The waveforms were generated using MATLAB and transferred using the Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI) to a function generator (33511B, Keysight, CA, USA). The use of the SCPI protocol was exploited to control of the function generator from the computer, thus allowing the operator to fix the number of pulses of stimulation cycles, the duration of the stimulation, the type of waveform and its characteristics, in terms of shape, amplitude and duration. The interface also allows the user to collect information during stimulation, allowing you to perform psychophysical tasks such as the 2 alternative force choice.
Stimulation was carried out using an isolated bipolar constant current stimulator (DS5, Digitimer, England, UK). The output of the waveform generator was set as input for the DS5 providing current consistent with the desired waveform (Fig 1a).
Waveform Shapes
The waveforms were generated in such a way as to have biphasic waves with balanced charge and an inter-phase delay of 100µs, which is considered safe for long-term neurostimulation34. Five different wave shapes were selected: rectangular (Rect), sinusoidal (Sine), triangular centered (TR), linear increasing ramp (LineInc) and linear decreasing ramp (LineDec), as shown in Fig. 1b. Through the MATLAB interface, it was possible to generate waveforms by setting at least two parameters including charge, amplitude and duration of the cathodic stimulation phase.
The sine wave shape was modeled using the formula:
$$I\left(t\right)={A}_{cathodic}sin\left(x\frac{\pi }{PW}\right)$$
where \({A}_{cathodic}\) is the peak current and \(PW\) is the duration of the cathodic phase. The total charge of the cathodic phase has been computed as:
$$Q={\int }_{0}^{PW}{A}_{cathodic}{sin}\left(x\frac{\pi }{PW}\right)dx=2{A}_{cathodic} \frac{PW}{\pi }$$
The areas of the triangular shape and the two linear ramps have been computed as:
To compensate the charge of the cathodic phase, the anodic phase has been generated fixing the amplitude to 10% of the cathodic amplitude. In this way, the duration of the anodic phase has been computed as:
Subjects and Ethical Approval
Eleven healthy subjects (6 females and 5 males) with an average age of 26 ± 3 took part in the trial. The number of required subjects was determined via a power analysis with effect size of 1.2, α = 0.05 and minimum power of 0.80. All subjects agreed to participate in the study and signed informed consent. The experimental protocol was approved by the Swedish regional ethical committee in Gothenburg (Dnr: 2019–05446) and the entire research was performed in accordance with the relevant guidelines and regulations in perfect compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki.
Experimental Protocol
The experimentation was carried out in time slots of 3 hours. Participants were asked to sit with their arms placed on a table used as a support and to maintain the position during the experiment. The stimulation electrodes were positioned at a distance of 1.5cm from each other at the median nerve at the wrist. Subjects were given the possibility to ask for a break in every moment, and at the end of every task a small break was done until the subject was ready to restart.
Detection Thresholds
The experimentation was carried out in three different steps. In the first, we sought to determine the minimum current amplitude to elicit a sensation with the 5 different waveforms. Thresholds were obtained using a 1 up / 2 down adaptive psychophysics method with 50µA steps and a threshold set at 10 reversals. The threshold was obtained for 5 different stimulation durations (100µs, 300µs, 400µs, 600µs and 900µs). This test was performed for stimulation with a single pulse and stimulation with a train of 15 pulses at 30Hz.
Data obtained from the detection of threshold was used to fit the Lapique’s equation, a relation describing the strength duration curve, in other words, the relation between the minimum current required for stimulation and the pulse dutation35,36. Lapique’s equation was fitted using robust linear least-square fitting method based on bisquare weights method.
The effective amplitude (rms) of current was taken into account during the fit to make a reasonable comparison between the charge injected during stimulation and also to apply the definition of Lapique’s equation:
Where \(b\) is the rheobase, \(c\) is the chronaxie and \(d\) is the duration of cathodic phase. Detection thresholds were fitted to Lapique’s equation to estimate rheobase and chronaxie. Considering the effective value of amplitude the several shapes were reported to an equivalent rectangular shape, in this regards it was possible to apply the definition of the Weiss Eq. 37 to estimate the required charge to stimulate nerves and induce a recognizable sensation:
Description of Elicited Percept
Once the threshold of the different waveforms was obtained, participants described the sensations aroused in the hand from the different waveforms, each with a cathodic phase duration of 400µs, for both single pulses and trains of pulses. The charge of the different waveforms was set to the charge of the rectangular waveform increased by 20%. During this phase, subjects received stimulations with the waveform under investigation and were subsequently asked to describe the location of the sensation in the hand and the quality of sensation reported. All sensations reported by subjects were collected using a custom MATLAB interface. During the task subjects were able to ask for new stimuli until they were ready to describe what they perceived.
To better understand the variation of area the dimensions of sensations have been considered as variation in respect to sensation related to rectangular waveform:
$$\varDelta {A}_{\%}=\frac{100{(A}_{notRec}-{A}_{Rec})}{{A}_{Rec}}$$
where \({A}_{notRec}\) is the area of sensation induced by non-rectangular waveform and \({A}_{Rec}\) is the area of sensation induced by rectangular sensations.
Two-Alternative Forced-Choice
The third protocol asked participants to correctly distinguish between pairs of waveforms with different shapes. To ensure that the charge and peak current were the same for all conditions, this protocol was only conducted with the triangular, linear increase, and linear decrease waveforms. Thus, any ability to distinguish between waveforms would be due entirely to the modulation of the waveforms. First, two stimuli were provided with different waveform shapes, with 5 seconds in between. Another 5 seconds after the second stimulus, a third stimulus was provided which matched the first or second. Subjects were asked to identify which stimuli were matched. This protocol was carried out by fixing the charge to the same used in the second protocol by means of a sequence of 30 different combinations of stimuli, thus allowing to have 10 samples for each pair of stimuli (TR-LineInc; TR-LineDec; LineInc-LineDec). The data from 2AFC were instead collected and the values were analyzed by means of an average of the responses reported by the subjects.
Statistical Analysis
To understand consistent dissimilarity between rectangular waveform and non-rectangular waveforms a null hypothesis test using Wilcoxon signed-rank Test was performed through MATLAB considering an alpha level α = 0.05. For rheobase and chronaxie, where non-rectangular waveforms have been compared to the rectangular one which was considered as reference, four comparisons where performed, Bonferroni correction was applied, and the obtained p-value was multiplied by a factor four to reduce the possibility of type I error. For the third protocol to statistically validate the data, the one sample Wilcoxon signed-rank test has been performed to determine if the success rate was greater than 50%.