We revisit the problem of finding a 1-restricted simple 2-matching of maximum cardinality. Recall that, given an undirected graph G = (V, E), a simple 2-matching is a subset M ⊆ E of edges such that each node in V is incident to at most two edges in M. Clearly, each such M decomposes into a node-disjoint collection of paths and circuits. M is called 1-restricted if it contains no isolated edges (i.e. paths of length one). A combinatorial polynomial algorithm for finding such M of maximum cardinality and also a min-max relation were devised by Hartvigsen. It was shown that finding such M amounts to computing a (not necessarily 1-restricted) simple 2-matching M0 of maximum cardinality and subsequently altering it into M of the same cardinality so as to minimize the number of isolated edges. While the first phase (which computes M0) runs in O(E√V ) time, the second one (which turns M0 into M) requires O(V E) time. In this paper we apply the general blocking augmentation approach (initially introduced, e.g., for bipartite matchings by Hopcroft and Karp, and also by Dinic) and present a novel algorithm that reduces the time needed for the second phase to O(E√V ) thus completely closing the gap between 1-restricted and unrestricted cases.