The business environment of machinery and equipment manufacturers is characterized by intense competitive pressure and tight market conditions. Suppose small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) want to be successful in this turbulent environment. In that case, they must be able to react quickly and confidently to the individual customer requirements and short-term changes, such as the establishment of trade barriers. On the other hand, quality and delivery reliability dynamics in cross-company value chains must be mastered. Establishing trusting and secure cooperation between partners is also a prerequisite. The opportunity lies in using process mining to analyze deviations from the target process – that are otherwise not identifiable – at an early stage, to create feasible alternative courses of action, and thus to be able to act more quickly and effectively. Furthermore, based on the analysis of actual processes, the process optimization potential can be identified and exploited along the value chain. The following is an excerpt of applying the procedure for risk assessment of AI in manufacturing to the assistant system for fast and reliable process optimization enabled by process mining.
5.1 Risk Assessment of the Trained AI
S1 Scoping
The process analysis and optimization system are designed to perform two main functions: The identification and analysis of process anomalies as well as the proposal of process alternatives based on the analysis. In order to identify process anomalies and influencing factors in the process environment, deviating process behavior and critical influences need to be monitored and evaluated. Indicators in the field of supply chain management could be deviating delivery time, quality, and quantity. Subsequently, feasible and suitable process alternatives need to be proposed. Possible measures to be taken in case of quality deficiencies of supplied material could be demanding suppliers comply with certain standards or purchasing goods only from certified suppliers. Another measure could be to intensify the incoming goods control or to change the supplier altogether.
The key benefit lies in the combination of process environment monitoring and analysis instruments with the automated generation of processes alternatives, which enables the transparent analysis of actual processes, the identification and exploitation of optimization potential, and faster reactions to disruptions and critical influences. The main potential restriction is the high requirements towards repetition rates. It is still open for production companies to apply repetition rate and variant complexity process mining effectively.
For a company-wide risk assessment of the use case at hand, the three main process areas, where the assistant system is to be implemented, will be considered: the supply chain management processes, the order management processes and the manufacturing processes.
S2 Observation
In terms of the supply chain management processes, one example of possible incidents caused by a process analysis and optimization system is the delayed delivery of components by a supplier in three consecutive months. Even though the supplier had prepared the delivery on time, the transport of the goods was delayed due to, for example, snow storms in December, January and February. However, in this case, the process mining system only takes influencing factors of the immediate process environment based on internal data of the Supply Chain Management System (SCM) into account, such as the delivery time, amount and quality as well as, for example, reaction time to complaints. As external influences from the corporate environment are not being considered, the root cause for the delay cannot be found. Hence, the assistance system may identify the outlier but derives a misleading pattern and concludes that the supplier had become unreliable and should be replaced. However, such replacement, especially if it is actually unnecessary, leads to great efforts and high costs for the search for a new supplier. It also represents the risk of not finding another reliable supplier with exactly the product portfolio needed.
A further example of a misleading pattern being derived from a random outlier without an adequate analysis of the root causes is the sudden increase of demand for a certain customer-individual product adaption by chance, including the certain product adaption into the product portfolio solely based on the fact that it had been ordered several times in a row risks high costs for the adjustments that are necessary along the value chain as well as high efforts for the maintenance of product data in relation to the low return generated by the additional product variant.
In terms of the manufacturing processes, the process analysis and optimization system could propose inadmissible optimizations. If most products meet the quality criteria, only very few products are being sorted out. Hence, the system could propose skipping the quality control process to improve the lead time and reduce costs. However, the misleading pattern derived from the standard processes without an adequate analysis of possible consequences of exceptions could lead to high costs and image loss if customer requirements are not met, and a return campaign is necessary.
T3 Component function and error analysis
The process analysis and optimization system being developed builds on process mining and is planned to consist of eight components, which functions are outlined in the enumeration below:
IT systems (e.g., SCM), which support the business and production processes of a manufacturing company and thereby provide log files
Interface/data, for mapping different log files to a common information structure
Filter rules, which reduce the input of data to a manageable amount (by, e.g., common logic or fuzzy logic)
Data preparation rules to design a uniform model
Analysis rules (Reasoner), for the analysis of consistency and identification of anomalies
Identification of measures, for the derivation of actions for managing the process anomalies
Realization of measures, for the semi-automatic application of identified actions
Representation of results, which illustrate the effects of measures and gaps
The component and error analysis results for key components of the process analysis and optimization system are illustrated in Fig. 9. Based on the observations described above, one example for possible errors that immediately comes to mind concerns the component “Analysis rules”: Too much weighing of outliers (such as the delay of delivery for three months, when all previous deliveries were on time) without an adequate root cause analysis (such as the analysis of possible environmental impacts). Another possible error that is supported by the observations is the disregard of the consequences of analysis results by the “Reasoner” (such as a product return campaign).
When the system proposes identified measures based on the analysis results, the inadequate questioning of proposals prior to implementing measures is a possible risk for the semi-automatic measure realization. Process managers may not fully understand the mechanisms behind the system and may also become too trusting of the system. In terms of the representation of results, the error analysis showed that the effective illustration for the user is not to be underestimated. Incorrect interpretation of the semantics of the representation may be misleading, even though the underlying analysis and measure derivation is adequate.
T4 Network function and error analysis
As described in the S1 Scoping section, the functions of the process analysis and optimization system are the identification and analysis of process anomalies as well as the proposal of process alternatives based on the analysis. In addition to the possible errors caused by the individual components, the AI systems need to be examined as a network. In Fig. 10, one possible error is illustrated using the method introduced in Chap. 3.5.
