The advantages of adjusting social associations flexibly to maximise rewards are thought to promote the evolution of cognition1,2 and cooperation3, 4. In dynamic social environments, the ability to learn and remember the outcomes of past interactions with different partners can allow individuals to maximise gains from social interactions by retaining associations that prove valuable and discarding those that do not5,6. As a by-product of these individual partner-choice decisions, compatible individuals should become increasingly likely to share common social partners, eventually generating self-sustaining clusters within the group’s social network and favouring the persistence of cooperation within groups5-8. Thus, understanding the ability of animals to optimise social interactions (“social competence”11) and the resultant plasticity of social networks is a critical aim of cognitive, behavioural and evolutionary research5,6,12. However, empirical progress has been limited by difficulties in quantifying dynamic social adjustments and their network-level consequences in wild populations13,14.
In natural populations, short-term partner-choice decisions may be affected not only by up-to-date appraisals of group members’ current value5 but also by the need to maintain long-term relationships. Indeed stable, long-lasting cooperative relationships, commonly between kin or individuals that share a common interest, such as monogamous mating partners, are a common feature of many animal societies9,10,15. Quantifying the relative influence of flexible, short-term associations and long-term relationships (akin to ‘selective’ and ‘structural’ assortment16) on current partner-choice outcomes, and ultimately social network plasticity, is necessary to understand how the nature of individual decision-making dictates the structure of social groups17. To date, relevant experimental work has largely been limited to economic games played amongst unfamiliar people7,8 or to interactions between laboratory animals18, neither of which fully reflect patterns of association in freely interacting social networks (but see19). By contrast, manipulating access to foraging sites20,21 or removing individuals from populations22 can be used to examine how group members alter their use of social information in response to perturbations in group structure, but this approach lacks the fine-scale experimental control required to test hypotheses concerning the flexibility of partner-choice decision-making. We used a novel social-network-manipulation experiment to investigate (a) whether animals in a natural population learn to adjust their social associations selectively to maximise rewards and (b) how such decisions affect social network structure.
We used an automated social coordination task (cf.23) to manipulate the value of social foraging associations in a population of wild jackdaws (Corvus monedula) fitted with radio frequency identification (RFID) tags (see “Study species and site” in Methods for details). By making task pay-offs dependent on participant pairings, we were able to assess whether jackdaws learned to exploit the novel ‘biological market’4 conditions we imposed, without interfering with social group composition. Jackdaws are highly social, colony-breeding corvids that form long-term, strictly monogamous pair bonds24. Offspring retain close, prolonged associations with their parents post-fledging, and siblings from the same brood commonly associate together in creches and at foraging sites25. Jackdaws cooperate with other colony members to deter predators26 and engage in social foraging with both kin (i.e., siblings, parents and their offspring) and non-kin25,27, often forming large flocks that exhibit fission–fusion dynamics. We classified dyads within long-term relationships (mated pairs; parent–offspring; siblings) as “affiliated” and dyads outside these relationships as “unaffiliated”. All birds could engage freely with pairs of automated feeders that responded to combinations of individuals via their RFID-tag codes (Fig. 1). Individuals were pseudo-randomly assigned to one of two incompatible treatment classes (A and B). Dyads from the same treatment class could cooperate for mutual benefit (sensu28) by simultaneously occupying feeding positions on the apparatus to gain access to a high-quality food reward (see “Food preference test” in Supplementary Results); hereafter, a “successful” event. Associating with a member of the other treatment class incurred a cost, in the form of triggering a two-minute period of feeder inactivity (see “Dual feeder task” in Methods and Extended Data Fig. 1 for details). Treatment class assignments of known affiliates were constrained such that an equal number of affiliated dyads were rewarded or disincentivized for associating (see “Treatment class assignment” in Methods). We used Relational Event Models (REMs29) to analyse changes in individual performance, patterns of association, within-dyad coordination of behaviour and clustering within the social network according to treatment class. REMs are a form of time-to-event analysis uniquely suited to the study of behavioural dynamics30. They provide estimates (hazard ratios, here presented as Incidence Rate Ratios; IRR) of how many times more or less likely a particular type of event was to occur relative to an estimated baseline rate of interaction for the period in question (calculated here from permuted datasets, see “Statistical analysis” in Methods for details). For instance, an IRR value of 1.2 represents a 20% increase in incidence rate relative to the baseline, whilst a value of 0.8 represents a 20% decrease. Confidence intervals around the IRR that do not overlap a value of one are taken to indicate statistically significant effects31.
