Adsorption of precursors on SS surface in VPL condition
First, it is important to know how precursor molecules supplied through the vapor phase are adsorbed on the substrate surface. For that purpose, PM-RAIRS analysis was performed since this technique could selectively detect the vibrational spectrum of molecular species adsorbed on metal surfaces that are in equilibrium with the same molecules in the gas phase [54]. Figure 1 shows the PM-RAIRS spectra of methylcyclopentane, cyclohexane, and cyclohexene adsorbed on the SS surface. For comparison, the vapor phase spectra of the precursors are also plotted in Fig. 1.
In Fig. 1a, the gas phase spectrum of methylcyclopentane shows both symmetric and antisymmetric stretch modes of the CH3 group at 2878 cm− 1 and 2962 cm− 1, respectively, along with broad side bands or shoulders due to rovibrational excitations [67]. In contrast, the PM-RAIRS spectra of the methylcyclopentane adsorbed on the SS surface show only one sharp peak at 2962 cm− 1, which is the asymmetric stretch (νa) mode of CH3, and the symmetric stretch (νs) peak of CH3 is negligible at 2878 cm− 1. The same trend was observed in the higher-resolution PM-RAIRS spectra of methylcyclopentane adsorbed on the Au surface (Figure S1). On metallic surfaces with free electrons in the conduction band, only the surface-normal component can be detected in PM-RAIRS and the vibrational mode parallel to the surface is not detected due to the screening by the image charge in the substrate [68]. Thus, the absence of the CH3 symmetric stretch peak means that the CH3 side group of methylcyclopentane is parallel to the surface. In the PM-RAIRS spectra of the methylcyclopentane adsorbed on SS, side band tails with small intensities due to rovibrational broadening are still noticeable around the CH3 asymmetric stretch peak. The CH2 asymmetric vibration peak is not observed at ~ 2935 cm− 1, because its IR absorption cross-section is small (so its intensity is much smaller than the CH3 asymmetric peak in the vapor phase spectrum).
In the PM-RAIRS spectra of cyclohexane adsorbed on the SS surface shown in Fig. 1b (and on Au in Figure S1 as well), the CH2 asymmetric peak (νa) is very strong at 2935 cm− 1. The CH2 symmetric peak (νs) of the adsorbate spectrum is negligible at 2860 cm− 1, while it is quite strong in the gas phase spectrum (again with the broad rovibrational bands in both side of the peak). In the case of cyclohexene (Fig. 1c), the stretch mode of the sp2 C-H group can be seen at ~ 3040 cm− 1 in the vapor phase spectrum, but this peak is negligible in the PM-RAIRS spectrum. This means that the C = C double-bond of cyclohexene is parallel to the surface. Similar to the methylcyclopentane case, the weak rovibrational side bands are evident around the CH2 asymmetric stretch peak in the PM-RAIRS of cyclohexane and cyclohexene adsorbed on the SS surface.
In Fig. 2, the peak areas of the PM-RAIRS spectra are plotted as a function of relative partial pressure (P/Psat) of each precursor molecule in the gas phase. The PM-RAIRS peak area is proportional to the surface coverage; thus, this plot is effectively equivalent to the adsorption isotherm [69]. The maximum P/Psat employed in this study was 50%; beyond this, the vapor phase signal of the PM-RAIRS measurement was saturated. In this P/Psat range, the adsorbate signal intensity (peak area) increases nonlinearly with a concave curvature [70–72]. This is characteristic of a type-III adsorption isotherm, which is observed when the adsorbate-substrate interaction is weaker than the adsorbate-adsorbate interaction [70, 73]. When the precursor vapor was purged out, the PM-RAIRS signal decreased to the initial baseline, indicating that there was no residue or chemisorbed species on the SS substrate surface. In other words, the SS surface was inert, i.e., did not react with the precursor molecules studied here at room temperature. All molecules were physisorbed in the absence of associated shear force, suggesting that the interaction between cyclic hydrocarbon and SS is primarily governed by Van der Waals force; thus, any species remaining on the surface after frictional shear must be formed via tribochemical reactions.
