Are percentages of the one-repetition maximum (1-RM) suitable for prescribing resistance exercise in cancer survivors? - Comparability and prediction accuracy of frequently used 1-RM testing procedures




To prescribe resistance training (RT) using percentages of (%) maximal strength (Smax), it is prerequisite that (I) methods for testing Smax are valid and (II) the relationship between %Smax and the corresponding number of repetitions (NOR) is known. This has never been investigated in cancer survivors (CS) and was the purpose of the present study.


Twenty breast (58 ± 10y) and 20 prostate CS (68 ± 6y), 3.6 ± 2.4 months after primary therapy, completed one one-repetition maximum (1-RM) test, one hypothetical 1-RM (h1-RM) test and three RT sessions (three sets at six different strength machines (SM)). H1-RM was calculated using two commonly used equations (after Brzycki and Epley), resulting in three Smax values for each SM, which were then compared to each other (1-RM as a reference). Each RT session was performed at a different intensity (92%, 69% and 47% of 1-RM/h1-RM). CS performed repetitions to fatigue and the resulting NOR were compared to the predicted NOR.


Smax values differed between 1-RM and h1-RM values for each SM and between h1-RM values for some SM. Differences between performed and predicted NOR occurred among all intensities and methods.


Different strength tests yield different results for Smax and a certain %1-RM/h1-RM does not necessarily correspond to a specific NOR in all individuals, which questions the use of (I) h1-RM tests for determining Smax and (II) prescribing RT intensities based on %1-RM/h1-RM which is still the most common method used for RT intensity prescription in healthy individuals and patient populations, including CS.


Resistance training (RT) plays an important role to mitigate and prevent disease- and treatment-related side effects in cancer survivors1 (CS) and is associated with improved prognosis [13]. This is predominantly true for the two large groups of breast and prostate CS [4]. A large body of randomized controlled trials shows that RT improves fatigue, quality of life, physical functioning and bone health and does not induce or exacerbate upper extremity lymphedema [5]. Despite the fact that much more research has been done in the field of endurance training approaches, RT has been recommended as a key intervention in all available exercise oncology guidelines [59]. However, for quite a long time, RT recommendations were very vague by just stating that two or more days a week of RT are beneficial without providing more information [8, 10]. This has changed in the recently published roundtable of the American College of Sports Medicine publication by providing symptom specific FITT criteria (Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type of exercise) for the conduction of RT with CS. According to this recommendation, RT results in beneficial effects for CS if it is performed at least two times per week, using at least two sets of 8 to 15 repetitions at an intensity of at least 60% of the one-repetition maximum (1-RM) [5].

However, even having more precise RT prescriptions derived from performed studies, many questions regarding the conduction and evaluation of RT regimens remain open. For example, nearly all RT studies used 1-RM or hypothetical 1-RM (h1-RM) testing to determine initial RT load or to evaluate the efficacy of RT trials by applying pre-post-assessment study designs. Yet, to the best of our knowledge, different test methods have never been compared in terms of their accuracy in determining maximum strength in CS. Since various studies used various 1-RM testing procedures (1-RM or h1-RM as well as different equations for the calculation of the h1-RM) the question arises whether these different 1-RM/h1-RM procedures are comparable. The 1-RM test is considered safe and valid for determining maximal strength in CS [11] and is used as a standard procedure for assessing maximal dynamic strength in intervention studies with CS [1217]. Yet, adverse events have also been reported in the past [18] and one serious adverse event (SAE) even happened in our working group [19]. This was at a timepoint when all 1-RM tests for this manuscript had already been performed, we would have chosen a different testing procedure otherwise. This together with the reports from previous studies indicate that the 1-RM test is not as safe as generally assumed. Furthermore, there has been no efforts made to evaluate the prediction accuracy of these maximal strength testing methods for exercise intensity prescription when training weights are prescribed as percentages of maximal values.

Therefore, the aim of our study was to evaluate the comparability and prediction accuracy of the most frequently used testing procedures (1-RM (served as a reference) vs. h1-RM testing with calculation formulas from Brzycki [20] and Epley [21]) in breast and prostate CS.

1 In this manuscript, the term cancer survivor is defined as a person who is living beyond a cancer diagnosis and used interchangeably with the term cancer patient.



