Figure 1 shows the Raman spectra of the tribofilms produced on SS during VPL of methylcyclopentane [28]. For irradiation with low power (0.41mW) at 532 nm (= 2.33 eV photon energy, Fig. 1a), the tribofilm showed a large fluorescence background and negligible D- and G-bands. The fluorescence background means that the tribofilm absorbs the 532 nm irradiation and is excited electronically [61]. Electronic excitation in the visible wavelength is often observed for polyaromatic hydrocarbons [62]. It is possible that such aromatic components were produced and present in the tribofilm. When the 532 nm excitation laser power was increased to 2.05 mW, the “DLC-like” D- and G-bands appeared over the fluorescence background. At the same time, a burn mark could be seen in the illuminated spot (middle panel in Fig. 1a). When the laser power was reduced back to 0.41 mW, the D- and G-band features remained. This result implied that the D- and G-bands were induced by the high intensity laser via photochemical degradation. Note that, since the 2.05 mW laser beam was focused onto ~ 1 μm2 area with a 100× objective lens, the actual power density was on the order of 105 W/cm2. Heat diffusion calculations show that the maximum temperature rise was only 47 K at this laser power level [29].
To further support the hypothesis of photochemical degradation, we collected Raman spectra using longer wavelength excitations for tribofilms produced the same way as those analyzed above (Fig. 1b-c). When the photon energy was lowered from 532 nm (2.33 eV) to 633nm (1.96 eV) and 785 nm (1.58 eV), the critical power needed to observe the appearance of the D- and G-bands was much higher. The difference in the baseline slope was because the fluorescence emission wavelength, as well as detector sensitivity, vary with excitation wavelength. There were no discernable D- and G-band features in the initial low-power spectra, and their appearance was accompanied by a burn mark on the sample surface. Once observed after irradiation at a high power, the D- and G-band features with reduced intensities remained in the Raman spectra collected with a lower power at the same location. These results supported the hypothesis that the observed D- and G-band features from the tribofilm were due to photochemical degradation of tribopolymers, not direct formation of DLC or a-C from tribochemical reactions during sliding.
Many tribofilms reported in the literature had iridescent colors in optical microscope images [8, 59, 63–67]. Such colors can also be seen in the optical images in Fig. 1. They are produced via interference of light rays reflected from the top and bottom of thin films [68–71]. If the tribofilm surface was rough, they would look black in the optical image due to light scattering. Thus, seeing iridescent colors means that the top surface of the tribofilm is quite smooth. From this, we conjecture that the tribofilm was more like a viscous liquid during the synthesis process, flowing locally to form a smooth surface to minimize surface free energy. This suggests that the tribofilm consists of oligomeric or polymeric matter. In fact, when the tribofilm was indented with an AFM tip, it exhibited compressive deformation, from which the elastic modulus was estimated to be ~ 1 GPa (see the Supporting Information). This value is about two orders of magnitude lower than the modulus of tribopolymers after photochemical degradation estimated from the full-width-half-maximum of the G-band in the Raman spectrum (\({G}_{FWHM}\)) collected with 532 nm excitation shown in Fig. 1a (see the Supporting Information) using the same empirical correlations of \({G}_{FWHM}\) with the elastic modulus of amorphous carbon [34, 41]. This comparison again supports the suggestion that, although a tribofilm may exhibit the D- and G-band features in the Raman analysis, the result should not necessarily be interpreted as a DLC film produced tribochemically during the friction test.
One may question if the metallic substrate could catalyze the formation of DLC. In the case of SS, the surface is covered with chromium oxide. Although specific activation is required, chromium oxide has the catalytic ability to polymerize olefins [72, 73]. Although such catalytically active sites may facilitate tribofilm formation and photochemical conversion of the film to DLC under laser beam irradiation, their presence is not critically needed. To test this hypothesis, we conducted the same VPL testing on 4 mm thick SLS glass (as an inert reference sample) and analyzed with Raman spectroscopy. The tribofilm formation yield on the SLS surface was about one tenth that on the SS surface. The threshold laser power needed to observe the D- and G-band features in the Raman spectrum was found to be higher for the tribofilm on SLS (Fig. 2) than for the tribofilm on SS (Fig. 1a). The most likely reason is that SLS is transparent at 532 nm, while SS is reflective. In other words, the tribofilm on the SLS surface would experience less photon exposure than the SS surface at the same irradiation condition.
The tribofilms formed in liquid lubrication conditions measured at the sufficiently high laser power showed the same photochemical degradation behavior as seen in the VPL experiments. Figure 3a shows the variation of Raman spectra obtained at a fixed spot on the tribofilm with respect to the laser power. Raman measurements were conducted at 1.25 mW, followed by 2.5 mW, and then by 1.25 mW again. At the initial 1.25 mW irradiation, the D- and G-band intensities were around 3 and 5, respectively, after removal of the background. Upon subjecting the same spot to 2.5 mW, their intensities rose to ~ 20 and ~ 42, respectively, closely resembling the characteristic D- and G-bands of DLC-like materials. When repeated at 1.25 mW laser power again, the same spot yielded D- and G-band intensities of ~ 7 and ~ 10, respectively. Figure 3b shows the same exercise done on a different spot with laser power starting at 0.25 mW, followed by 1.25 mW, and then back to 0.25 mW again. The fact that similar signatures were obtained at 0.25 mW laser power before and after the exposure to 1.25 mW laser power indicates that the degree of photochemical degradation was relatively small at this low power condition. Note, however, that the Raman band positions obtained at 0.25 and 1.25 mW (Fig. 3b) are slightly shifted from those obtained at 2.5 mW (Fig. 3a), suggesting that the chemical nature of the original tribofilm is different from that induced by high-power laser irradiation. In summary, these results demonstrate that sufficiently high-power laser radiation can induce photochemical degradation of the tribofilm formed in PAO-4.
