Effects of cultivation age on soil P composition by sequential chemical extraction and solution 31P NMR
We examined the effects of long-term cultivation on P composition and cycling in paddy soils with three different ages (200-, 400, and 900-yr). These subtropical soils from southern China had received typical P fertilizer applications for crop production. Results showed that long-term cultivation and management in paddy soils caused marked changes in P concentrations, especially for inorganic P which ranged from 30.8 to 75.5% of TP (Fig. 1). Total P, an indicator of long-term P sustainability especially for highly-weathered, subtropical cropland soils (Maharjan et al. 2018; Zhang et al. 2021b), was highly affected by cultivation age. Total-P accumulated in the topsoil and decreased with depth with increasing time of cultivation (Fig. 1). This increase in upper horizons results from receiving annual inputs of chemical fertilizers and/or manure. While these P sources increased production, they can also be important sources of P into surface waters due to leaching, runoff erosion (Perillo et al. 2021).
Mineral P, as Ca-bound P (determined by Dil.HCl-Pi), non-labile P (Conc.HCl-Pi), and highly resistant P (occluded P, Residual-P), were detected in all types of P fractions (Fig. 1). This degree of detection was due to the high concentration of non-labile P (Luo et al. 2021), which readily transforms between microbial biomass and non-labile P (Maharjan et al. 2018). Phosphorus immobilization by microorganisms sustains long-term P availability following microbial biomass turnover (Condron et al. 2005). Hence, soil P is mainly associated with Ca oxides and seasonal availability is sustained from P immobilization by microbes.
Higher concentrations of easily-labile Pi (NaHCO3-Pi), moderately-labile Po (NaOH-Po) and non-labile Pi (Conc.HCl-Pi) are found in surface (Ap1 and Ap2) horizons (Figs. 1 and 2). In contract to the 200 years and 400 years old soils, the G horizon in the 900 years soil has a higher concentration of these three P pools. This fact can be explained by the continuous application of fertilizers with increasing time and sustained microbial activity, maintaining some P in mobile forms that are more easily translocated through the soil (Maharjan et al. 2018). Application of organic fertilizers provided readily available N to plants, which increases plant biomass. The crop residues that are generated by these applications are incorporated, resulting in accumulation of organic matter (C and N) (Maharjan et al. 2018). Meanwhile, flooding of these soils for rice production allows seasonal reduction and solubilization of soil Fe and Mn oxides. This flooding results in possible release of both adsorbed and precipitated P (Schrijver et al. 2012). These results show that long-term anthropogenic agricultural land use impacts forms of Pi and Po and their transformation. Also, results show translocation of P has occurred into the subsoil and demonstrate the conversion between Po and Pi forms and their respective conversion into soluble P due to soil microbial activity and fertilization.
The analysis with 31P NMR showed that P species were influenced by cultivation age and soil depth (Table 2, Fig. 3). Ortho-P was the major extractable Pi speciation in all paddy soils and increased with time of cultivation (Table 2, Fig. 3). Mono-P dominated organic P forms as they are stabilized in soils by association with amorphous metal oxides and can also be produced by alkaline degradation of RNA and phospholipids (Zhang et al. 2012a). The increasing inorganic P (including Pyro-P) with increasing cultivation age (Table 2, Fig. 3) could be attributed to the increased mineralization under long-term cultivation and tillage (Zhang et al. 2012a; Wei et al. 2014). Furthermore, 31P NMR showed that organic P mainly consisted of Mono-P and Diester-P, results that are in agreement with other studies (Bunemann et al. 2008). Diester-P is more readily degraded by microbes and enzymes than Mono-P (Mcdowell et al. 2007). This depletion of Pi results in a greater reliance on Po cycling via mineralization, i.e, depletion of the normally recalcitrant Mono-P pool (Mcdowell et al. 2007).
Likewise, the relatively large fraction of total organic P extracted with HCl, which is not available for plant uptake, is a very important P reserve (Maharjan et al. 2018). This will help buffer P availability via mineralization of organic P by phosphatases (Chen et al. 2002) once labile and solution P are insufficient for plant growth (Maharjan et al. 2017). In addition, under the condition of dry-wet cycling of paddy soils, solution P can readily form stable compounds with iron, while organic p can be translocated deeper into the soil (Dieter et al. 2010). Overall, long-term anthropogenic cultivation impacts soil P composition and chemistry, affecting P activation and transformation.
Effects of phosphatase activities and soil properties on P compositions
Soil enzymes are important indicators of biological property changes of soils because of their sensitivity to soil management practices (Wei et al. 2014). In this study, soil AcP and NeP activities were highest in the topsoil and decreased with soil depth. Both enzymes increased in topsoils over time from both addition of amendments and long-term agricultural cultivation (Fig. 4). This increase occurs as soil phosphatase activity is significantly influenced by soil microbial activity (Wei et al. 2014; Maharjan et al. 2018). Long-term agricultural cultivation and fertilizers can enhance soil microbial activities (Maharjan et al. 2017). Microbial activity would be increased with increasing C sources resulting from residue inputs (Wei et al. 2014). Enzyme activities increase with increasing residue inputs from long-term paddy cultivation (Fig. 4). Therefore, the increasing activity could be attributed to two factors: (1) increased substrates of soil phosphatases from crop residues and (2) increased microbial activities as soil phosphatases are believed to be derived primarily from microorganisms (Turner 2008; Wei et al. 2014).
