4.1 Econometric model
Technological innovation is a crucial factor affecting development level of green logistics. Specifically, research and development (R&D) can yield technologies or products which can improve the energy efficiency or operation efficiency in logistics industry, such as electronic motor car with long endurance mileage, goods sorting system, internet of things and so on. Promotion of such technology and high-tech productors are beneficial for the development of green logistics. Moreover, technological innovation can also change the future development direction of the industry. With the development of green development of logistics industry in China, companies in logistics industry tend to utilize green technology. In summary, technological innovation and R&D can effectively promote the development of the industry and enhance competitiveness. Referring to Li and Wang (2022) and Shen et al. (2019), this paper uses the R&D expenditure of high-tech industry (TI) to express the innovation ability.
Trade openness (TR) is an important influencing factor for GLDL. To be specific, the promotion of international trade can contribute to the economic development, most of the countries which actively involve in international trade have a vigorous economy. The promotion of international trade can drive the circulation of goods and service and facilitate the development of logistics industry and its related industries. With reference of Khan et al. (2019) and Zheng et al. (2020), this paper uses the total values of import and export to denotes TR.
Government regulation is also an important factor for GLDL. In China, the government mainly regulates market order of logistics industry through macro-control such as financial investment in transportation section. The application of government regulation may facilitate the development of logistics infrastructure, optimize resources allocation of different links in logistics industry, reduce related costs and increase efficiency, and improve ecological environment. However, it may also impede the development of green logistics as too much government financial investment may hinder the investment from companies, which may reduce the market efficiency. Moreover, if the financial investment is used to infrastructure construction with high pollutions, the development of green logistics would also be damaged. With reference to Long et al. (2020) and Xu and Xu (2022), this paper utilizes government financial input in transportation industry (GFI) to represent government regulation.
Infrastructure construction is also an important factor affecting GLDL. Logistics infrastructure not only involves warehousing, computers, transportation equipment, but also involves road, railway and other transportation infrastructure. In summary, infrastructure construction lays the foundation for the development of green logistics. Unlike Tan et al. (2019) and lo Storto and Evangelista (2022) who used the total mileage of different transportation manners to represent logistics infrastructure (LF), we use the area of logistics storage land to represent the LF.
Environmental protection (EP) is an important factor which have impact on the GLDL. The attitude of logistics industry towards energy protection can be partly reflected by the governance capability and the construction of governance system related to environment in logistics industry. To be specific, the utilization efficiency of resources can be improved by enhancing the EP of logistics industry, which are conductive to the long-term and sustainable development of green logistics. In order to explore the impact of EP on GLDL, we use proportion of investment in environmental pollution control to GDP to denote the EP (see other examples in Deng et al. (2020) and Wang et al. (2022)).
Energy intensity (EI) is also a crucial factor affecting the GLDL. As the market demand of logistics industry is expanding, its energy consumption is increasing accordingly, especially the energy consumption of the transportation process. Although the government has implemented a plenty of policies and measures to control energy consumption and pollution emissions, these policies still cannot resist the continuous growth of energy consumption, which jeopardizes the green development of logistics industry. With reference to Bai et al. (2022) and Long et al. (2020), this paper uses the proportion of energy consumption to the added value of logistics industry to express EI.
Although the main goal of this paper is to explore the impacts of TI on GLDL, other control variables are also considered based on the analysis above, such control factors include TR, GFI, LF, EP and EI. The relationship between GLDL and these independent variables can be described by the Eq. (8):
$${GLDL}_{it}=f\left({TI}_{it}, {TR}_{it},{GFI}_{it},{LF}_{it},{EP}_{it},{EI}_{it}\right)$$
where i and t denotes i-th province and t-th year respectively. GLDL represents green logistics development level, TI denotes technological innovation, TR stands for trade openness, GFI represents government financial investment, LF denotes logistics infrastructure, EP stands for environmental protection and EI denotes energy intensity.
In order to avoid the possible impact of data fluctuation, variance of units of different variables and heteroscedasticity, we use the logarithm form of the original data in our analysis. Thus, the regression model in our paper is shown in Eq. (9)
$${lnGLDL}_{it}=c+{\beta }_{1}{TI}_{it}+{\beta }_{2}{TR}_{it}+{\beta }_{3}{GFI}_{it}+{\beta }_{4}{LF}_{it}+{\beta }_{5}{EP}_{it}+{\beta }_{6}{EI}_{it}+{\epsilon }_{it}$$
where \(i\)is the provinces (\(i\)=1,2,3…,30), and \(t\) is the year (\(t\)=2001,2002…,2019). \({\beta }_{1}\)-\({\beta }_{6}\) is the regression coefficient of these variables. \({\epsilon }_{it}\) is a random error term.