The high-speed (1 m/s) ball-on-disk tribotest was conducted to determine if a DLC tribofilm could be formed tribochemically under more severe experimental conditions. In this case, the average flash temperature was about 150°C above ambient [60] (see the supporting information). The tribofilm formed after such tribotests shows two broad peaks around 1300 cm− 1 and 1580 cm− 1 (Fig. 4), which are similar to the Raman D and G band signatures of DLC respectively. However, after soaking the tribofilm in DCM for 24 hours, followed by a short sonication in hexane, these bands disappear. The dissolution of the tribofilm in DCM suggests that the tribofilm is not DLC. Instead, the tribofilm might be another carbon-containing oligomer that happens to have the Raman spectral features similar to those of DLC [21]. Many carbonaceous materials have Raman peaks near the D- and G- band peak positions [21, 74–76], and a change in the D- and G- band peak intensities was also observed between oxidized and non-oxidized samples of carbonaceous material [77]. Therefore, the appearance of D- and G- bands cannot be the sole indicator that DLC has been produced tribochemically.
The photochemical degradation caused by the high-intensity laser beam during a Raman analysis suggests that tribochemically produced organic species are unstable. When thin films of polystyrene (PS) were deposited on pristine SS and SLS surfaces and the Raman spectrum was collected with the 532 nm excitation at 10.3 mW, the vibrational spectral features of PS did not change at all, indicating that PS did not degrade (Fig. 5). Note that the baseline of the PS Raman spectrum is quite flat, indicating that there is no electronic excitation. In the UV-VIS absorption spectrum, PS shows a peak around 270 nm (which corresponds to 4.6 eV) [78, 79]. Thus, its photochemical activity is negligible at 532 nm irradiation. In comparison, the tribofilms studied here absorb the 532 nm laser beam and fluoresce (Figs. 1, 2). Such electronic excitation and subsequent relaxation processes are likely to be accompanied by photochemical degradation reactions [57] that occur more readily at shorter-wavelength laser excitation [33].
Note that the excitation laser beam used for the Raman analysis can degrade even stable compounds if the laser power is sufficiently high. To demonstrate this, we did a series of control experiments with a granule of cane sugar and of the inner bark of a poplar tree. Figure 6 shows the Raman spectra of cane sugar and tree bark collected at the high laser power. When cane sugar was irradiated with 17 mW of 532 nm excitation laser (Fig. 6a), the collected Raman spectrum was in good agreement with that found in the literature and did not change over time [80]. When the laser power was increased to 34 mW, the sharp molecular vibration features disappeared gradually, and a broad fluorescent background grew over time. Eventually, weak but clearly noticeable D- and G-band features appeared on top of the fluorescent background. After subtracting the background of the raw spectra, apparent D- and G- bands were observed. Similar to the tribofilm case, this appearance was accompanied with a burn mark (beam damage) on the sample surface. In this case, it is possible that the degradation process was thermochemical. With a 100 × (NA = 0.9) objective lens, the irradiation of laser beam of 532 nm and 34 mW can cause the maximum temperature rise of the sugar surface to ~ 1300 K, assuming the thermal conductivity of sugar is 0.15 W/m-K [81, 82] and the absorption cross section is 0.01 [83] (see supporting information).
In the case of the poplar bark (Fig. 6b), only a broad fluorescence background signal was detected at 3.4 mW irradiation. This must be due to the autofluorescence of lignin components in the bark [84, 85]. At 34 mW, a clear burn mark was observed, and the DLC-like D- and G-bands appeared in the Raman spectrum. Because pyrolysis of tree bark is known to produce active carbon materials [86, 87], a similar degradation process is expected under the high-intensity laser irradiation, producing the “DLC-like” D- and G-band features in the collected spectrum. Therefore, it is possible that thermochemical degradation reactions can also take place when conducting Raman experiment at high laser power.
It is noted that, in Table 1, many studies reporting the DLC-like Raman spectra used excitation wavelengths shorter than the ones used in this study. If the photon energy is higher, then the possibility of photochemical degradation during the Raman analysis is even higher [33]. Many papers reported Raman spectra after background removal to show the D- and G-bands clearly (as shown in Fig. 3) [88–93]. However, it should be noted that the fluorescence background in a Raman spectrum gives very important structural information. The fluorescence background at a low-power excitation indicates that the tribofilm absorbs the probe beam and undergoes electronic excitation from the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) to the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) [94]. This may mean that the tribochemical reaction products contain polyaromatic compounds [95, 96]. These species can readily be converted to a-C via photochemical degradation during the Raman analysis if the excitation laser energy or power is sufficiently high (Figs. 1–4 and 6).