Fig. 1a presents a schematic of the TEPL configuration used to characterize MDHs in this study. The MDHs containing monolayer MoSe2 (or monolayer WSe2) and CdSe/CdxSZn1‑xS core/shell NPLs have three different excitons: two in-plane excitons from the TMDCs and NPL respectively and one out-of-plane CT exciton across the MDH interface as schematically presented. A gold tip was used to excite the plasmonic field underneath using 633 nm excitation. Fig. 1b shows an optical image of one of the representative MDH samples studied in this work. Details of the MDH device fabrication, NPLs synthesis and characterization can be found in the method section and the supplementary information section I. Far-field PL intensity maps created for NPLs and MoSe2 and their overlay image for the area of interest (AOI) region marked in the optical image (Fig. 1b) are shown in Fig. 1c-e respectively. The representative far-field-PL spectra for both MDH and monolayer MoSe2 are displayed in Fig. 1f. The orange shades are the spectral region for which the NPL and MoSe2 PL maps were created in Fig. 1c, d. As can be seen in Fig. 1e, the MDHs form at multiple locations between NPLs and MoSe2. Wherever they form an electronic contact, MDHs emit CT excitons as revealed by TEPL. However, it is challenging to resolve CT excitons in the far-field-PL configuration due to the close proximity of this peak to the A exciton of MoSe2 and the large probing cross-section of the far-field PL geometry (~ 0.2 µm2) compared to a very small CT exciton emitting area (limited by the spatial extent of NPLs: 6 x 10‑4 µm2). These factors ultimately, lead to very weak CT exciton signals in the far-field PL spectroscopy geometry, (see supplementary information section II for more details).
The situation can be changed by introducing TEPL, which excites/emits signal locally under the tip apex with high spatial resolution. Fig. 1g,h show atomic force microscope (AFM) and corresponding TEPL intensity images of NPLs on MoSe2 respectively. Our sub-20 nm spatial resolution was enough to resolve CT exciton from a single NPL/2D MDH interface (see supplementary information Fig. SI-2ii). Despite the excellent sensitivity of TEPL (both enhancement and spatial resolution), the large extent of the 2D plane can still introduce an additional challenge in resolving spectral features from the MDH areas since the TEPL signal needs to overcome a large far-field background (see supplementary information section III). Hence, all the TEPL measurements were treated with far-field background subtraction to resolve the CT excitons in MDHs clearly. Two representative TEPL spectra, one averaged from the NPL region (black rectangle area) and the other from MoSe2 (white rectangle area) marked in Fig. 1h can be seen in Fig. 1i. It is Important to note that MDH spectrum is averaged over 4 pixels (pixel size is 20x20 nm) corresponding to two NPLs (see table S1 in the supplementary section I) making it noisier than the MoSe2 spectra (averaged over 42 pixels). We can clearly observe three PL features in the MDH spectrum in Fig. 1i. Among them, two main excitonic features, NPL PL and MoSe2 A exciton peak are observed at 1.87 eV and 1.60 eV respectively. The third PL peak is observed 50 meV below the MoSe2 A exciton peak in the MDH spectra. We assigned this peak as the CT exciton via e-h recombination from NPL to MoSe2 and will provide further evidence to our claim in the following sections.