To better understand the molecular adsorption geometry, reactive MD simulations were carried out simulating the adsorption process of the three precursor molecules on iron oxide surfaces. No chemisorption of the molecules was observed on stoichiometric hematite (Fe2O3) and magnetite (Fe3O4) surfaces in the reactive simulations; only molecular physisorption occurred. The orientation of the physisorbed molecules were investigated by analyzing the ring plane tilt angle of those molecules with respect to the surface. Further, the positions of the C1-C6 side chain of methylcyclopentane and C1 = C2 double bond of cyclohexene were characterized by analyzing the angle they made with the substrate surface. The trends observed in the results for monolayer coverage on Fe2O3 and Fe3O4, shown in Figure S2, were similar to the trends observed in the results for simulations with Fe2O3 surface in sub-monolayer coverage, which is shown in Fig. 3.
In all simulations, the orientation angle distributions of the C1-C6 side group of methylcyclopentane and the C1 = C2 double bond of cyclohexene (Fig. 3, Figure S2, orange bars) are centered around 0° and 180°, which is consistent with the experimental finding from the PM-RAIRS analysis (Fig. 1). The distributions for the ring plane tilt angles with respect to the surface in Fig. 3 and Figure S2 (black bars) averaged around 90°, suggesting that the precursor molecules adsorbed on oxide surfaces were tilted. This is somewhat different from the cryogenic temperature condition in which cyclic organic molecules typically adsorb with their molecular planes parallel to the surface [74]. All distributions reported in Fig. 3 and Figure S2 have standard deviations of at least 25°. Such broad distributions are probably consequences of dynamic interactions among adsorbates which are in equilibrium with the gas phase molecules at 300 K. This is because the interactions between adsorbates are stronger than interactions with the substrate, which is the characteristic of type-III adsorption isotherm.[70, 73] The dynamic equilibrium with the gas phase molecules may explain the presence of weak rovibrational features in the PM-RAIRS spectra of adsorbate species (Fig. 1) which are absent in the spectra of adsorbates on metal surfaces at cryogenic temperatures [75–77].
VPL efficiency and tribopolymerization yield
When the molecule of interest shows the type-II adsorption isotherm, the VPL study is typically carried out in the P/Psat condition at which the formation of monolayer coverage is assured [69, 78]. However, due to the type-III adsorption isotherm (Fig. 2), it could not be determined the P/Psat forming the monolayer coverage of precursors on the clean SS surface [69]. Nonetheless, it was empirically found that when P/Psat was 30% or above, all three precursors provided sufficient lubrication (Fig. 4b), as determined by the ability to suppress wear of the substrate in dry N2 environment. When P/Psat was 15%, there was noticeable wear of the SS substrate. Thus, all tribochemical measurements were conducted at P/Psat = 30%. Since the adsorbate-adsorbate interaction is favored (as implied from the type-III adsorption isotherm), it was expected that once tribopolymerization was initiated, leaving a small amount of polymer in the sliding track, the precursor vapor would readily absorb into the polymer, facilitating further reactions in subsequent sliding cycles.
Figure 4a compares the coefficient of steady-state friction of the self-mated 440C SS surface in different vapor conditions. Figure 4b depicts the wear volume per reciprocating sliding cycle (i.e., wear rate) calculated after 600 bidirectional sliding at the applied contact stress of ~ 450 MPa. In the absence of precursor vapor, the coefficient of friction was around 0.7, and the surface exhibited severe wear [53, 69]. When significant wear occurred, the sliding track appeared dark in the optical image due to light scattering from the rough surface, and particulate debris were accumulated around the sliding track. In N2 and H2 environments, the presence of all three precursors tested at P/Psat = 30% reduced the friction coefficient to approximately 0.23, which was close to a typical value reported for VPL of organic molecules [29, 78]. The friction coefficient gradually reached to a steady-state value within 50 cycles and was kept at the similar value until stopping the measurement at 600 cycles (Figure S3). The wear rate also decreased by about three orders of magnitude compared to the precursor-free environment (Fig. 4b). In addition, triboproducts with iridescent color could be seen in optical microscopy images, which is typical of polymeric tribofilms with varying thickness [11]. When O2 was used as the carrier gas, methylcylcopentane and cyclohexane did not show any significant change in friction as compared to the precursor-free environments (Fig. 4a) and wear volumes were about two orders of magnitude higher than in N2 and H2 environments (Fig. 4b). Only cyclohexene could provide sufficient VPL along with formation of lubricious tribofilms that could be seen with optical microscopy.