We recorded a total of 3117 associations involving 139 individuals across 751 different dyads over the course of four months (see Extended Data Fig. 2 and Supplementary Results: Descriptive Statistics for details). Overall, the percentage of successful events (55.4%) significantly exceeded the range of expected values had individuals associated with each other at random (95% Confidence Interval [C.I.] = (49.4, 52.4)), as calculated from 10,000 permuted datasets. Discrimination of task partners based on compatibility was linked to individual success. Individuals that avoided repeatedly associating with incompatible participants (IRRper-event = 0.997, C.I. = (0.996, 0.998)) whilst maximizing repeated associations with compatible participants (IRRper-event = 1.0015, C.I. = (1.0011, 1.0019)) were most likely to be observed engaging in successful events in the future (Supplementary REM Table 1a). Individual success relied on the adjustment of social ties (Fig. 2), as better task performance was exhibited by individuals that rapidly severed ties with incompatible task partners (IRRper-partner = 0.960, C.I. = (0.950, 0.971)) and increased the number of compatible partners with which they associated repeatedly (IRRper-partner = 1.015, C.I. = (1.003, 1.027), Supplementary REM Table 1b). Same-class dyads were, partly by chance (see Extended Data Fig. 3b), less likely to be observed than different-class dyads at the outset of the experiment (IRR = 0.846, C.I. = (0.779, 0.917)), but their frequency increased over time, becoming approximately 20% more likely to be observed than different-class associations with each 1000 events (Fig. 3; median per-1000-events IRR (IRR1000) = 1.21, C.I. = (1.15, 1.27), Supplementary REM Table 2). These analyses show that jackdaws learnt to discriminate between compatible and incompatible participants, associating more frequently with individuals that belonged to the same treatment class and reducing their associations with members of the other class over time.
The changing pattern of association through learning as the experiment progressed was affected by pre-existing, long-term relationships. Overall, prior experience of interacting with a given partner was linked to a greater probability of interacting with the same partner in the future. This effect was stronger for affiliated dyads (1–5 prior associations: IRR = 3.32, C.I. = (2.62, 4.26); six or more prior associations: IRR = 26.1, C.I. = (21.1, 32.3), Supplementary REM Table 3a) than for unaffiliated dyads (1–5 prior associations: IRR = 1.35, C.I. = (1.24, 1.46); six or more prior associations: IRR = 1.12, C.I. = (1.02, 1.23), Supplementary REM Table 3b). Critically, patterns of continued interaction only reflected the expected response to the experimental treatment when they involved unaffiliated dyads (n = 2469 events involving 139 individuals across 733 dyads) and not when they featured affiliates (n = 648 events involving 24 individuals across 18 dyads). After associating at least once at a feeder together, unaffiliated dyads from the same treatment class (who were rewarded for associating) were approximately 20% more likely to associate in the future as compared to unaffiliated dyads from different treatment classes with equivalent prior task experience (1–5 prior associations: IRR = 1.19, C.I. = (1.06, 1.35); six or more prior associations: IRR = 1.34, C.I. = (1.17, 1.53)). Inspection of predicted association rates derived from this REM emphasises the treatment-dependent change in non-affiliate association as dyads gained task experience (Fig. 4a). By contrast, associations among affiliates were unaffected by whether dyad members were from the same- or different-treatment classes (1–5 prior associations: IRR = 1.27, C.I. = (0.85, 1.89); six or more prior associations: IRR = 0.89, C.I. = (0.64, 1.24)), though model predictions suggest that unsuccessful associations were more likely to have been observed amongst the most experienced affiliate dyads (Fig. 4b). This influence of established relationships on the response to the experimental treatment was also reflected in the trends in incidence rate for different dyad types as the experiment progressed (Extended Data Fig. 3).
From a cognitive perspective, the ability to recognise the need for a social partner and coordinate actions accordingly may facilitate effective collaboration. To test this, we examined whether compatible partners learned to synchronise the timing of their arrivals at feeders (i.e., reduce the latency between the arrival of each partner) and to spend more time at feeders together. Neither arrival latencies nor association durations differed between same- and different-class partners (latency: IRRper-second = 0.997, C.I. = (0.990, 1.004), Supplementary REM Table 4; duration: IRRper-second = 0.997, C.I. = (0.994, 1.001), Supplementary REM Table 5). Thus, although jackdaws clearly learned to adjust their social associations, we found no evidence that that they learned to coordinate their activities with compatible participants.
