Vaginal erbium YAG laser is a novel treatment for vaginal atrophy or, newly termed, genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM). The literatures showed effectiveness and safety of intravaginal laser therapy while erbium YAG laser is considered as the safer choice as compared to fractional CO2 laser because of its non-ablative effect.4–8
Mechanism of action of erbium YAG laser is photothermal effect to vaginal epithelium causes superficial tissue shrinkage, neovascularization, neocollagenesis results in vaginal tissue thickening and increases vaginal elasticity.4
In the literature, there are few studies reporting an improvement of vaginal atrophy symptoms after vaginal erbium YAG laser treatment.6–8 However, there was no study about vaginal erbium YAG laser and vaginal lactobacilli which can be used as an objective measurement. Vaginal lactobacilli are vaginal normal flora that dynamically changed with vaginal maturation and play a role in maintaining vaginal acidity and compete with pathogens.9,10,12
To our knowledge, this study is the first randomized sham-controlled study to assess the effect of vaginal erbium YAG laser on vaginal lactobacilli, vaginal pH and vaginal atrophy symptoms. This study reports the objective and subjective measurements of vaginal atrophy after vaginal erbium YAG laser treatment. The results show an increase of vaginal lactobacilli grading after two laser applications. The increase of vaginal lactobacilli grading can be described by the effect of vaginal laser on vaginal epithelial maturation that superficial cells of vaginal epithelium are increased after treatment with vaginal laser. The superficial cells are glycogen-rich cells and lactobacilli use glycogen as their nutrients and produce lactic acid. Moreover, vaginal atrophy symptoms assessed by visual analog scale (VAS) and vaginal atrophy score were improved after laser treatments. The reduction in VAS score in this study is similar to the results of previous studies.5–8,13−15 However, unlike several reports,9,16 this study does not revealed statistically difference of vaginal pH before and after vaginal laser applications. This can be resulted from the majority of participants with grade 1 vaginal lactobacilli after vaginal laser treatment. Their vaginal epithelium contains only few lactobacilli that cannot produce enough lactic acid to lower vaginal pH.
The safety of intravaginal laser therapy is one of major concerns. The result form previous studies showed only few minor adverse events after vaginal laser applications.5,8,16,17 In our study, there was only one patient in sham group complained about pain after treatment and it was improved during the follow-up period. While there was no reported side effect after treatment in laser group. Therefore, the safety result form our study is concordant with previous studies5,8 and can confirm the short-term safety of vaginal erbium YAG laser treatment. However, long term follow-up is needed to evaluate the long-term safety of this treatment.
There are several strengths in this study. First, this study is a randomized sham-controlled study which can diminish the bias and placebo effect. Second, our study evaluates both subjective outcome (VAS score) and objective outcomes (vaginal lactobacilli, vaginal pH, vaginal atrophy score) of vaginal atrophy after vaginal laser treatment.
The limitation of this study is different baseline characteristic between laser group and sham group (participants in laser group were younger that participants in sham group) which is resulted from imperfect randomization.
There was significant amount of participants loss to follow-up during study period because of COVID-19 situation and personal illness that did not related to the procedure. However, the amount of participants loss to follow-up were similar in both laser group and sham group (2/22 and 3/22, respectively). Therefore, an effect of loss to follow-up might not interfere with the outcome of this study.
For further research, increases sample size or vaginal laser applications might show statistically improvement of both subjective and objective measurements of vaginal atrophy after vaginal erbium laser.