A total of 40 CS, 20 with breast and 20 with prostate cancer, participated in the study. All participants met the following inclusion criteria: diagnosed with non-metastatic breast or prostate cancer, 6 to 52 weeks after end of primary therapy (i.e., surgery and/or radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy), 18 to 75 years of age, and no regular vigorous endurance or resistance training (> one session per week) within the last 6 months. Exclusion criteria were a diagnosis with additional other cancer or severe comorbidities that preclude participation in exercise testing or training (acute infectious diseases, severe cardiac, respiratory, renal, or neurological diseases). All participants provided written informed consent. The study followed the ethical standards of the Declaration of Helsinki, was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Medical Faculty of Heidelberg (S-347/2016) and is registered at (NCT02883699).

General design

Following a repeated measures cross-sectional design, each patient performed two familiarization RT sessions, two strength tests, and three RT sessions with different intensities. All RT sessions (i.e., familiarization, testing and training sessions) were performed at six different resistance machines (Matrix, JOHNSON HEALTH TECH GMBH, Frechen, Germany). Three machines for the upper body (lat pulldown (LAT), rowing (R), shoulder press (SP)) and three for the lower body (leg press (LP), leg extension (LE), leg curl (LC)) were used. Each exercise session was supervised by an exercise professional (one-on-one) to ensure proper lifting technique, to provide verbal encouragement, and to document the testing results. No physical assistance was given at any time to help the patients with the concentric or eccentric phase of a lift. To ensure an adequate recovery period for each muscle group, resistance machines training the upper body were alternated with those training the lower body (i.e., LP, LAT, LE, R, LC, SP).

Familiarization sessions

The familiarization sessions were conducted with the intention to accustom patients to the proper lifting technique. They were conducted using minimal to moderate resistance and took place within the two weeks prior to the strength tests. In the first familiarization session, each machine was adjusted to ensure a proper lifting technique and configurations were protocolled for each patient for the following exercise sessions. In the second familiarization session the patients performed three sets with moderate weights at each of the six strength machines to get further accustomed to the proper lifting technique.

Strength tests

The two strength tests took place on the same day in randomized order (block randomization) and took approximately 90 min in total.

One-repetition maximum strength test

This test aims at determining the maximum weight that a patient is able to lift once through a full range of motion with the proper technique (1-RM test) and was conducted as follows: As an initial warm-up, each patient performed 10 repetitions with a low weight at the strength machine being tested (muscle-specific warm-up). Following the warm-up, a weight was selected that the patient was likely able to lift once with an adequate technique through a complete range of motion. If the patient was able to lift the weight properly, weights were increased progressively, at the discretion of the exercise professional, for the subsequent attempts until the 1-RM was determined. Total number of attempts should be limited to five, using 2-minute rest periods between attempts.

Hypothetical 1-RM strength test

For the determination of the hypothetical 1-RM (h1-RM), a multiple repetitions strength test (h1-RM test) was performed. For the h1-RM test, the exercise professional estimated a submaximal weight, which the patients were advised to lift for as many repetitions as possible with proper technique through a full range of motion. A weight was selected that the patient was likely able to lift 5–12 times. When the patient was able to lift the selected weight more than 20 times, the test had to be repeated at the end of the testing session after a minimum rest period of 15-minutes using a higher weight. Based on the weight and the number of repetitions (NOR) that had been performed at each strength machine, two h1-RM weights were calculated using the following equations:

  1. H1-RM according to Brzycki [20] (h1-RM_B): \(1RM \left[kg\right]=w*\frac{36}{(37-r)}\) (w = kg, r = repetitions);

  2. H1-RM according to Epley [21] (h1-RM_E): \(1RM \left[kg\right]= \left(w*\right(1+\left(\frac{r}{30}\right))\).

Consequently, deduced from the two strength tests, three values for maximal strength resulted for each resistance machine (one from the 1-RM test and two from the h1-RM test (i.e., h1-RM_B and h1-RM_E)).

Training sessions

After at least four days of recovery following the testing session, the three training sessions were conducted. One training session per week, also separated by at least four days, to avoid training adaptations.

