The averages of effluents conductivity of two UHC complied with the Burkinabe standards which set the values of the maximum conductivity at 1000 µS/cm of the wastewater authorized to be discharged into the environment (Gouvernement BF, 2015). However, this limit value of 1000 µS/cm was largely exceeded by the WWTS-KOS conductivities. Kakou (2021) had reported an average of 1855.71 µS/cm of the conductivities of the WWTS-KOS site, which is close to the average of the conductivities found in this study (Kakou, 2021). These high conductivity values at the WWTS-KOS could be explained by the reception of other discharges such as those from the breweries and the slaughterhouse in addition to the liquid effluents from certain hospitals in Ouagadougou. Indeed, the discharges from the breweries and the slaughterhouse would be highly charged with a variety of ions which would increase the electrolyte power of the liquid effluents from Kossodo. Thus, the high dissolved ionic load (calcium, chlorine, nitrate, etc.) of a liquid effluent would be a limit to certain metabolic reactions of the aquatic population and would have a negative impact on the biodiversity of the areas receiving this effluent (Almakki et al., 2019). In addition, a correlation of 91% between the averages of the conductivities and the TSS of the various sites was noticed and would be explained by the induction of the conductivity largely by mineralizable contaminants in suspension such as phosphate, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, total nitrogen, chloride, sulfate(Almakki et al., 2019). An average of 45.00 ± 5.79 mg/L of the TSS of the UHC-BOG liquid effluents was also recorded. This average complied with the TSS values < 150mg/L of the Burkinabé recommendations of the decree (Gouvernement BF, 2015). This was not the case for the liquid effluents from the WWTS-KOS and the UHC-YO where the TSS averages were respectively 338.20 ± 38.80mg/L and 187.80 ± 27.58mg/L. These values which exceeded the maximum value set by Burkinabe standards. At WWTS-KOS site, Kakou (2021) had reported that the average TSS was 255.71 mg/L. Elsewhere in India, Bhatt et al. (2020) reported TSS values for hospital effluents and mixed WWTS effluents, the averages of which were respectively 101, 67 ± 26.54 mg/l and 420 ± 12.77 mg/L. The high load of TSS from mixed WWTS would be more impacted by domestic landfills rich in insoluble and non-volatile food residues, also by landfills from other structures such as slaughterhouses where most of the faeces, hair or bones remain in suspense (Bhatt et al., 2020). As for the high average discharges of the UHC-YO, it would be explained by the lack of treatment device as at the UHC-BOG. Moreover, TSS variation would strongly impact COD and BOD5 parameters. Statistical analyzes of the results of this study showed correlations of 99% between the average TSS and COD on the one hand and that of BOD5 on the other hand (p < 0.05). Indeed, the sedimentation of suspended solids leads to residues that can be oxidized by the chemical route (COD) or by the biological route (BOD5) (Gholamreza et al., 2021). However, the increase in the TSS load of liquid effluents promotes the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and/or bacteria that are indicators of water pollution (Fawaz et al., 2014). The determination of the COD of the liquid effluents of the UHC-BOG and the UHC-YO showed averages of 35.00 ± 5.52 mg/L and 139.80 ± 25.53 mg/L respectively. These values were lower than the maximum COD value recommended by the decree N°2015/1205/PRES/TRANS/PM/MERH/MEF/MARHASA/MS/MRA/MICA/MME/MIDT/MATD. On the other hand, the average COD of liquid effluents from the STEP-KOS was well above the value recommended by the same decree. On this last site, Karou (2021) had reported an average of 744.83 mg/L of COD measured. Somewhere else, Sarizadeh et al. (2021) and Sarafraz et al. (2007) reported averages of 521 mg/L and 628.10 ± 244.7 mg/L of COD in Iranian hospitals liquid effluents, respectively, which were significantly higher than the averages found in this study (Sarafraz et al., 2007). Indeed, the high COD values of a liquid effluent would contribute to anoxia phenomenon in environment and in receiving zones(Emmanuel et al., 2009). Thus, anoxia would promote the establishment of fermenting respiration, the development of sulphur-reducing organisms and limit the growth of aerobic organisms (Álamo et al., 2020). The excessive COD values of the WWTS-KOS are largely explained by the contribution of sediments from landfills of animal slaughtering units, breweries and households in the city of Ouagadougou. In hospital effluents, the sediments resulting from the discharges of the canteens and the activities of the accompanying patients, would have the large contribution to increase the values of the COD, the BOD5 or the TSS (Gholamreza et al., 2021). In this study, the low COD values of the effluents of the UHC-BOG would also be due to the pre-treatment device that this center has but which operated at around 