To our knowledge, this is the first study that evaluated the plasma levels of RAS components in pediatric patients with acute leukemia. We found that patients with acute leukemia presented considerably higher levels of Ang II and Ang (1–7) when compared to healthy controls, though it was not found a significant difference in the Ang II/Ang (1–7) ratio between both groups. We found a positive correlation between age and Ang II levels in healthy controls, which was not encountered in patients with acute leukemia. This finding is consistent with one described in a previous study that demonstrated an increase in peptides related to the classical RAS axis with increasing age [14]. It was also noticed that healthy controls had a negative correlation between the Ang-(1–7)/Ang II ratio and age, corroborating data previously described in the literature [15]. The increase in the concentration of Ang II in leukemia patients compared to the control group is compatible with another previous study that associated high levels of ACE activity in the bone marrow with an excessive and disordered proliferation of hematopoietic progenitors and stem cells pluripotent hematopoietic cells [16]. These findings also reinforce the hypothesis that there is an alteration in the homeostasis and functioning of the RAS in patients with leukemia.
Acute leukemias are the neoplastic group more common in childhood and, despite currently presenting a survival rate of about 80% [1], the disease and the morbidity associated with treatment lead to a great impact on these patients' life quality, in short, medium, and long terms. Positive response to treatment and increased survival rate in the last decades are due to more physiopathology as well as to genetic and molecular mechanisms understanding in their different presentation forms. This knowledge allowed, in the last years, the development of numerous drugs that target molecular pathways associated with the emergence, proliferation, and maintenance of leukemic clones. Among the molecules that could potentially act directly in each of these leukemic clone cells growing and maintaining stages, emerge Ang-(1–7).
Ang-(1–7) is a RAS endogen heptapeptide hormone responsible for coordinating the biological response through activation of only one receptor, the Mas receptor, which can reach specific targets when utilized as a therapeutic agent. Previous studies [4, 6] related Ang-(1–7) to inhibition of growth and reduction of carcinogenic human cells and xenographic tumor proliferation by diverse mechanisms, including angiogenesis and inflammation reduction induced by the tumor and its metastasis. Another study [5] showed that Ang-(1–7) accelerates hematopoietic recovery in peripheral blood and bone marrow after chemotherapy, synergistically acting with multi-lineage growth factors that existed previously and incrementing the proliferative effect in medullary progenitors.
The absence of a positive correlation between age and Ang II levels in patients with leukemia reinforces the hypothesis that the alterations found in the concentrations of peptides in these patients are attributable to the underlying disease. The increase in Ang II was expected among these patients considering its pro-tumorigenic and pro-inflammatory actions already demonstrated in vitro and in vivo [17, 18]. The equivalent and proportional increase in the concentration of both peptides in the patients suggests an augmentation in Ang-(1–7) due to greater conversion of Ang II into Ang-(1–7) by the action of angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) [19].
On the other hand, there was no significant difference between the levels of Ang II and Ang-(1–7), as well as the Ang-(1–7)/Ang II ratio, between the different levels of involvement of the CNS, which may suggest a low involvement of these molecules in the process of CNS infiltration of these patients. These findings differ from those reported in previous studies in which the action of these molecules was directly related to the capacity of solid tumors to proliferate and generate metastases [20], as well as the important biological role of Ang − (1–7) in brain tissue [13]. It should be noted that the reduced size of our sample of pediatric patients with acute leukemia may have compromised the analysis.
There was also no significant difference between the levels of Ang II and Ang-(1–7) between patients with ALL B, ALL T, and AML, which suggests that the mechanisms of action and functioning of the RAS in hematological neoplasms occur in a similar in the different types of leukemia presentation. Also in this case, the small sample size may have prevented the detection of significant differences between the subgroups. The presence of hypercellularity at diagnosis was not associated with distinct levels of the evaluated peptides or their relationship. The treatment protocols and karyotype were not associated with higher or lower levels of Ang II and Ang-(1–7). Thus, our study did not allow, from this perspective, to establish a relationship between initial disease risk stratification and plasma levels of the peptides.
The present study had some limitations, including small sample size, due to the specific inclusion criteria for participation. For a better understanding of the action of RAS peptides in acute leukemias, a long-term follow-up would be important in many patients, as well as the possibility of measuring other RAS molecules. In this case, the ACE2 dosage or the measurement of enzymatic activity, for example, could reinforce the suggested hypothesis of an increase in Ang-(1–7) secondary to increased degradation of Ang II by ACE2 in these patients. Furthermore, the possibility of measuring the peptides in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients could elucidate their role in CNS infiltration by the underlying disease.
In conclusion, we found preliminary evidence for a role of Ang II and Ang-(1–7) in acute leukemias of pediatric patients. However, additional studies are needed to establish an association between the disease outcome and RAS molecules.