We investigated potential mechanisms for susceptibility or resilience to developing SUD after exposure to CM, using a prospectively documented CM assessment and a factorial recruitment design. We found consistent differences between the putative resilient group (CM only) and controls across eCB and brain measures. The CM only group had increased AEA activity at baseline and during stress, compared to controls. Similarly, the CM only group had increased activity in salience and emotion regulation regions, in task-based measures of emotion regulation. In addition, a negative connectivity between vmPFC and anterior insula was found in the CM only group at rest. We speculate that the consistent differences between the CM only group and controls suggest a potential mechanism that may render these individuals particularly resilient to SUD development following CM exposure. Individuals lacking these specific features, such as the CM + SUD group, may be less well-equipped to overcome the impact of CM exposure on stress and affective processing, potentially rendering them more susceptible to SUD development.
Evidence in the literature supports altered corticolimbic and salience processing in individuals exposed to CM 5, and increased amygdala reactivity to salient emotional faces across the lifespan 38–40, indicating increased monitoring of potentially threatening social stimuli in the environment. Findings from resting-state connectivity studies suggest reduced strength of top-down control of the amygdala by medial-PFC (mPFC), portions of the cingulate including ACC and PCC, and insula 41. Consistently, graph theory evidence shows decreased centrality in ACC, mPFC and temporal pole and increased centrality in precuneus and right anterior insula 42.
The brain findings presented in this work in salience and prefrontal regions are consistent with the literature above and might indicate adaptive coping mechanisms in the CM only group. During affect processing, the CM only group presented with enhanced salience processing, as revealed by increased activity in AI and aMCC. This supports previous evidence showing increased responsiveness in salience processing regions to affective stimuli in individuals exposed to CM 43. Replicating that this finding is present in the CM only group but not in the CM + SUD group suggests that enhanced salience processing to facial expressions of happiness and fear might be an adaptive mechanism, characterized by greater attention towards relevant social stimuli. In addition, the fact that in the CM only group, vmPFC was also more activated during the task, and had decreased connectivity to AI at rest, indicates potential modulatory effects of vmPFC on salience processing. Previous evidence in PTSD patients supports our hypothesis, showing that increased activity in AI, aMCC and vmPFC during an emotional reactivity task was associated with improved symptomatology after exposure therapy treatment 44. Finally, the finding of similar brain activity in the CM only and SUD groups suggests that the identified processes might primarily be protective in CM exposed individuals, who would otherwise be rendered vulnerable to SUD through an internalizing pathway, i.e. one that is driven by negative emotionality. In contrast, among individuals with SUD only, externalizing traits, i.e. impaired top-down control of incentive salience and reward-seeking behavior, may be the dominant category of vulnerability factors. A potential implication is that the characteristics found in the CM only, resilient group in our study do not to protect against this type of SUD risk.
We used the emotional conflict task to probe emotion regulation processes 24. Here, the Stroop-like nature of incongruent trials robustly activated regions engaged by conflict processing and emotional interference 45, indicating increased cognitive load. Behaviourally, we replicated the typical interference triggered by concurrent conflicting information across all groups. However, we did not find behavioral effects associated with the original concepts of conflict monitoring or adaptation 24. Recent work on test-retest reliability of the emotional conflict task shows good reliability for the typical Stroop-like effect of incongruent trials but only moderate or poor for conflict monitoring or resolution 46. Finally, we identified a strong effect of emotion in congruent trials. Participants were significantly slower when presented with fearful compared to happy faces. The decrease in reaction times might indicate disengagement from task demands triggered by threat-alerting stimuli.
We found that the CM only group also had increased levels of the peripheral eCB AEA. AEA is proposed to function as a stress buffer 9 and in healthy adults, elevated AEA is associated with reduced stress reactivity and enhanced emotion regulation abilities 27, 29. Moreover, evidence from preclinical models and human genetics suggests that elevated AEA is associated with corticolimbic connectivity that may facilitate emotion regulation 10, 11, 13. Our findings are generally in line with these studies; as we find that the CM only group not only has higher AEA, but also has a unique neural activation pattern in key emotion-relevant regions previously shown to be associated with better treatment outcome 44. Thus, the CM only group may constitute a subgroup of individuals with particularly high AEA levels, which, in turn, is protective agains the type of processes otherwise making people vulnerable to developing SUD following CM exposure. Alternatively, CM exposure itself may result in increased AEA levels specifically within these individuals. Unfortunately, our cross-sectional approach precludes us from determining if high AEA levels were inherent to these individuals or a consequence of CM exposure. Regardless, these findings have important clinical implications, as pharmacological elevation of AEA has been proposed as a novel pharmacotherapeutic for trauma-exposed individuals and is currently being tested in clinical trials 8, 47 (EudraCT 2020-001965-36).
The prospective assessment of CM exposure allowed us to objectively discriminate between the SUD only and the CM + SUD groups, which would not have been possible to do with sufficient reliability using retrospective assessment. In fact, retrospectively self-reported CM was similar in all participants except the controls, supporting evidence of poor agreement between prospective and retrospective assessments 22. Accordingly, we recently found in a larger sample which includes the participants examined in the current study, found that CTQ scores show excellent discrimination of severe CM from healthy controls with no recorded CM, but no better than chance-level discrimination for individuals with SUD exposed or unexposed to CM (Löfberg et al. in press). These findings, point to the importance of acknowledging the impact of CM assessment method on reported findings and group categorization.
The main limitation of our study is the lack of stratification by type of CM and age at exposure, factors that have been shown to potentially contribute to inconsistencies in the literature 41. Medical records indicate that those included in our sample had mainly been exposed to sexual or physical abuse, or both; and in addition some had also been exposed to physical neglect 2. Age at first exposure is not always clearly indicated in the records and sometimes several months or even years may have passed between age at first CM and contact with the CAP treatment unit. Another possible limitation is that CM included in this study are the most severe cases, given that a large proportion of those maltreated during childhood will not come to the attention of child protective services. This may limit generalizability of findings to the less severe end of the CM spectrum.
In sum, we identified possible mechanisms for resilience to developing SUD following CM, related to increased AEA levels and increased activity in salience and emotion regulation regions of the brain. Our results underscore the importance of assessing CM history for understanding the heterogeneity in the pathophysiology of SUD, as well as provide compelling additional support to eCB system modulation as a candidate therapeutic target 48. Finally, an important direction for future research is exploring whether pharmacological treatments that target the eCB system may help to prevent the onset of SUD in at-risk individuals.