The aim of this study was to evaluate the learning curve of R-TME, using literature-based limits, with risk-adjusted analyses. The learning curve was primarily assessed using clinical outcomes, while secondly operating time was used. All surgeons and centres stayed within the pre-specified literature-based limits of an ‘in-control’ state for intraoperative complications, major postoperative complications and compound pathological outcomes. In addition, an ‘in-control’ state for operating time was reached after 12–35 procedures. Moreover, no differences regarding intraoperative complications, major postoperative complications and compound pathological outcome were observed between patients operated during and after the learning curve, which was based on operative time.
Both for individual surgeons as well as for the institutions, the outcomes suggest that a learning curve for clinical outcomes, estimating safety, could not be distinguished. This might be explained by several reasons. First, previous studies mostly define the length of the learning curve solely based on operative time[37, 38]. However, this is a rather poor outcome to assess the learning curve[23, 39]. Second, studies that do use clinical outcomes to assess the learning curve, mostly use CUSUM or RA-CUSUM analyses. These analyses are primarily used to detect a deviation from an ’in-control’ state to either a significant decrease or a significant increase in the occurrence of an event compared to literature based limits[31, 39, 40][40]. However, most studies evaluating length of the learning curve with (RA)-CUSUM analyses use deflection of the learning curve to assess the length, in which the outcome may remain within limits[10, 11, 41]. Additionally, it is suggested that increased length of the specific series are associated with increased length of the learning curve if deflection of the learning curve is used, rather than predefined limits[23, 31, 41]. Therefore these results might not actually reflect length of the learning curve. Fourth, surgeons participating in this cohort study were experienced surgeons regarding open and laparoscopic TME, which might have resulted in the absence of a distinguishable learning curve. However, most surgeons starting with R-TME have experience in either open or L-TME, therefore this study reflects clinical practice.
The only three studies assessing the learning curve that use (RA)-CUSUM analyses for clinical outcomes with literature-based limits, involve studies evaluating TaTME surgery[8, 9, 12]. These studies suggested an ‘out-of-control’ state from initiation until the 25th -55th case, based on intraoperative and postoperative complications[8, 9, 12]. All three studies assessing the learning curve of TaTME used a (RA)-CUSUM analysis. However, as the bottom-up approach used in TaTME is new to most surgeons, preferably a LC-CUSUM analysis should be used as this analysis assumes an ‘out-of-control’ state. Despite the low number of studies, these results suggest that the learning curve of TaTME comes with additional intraoperative and postoperative morbidity.
As clinical outcomes stayed within predefined, literature-based limits in this study, length of the learning curve could not be based on clinical outcomes. Therefore, we used operative time, as a secondary outcome, to asses length of the learning curve. The LC-CUSUM analysis showed length of the learning curve to range between 12–35 cases for individual surgeons. Previous studies assessing the learning curve based on operative time, using a limit are scarce. A R-TME study suggested a length of 19 cases, while a TaTME study suggested a length of 39 cases[8, 42].
When comparing patients operated during the learning curve with patients operated after the learning curve, we saw a significant decrease in operative time. Several studies that based the learning curve on operative time, showed a significant decrease in operative time[10, 11, 38]. This unsurprising finding could be explained by the fact that length of the learning curve was defined by operative time, implicating a significant difference regarding this outcome. In line with other studies and the RA-CUSUM analysis, major postoperative complications, intraoperative complications and compound pathological outcome did not differ during and after the learning curve of R-TME[10, 11, 16, 41, 43]. Despite the fact that no difference in major postoperative complications was observed, we did observe a significant difference with respect to overall 30-day surgical morbidity. In fact, overall surgical morbidity was higher in the group of patients who underwent surgery after the learning curve had been achieved, even after correcting for confounding factors. Perhaps residual confounding was present, thereby case-mix could have resulted in more difficult cases after the learning curve had been achieved, with a consequent higher proportion of surgical complications. Another explanation might be the fact that this is a retrospective study, with a significant risk of reporting bias, especially for minor complications.
To our knowledge this is the first study assessing the individual learning curves of R-TME surgeons by means of RA-CUSUM analyses of clinical variables, using literature-based limits. Nevertheless, certain limitations should be taken into account. First, this a retrospective cohort analysis, which comes with bias such as reporting bias and confounding. We tried to control for confounding factors by using RA-CUSUM analyses for assessing the learning curve, and a multivariable regression analysis when comparing outcomes during and after the learning curve. However, residual confounding might be present. Second, although most of the series were of considerable length, two surgeons only performed 30 and 27 procedures. Moreover operating times were missing in more than 50% of the cases from these surgeons. Therefore, we excluded these two surgeons regarding the LC-CUSUM analysis. Third, although we used literature-based limits for the RA-CUSUM and LC-CUSUM, especially the limit for operating time might be debatable. Not only case-mix influences this, as this is a variable reflecting efficiency. In addition, cultural, logistic and financial factors, may differ between centres, and could influence these outcomes as an effect. Fourth, a significantly higher rate of patients operated before the learning curve was treated with neoadjuvant therapy, this is most probably due to change of the Dutch Guideline in 2014[44]. Finally, the surgeons participating in this cohort study were surgeons with experience in L-TME and open TME, this might have caused the absence of a learning curve with regard to clinical outcomes. However, as most surgeons start with R-TME while having experience in either open or L-TME, this study reflects clinical practice.
Concluding, this is the first study assessing the learning curve of R-TME by means of a RA-CUSUM analysis with literature-based limits, using clinical variables. This study suggests that the learning curve of R-TME is not distinguishable in terms of intraoperative complications, major postoperative complications and pathological outcomes. The learning curve based on efficiency might range between 12–35 procedures for R-TME.