3.3.1 Net surface heat flux
The sea-atmosphere interactions in the Indonesian waters were indicated by the value of net surface heat flux, which has a positive value (Fig. 4a, b, c), which means that there is a heat transfer process from the atmosphere to the sea, which plays a role in ocean warming. Meanwhile, the negative value of the net surface heat flux, which occurred in the south of the equator of the Indian Ocean at 12°S, causes the opposite heat transfer from the sea to the atmosphere, thus playing a role in sea cooling. From the three periods of studies, there are differences in spatial characteristics between the western and eastern parts of Indonesian waters (Fig. 4a, b, c). This study found that the net surface heat flux is more significant in the east of Indonesia waters than in the western regions. The average net surface heat flux in the eastern region is > 80 W/m2 with some areas, such as the Sawu, Halmahera, and the Sulawesi Seas, reaching > 100 W/m2 (Fig. 4a, b, c). Meanwhile, the western regions have lower net surface heat flux, ranging from 0–40 W/m2, with negative values occurring at the end of the west of the Aceh waters (~ 5 W/m2) and the southern equatorial Indian Ocean (~ 20 W/m2) for the three study periods (Fig. 4a, b, c). The significant difference in net surface heat flux characteristics between the eastern and western regions is caused by the cloud cover factor. According to Wallace and Hobbs (2006), there is a smaller amount of total cloud cover in the eastern than western regions due to the influence of seasons. Furthermore, the rain and cloud cover pattern will constantly propagate from west to east areas, causing more cloud cover in the west regions. This phenomenon impacts the amount of solar radiation entering the sea, which is more limited in the west than in the eastern regions of the Indonesian waters.
From the three study periods, we found that the highest net surface heat flux occurs during the warm phase of PDO (Fig. 3b) when El Niño dominated Indonesian waters. During El Niño conditions, the western Pacific is cooler than normal, which may contribute to cooling in the Indonesian waters by advection. However, the maximum intensity of MHWs event in the Indonesian waters were most likely not driven by oceanic advection, but by air-sea heat flux into the ocean. In the El Niño phase, its atmospheric conditions can potentially reduce wind speed and cloud coverage, thus leading to increased net surface heat flux into the ocean, which plays a role in warming the ocean. This result was similar to the previous study documented by Haideman and Ribbe (2019), in which El Niño was impacting air-sea heat flux and the local atmosphere significantly, thus generating large MHWs in Queensland, Australia. In contrast, in this study we found that the net surface heat flux was negligible during the La Niña event.
3.3.2 Components of net surface heat flux
In this section, we will describe the role of net surface heat flux components on the maximum intensity of MHWs (Fig. 5). We found that among other components (LWR and SHF), contribution of LHF on the heat loss is the biggest (Fig. 5j, k, l), which results in the significant accumulation of net surface heat flux. The amount of LHF (heat loss) is smaller during the warm phase (Fig. 5k) than in the cold phase of PDO (Fig. 5l). The low evaporation events influenced the low cloud cover amount. The heat absorbed by the ocean is more significant during the warm phase. On the other hand, during the cold phase, a lot of evaporation occurred which generated more clouds. These conditions impact the solar heat radiation which is then reflected by the clouds which then reach the Earth's surface. This is followed by decrease of heat intensity in the ocean and plays a role in ocean cooling.
3.3.3 Interannual variations of MHWs
In this section, we continued our analysis on the interannual variations of MHWs based on IOD, ENSO, and neutral events during September to November (SON) in the period of 1982–2021. We will discuss only the SON in this section to eliminate seasonal variations to obtain a more accurate analysis of the maximum intensity of MHWs and its generating factor in terms of the role of the atmosphere. We selected the SON season based on the DMI and ONI, as shown in Fig. 6, which shows the strongest values compared to other seasons. Details of the classification of the year when IOD, ENSO, and neutral events occurred during SON 1982 to 2021 period, can be seen in Table 1.