Since the pristine SS surface was chemically inert in the absence of any frictional shear in the vapor environments tested (Figs. 1 and 2), the tribofilms can be attributed to the product of tribopolymerization of physisorbed molecules taking place upon frictional shear by the counter-surface. The tribopolymerization yield was determined by estimating the volume of the tribofilm above the reference plane using tapping-mode AFM. Figure 5a shows AFM images of the endpoints and middle of sliding tracks after tribopolymerization reactions of cyclohexene in N2, O2, and H2 environments. The AFM images of tribofilms produced from the methylcyclopentane and cyclohexane precursors in N2 and H2 environments are shown in Figure S4.
Figure 5b compares the tribopolymerization yields at the same applied load, sliding speed, and sliding distance for different precursor molecules in inert (N2), reducing (10% H2 in N2), and O2 gas environments. In N2, cyclohexane showed the lowest yield among the three precursors tested. In H2, the overall yields decreased by ~ 50% as compared to the inert gas environment, but the relativity trend among three precursor molecules was the same as the N2 case. In O2, methylcyclopentane and cyclohexane did not produce any measurable amount of tribopolymer, and only cyclohexene produced the tribopolymer. The tribopolymerization yield of cyclohexene in the O2 environment was about ~ 50% higher than that in the N2 environment.
Chemical analysis of tribopolymerization products
The ends of the sliding tracks, where tribopolymerization products were accumulated, were analyzed with EDX mapping. Figure 6 compares the elemental compositions determined from EDX mapping of the track ends after VPL testing of the three precursors for 600 reciprocating cycles in inert (N2), reducing (10% H2 in N2), and oxidizing (O2) environments. As a reference, the chemical composition of the 440C SS measured outside the sliding track is also shown [79]. In the absence of precursor vapors, EDX analysis revealed the uptake of a large amount of oxygen without an increase in carbon. This must be due to oxidation of wear debris formed during shearing [17, 50]. It is possible that the wear debris was oxidized by a trace amount of oxygen in the test environment during the tribotesting or by air during the sample transfer for ex-situ analysis.
In the cases of methylcyclopentane and cyclohexane in O2, the chemical compositions detected with EDX are similar to the severe wear cases observed in the friction test without precursors. This is consistent with the inefficiency of VPL by these precursors in O2, as shown in Fig. 4. In the cases where tribofilms were formed (Fig. 5) and friction and wear were greatly reduced (Fig. 4), EDX indicated the accumulation of carbon-containing species at the ends of sliding tracks. The iron and chromium signals in these regions are primarily from the substrate beneath the tribofilms, as the probe depth of EDX is larger than the tribofilm thickness (less than 2 µm; Fig. 5) [80, 81]. EDX also found the presence of oxygen in tribofilms formed by oxygen-free precursors in N2 and H2 environments. Tribochemical reaction pathways studied by ReaxFF-MD suggested that methylcyclopentane, cyclohexane and cyclohexene react with surface oxygen to form the final triboproducts [82]. Determining whether these oxygen species are due to wear debris or incorporated into the tribopolymers required molecular spectroscopy.
In the tribochemistry literature, Raman analysis has been frequently employed for vibrational spectroscopic analysis of tribofilms formed from organic precursors [9, 27, 30–32, 34–36, 83–86]. Many previous studies reported the formation of a-C or hydrogenated DLC due to frictional activation of organic precursors and hypothesized that these carbon films formed in situ are responsible for lubrication and wear prevention [9, 27, 34–36, 84, 86]. To compare with such previous reports, we performed micro-Raman analysis of the tribofilms (Fig. 7).
In the wear tracks formed in the absence of precursor molecules in the gas phase, the spectral features characteristic of hematite (Fe2O3) and magnetite (Fe3O4) were observed (Figure S6) [87, 88]. After VPL testing for methylcyclopentane and cyclohexane in O2, the slide track also showed the same oxide bands, although the relative intensities of the peaks at 630 cm− 1 and 1300 cm− 1 were slightly different. These results confirmed that methylcylcopentane and cyclohexane could neither prevent the wear of SS surface (Fig. 4) nor produce tribopolymers (Fig. 5) in the O2 environment.