All exercise sessions consisted of three sets on each of the six resistance machines. Each of the three exercise sessions was performed at a different intensity, corresponding to a specific NOR (i.e., four (4-RM), 12 (12-RM), and 20 repetitions (20-RM)). Based on the used equation, these repetition numbers correspond to a specific percentage of the individual maximal weight of a person. They were calculated from the three maximal weights (1-RM, h1-RM_B, h1-RM_E), rearranging the following equation:

\(\text{%}1-\text{R}\text{M} \text{a}\text{f}\text{t}\text{e}\text{r} \text{B}\text{r}\text{z}\text{y}\text{c}\text{k}\text{i} \left(1993\right) = 102.78-(2.78\text{*}\text{r}\) ) (r= repetitions)

The resulting intensities were as follows:

  • 4-RM = 91.7% 1-RM/h1-RM

  • 12-RM = 69.4% 1-RM/h1-RM

  • 20-RM = 47.2% 1-RM/h1-RM

Again, the three intensities imply a specific NOR that a person should be able to lift the associated weight (e.g., 4-RM presents the weight that a person should be able to lift four times (= the weight (hypothetically!) corresponding to 91,7% of his/her 1-RM/h1-RM)). All exercise sessions were performed as circuit training, meaning that all six strength machines were completed in the first circuit (first set, prescribed intensity e.g., 47.2% 1-RM). After the first set was completed, the patients began the second set (prescribed as e.g., 47.2% h1-RM_E) with the first machine again, followed by the second machine and so on. Given the fact that the calculated weights for each set were based on different equations (1-RM, h1-RM_B, h1-RM_E), three to some extent very different weights could result for the three sets on the same strength machine (e.g., leg press: 1-RM of 100 kg, h1-RM_B of 120 kg, h1-RM_E of 90 kg resulting in 4-RM training weights of 92 kg in set one, 110 kg in set two, and 83 kg in set three). The equation used for a particular set was randomized in order to adjust for muscular fatigue amongst the three sets. The order of the three different intensities for each exercise session was also randomized (e.g., week 1: 12-RM; week 2: 4-RM; week 3: 20-RM). A graphic overview of the methodical design is shown in Fig. 1.

The expected repetitions that each intensity implies was not communicated to the patients, but instead patients were instructed to perform as many repetitions as possible (repetitions to fatigue). However, patients were stopped by the exercise professional after the 40th repetition.

Statistical analyses

The majority of data do not follow a normal distribution, which is why only non-parametric test statistics have been applied. Three analyzing procedures were employed:

  1. Differences between the three maximal weights determined by the 1-RM test and the two h1-RM strength tests (h1-RM_B and h1-RM_E) were calculated using a repeated measures Friedman analysis with Wilcoxon rank post hoc test.

  2. Differences between the performed and the expected repetitions were calculated for each group (i.e., combination of intensity, machine, and model), using a Wilcoxon signed ranked test (non-parametric one-sample t-test) to compute whether the average repetition numbers of each group differ significantly from 4, 12, 20, respectively (18*3 statistical tests in total). However, as this test procedure might be too strict for the present research question, we elaborated an additional approach as follows.

  3. As an additional exploratory approach, we calculated the percentages of patients who performed less or more repetitions than a defined acceptable range (patients out of range, OOR) for each group (i.e., combination of intensity, machine, and model). The accepted range was set as: 3–5 repetitions for TM4, 10–14 repetitions for TM12 and 17–23 repetitions for TM20. We then calculated (based on random sampling) the percentage of patients expected to lie within these accepted ranges under the assumption of an underlying Poisson distribution (i.e., “what percentage of patients would naturally lie outside the set ranges, assuming the expectation value is equal to the predicted number of repetitions?”). This amounts to a threshold percentage of ≥ 58% OOR for the null hypothesis to be rejected at the 5% level (p < 0.05; i.e., in 5% of the cases, ≥ 58% patients OOR would occur, given a correct expected number of repetitions). The percentages of patients OOR was then tested for each group against the null hypothesis that the observed repetitions aligned to the expected number. This approach is hereafter called “%OOR method”.

All data was analyzed using IBM SPSS Version 25 (IBM Corp, Armonk, NY) and MATLAB Version R2018a (MathWorks, Natick, MA).


Patients’ characteristics

The anthropometric and therapy-related characteristics of the patients (n = 40) are presented in Table 1. 1-RM weights and calculated predicted 1-RM weights (h1-RM_B and h1-RM_E) for each strength machine are presented in Table 2.

