to the nonradiative transitions. The computed values of τ for 2NT, 2NT-F, 2NT-Cl, 2NT-Br, and 2NT-I have values 6.58, 8.12, 5.97, 6.59, and 8.28 ns respectively. All the values are lower than 10 ns are known to be radiative and these transitions eject energy in the form of photons. Thus, this shows the radiative nature of the transitions.
3.5 Vibrational analysis
Vibrational modes were analysed for major modes of the title molecules. Figure 6 illustrates a fair comparison between the simulated vibrational spectra. The detailed modes were mentioned in SD 6. The linear symmetric stretching (ν) of the para C – H bond was observed around 1230.33 cm− 1. After the substitution of the halogen, there seems a rise in the Raman intensity of the bond. The ν mode of C – F, C – Cl, C – Br, and C – I were observed at 1256.76, 1271.48, 1271.16, and 1284.74 cm− 1 respectively. The symmetric bending of C – C bonds of benzene ring was observed between 1300–1600 cm− 1 for all the molecules. The intensity was however, seems to rise with the rise in the atomic number of halogens (say F < Cl < Br < I). The asymmetric stretching (α) of C – H bonds were observed above 3000 cm− 1 and gradually increase from F to I. The other important modes are defined in Fig. 6. As the high Raman intensity leads to the high polarizability of the molecules [49]. The gradual rise in the Raman intensity of the vibrational modes related to nitro group and halogen atom indicates the high polarizability of the halogen-substituted NT molecule.
3.5 NLO analysis
The computed polarizability parameters were used for developing the NLO activity of the molecules. These polarizability parameters are actually the coefficients of Taylor series expansion of the energy of a material placed in electromagnetic field and their higher magnitudes are responsible for NLO activity of the materials [50]. The tensor components of the polarizability and hyperpolarizability are listed in SD 7 and SD 8 respectively. The values of αtotal, Δα, and βtotal for 2NT was computed as 12.95×10− 24, 31.64×10− 24, and 2.81×10− 30 esu respectively. There seems a rise in the values of the polarizability parameters after the substitution of the halogen atom. Moreover, the respective values rise as the atomic number of the halogen atoms rises, i.e., the values of polarizability parameters increase as the atomic number rises. The values of polarizability parameters are listed in Table 3. The values of αtotal for 2NT-F, 2NT-Cl, 2NT-Br, and 2NT-I are in increasing order of 13.06×10− 24, 14.94×10− 24, 15.87×10− 24 and 16.64×10− 24 esu respectively (Fig. 7). Similarly, the values of Δα are also in increasing order of 2NT-F (31.64×10− 24 esu) < 4T-Cl (32.62×10− 24esu) < 4T-Br (41.93×10− 24 esu) < 4T-I (45.73×10− 24esu). βtotal is the parameter that mainly constitutes the NLO activity of the molecule. 2NT-I (18.72×10− 30 esu) has the highest value of βtotal compared to 2NT-F (5.42×10− 30 esu), 2NT-Cl (9.54×10− 30 esu), and 2NT-Br (12.37×10− 30 esu). The introduction of halogens into 2NT shows an immense rise in the βtotal that reveals their high ability to act as NLO material (Fig. 7). This might be due to the high chemical reactivity of the halogens. Although, the Iodine-substituted 2NT molecule has best potentiality of as an NLO active molecule other than the F, Cl, and Br compounds. For better validation of the results, the βtotal was compared with most generally used reference materials Urea (0.781×10− 30 esu) and KDP (7.39×10− 30 esu) [51, 52]. The βtotal of 2NT-I seem to be 24 times higher than Urea and two and a half times higher than KDP which shows the high NLO activity of 2NT-I molecule. The computed results are compared with halogen-substituted N-methyl-4-piperidone curcumin derivatives mentioned in reference study [53]. The values of βtotal for 10 different halogen-substituted compounds ranged from 6.62×10− 30 esu to 13.005×10− 30 esu [54]. These values are comparatively less than the βtotal of 2NT-I. Thus, the present study conveys the NLO activity of the halogen-substituted molecules.
Table 3
Computed values of αtotal, Δα and βtotal for the (a) 2NT, (b) 2NT-F, (c) 2NT-Cl, (d) 2NT-Br, and (e) 2NT-I (All values are in esu).
Molecule | αtotal | Δα | βtotal |
2NT | 12.95×10− 24 | 31.64×10− 24 | 2.81×10− 30 |
2NT-F | 13.06×10− 24 | 32.62×10− 24 | 5.42×10− 30 |
2NT-Cl | 14.94×10− 24 | 41.93×10− 24 | 9.54×10− 30 |
2NT-Br | 15.87×10− 24 | 45.73×10− 24 | 12.37×10− 30 |
2NT-I | 16.64×10− 24 | 51.55×10− 24 | 18.72×10− 30 |