The C factor was calculated based on the information of the sinkhole locations, the presence or not of karstic features, the slope, and the vegetation density. The region of greatest vulnerability related to these factors is predominantly located in the Terra Ronca State Park, where the very high and high classes correspond to about 157.86 km² (3.9%), this being the region with the highest concentration of sinkholes and caves. Tayer and Velásques (2017) point out that areas of this type deserve special attention, since their misuse can cause catastrophic changes in water quality.
In relation to slope, more than 65% of the area is represented by flat to gently rolling terrain, indicating a favorable environment for infiltration, depending on soil porosity. The areas with the highest slope are located on the Serra Geral, escarpment representing about 3% of the whole area. For vegetation, the factor analyzed was the vegetational density, being classified according to Viás et al. (2002; 2006), in high and low. The uses classified as having a low density were the Agricultural and Livestock activities and the Countryside Formation, representing 40 and 15%, respectively. The classes considered to have high density were the Savannah and Forest Formations, together representing a total of approximately 45%.
The O factor is associated with the upper layers that protect karst aquifers, where lithology, layer thickness and soil texture are considered. Based on the intersection of these data, the areas with very high vulnerability are associated with the carbonate rocks of the Bambuí Group, Paraopeba subgroup and to the Quartzarenic Neosols. These rocks have high solubility characteristics, due to rock dissolution processes in contact with acidified water, and the soils have a sandy texture with low cohesion and low depths, which facilitates infiltration processes and consequently underground contamination (Scopel et al. 2005; Goldscheider et al. 2010; Hussain et al. 2020).
To calculate the precipitation factor (P factor), the data from five rainfall stations in and around the study area were used. The period chosen for analysis was from 1989 to 2019, where among these were used the data from the wettest years, as indicated in Viás et al. (2002;2006). According to the analyses performed, the average precipitation of the wettest years, was 1506.22 mm/year. After the calculation of the Pq (average of rainy years) and Pi (temporal distribution) factors, the final values of the index were determined, which were between the moderate and low vulnerability classes (Fig. 4). The weights were assigned to the precipitation factor, based on the data of the five rainfall stations analyzed. The precipitation (Pq) and the temporal distribution (Pi) values were calculated considering the wet years.
Regarding the surface characteristics (sf), according to the methodology, the weights were assigned considering the lithological differences. They were considered as being a karst that developed the geological formations of the Paraopeba Subgroup, which are part of the Lagoa do Jacaré Formation and the Sete Lagoas Formation. It is composed of sequences of pelito-carbonate rocks of Neoproterozoic age (750 − 600 Ma). The Serra de Santa Helena Formation rocks, which consisted of a predominantly pelitic sedimentary succession, composed of siltstones, shales, argillites, and marls intercalated with limestones, were considered to have carbonate fissures. (Mauro et al. 1982; Iglesias and Uhlein 2009; Chiodi Filho et al. 2003). The other lithologies were classified as non-karstic.
For the soils subfactor (Os), the weights were attributed considering the secondary information of texture and layer thickness. Considering the pedological diversities that can vary according to the landscape under study, for the research in question, the Gleissols and Neosols (Litholic and Quartz) were considered the soils with the highest probability of underground contamination. This is due to the low thickness of their layers, which can be considered young soils, with the presence of a sandier texture. (Rossi and Queiroz Neto 2002; EMBRAPA 2013).
The three factors required for the generation of the final index, Flux Concentration (Factor C), Shelter Layers (Factor O) and Precipitation (Factor C), presented a clear tendency of spatial distribution in the study area (Fig. 3), presenting longitudinally aligned compartments, preferentially. The C factor has the highest values - from very high to high - in the central portion, bordered by a compartment with low values to the east and a very low value to the west, predominantly, and in the western portion, terrain with moderate values predominates. This tendency is related to the distribution of dissolutive features (sinkholes, caves), concentrated predominantly in the central part, over the Sete Lagoas Formation and Paraopeba Subgroup.
The O factor presents moderate values in the eastern portion, with occasional occurrences of high values, and in the western portion, low values predominate, although there are portions of moderate and very low values. Factor P, on the other hand, presents low values in the eastern part, and moderate values in the western part. In this distribution it is highlighted that the very high values of the P Factor in the central portion overlap the protected areas, predominantly the Terra Ronca State Park and that the terrains with moderate values of the P Factor coincide with the Terra Ronca Park and the terrains with low values, with the APA (Fig. 2).