To understand the CT mechanism and the consequent exciton formation at the MDH interface under investigation, we analyse the band diagram using the band values available in the literature for both the semiconductors in the MDH26,27. The band alignment presented in Fig. 2a predicts photoexcited electron transfer from MoSe2 to NPLs and then e-h recombination from NPL CB to MoSe2 VB, which can be observed as CT exciton in our system. We followed two approaches to confirm the origin of this emission peak. The first one is via changing the 2D material as shown in the band alignment diagram of Fig. 2b. Since the band edges of monolayer WSe2 move higher in energy compared to monolayer MoSe2, it should create CT excitons of smaller energy (larger energy offset) when paired with NPLs of the same bandgap. TEPL spectra acquired for NPL/WSe2 system presented in Fig. 2c demonstrates this hypothesis. For comparison, TEPL spectra of bare WSe2 acquired from a nearby area and the NPL/MoSe2 spectrum of Fig. 2d is also plotted together. The main excitonic feature (bright exciton, A) of WSe2 is observed at 1.66 eV as a shoulder to the strong dark exciton, XD around 1.62 eV in our TEPL spectra. Even though dark excitons in WSe2 are not permitted in far-field geometry, they can be observed in TEPL at RT due to the strong coupling between the out-of-plane exciton dipole moment and the plasmonic field in the nano-cavity28,29. Nevertheless, most importantly, the CT exciton peak can be observed at 80 meV below the WSe2 A exciton. Hence, from Fig. 2c, it is clear that the NPL/WSe2 interface creates CT excitons with larger band offset than the NPL/MoSe2 interface. Note that the slight deviation of the bandgap of NPL is due to thickness variation (a consequence of NPL synthesis process) of the NPL.
As a second approach, we also test the possibility of tuning the CT exciton energy via changing the NPL shell thickness. As predicted in the literature, quasi-type II CdSe/CdS based core/shell NPLs exhibit strong (negligible) thickness dependent conduction band (CB) (valence band (VB)) tunability due to the small (large) conduction (valence) band offsets26. Hence, we can adjust the band alignment of the studied MDH systems via shell thickness to tune the CT exciton energy position. Fig. 2d displays NPL shell thickness dependent TEPL spectra of NPL/MoSe2 MDH systems. As the shell thickness increases (from 4.5 ML to 7.5 ML), the CT exciton energy can be tuned up to 90 meV via tuning the band alignment. The process of band alignment tuning via NPL shell thicknesses is schematically presented in Fig. 2e-g. Larger shell thickness results in a smaller NPL bandgap, which moves the NPL CB minimum away (towards lower energy) from the MoSe2CB minimum. This results in a larger band offset and consequently smaller CT exciton energies for thicker NPLs. In order to decouple CT excitons from strain and other local heterogeneity induced shift we also conducted a comprehensive TEPL investigation of the systems. Detailed studies of the local heterogeneities in the PL can be found in the supplementary information section IV.
CT excitons have an out-of-plane dipole moment similar to the case of interlayer exciton formation at a 2D/2D TMDC interface. This necessitated a study of the effect of out-of-plane E-field on the evolution of CT excitons in the 2D/QD MDHs. For the E-field dependent TEPL study, we used the same experimental configuration shown in Fig. 1a with a bias applied between the tip and the substrate during measurements. Fig. 3a,b presents a NPL TEPL map and corresponding AFM topography of the NPL/MoSe2 MDH system acquired simultaneously at 0V bias. For each bias voltage a complete TEPL map was acquired for the same region of interest and an averaged TEPL spectra was created over the rectangle area marked in Fig. 3a. E-field dependent TEPL spectra of the MDH for the spectral region between 1.65 to 1.38 eV are shown in Fig. 3c. Evolution of NPL PL peak position as a function of bias voltage can be found in the supplementary information section V. For a NPL PL peak of 1.85 eV we observed the CT exciton at 60 meV below the MoSe2 A exciton at 0V bias as schematically presented in the band diagram of Fig. 3d. As the bias increases in the negative direction, the CT exciton drifted further away in energy from the A exciton with a red shift of 120 meV observed at -2 V. The opposite trend was observed in the positive bias direction, though at a slower rate. It was not possible to decouple CT exciton from the A exciton peak above 1 V due to the close proximity and low single-to-noise ratio. Fig. 3d-f are sketched to explain the CT exciton evolution under an out-of-plane E-field. At 0 V, we have the standard band alignment for which the CT exciton is observed. However, at negative bias, the CB of MoSe2 (NPL) increases (decreases) in energy. As a result, the CT exciton moves away energetically from the A exciton to a lower energy. The opposite situation occurs at a positive bias for which we observe the CT exciton move closer in energy to the A exciton of MoSe2. A similar behavior was recently reported for delocalized analogous CT excitons (IL excitons) in a TMDC HB system2,30.
