One of the misconceptions, especially in many rural settings, is that degradation/decomposition of waste can eventually fertilize soils for crop production. Current studies have shown the adverse effects of different waste deposition on soils (e.g., Chernykh et al. 2021; Giao and Minh 2022; Yeilagi et al. 2021). The current study offers valuable practical insight into the effects of indiscriminate deposition of waste to soils and the trophic levels, suggesting the critical assessment of several fertility evaluators to make conclusive inferences on the use of dumpsites for agricultural fields.
Although the grain distributions of the soils from the dumpsite and control show relatively high similarity with depth, the deposition of waste, particularly from domestic waste (e.g., food remains, furniture, and polyethylene materials) and occasional municipal loadings (e.g., plastic materials and a by-product of paints from industries) can further affect many soil physical properties. The pore size of the soils with a high fraction of coarse particles (≥ 2–0.5mm) can support aeration, which contributes to microorganisms' mobility and the hydraulic properties of the soil (Hallam 2018; Mangalassery et al. 2013). The relatively high fraction of silt and clay provides a condition of element retention. Clay particles usually provide a surface area for element sorption. However, the pH (alkaline) of the anthropogenic soil affects clay dispersion by changing the net charge. In more alkaline soils, CaCO3 formation leads to charge reduction on clay, which results in flocculation (Chorom and Rengasamy 1995).
The soil reaction as a “master soil variable” in the anthropogenic soil was slightly alkaline, primarily due to the comparatively high presence of base-forming cations associated with carbonates and bicarbonates (Ca, K, and Na). Conversely, the acidic conditions occur in control soil with parent material high in elements, such as silica, and high levels of sand with low buffering capacities- the ability to resist pH change (Jiang et al. 2018). Organic matter content evident by the comparatively high contents of SOC and N in the anthropogenic soil is often acidic, and the slightly alkaline condition produces a circum-neutral soil reaction that supports relative mineralization of nutrients for plant uptake. High organic matter and quality, often indicated by C/N values, contribute to optimal mineralization, as in the case of the anthropogenic soil of this study.
The soil’s ability to hold and supply nutrients is partly related to its CEC, the number of parking spaces for nutrients on soil particles. Cation exchange capacities can also be influenced by soil pH. However, in this study, the slightly alkaline pH may produce little or no positive ions. Soils with high amounts of silt/clay and organic matter often show high CEC, which can bind more cations,e.g., Ca, K, and Na. They also have greater buffering capacity.
The decomposition of organic materials indicated by kitchen waste (e.g., animal and fish bones and food remains) contributed to high macro and micronutrients in the anthropogenic soil compared to the control. For instance, the P in the anthropogenic soil (0.16–0.23%) was higher than the level for crops and vegetables with high P (0.01–0.02%) requirements (Šrek et al. 2010). Besides the comparatively high nutrient (P, Ca, K, S, Fe, Na, and Mn) concentrations in the anthropogenic soils, these were within the values in agricultural soils without the application of mineral fertilizers (Marschner 1995; Šrek et al. 2010), which can promote maximum crop growth. Considering the withered nutrient-poor soils of the control in this study, often from the tropics, many farmers may resort to anthropogenic soil from the dumpsite for crop and herbage production.
Meanwhile, the Cu content as a nutrient for crops in this study was within the most recorded (5–20 mg kg− 1) without physiological impairment (Marschner 1995). The content of Cu and Zn as plant nutrients was above the permissible limit in agricultural soils, according to FAO/WHO (100 mg kg− 1 Cu) and EU (140 mg kg− 1 Cu) guidelines, and 300 mg kg− 1 for Zn, rendering them toxic for plant (Chiroma et al. 2014; EU guidelines 2002). The higher content of PTEs in the soil from the dumpsite is partly the result of the deposition of recycled plastic waste. For example, brominated organics and phthalate esters are extensively applied in plastic products as flame retardants and plasticizers, respectively (Hopewell et al. 2009). These additives also include plasticizers, pigments, stabilizers, and reinforcement components that contaminate soil- known to contain heavy metals (see also Luo et al. 2011; Nakashima et al. 2012; Rochman et al. 2013). Morf et al. (2007) reported the upper content range of Pb at 100–2000 mg kg− 1 in the plastic fraction of waste electrical and electronic equipment.
Plants can break the core rules governing the uptake and accumulation of PTEs. For example, some plants produce root exudates and attract specific microbes for PTEs dissolution for effective uptake and nutrient fixation (Visioli et al. 2015), while others possess (Arabidopsis thaliana) active protein transporters (Balafrej et al. 2020). Acinetobacter, Bacillus, Gluconacetobacter, and Pseudomonas are well-characterized by Zn solubility (Costerousse et al. 2017), which involves the reduction of soil pH, Zn chelation, or improvement of root growth. However, these mechanisms differ from one microorganism to another. Studies by Vogel-Mikuš et al. (2006) concluded that colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal in Nocceae praecox increased the Zn shoot-to-root ratio, indicating better Zn uptake.
Several plants have different strategies for accumulating excess PTEs in their organs, including the most edible parts, e.g., root/tuber/rhizomes and leaves. In an attempt to exclude high Cu, Passiflora foetida retains 40% Cu in the root. Meanwhile, 40% of 966 mg Cu kg− 1 in the soil represents 386 mg Cu kg− 1, still above the permissible limit for edible crops (FAO/WHO; Table 4). It is worth noting that plants, such as Senna siamea, are used locally in treating malaria fever, especially the leaves (Nas et al. 2018). Meanwhile, this study shows that the leaves of Senna siamea can accumulate Cu, Zn, As, Cd, and Pb above permissible limits when compared to FAO/WHO and EU (Commission Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006) standards.
These plant species exhibit promising accumulation of PTEs in different organs. The accumulation abilities have resulted in their persistence in the contaminated soils; adaptation by tolerance or by accumulation and detoxification. All the studied plant species exhibited high tolerance and excluded Cd and Pb (BF > 1), which provide a basis for their inclusion in phytostabilization and other phytoremediation schemes of contaminated sites. Notably, many food crops and vegetables have the high ability to uptake and distribute PTE in their organs in urban, peri-urban, and rural areas, e.g., Rumex alpinus, Brassica oleracea var. capitata, and Daucus carota (see Jungová et al. 2022; Mensah et al. 2009). Even though Pb shows restrictive transport of to shot due to apoplastic blockage in the root, e.g., the Casparian barrier (Dogan et al. 2018), the leaf content was higher than the allowable limit.
The redevelopment of waste landfills for agricultural purposes remained sufficiently researched in other parts of the world with mixed results. Green et al. (2014) concluded that places with historic landfills repurposed for grazing are generally safe for grazers, while animals remain exposed to high metal ingestion rates. A study in Eritrea focused on crops grown in landfill soil and observed that although the landfill soil improved the fertility of farmers’ fields, it had alarming contents of heavy metals (Tesfai and Dresher 2009). It is now evident that plants can grow well on soils from dumpsites due to nutrient availability. However, these plants may still support the uptake and accumulation of PTEs in different compartments and can adversely affect potential consumers. Unfortunately, food security and quality are less assessed at many local government levels. Although several studies have reported high contents of PTEs, including Pb and Cd, in soil dumpsites (e.g., Giao and Minh 2022; Musa et al. 2019), a direct relationship with plants will indicate the level of impact on the food chain.
The study can represent a guide for the spontaneous analysis of anthropogenic soils from dumpsites and a recipe for their arable land use, as many waste disposal sites are not well-streamlined to strategically address their agricultural use.