60% according to the managers of the hygiene service of the UHC-BOG (2019–2020). The ratios of the COD by the BOD5 showed values lower than 2. This explains why the large part of the residual contaminants of the liquid effluents would be biodegradable (Basturk et al., 2020). Metallic trace elements including mercury, lead, cadmium, iron, copper, hafnium and silver were also detected in the same liquid effluents. Overall, levels of MTE were less those set by the Burkinabè standards for the discharge of wastewater into nature except those copper and iron. Like our study, some authors including Todedji et al. (2020), Touré et al. (2016), Beyene & Redaie (2011) had highlighted also the MTE in hospital liquid effluents. However, similar findings on the identification frequencies of MTE including lead, cadmium, mercury and copper have been observed. Indeed, MTE in hospital effluents can have several sources, including the equipment or care products used, the pathology products of patients and even hospital staff, certain household appliances in the various departments and the pipes within the structures hospital (Khan et al., 2020; Garnier, 2005). However, modern antimicrobials have largely replaced therapeutic products based on trace metals in the treatment of infections, the use of therapeutic complexes containing MTE such as platinum, copper, zinc or silver in the hospital setting is still topical. Thereby, Navarro et al. (2010) have reported pharmaceutical products including cisplatin, auranofin, pentostam, metallointercalator, ruthenium chloroquine or ferroquine which are complexes with MTE and used for the fight against malaria, leishmaniasis, cancers, rheumatoid arthritis (Navarro et al., 2010). Humans, like other animals, are placed at the top of the food chain so they are large accumulators of MTE such as mercury, cadmium or lead, which they can also eliminate on a small scale through urine or stool or even blood during operation sessions (Hu et al., 2018; Steckling et al., 2017). In hospitals, these pathological products are easily found in often very high quantities in hospital liquid effluents and also contribute to increasing the levels of MTE in these effluents (Toure et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2019). In addition, cleaning solutions such as disinfectants or detergents and also dyes can be sources of MTE including lead, cadmium. Mercury could come from amalgam fillings, dental plates, mercury thermometers and certain alloys such as light bulbs. As for copper, its antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties have made it one of the most used MTE to limit nosocomial infections. However, its presence in the effluents could be explained first by the discharge of copper residues used to impregnate latex gloves (concentration that can reach 3%) or protective masks against the influenza virus or applied to certain materials of blood transfusion or socks against plantar mycosis (Borkow et al., 2010; Borkow & Gabbay 2004). Despite the levels of MTE in hospital effluents often seem low, it should be noted that these effluents are discharged daily in urban and peri-urban areas. Indeed, hospitals would be sources of contamination of large urban centers with MTE. However, the discharge into nature of liquid effluents contaminated by MTE could have serious consequences on biodiversity of receiving environments and on users of these effluents (Gomaa et al., 2021; Lutterbeck et al., 2020). These consequences occur following long periods of exposure and accumulation to MTE. For example, prolonged exposure of bacteria to non-bactericidal concentrations of MTE would cause the acquisition of genetic materials such as the staphylococcal cassette chromosome, plasmids or integrons that can harbor both MTE and antibiotic resistance genes (Liu et al., 2019; Lutterbeck et al., 2020; Gao et al., 2015; Alam et al., 2020; Funaki et al., 2019). Wang et al. (2020) reported the particular case of copper in China. They demonstrated that exposure of bacteria in an aquatic environment would be an accelerating factor in conjugation in these strains for exchanges of both resistance genes to MTE and to antibiotics. In addition, MTE would affect the nervous system, renal, hepatic and respiratory functions in humans (Hu et al. 2018; Cai et al., 2020; Yazbeck et al., 2007; Nourdine et al., 2020; Yehouenou et al., 2020). Even at low concentrations, some MTE including Hg, Cd, Pb and Cu inhibit photosynthesis and phytoplankton growth (Yehouenou et al., 2020). They would cause a delay in the development of embryos, malformations and poorer growth of adults in fish, molluscs and crustaceans copper (Rodrigues et al., 2022; Janani et al., 2020; Luo et al., 2020). However, incidences to copper in particular rarely occur because its redox potential allows it to play an important role in reactions with electron transfer in the body where a copper deficiency would cause alterations in energy production, changes in the glucose and cholesterol metabolism(Uriu-Adams & Keen 2005) (45).