A further proof of forming type II band alignment (prerequisite for CT exciton formation) at NPL/TMDC (both MoSe2 and WSe2) heterointerfaces can be demonstrated by electrical characterization. Fig. 4a,b present AFM and corresponding contact potential difference (CPD) images of a NPL/WSe2 MDH system. The height profile of the MDH (inset of Fig. 4a) indicates a cluster of NPLs with a possible pilling of two individual NPLs on top of each other since the thickness of each NPL should be around 3 nm (see sample 1 in Table S1). The CPD image in Fig. 4b exhibits a more interesting and informative electronic picture of the MDH. Even though ML-WSe2 wraps the NPLs well and creates a single bulge in the topography, the CPD image shows traces of several NPL/WSe2 interfaces. To extract the Fermi level information at charge neutrality conditions, we took three line profiles and plotted them in Fig. 4c. A gaussian fit to the line profile 1 provides a width of 13 nm (see supplementary information VI), which agrees well with the width of a single NPL. Interestingly, CPD line profiles 2 and 3 show several dips of the same value as line profile 1. Line profile 3 was fitted with three Gaussians: among them, the two outer ones have slightly higher width, and the middle one has the same width as line profile 1. Using the dimensions of the NPL, CPD line profiles and TEPL map (see Fig. SI-6), we sketched the MDH area with five NPLs, as shown in Fig. 4a,b. To explain the interfacial charge transfer phenomenon a schematic of the band diagram is plotted in the inset of Fig. 4c. Due to the Fermi level adjustment via interfacial charge transfer, the surface potential of WSe2 decreases by 30 - 40 mV at the MDH interface, which is equivalent to a ~30 meV Fermi level rise at charge equilibrium conditions.
Fig. 4d displays the I – V curves measured locally using conductive-AFM on two different spots of the sample marked by black circles in Fig. 4a. More I – V curves are presented in the supplementary information section VI. Fig. 4d clearly demonstrates a rectification behavior for the MDH. Whereas, on WSe2 we observed a linear I-V response due to direct electrical tunnelling or conduction through the ultra-thin layer of monolayer WSe2.
Finally, we have used time-resolved photoemission electron microscopy (tr-PEEM) to investigate the exciton dynamics of CT excitons in MDH. Fig. 4e,f show the optical and PEEM image of the AOI region (outlined by circles). Exciton decay curves shown in Fig. 4g were derived from spatially-averaged dynamics within the AOI region. The femtosecond pump- probe tr-PEEM results of the MDH were acquired at two different pump excitation lasers: one at 1.65 eV covering the MoSe2 exciton region and the other at 1.51 eV which predominately excites CT exciton. To fit the dynamics of the excitons both decay curves were fitted with bi-exponential functions with the fit parameters listed in the table S2. From the fit, the MoSe2 A exciton lifetime (excited by 1.65 eV) is determined to be 1.1 ps. However, CT excitons generated at 1.51 eV show a shorter lifetime of 0.6 ps, which is in stark contrast to the lifetime of analogous ILXs in all 2D vdW heterostructures2. Indeed, the decay signal is the combination of both radiative and non-radiative recombination of excitons. At elevated temperature (tr-PEEM measurements were performed at RT) non-radiative decay through Augur scattering or charge trapping at defects dominates, which occurs on a faster time scale than radiative recombination 31,32. Since CdSe/CdxSZn1-xS core/shell nanocrystals are known for surface defects/trap states33, the probability of non-radiative recombination of CT excitons is higher at the MoSe2/NPL interface than for the MoSe2 A exciton in the 2D plane. A similar behavior was also observed by Bouleshba et al34 at a WS2/QD heterointerface. Hence, we observe a shorter CT exciton life time relative to the MoSe2 A exciton in the present work.