Table 1

Participants’ characteristics. Data presented as mean ± SD unless stated otherwise. BMI, body mass index; BCa, Breast cancer patients; PCa, Prostate cancer patients; SD, standard deviation; $Surgery and/or radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy. 21 of 23 participants were still undergoing antihormonal therapy at the beginning of the study.









Age [years]

62.9 ± 9.2

58.4 ± 9.7

67.5 ± 6.0

BMI [kg/m2]

27.4 ± 3.9

27.1 ± 4.8

27.7 ± 2.7

Time since diagnosis [months]

20.8 ± 29.1

9.7 ± 3.5

32.0 ± 38.2

Time since end of primary treatment$ [months]

3.6 ± 2.4

3.5 ± 2.0

3.8 ± 2.7

Type of treatment received, n (%)



36 (90)

20 (100)

16 (80)


10 (25)

10 (50)

0 (0)


32 (80)

18 (90)

14 (70)

Antihormonal therapy

23 (58)

17 (85)

6 (30)

Current ß-Blocker intake, n (%)

11 (28)

5 (13)

6 (15)


Table 2

Descriptives of strength test results. Values are indicated in kilograms. LAT, lat pulldown; LC, leg curl; LE, leg extension; LP, leg press; R, rowing; SP, shoulder press.













delta 1-RM




delta 1-RM










































































Agreement of maximal weights

Mean maximal weights are shown in Fig. 2 (leg press) and Fig. 3 (remaining machines). Exact p-values are to be found in Table 3. Maximal weights of h1-RM_B differed from 1-RM for all strength machines except for R and LC, whereas h1-RM_E differed from 1-RM for all machines. Differences between maximal weights of h1-RM_B and h1-RM_E occurred for LP and LC.

Table 3

p-values of Friedman ANOVA comparing the results of the three tests. Bold numbers represent statistical differences (p < .05) to the results of the 1-RM test. LAT, lat pulldown; LC, leg curl; LE, leg extension; LP, leg press; R, rowing; SP, shoulder press.


h1-RM_B vs. 1-RM

h1-RM_E vs. 1-RM

h1-RM_B vs. h1-RM_E


< 0.001




< 0.001




< 0.001

< 0.001












< 0.001



1-RM weights plotted against h1-RM_B and h1-RM_E are shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, respectively. For LP and LAT, both, h1-RM_B and h1-RM_E overestimated “real” 1-RM. For LE and SP, 1-RM was underestimated by both h1-RM methods, with relatively large mean differences (Fig. 3). For R and LC, 1-RM was underestimated only by h1-RM_E. Hence, h1-RM_E exhibited a lack of similarity across all strength machines, whereas h1-RM_B evidenced a lack of similarity over four out of six machines. Both methods overestimated 1-RM for LP and LAT, whereas for the remaining machines they tended to underestimate 1-RM.

Accuracy of repetitions

The performed mean repetitions are presented in Fig. 6. For TM4, the Wilcoxon test revealed significant differences for three (LP, LAT, SP) five (LAT, LE, R, LC, SP) and four (LE, R, LC, SP) strength machines for 1-RM, h1-RM_B, and h1-RM_E, respectively (Table 4, Fig. 6a). In TM12, differences occurred for four (LP, LAT, LE, SP), one (SP), and two (LAT, LC) machines for 1-RM, h1-RM_B, and h1-RM_E, respectively (Table 4, Fig. 6b). In TM20 differences occurred for all strength machines for 1-RM and h1-RM_B, and for five (LAT, LE, R, LC, SP) machines for h1-RM_E (Table 4, Fig. 6c).

Table 4

p-values of Wilcoxon Rank test comparing the performed repetitions against the targeted number of repetitions for each training session. Bold numbers represent statistical differences (p < .05). LAT, lat pulldown; LC, leg curl; LE, leg extension; LP, leg press; R, rowing;














































































Accuracy of repetition results evaluated by the %OOR method (see section Statistical analyses above) are summarized in Table 5 to Table 7 and are illustrated in Fig. 7. TM4 showed insufficient accuracy (≥ 58% patients OOR) for four machines (LP, LAT, LE, SP) for 1-RM and all machines for h1-RM_B and h1-RM_E (Table 5, Fig. 7a). In TM12, insufficient accuracy resulted for four (LP, LAT, LE, R), one (LP), and two (LP, LAT) machines for 1-RM, h1-RM_B, and h1-RM_E, respectively Table 6, Fig. 7b). TM20 showed insufficient accuracy for four (LP, LAT, LE, LC), three (LP, LAT, R), and five (LP, LAT, LE, R, SP) strength machines for 1-RM, h1-RM_B, and h1-RM_E, respectively (Table 7, Fig. 7c). Thus, accordance between the results of the Wilcoxon tests and the %OOR method was present in 14, 12 and 12 of 18 cases (three models*six strength machines) for TM4, TM12, and TM20, respectively.

