My study was aimed to give a baseline data for the study area and similar region in the country while as we know that an employments, everywhere face chemical, physical, biological, mechanical, ergonomically and psychosocial hazards. Therefore, the burden of occupational disease and illness is the impact of a health problem in an area measured by premature mortality and morbidity. This study attempted to assess the burden of occupational accident and injury in SNNPRS, Ethiopia
In this study, the magnitude of male employments was, 83.3% who were occurred occupational accident and injure due to their working condition. In line this finding, Bureau of labor statics United State of America two years statically reports show 92.5% were male’s employments [12]. Others similar study shows that status, occupational injuries among male workers were higher than female workers [13]. A study done in the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics prevalence of fatal injury was 92.5%, this means women experienced a higher proportion of fatal injuries due to exposure to harmful substances and environments relative to men [14]. Male incurred a higher proportion of incident and injuries from work and work related occupation like abrasion, ear-injury, cuts, Piercing, Punctured, Fractured, dislocation, eye-injury and even death of employments as the result of falls, slips, and trips; and contact with objects and equipment
Another key finding was educational level, 35.8% were attended basic educational levels like reading and writing and, 35.8% attended grade one up to grade six levels respectively. Skills and educational levels are gradually rising in the product, quality of work and makes profitable. But, in this finding low level of education was observed and increased occupational accident and injury. Less skilled employments were highly involved in small and medium manufacturing industries in the study area. Low skill levels more occupational accident and injuries were occurring. In this education level, employments may not read and easily understood procedure of work, not obeyed occupational health and safety policy rule and guideline of safety manuals. Even, in this levels employments may not well awarded about occupational accident and injury. As a result of those, they are employing unfavorable working condition and working environment without using personal protective equipment’s. In this fact employer highly instruct them to use personal protective equipment, give continues on job training, supervise them to follow work rule procedure and encourage improved employment educational levels.
Another key finding was probation period employments accident and injury. The main purpose of a probationary period is to provide a period of time whereby a new employee establishes by conduct, performance and attendance, fitness for a permanent appointment in that particular post. The employments who were serving during probation period were highly exposed to occupational accidents and injury as compared to permanent employments. The magnitudes of probation period, 48.8% employments were exposed to occupational accidents and injury. According to Ethiopian labor proclamation 377/2003, the maximum probationary period is only 45 days. As my understanding this probation period is very short because employment cannot survive working condition and working environment. During in this period employee is not suited to a particular position; termination of employment within the probationary period is quite often a quick, suitable and lawful outcome. In this short probation period employments may not focus on occupational health and safety police and culture. Employments use their full potential to fit given work only. This Ethiopian legally ground of the probation period is very short as compeer other similar countries (15, 16). Even, this period employments may not survive working environment
One important finding of this study was the identification daily laborers rates of occupational accident and injuries. The proportion of daily laborers occupational accident and injure was found to be 67.4%. This finding indicated that a large percentage was found as compared to permanent employment rates (32.6%). According to the labor proclamation, contract of employment shall be demand formed where a person agrees directly or indirectly to perform work for and under the authority of an employer for a definite or indefinite period [5]. In this study occupational accident and injury rate was higher because of the employer may not formulation contract employment. In this reason employments may not get safety training and safety materials according labor proclamation.
The administrative data source report was used to determine and describe the burden and distribution of occupational accident and injury in southern Ethiopia between 2010–2015 years. The findings of this study revealed an increasing magnitude of occupational accident and injure over three years (16.7%- 30.7%) interval between 2010–2013 after three years data was declined (20% − 7.4%). Over the three years period increases by 65% occupational accident and injury cases was founded in this study. But, last two years data showed minimization of accident and injuries. Possible explanation may be in last two year’s reports may not be complete. Even if in this year’s data may be under reporting, poor data copulation and recording system and miss reporting system was observed.
In this study, duration of working time was identified. For men and women and across all young age groups, there was an elevated risk of work-related injury or illness in the evening, night and early morning periods in all administrative data sources. At morning time, 57.7%, evening time 35.8% and afternoon, 6.5% occupational accident and injuries were occurring. Most of the accidents occurred between 9:00 AM and 12 AM at morning time, and the lowest number of accidents happened between 3:00 PM and 9:00 PM during the afternoon. In the line this study done in Kermanshah 77% accidents occurred in the morning shift [17]. Like in previous stud [18], most accidents occur in the morning, with injuries, focusing on the lower and upper part of the backbone, and in the presence or absence of general use safety equipment. Possible explanation may be during morning time most of employments start their work without checking machine process, without using personal protective equipment’s and tries to use full potential. Also, may assented daily laborers without safety orientation.