In this case, the AI system identified and analyzed the sudden and extraordinary increase in customer demands for a specific product. According to the data available to the AI system and the registered reaction measures taken in order to meet the demand, a pattern was derived: From this year on, every August, the demand for the condensate pump increases and needs to be completed. Hence, the AI system proactively proposes preparation measures in order to better meet the demands in the future. However, the root cause for the anomaly could not be identified and the anomaly was weighted too much. Moreover, the possible consequences, such as the storage costs as well as the costs for a short-term increase of production capacities in terms of set-up costs and the effects on other products and customer orders, were not taken into account and may lead to strong losses.
T5 Measure analysis and evaluation
The following Fig. 11 contains exemplary measures for two of the errors described above. As a change of supplier can lead to high costs and risks as well as the loss of trust in the supplier network, the exemplary possible error in the category component analysis in Fig. 12 has an important meaning to the company. The underlying risks are that, for example, the search for a new supplier interrupts the production and the goods and services of a new supplier are worse than those of the previous supplier – which was mistakenly replaced. However, this would not pose the company front of existential risks. Hence, the meaning does not reach the maximum level of 10, but the level of 7 instead due to the specific constellation of the incidents that may lead to the possible error. If the underlying measure unit for estimating the occurrence was one month, this possible error could occur every six months or more. However, without root cause analysis, it is estimated that the possible error is difficult to identify due to the automatic and correct processing of data,
For the exemplary possible error identified by the network analysis, the meaning would be even higher, as it would create high costs for resources and production and therefore have a significant impact on the company's profitability. The occurrence is also estimated to be high due to the high frequency and variety of environmental influences. Even though the incidents are not recognizable in advance, first signs are expected to be identifiable comparatively early, leading to moderate recognizability.
In terms of measures, the root cause analysis should be included as a further extension of the AI system in order to avoid too much weighting of outliers and the direct derivation of faulty patterns. This could start with a manual analysis of root causes before implementing automatic analysis mechanisms. In order to avoid the weighting of outliers without the consideration of possible consequences and their effects on the company, continuous clearance management of company related data should be implemented.
5.2 Risk Assessment for the Learning Environment
In contrast to the deep learning system described in the feed processing industry use case, the Process Mining System considered in this use case is rule based. Hence, the main purpose of the Learning Environment is to test if the rule system is operating according to design and expectation and make adjustments accordingly. In the following, the risk assessment results for the learning environment are presented, starting with a function and error analysis.
L3 Function and error analysis
The learning environment for the Process Mining System consists of four interconnected components (see Fig. 12):
Testing of inference, for checking the rule system for contradictions. Identified conflicts must be eliminated manually or – if available – with machine learning algorithms.
Definition of test cases, for the design of use cases that are as close as possible to the future application of the Process Mining System.
Testing of rule system with pre-defined test cases, for the analysis, if the rule system is operating according to the expectation (reasoning).
Adaptation of rule system, for further developing the Process Mining System based on the generated test results.
As illustrated in Fig. 13, the testing process repeats itself until no more adaptations are necessary.
The definition of test cases plays a vital role in the learning environment for the rule system because design errors of the Process Mining System may not become apparent in the testing process. If, applied to one of the mentioned observations, for example, the Process Mining System does not distinguish between manufacturing processes and quality control processes, and the sample processes in the test cases do not include quality control processes, it may not become apparent that optimization rules cannot be applied to manufacturing and quality control processes equally. However, if the test cases included quality control processes, the need for adaption would become clear. The Process Mining System would propose to skip an ineffective quality control process to improve the lead time and reduce costs.
Another possible error concerns the possible side effects of adaptions to the rule system. If, in the example described above, the rule system was adapted to distinguish quality control processes from other processes, the adaption may influence (or even contradict) another interconnected rule tree. In turn, depending on the designed test cases, this influence may or may not be identified in the subsequent test iteration.
L4 Learning effect analysis
The learning effect depends largely on the design of the test cases as well. The Fig. 14 depicts the influence of testing criteria on the learning effect.
As explained in the previous chapter, adaptions are made to the AI if the rule system is not operating according to expectation (reasoning). This is done based on testing criteria that are linked to the test cases to optimize the AI system. However, focusing solely on reaching the expected results may lead to the disregard of other parts of the results (side effects). If, for example, the test cases are designed to evaluate if the Process Mining System can identify inefficient production processes and instead propose alternative approaches, it may be overlooked that the proposed alternative methods require more complex internal logistics and are therefore not more efficient overall.
L5 Measure analysis and evaluation
Figure 15 below contains an exemplary measure for one of the possible errors described above. The incomplete or irrelevant definition of test cases can be regarded as one of the most problematic possible errors, as the entire learning process could be conducted effectively. What’s more, this possible error may often occur because a complete consideration of all factors is only possible in very few cases. The identification of the possible error is most difficult if the same development team, which developed the AI system, also creates the use cases.
In order to avoid the design of incomplete or irrelevant test cases and avoid the testing criteria being too focused on expected results and therefore overlooking side effects, one possible measure is the process-oriented definition of test cases. A process model of the application scenario could be used as a basis for defining a complete and relevant use case. This could be supported by taking historical data and possible future incidents into account. Furthermore, involving the designated users of the AI system into the test case and test criteria definition may enable an evaluation of the AI system from another perspective.