Table 5

Number (#) of patients out of range (OOR) for TM4. Absolute numbers and relative proportions. Percentages within the cut-off of < 58% are highlighted in bold lettering. LAT, lat pulldown; LC, leg curl; LE, leg extension; LP, leg press; R, rowing; SP, shoulder press.












































































Table 6

Number (#) of patients out of range (OOR) for TM12. Absolute numbers and relative proportions. percentages within the cut-off of < 58% are highlighted in bold lettering. LAT, lat pulldown; LC, leg curl; LE, leg extension; LP, leg press; R, rowing; SP, shoulder press.












































































Table 7

Number (#) of patients out of range (OOR) for TM20. Absolute numbers and relative proportions. percentages within the cut-off of < 58% are highlighted in bold lettering. LAT, lat pulldown; LC, leg curl; LE, leg extension; LP, leg press; R, rowing; SP, shoulder press.












































































In other words, TM4 exhibited insufficient accuracy for all machines among nearly all methods (except for R and LC for 1-RM) according to the %OOR method (Fig. 7a). For TM12, h1-RM_B showed the highest accuracy (5 of 6 machines), followed by h1-RM_E (4 of 6 machines), and 1-RM with a sufficient accuracy for only two machines (Fig. 7b). For TM20, 1-RM also showed accuracy for only two machines, which is comparably as low as h1-RM_B and h1-RM_E which presented a sufficient accuracy for three and one machine, respectively for this intensity (Fig. 7c). Hence, h1-RM_B and h1-RM_E seem to be most suitable for TM12 and for strength machines involving smaller muscle groups such as R, LE, R, LC, and SP. None of the methods resulted in sufficient accuracy for LP and LAT (except for h1-RM_B for TM12) among all three intensities, suggesting that none of the methods seems suitable for these two resistance machines for the investigated intensities.


From the perspective of feasibility, our results indicate that the classical and hypothetical 1-RM testing procedure can be well applied in breast and prostate CS following cancer treatment. However, strength testing results vary between the three investigated methods with the occurrence of over- as well as underestimation of patients’ strength performance depending on training machines. Further, the NOR prediction accuracy of all three strength testing procedures seems to be very poor for all tested strength training machines and intensity regimens.

RT has become a central pillar in the supportive care of cancer patients in the last two decades. Studies show impressive effectivity regarding relevant clinical outcomes like chemotherapy compliance rates, onset of lymphedema as well as quality of life, fatigue, distress and functional well-being and RT is therefore recommended and prescribed in various exercise oncology guidelines [57]. Consequently, a variety of research groups has performed projects to enhance the application range and quality of RT regimens as well as to test different RT intensity protocols in CS. With regard to the application range, the field of RT research in CS has moved from the “classical” breast CS treated with curative intent [22] to studies that were enrolling cachectic head and neck [23], pancreatic [24], advanced renal cell [25] or lung CS [26] as well as CS with unstable bone metastasis [27]. Other studies have successfully tested RT regimens not following the “classical” progressive hypertrophy RT approach (2–3 sets with 12 reps), but a maximal strength training protocol with 4x4 repetitions of dynamic leg press at approximately 90% of the 1-RM twice a week for 12 weeks in early stage breast CS [28]. On the other end, also gentle strength training approaches with 50% of the 1-RM just once a week for about six months were investigated [29]. Other studies also used intensity-varying approaches, like daily undulating training protocols (e.g., high intensity on Mondays, moderate on Wednesdays and again high intensity on Fridays) shown to be feasible and effective with regard to various clinically relevant endpoints [30, 31].