We found evidence that the adjustment of individual social associations had knock-on effects for broader social network structure. Convergence of the social neighbourhoods of compatible participants occurred as the experiment progressed: though dyads for which the two members shared fewer common same-class associates were more likely to be observed at the beginning of the experiment (IRRper-associate = 0.972, C.I. = (0.954, 0.990), Supplementary REM Table 6), over time same-class dyads with a greater number of common same-class associates became more likely to be observed than same-class dyads with few common same-class associates (IRRper-associate, per-1000-events = 1.015, C.I. = (1.005, 1.024); Extended Data Fig. 4). Overall, same-class dyads tended to have few common same-class associates (mean = 2.63, 95% C.I. = (2.28, 2.97)) but the likelihood of observing a same-class dyad with an additional common same-class associate increased by 1.5% per 1000 association events observed. Importantly, no such trend was found when the class composition of common associates was disregarded (IRRper-associate, per-1000-events = 0.998, C.I. = (0.995, 1.001)). This indicates that the slight increase in the similarity of individuals’ social neighbourhoods was restricted to groupings of compatible (i.e., same-class) participants. However, due to the small magnitude of the effect, activity within these fully compatible groupings (as compared to groupings containing incompatible pairings) was only prevalent towards the end of the experiment (Extended Data Fig. 4). Although clustering according to treatment class was therefore detectable long-term, the failure of affiliated individuals to adjust their associations to obtain higher rewards likely dampened the rate of progression of clustering sufficiently as to render it irrelevant as a signature of network re-structuring over short timescales. Even though we likely underestimated the true number of affiliate dyads (as not all long-term relationships were known), the known affiliates still accounted for a disproportionately high number of observed interactions (20.8% [648 out of 3117] events despite comprising only 2.4% [18 out of 751] dyads; binomial test: p<0.001). Given the prevalence of interactions between affiliates, their lack of individual plasticity will have substantially constrained the plasticity of the social network as a whole.
Our field-based results have important implications for a full understanding of social cognition. First, whereas cognitive research often focuses on identifying specialised human-like traits (e.g., understanding the causal role of a partner) that may underpin social and cooperative interactions in other animals32, our findings imply that processes of discrimination and associative learning are sufficient to enable adaptive social plasticity33,34. We found no evidence that jackdaws understood the role of their partner in obtaining rewards (c.f.32,35), as improvement in coordination (i.e., synchronisation of activity) between task partners was not linked to the experimental treatment. Nevertheless, the ability of jackdaws to adjust their social associations with non-affiliates is likely to entail substantial information-processing demands34. Specifically, to improve their task performance jackdaws would need to have recognised multiple individuals, associated task partners’ identities with reward outcomes, retained these learned associations and then used them to inform future partner-choice decisions. Second, in line with other recent findings36, our results suggest that under natural conditions individuals are likely to forego potential short-term benefits to retain associations with valuable long-term partners. Theories of cognitive evolution often focus either on the challenges of selectively manipulating social interactions for short-term gain2 or maintaining long-term fitness-enhancing relationships37,38 but seldom address the trade-off between the two. Our experimental approach provides a tractable means to examine the changes in social network topography linked to both factors, providing insights into how broad-scale social network plasticity co-evolves with the partner-choice preferences of individuals.
Constraints on the plasticity of individual behaviour in turn have implications for how social conditions favourable to the persistence of cooperation between non-kin can arise and be sustained. Though detectable in our analyses, likely as a by-product of feedback between individual learning and the social environment8, the emergence of clusters of compatible participants was not a prominent network characteristic. Our results imply that the magnitude of this effect is insufficient for it to be a key determinant of jackdaw social network structure, but its relevance for other social systems remains to be determined. Long-term social relationships are a feature of many animal societies, including our own, but the extent to which the fitness outcomes of partners is interdependent can vary substantially39. Jackdaw societies centre around long-term, genetically monogamous relationships, which accounted for 90% of recorded events between affiliates (580 out of 648 events). As mating partners have a strong stake in each other’s fitness, they may be more constrained to associate together than in species with high levels of extra-pair mating or re-pairing24,38,39. In addition, continued association between juvenile siblings as well as between parents and their offspring is common in jackdaws for the remainder of the summer months following the emergence of juveniles from the nest25. Consequently, the stability of jackdaws’ social relationships likely limits the scope of network re-wiring via self-organization. Applying similar experimental techniques across a range of social systems is now necessary to determine the importance of this process as a force for promoting cooperation in nature.
When the value of social partners within a population varies, strategic adjustments of social associations may allow individuals to maximise their gains. Technological developments now provide the opportunity to examine plasticity in individual partner-choice and broader social network structure simultaneously in natural populations. By doing so, we find that processes of discrimination and individual learning, manifesting in the adjustment of social associations, enable jackdaws to exploit changes in their social environment. Importantly, our findings indicate that social network plasticity can be constrained by long-term relationships between group members with interdependent fitness. Recent empirical and theoretical work has highlighted the value of viewing social structure as fluid, emerging from the feedback between the decisions of group members and the fine-scale social context in which they are made40,41. Our work provides important insights into the nature of this relationship in natural conditions and thus contributes to our understanding of the emergence of social environments conducive to the evolution of cognition and cooperation.