The AcP activity was significantly and positively correlated with soil AP, SOC, TP and sand. These positive correlations demonstrate that AcP is a sensitive index for nutrients storage and could be used as an indicator of soil quality (Yang et al. 2016). In addition, the NeP activity was significantly and positively correlated with TP and AP, suggesting that NeP might play an important role in the hydrolysis and mobilization of soil-bound P in these soils (Yang et al. 2016). Also, AcP had a negative relationship with Ortho-P, but was positively correlated with Mono-P, suggesting that Ortho-P and Mono-P were influenced and regulated by AcP activity. Significant positive correlations were found among AcP, NeP and easily-labile P (NaHCO3-Pi and NaHCO3-Po), moderately-labile P (NaOH-Pi and NaOH-Po) and non-labile P (Conc.HCl-Po and Dil.HCl-Pi), indicating that AcP and NeP likely play an important role in transformation of soil P compositions in these soils (Yang et al. 2016).
Additionally, soil phosphatases catalyze the hydrolysis of organic compounds containing P, releasing inorganic P and thus increasing soil available P (Nash et al. 2014). In fact, different phosphatases have unique effects on individual P composition (Turner 2008). Briefly, monoesters can be hydrolyzed by AcP and NeP to release Ortho-P. High inorganic P concentrations may reduce phosphatase activities in long-term cultivated soils by inhibiting secretion of soil phosphatase by microorganisms and plants (Wei et al. 2017). Also, organic phosphate compounds are not readily degraded by soil microorganisms and phosphatases in acid soils due to the stronger adsorption capability of low pH soils (Zohar et al. 2014).
Correlation analysis showed that soil pH was significantly correlated with Pi, while SOC was significantly correlated with Po (Fig. 6). This correlation indicates that the availability of P is impacted by both pH and SOC concentration. Although parent material and soil pH have considerable influence on the distribution of inorganic phosphates between Ca (PCa) and metal oxide (Fe and Al) sorbents (PFe+Al) (Maharjan et al. 2018; Luo et al. 2021), our three soils were developed from similar alluvial parent materials. Thus, we quantitatively assessed the Pi fraction between these sorbents by assigning acid-extractable P (Dil.HCl-Pi) to Ca sorbents and base-extractable P (NaHCO3-Pi + NaOH-Pi) to metal oxide sorbents and compared the P to Total-P proportion in each of these extracts. The soils at all three sites, with pH maintained between 6.2 and 7.0, released 1 to 4 times more P in the acid extraction than in the base extraction (Table 1, Fig. 2), consistent with a larger amount of P associated with inorganic Ca minerals than with Fe and Al oxides (Li et al. 2019).
Soil P available influenced by cultivation age and soil depth
Olsen-P in highly weathered soils is generally low and depends on organic phosphate mineralization (Maranguit et al. 2017). Po in the available pool (NaHCO3-Po) is very important because it increases the apparent P availability (Johnson et al. 2003). Likewise, Po that occurs in the moderately-liable (NaOH-Po) pool is as important as NaHCO3-Po because it contributes to P reserves (Maranguit et al. 2017). TP represents the long-term potential of the P supply, whereas easily-labile Pi represents the short-term bioavailability (Zhang et al. 2021a). Easily labile P, moderately liable P and non-available P increased in surface horizons (Ap1 and Ap2) with increasing cultivation age (Figs. 2). Phosphorus in these pools is contributing to the increase of total P in long-term paddy cultivation through fertilization (Fig. 1). Furthermore, easily liable P, moderately liable P and non-available P in the Br2 and G horizons declined with cultivation age between 400 and 900 years, whereas these soils had high P contents at Ap1 and Ap2 horizons. These trends indicate that P could accumulate at tropsoil due to paddy cultivation and P fertilizer (Liao et al. 2021).
In this study, soil Dil.HCl-Pi and Pyro-P increased with increasing cultivation age (Table 2, Fig. 1 and Fig. 3) indicating that long-term paddy cultivation increased the pool of soil inorganic P. This is probably due to microbial decomposition and mineralization of organic soil amendments from cultivation, with more secondary phosphate minerals formed resulting in more inorganic P in topsoils (Maranguit et al. 2017; Maharjan et al. 2018).
In many ecosystems, the pool of P is considered the regulator for soil C and N cycles (Lin et al. 2009). Therefore, characterization of the P pool is of great significance in order to understand biogeochemical cycling in ecosystems. Furthermore, P is an essential macronutrient, and its availability directly governs global crop production (Lidbury et al. 2020; Zhang et al. 2021a).