However, as already mentioned in the study descriptions before, the different studies used various 1-RM/h1-RM testing procedures to determine training intensities as well as to evaluate the efficacy of the invested RT intervention. In light of our results, it has to be questioned whether it is acceptable to incorporate RT studies with different 1-RM/h1-RM testing procedures in the same meta-analysis approach that might lead to invalid or inaccurate conclusions. Obviously, these questions are relevant to all RT studies and are not a unique problem of cancer patient populations. Furthermore, the question arises whether the participants in the above-mentioned studies really trained at the intended intensities. This is obviously a key question since a higher stress than normal must occur for fitness to improve [4]. Since the deviations between the h1-RM and the 1-RM results occurred in both directions in the present study, training weights could also turn out too high which bears the risk of overstraining the patients.

Generally, 1-RM test procedures were evaluated with regard to test–retest reliability and show mostly good to excellent results, regardless of e.g., previous RT experience, sex, and age of the participants [32]. However, patient cohorts are underrepresented in this type of research with only 4 out 32 studies having patients with disease conditions involved and CS are completely missing. There are studies showing in multiple following testing sessions (incorporating sufficient recovery time between sessions) that 1-RM performance significantly increased from the first to the last (4th) testing session by about 10–17% [33, 34]. These findings support our observation of patients being able to perform more repetitions in the first training session after 1-RM testing than expected by the prediction formulas which has been already shown for healthy older adults [35]. However, studies investigating such research questions in CS are currently missing. To the best of our knowledge, there is only one study that investigated the test-retest reliability of 10-RM tests for the leg press and bench press in breast CS [36]. The authors report a high to very high rate of reliability between the tests for both strength machines (ICC of 0.94 and 0.98, respectively). Even though these results contrast with the above-mentioned results from other studies, one has to keep in mind that the two test procedures (1-RM and 10-RM) are only comparable with each other to a limited extent.

Bringing the existing knowledge with our observation together, it has to be suggested that (I) h1-RM tests lead to errant maximal values with the occurrence of over- as well as underestimation of maximal values, (II) the NOR at given percentages of maximal values derived from 1-RM and h1-RM tests varies extremely between individuals. This implies that training intensities of the till to date published RT studies in oncology might be inaccurate regarding the intended training intensities when training intensities were prescribed as %1-RM/%h1-RM. Studies in the RT research area in non-cancer populations have partly addressed these questions with non-satisfying results mainly in accordance with our findings. For example, a study published in the 1990s tested 91 participants to determine the NOR they could perform at 40, 60, and 80%1-RM on various RT machines [37]. They observed large variations in the NOR that the participants were actually able to perform at the different intensities. Based on their findings the authors concluded that a given %1-RM will not always result in the same NOR. Interestingly, this finding was neither influced by gender nor by training status [37, 38] and also age does not seem to play an important role [39]. Another study undelines these findings, further showing that this phenomenon is true for all existing testing methods and equation procedures, and is not just limited to one of them [40]. According to our findings, the variations in the NOR tend to be greater for larger muscle groups of the lower extremity than those of the upper extremity [38].

Given the findings of our study as well as the current discussion in the field about how to optimize RT in general and in particular for CS, one aspect remains crucial: Reporting. It is well known from exercise oncology research that description and in particular reporting of exercise regimens need to be improved [41, 42]. Therefore, a variety of researchers have focused on comprehensive methods to describe and report RT adequately with a special focus on the cancer domain [4345] as well as in general [46]. All approaches mentioned, move the field forward by suggesting relevant reporting parameters like objective volume load or velocity documentation or subjectively perceived intensity reporting. In addition, the cancer specific recommendations should incorporate reporting variables which are similar to medical/drug research outcomes in oncology, like relative exercise dose intensity, total cumulative planned and completed dose or dose modification, comparable to Schluter et al. [31]. Two implications can be drawn from the mentioned paper: (I) To be able to draw solid conclusions from RT trials concerning the effectivity and efficacy, a comprehensive approach for reporting RT regimens is mandatory; (II) No matter which additional method or recommendation will be used, it is of great importance to find a consensus regarding how these different reporting strategies can be best implemented and integrated to complement each other.