After the individual analysis of the factors, the vulnerability index to groundwater contamination was calculated for the Terra Ronca region, categorized into five (5) classes. These classes were distributed throughout the studied area identifying that the greater vulnerability areas correspond to 33.9 km² (0.9%), followed by the high class with 89.2 km² (2.3%), moderate with 632.2 km² (16.2%), low with 2,095.2 km² (53.7%) and very low with 1,049.4 km² (26,9%). In general, these classes spatial distribution has the same longitudinal organization tendency as the factors that compose the index, especially for the low values in the central portion (Fig. 4). On the other hand, the moderate class was restricted to the western portion, while the low and very low classes predominated in the other portions.
The predominance of highly vulnerable areas in the central portion is related to the concentration of carbonate rock formations in the region, which led to the appearance of dissolutive features, contributing to the increase of vulnerability in the portion. It is also noteworthy that the soils present in the region, Quartz Neosols and Haplic Cambisols, also have a high vulnerability index, which contributes to the results.
Concerning the hydrographic basins, the ones that presented greater vulnerability areas were the São Vicente and São Mateus rivers' basins. This is due to several physical facts, but mainly to the contact between the Sete Lagoas and Serra de Santa Helena Formations, which propitiated the formation of several karstic features, such as caves, dolines and sinkholes, features that facilitate the percolation to the subterranean environment (Parise 2019).
The other hydrographic basins, São Domingos and Rio de Água Quente, presented themselves as being the areas with the lowest degree of vulnerability in the region under study. This is due to the presence of rocks with a higher degree of resistance, such as the mafic and ultramafic rocks of the São Domingos metavolcano-sedimentary sequence, which present a low probability of infiltration through pores and dissolution conduits, infiltration occurring more effectively in fault and fracture environments (Dávila and Kuyumjian 2005). This lithotype also hinders the formation of karstic features, more recurrent in rocks formed by calcium carbonate. Given these conditions, more than 80% of both basins are in the Low and Very Low vulnerability classes.
Within these hydrographic basins, the Terra Ronca State Park (PETeR) and the Serra Geral Environmental Protection Area (APA Serra Geral) are located. The Terra Ronca State Park (TR) area was classified as the unit of analysis with the highest vulnerability in the studied region, where 56.5 km² (9.9%) are categorized in the high and very high classes (Fig. 5). This area (TR) was also the site of the greatest concentration of caves and sinkholes, features that are highly vulnerable to underground contamination (Faquim et al 2017; Tayer and Velásques, 2017). It is noteworthy that this area, among the other regions, is the most used by tourism, which leads to the generation of various impacts, such as inadequate waste disposal, compaction, and soil erosion on the trails, by the trampling of visitors, which may contribute to the contamination of underground water bodies.
The other Protected Area, the APA Serra Geral, presented, on average, a low vulnerability, where about 80% of the area (386.7 km²) was within the low and very low classes. The critical points of this unit are in the southern part of the São Domingos River basin, where carbonate rocks of the Bambuí Group are present, and many caves are concentrated. One of the objectives of the APA creation was to assure the protection of the surroundings of the Terra Ronca State Park and the slopes of the Serra Geral, as well as the springs and river basins, responsible for the formation of natural underground cavities, softening the anthropic advance towards the unit of integral protection (GOIÁS 1996). It is noteworthy that in the APA region, the erosive processes are very intense, especially in the escarpment area, being classified as areas highly vulnerable to soil loss, which can also contribute to the pollution and contamination of underground cavities (ROSA 2016; Faquim et al 2017).
The identified vulnerability values, show similarities with the results presented in Tayer and Velasques (2017), who carried out a study in the APA Carste of Lagoa Santa, using the same method. Tayer and Velasques (2017) found that 10.95% of the Carste of Lagoa Santa area with the highest degree of vulnerability occurs due to the presence of carbonate rocks of the Bambuí Group, associated with the sets of dissolution feature. A situation very similar to our case, where the vulnerability classes Very High and High reached 9.9% for the conservation unit of PETeR, whose purpose is to preserve the areas of natural underground cavities occurrence also in the Bambuí Group carbonate rocks and its surroundings.
Regarding the areas classified as moderate to very high, it is noteworthy that in addition to being vulnerable to groundwater contamination, they are also areas with high environmental fragility, due to their lithological characteristics, which favor the formation of unstable structures, which with the presence of human activities, are also considered risk areas (Gutiérrez et al. 2014). As the region is a hub of geotourism and religious tourism, the processes of contamination and damage to this environment can occur in an accelerated manner (Zanatto et al. 2019).