Another key finding was number of leave days and amount salary paid due to occupational accidents and injury. Among those proportions of, 28.8% were Permanents employments. The economic impact was estimated seven hundred twenty one leave days was given due to occupant injured and accident and eighteen thousand six hundred ninety nine Ethiopian Birr paid for leave days due to occupational accidents and injury. This finding is shown only direct cost of employment and employer. In line this study economic loss due to accidents and unsafe working conditions 1.25 trillion USD per year, which is equal to 4% of global GDP was lost [19]. Not only this, but also employment bears the greatest costs, including pain and suffering, and loss of capacity to work. Estimation of my finding is only permanent employment. Do no considered daily laborers leave day and injure day salary because of considering as daily laborers. Employers may recognize daily employments have no labor relation according Ethiopian labor proclamation and considering safety practice are not implemented on day laborers. But, the legal ground of labor proclamation 377/2003 article 92 sub article 2 imposed employer to take appropriate steps to ensure that employments were properly instructed and notified concerning the hazards of their respective occupation and the precautions necessary to avoid accident and injury to health, ensure that directive are given and also assign safety officer, establish an occupational health and safety committee [5 and 10].
Another finding was a cause of occupational accidents and work related injuries. Any industrial, manufacturing sectors shall take appropriate pre- execution to insure that all the processes of work shall not be a source of cause of physical, chemical/ biological ergonomically and psychological hazards. A major factors related to occupational accident and injuries were found from this study, 20.9% hand tools, 10.7% a machine, 17.2%, falling and slippers, 11.2% collision with objects and 10.2% miss handling and 13.5% were reported as other. Possible interpretation may be during working period employments may not recognize work related environmental hazards and poor occupational health and safety culture. A reason may be a lack of safety training, lack of awareness, not using personal protective equipment’s, lack of occupational health and safety police in manufacturing industries and some may be personal factors like substance abuse and other factors.
One important finding was observed. Location of injury and illness due to occupational work and work related. Among of those back pain is a common health problem in the workplace and some workers are expected to experience symptoms of back pain during their working life. The prevalence rate of lower and upper back pain found to be, 33% and 43% respectively. This finding inline argument study done World day for safety and health at work in 28 April 2015 Upper and lower back bone musculoskeletal disorders represent 40 per cent of global occupational and work-related injuries and diseases [2]. In South- eastern part of Ethiopia study done 43.9% [21]. Possible interpretation may be more of factory employments were daily laborers due to this reason employer may not give safety device, non-availability workplace safety regulation material, lack of safety training and employment may not obey obligation according Ethiopian labor proclamation 377/2003 [5, 10].
In this study only, 6% eye injure was reported last five years. This is in line with studies done in Uganda 6% [22] and inconstant within Ethiopia in Gondar town 8.2% and in Arbaminch town 35.7%, ` [23and 24]. The lowest rate of eye injury was reported on this finding. This may be reported only online injure and accident during work site. Under reporting, miss recording system may be present in the manufacturing sector. Even if after reporting hard cup document may not be linked to databases.
Types of accidents and injuries occurred due to occupational accident and work related injuries. Among of those, highest rate of abrasion was absorbed due to work and work related environment. In this finding magnitude of abrasion was, 51.6%. This finding is higher than that of study done in Bahir Dar town 42.6%, [24], in Arbaminch town 39.6% [23], In Gondar town 16.8% [22]. But, in similarly setting in Amhara Regional labor department report point toward that level of abrasion was, 62.5%, this is indicated almost similar status in this finding [25]. And followed by 15.3% cuts, 9.8% piercing, 7.4%, dislocation and 7% fracture. Only, 0.5% death was reported. Ethiopian Federal, Democratic and Republic Minster of Labor and Social department and Regional labor department Administrative data shows abrasions, cuts, burns, puncture, and fracture were the common status of injury and accident types among manufacturing industry workers. From this study lowest death report was reported. This death report shows only on site death report, this may not include home and hospital death
In this study have limitations, lack of hospital admission result and medical cost, lack instrumental measurement result, environmental determinant factors and social- demographic characteristic like marital status