Our study is to our knowledge the first that addresses questions about strength test prediction accuracy and comparability for intensity prescription of RT in CS. However, there are limitations that have to be mentioned. Due to the study design with multiple 1-RM tests as well as multiple training sets with different intensities, there is a probability of biased findings due to the effect of increasing muscular fatigue with increasing number of sets and tests. We accounted for that by randomizing the order of the 1-RM testing procedures as well as the order of the intensity specifications the patients were asked to follow within one set. Due to the relatively low number of participants and to the nature of our research questions, we do have partly skewed data. However, we accounted for that by only applying non-parametric testing procedures within the analysis.

In conclusion, our study shows that from a feasibility perspective various 1-RM testing procedures can be applied in breast and prostate CS after acute cancer treatment and are well tolerated. Nevertheless, the finding that strength testing results vary largely between 1-RM procedures and over- as well as underestimate patients’ strength depending on which method is used and which muscle group is tested, limits the comparability of studies using different 1-RM testing procedures. Findings from other studies suggest that the extent of misestimation of h1-RM procedures largely depends on the NOR achieved in the test [4752]. Therefore, it can be assumed that even intraindividual values reported in studies are inaccurate. Consequently, it has to be critically asked whether 1-RM/h1-RM testing procedures are adequate methods to be used to evaluate resistance-training efficacy in CS, and whether data from different 1-RM procedures are acceptable to be used for review and meta-analysis purposes. Future studies should invest this cross-sectional phenomenon on a longitudinal perspective to elucidate the potential problem of different non-comparable 1-RM procedures through the RT intervention period. Furthermore, given that the h1-RM methods showed the largest accuracy of repetitions for TM12, it can be concluded that these methods may be most suitable for intensity prescription of exercise sessions with similar numbers of repetitions to the h1-RM test. More simply put, if you intend to exercise at e.g., 10-RM a 10-RM test might be more suitable for determining the training weights. This would also be a safer alternative to the 1-RM test, which given the occurrence of SAE in the past, should better be replaced by a safer testing procedure for clinical populations.

Having discussed accuracy and methodological aspects of strength testing and intensity prescription of RT before, it has to be noted that there is quite a lot of discussion in the area of RT research about whether RT intensity is the central key variable when it comes to RT efficacy. A recent meta-analysis from studies performed with healthy participants shows that muscle hypertrophy can be reached by applying low- as well as high-load RT protocols [53]. However, maximal strength benefits were significantly greater in favor of high- vs. low-load training. This is mostly in line with recent findings from Lopez et al. in the cancer area. They found that the prescribed volume was inversely associated with gains in muscle strength, although there was no relationship between RT intensity and strength gains [54]. The authors therefore conclude that low volume RT might be a viable approach for breast CS to gain benefits from RT regardless of the training intensity. The possible opportunities again, stress the importance of accurate intensity assessment and prediction to set up an adequate resistance training regimen.

Regarding intensity prescription, given the fact that the accuracy of %1-RM/h1-RM (prediction of repetitions a patient can perform with a certain weight) was mostly inadequate, raises the question whether this method is adequate for intensity prescription in CS. From a practical point of view, exercise trainers should not rely on 1-RM/h1-RM testing procedure results and closely monitor their patients predominately through initial training weeks to be sure that the intended exercise intensity is reached. A more practical approach would be to directly approach the desired weight (gradually increase or decrease the weight until the patient can lift the weight the intended number of times). Prescribing the actual NOR to dictate the intensity and not vice versa is an approach which has already been advocated by other authors [55] and is also part of the Australian recommendations for CS [56]. Our results together with those from previous studies suggest that alternative methods than the ones commonly used for strength testing and RT prescription may be more suitable for CS, which should be investigated in future studies



This study was funded by the Dietmar Hopp Foundation (Project number 1DH1811306).

Conflict of interest

All authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

The authors have full control of all primary data and agree to allow the journal to review the data if requested.

Author contributions

F.R. and J.W. designed the study. K.S. and J.S. acquired the data. J.S. analyzed the data and prepared all figures and tables. J.S and J.W. wrote the manuscript. All authors revised and approved the manuscript.

Compliance with Ethical Standards

Research involving Human Participants and/or Animals

The study followed the ethical standards of the Declaration of Helsinki, was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Medical Faculty of Heidelberg (S-347/2016) and is registered at (NCT02883699).

This article does not contain any studies with animals performed by any of the authors.

Consent to participate

Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the study.


We thank the Dietmar Hopp Foundation for funding the study. Furthermore, we thank the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) for the study assessment support. And finally, we thank all participants for their dedication to the study.


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