As can be seen in Fig. 7, all tribofilms identified in with AFM (Fig. 5) exhibited Raman spectra with broad D-band and G-band characteristic of a-C or H-DLC. Although this might be viewed as ‘consistent with previous literature’, we concluded that the vibrational spectral features of a-C or H-DLC were due to photochemical degradation of tribopolymerization products based on the following control experiments. Details of control experiments conducted to dispute the hypothesis claiming the tribochemical synthesis of a-C or H-DLC are provided in the subsequent paper [40].
To obtain molecular spectral features without the photochemical artifact, tribopolymers produced from methylcyclopentane, cyclohexane, and cyclohexene in the N2 environment were analyzed with IR spectroscopy coupled with microscopy. As shown in Fig. 8, all tribopolymers formed from these three precursors exhibited similar vibrational spectral features: broad bands at ~ 1450 cm− 1 which can be attributed to CH2 bending modes and two bands at 2880 cm− 1 and 2920 cm− 1 that could be ascribed to symmetric and asymmetric stretches of alkyl groups, respectively. There was no discernable peak at ~ 3030 cm1 in the IR spectrum of the tribopolymers formed from cyclohexene, indicating that the C = C double-bonds are all converted to single bonds or dissociated during the tribopolymerization process[29, 82]. All tribopolymers showed a strong peak at ~ 1700 cm− 1 and a broad band spanning from 3100 cm− 1 up to 3700 cm− 1, indicating that they have carbonyl (C = O) and hydroxyl (O-H) groups. The precursor molecules do not have any oxygenated functional groups. Thus, they must come from the substrate. In fact, previous tribochemistry studies of a-pinene and pinane have also reported that the tribopolymers contained oxygenated functional groups[11, 20, 29, 89, 90], and those groups must originate from the involvement of surface oxygen atoms in tribochemical reactions[22, 23, 29].
Molecular structure dependence and environmental effect of tribopolymerization
In inert gas environment (N2), the tribopolymerization yield was lower for cyclohexane as compared to methylcyclopentane and cyclohexene (Fig. 5). It is known that, among cycloalkanes, cyclohexane with the 6-membered ring has the lowest ring strain [91]. Thus, our result is consistent with the hypothesis that the ring strain of a precursor plays a role in tribochemical activation [51]. Reactive MD simulations have shown that, prior to tribochemical reaction, reactants undergo some physical deformation deviating from their equilibrium conformation [22, 29]. It is conceivable that the molecules with higher internal strain energy would be more susceptible to such deformation.
In the reducing environment (H2), the relative effect of molecular structure of precursors was similar to the trend found in the N2 environment, but the overall yield was lower than the N2 case (Fig. 5). Reactive MD simulations suggested that the initial tribochemical activation step of cycloalkane involves dehydrogenation reaction by the surface oxygen [82]. In the presence of H2 in the surrounding gas, it is likely that such dehydrogenation reactions may be suppressed because, even if surface oxygens are activated by frictional shear, they could react with H2 impinging from the gas phase, forming stable hydroxyl groups. Our previous study showed that fully hydroxylated silica surface is not highly reactive, as compared to dehydroxylated surface, toward tribochemical reaction of another organic precursor (α-pinene) [23].
In the oxidative environment (O2), all three molecules physisorb as readily as in N2 (Figure S1), but only the tribochemical reactions of cyclohexene can be activated effectively. In the case of cyclohexene, the oxidative chemisorption can occur at shear-activated surface sites through the C = C double bond [29, 82]. Once the precursor molecule is chemisorbed, it can be associated with other molecules during sliding [24, 28, 69, 78, 82]. The fact that tribochemical reactions of cycloalkane are negligible in O2 indicates that dehydrogenative chemisorption is suppressed or passivated if the reactive surface sites are reacted with O2 impinging from the gas phase. Even if iron atoms are momentarily exposed at the worn surface, they are likely to be oxidized by O2 impinging from the gas phase. Overall, the oxygen might compete with cycloalkane for reaction sites on SS and, thus, tribochemical reactions of cycloalkane may not occur readily [33, 50, 92–94].