3.3.4 The maximum intensity of MHWs during SON in the period of 1982–2021
We analyzed the maximum intensity of MHWs in the Indonesian waters in SON 1988 when the La Niña event occurred (Fig. 7a, left column). The maximum intensity variates between 0–2 ℃ in the inner seas, whereas some areas in the outer seas can reach > 2.5 ℃. The lowest maximum intensity mainly occurred in eastern Indonesian waters, such as Halmahera, Banda, Arafura, and western Sumatra (Fig. 7a, left column). In SON 1990, during the neutral event (no IOD and or ENSO phases), the maximum intensity is greater than the La Niña event, with the average maximum intensity ranging 1–2 ℃ and can reach > 2.5 ℃, especially in the eastern Indonesian waters (Fig. 7a, middle column). Further analysis was on the maximum intensity of MHWs in SON 1996 when the nIOD event happened (Fig. 7a, right column). The maximum intensity characteristics in this period were different from the La Niña event. The lowest value occurred in the southern regions (e.g. the northern and southern waters of Java, Flores Sea, and around the Nusa Tenggara waters), with the average maximum intensity near zero (Fig. 7a, right column).
The El Niño event that occurred at SON 2015 (Fig. 9a, left column), is one of the key drivers of maximum intensity MHWs in the eastern Indonesian waters. The result of the research showed that the high maximum intensity reaching > 1 ℃ occurred in almost all eastern Indonesian waters. Moreover, some areas have the highest maximum intensity, reaching > 2.5 ℃, such as in Sulawesi, Molucca/Maluku, and the Arafura Sea (Fig. 9a, left column). The high maximum intensity was also found on the coasts of southern Java and Kalimantan (Fig. 9a, left column). On the other hand, the pIOD drives the maximum intensity of MHWs in western Indonesian waters (Fig. 9a, right column). Evenmore, this can reach > 3.0 ℃ along the west coast of Sumatra to southern Java (Fig. 9a, right column). This value was the most fantastic compared to the other phases (El Niño, La Niña, and nIOD).
In detail, we also observed the maximum intensity of MHWs when the IOD and ENSO phases attenuate and strengthen each other. In the previous explanation, El Niño (pIOD) significantly impacted the maximum intensity of MHWs in eastern (western) Indonesian waters than La Niña (nIOD) event. The highest maximum intensity of all phases was found during El Niño and pIOD phases, i.e. in SON 1997 (Fig. 8a, left column), reaching > 3.0 ℃ in almost all of the Indonesian waters (e.g. along the west coast of Sumatra to southern Java, the west coast of Kalimantan, Banda, and the Arafura Sea; as shown in Fig. 8a, left column). In contrast, the lowest maximum intensity of all phases was found when La Niña was happening simultaneously with nIOD in SON 1998 (Fig. 8a, middle column). Most of the maximum intensity in the Indonesian waters was almost zero, with some areas showing values of ~ 1.0 ℃ (Fig. 8a, middle column). This condition has the similiar characteristic as the neutral condition in SON 2013 (Fig. 8a, right column) with the maximum intensity of MHWs ranging 0 to 1 ℃ in almost all Indonesian waters.
Moreover, this study found similar patterns between the maximum intensity of MHWs and the net surface heat flux in the Indonesian waters (Figs. 7,8,9). The most dominant contribution of net surface heat flux comes from high SWR as heat gain and low LHF through the evaporation process as heat loss, thus keeping the ocean warm. For all phases, the result showed that high SWR occurred in the southern regions, reaching > 300 W/m2 (Figs. 7,8,9c). This condition corresponds to the position of the sun in the south of the equator during the SON season. Additionally, the amount of total cloud cover in the southern regions was the lowest compared to the northern regions in all phases. It makes the amount of SWR absorbed by the ocean become more significant because it is not reflected by the atmosphere, particularly by the cloud cover (Figs. 7,8,9h).