4.4 Results and discussion
4.4.1 National regression analysis results
As the conditions in different provinces vary greatly in China, we apply a GEE model which is proposed by Zeger et al. (1988). Compared with traditional ordinary least squares (OLS) regression model, the distinction among different provinces and the changes over different period of each province are considered in the GEE model. In other words, the correlation between observations are considered in the GEE model.
Regression results of the fixed-effect (FE) OLS, feasible generalized least squares (FGLS) and GEE model is shown in Table 8. The result of GEE model is basically consistent with that of FGLS, and is different from that of FE-OLS, which confirms that the result of OLS is biased. According to the regression result of the GEE model in Table 8, we can conclude that TI has a positive impact on GLDL. Specifically, 1% increase in R&D can yield a 0.056% growth in GLDL. With regards to the control variables, TR and LF have a positive impact on GLDL, while GFI and EI have a negative impact on GLDL.
Table 8
Regression results of full sample
Dependent variable: lnGDLD |
Variables | Regression method |
lnTI | 0.013 | 0.058*** | 0.056*** |
| (1.38) | (41.13) | (5.08) |
lnTR | 0.040*** | 0.157*** | 0.155*** |
| (3.08) | (68.04) | (12.33) |
lnGFI | -0.006 | -0.107*** | -0.110*** |
| (-0.71) | (-40.17) | (-12.14) |
lnLF | -0.005 | 0.394*** | 0.408*** |
| (-0.17) | (65.17) | (20.38) |
lnEP | 0.149*** | 0.015 | -0.006 |
| (2.93) | (1.22) | (-0.09) |
lnEI | -0.081* | -0.095*** | -0.086* |
| (-1.67) | (-8.80) | (-1.66) |
Constant | -1.366*** | -3.924*** | -3.985*** |
| (-9.05) | (-117.18) | (-26.53) |
Observations | 570 | 570 | 570 |
R-squared | 0.042 | | |
Number of id | 30 | 30 | 30 |
Note: t-statistics in parentheses *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.1 |
As shown in Table 8, TI has a significant positive impact on GLDL. The result implies that the green development of logistics industry depends on the development of science and technology. R&D investment continuously keeps increasing in recent years, and the ever-increasing R&D sever as an important source for the high-quality development and promote the evolution of logistics industry. Abundant R&D funds and good research environment have yielded many research outputs which can be applied in many aspects related to logistics industry. Such research outputs include improvement and innovation of transportation equipment, invention of eco-friendly materials of packaging, etc. In summary, an increase in R&D investment have a positive effect on the green development of logistics industry in China.
As displayed in Table 8, TR has a positive effect on GLDL. China is an important production base in the world, and international trade is a crucial component in China’s economy. An increase in the total value of imports and exports can significantly stimulate economic development in Chia. As an important bridge linking both domestic and international market, the green development of logistics will also accelerate with continuous increase in economy. Therefore, TR positively affects GLDL.
As shown in Table 8, GFI has a significant negative impact on GLDL. When government commits large financial investment in transportation section, investment chance for the investors from the private sector is occupied. According to classical economic theory, this may cause decrease in market efficiency. Consequently, the development of green logistics may be hindered. Moreover, as the government financial investment is mainly used to build highways, railways or airport, which may cause pollutions as many steels and energy are needed in the construction process. Therefore, an increase in GFI negatively influence the GLDL.
As shown in Table 8, LF has a significant positive impact on GLDL. Logistic infrastructure, which is denoted by land area for logistical storage in this paper, lays a solid foundation for the development of logistics industry. An increase in LF implies the foundation of logistics industry becomes more solid; thus, the GLDL increases accordingly.
As shown in Table 8, EP has an insignificant negative impact on GLDL. Although the government's investment in environmental control has increased year by year, the growth rate of environmental protection cannot keep up with the growth rate of GDP, this will lead to imbalance between economic development and environmental control. Therefore, EP may negatively affect GLDL, but its impact is not significant.
As shown in Table 8, EI has a significant positive impact on GLDL. Energy intensity of logistics industry represents the utilization efficiency of logistics industry. Currently, traditional fossil fuels which result in environmental pollutions are still widely applied as long-distance vehicles using clean energy are still in the design and test process. An increase in EI indicates that more energy is needed to yield the same GDP, this will cause damage to the current environment and impede the green development of logistics industry.
4.4.2 Regional regression analysis results
As the conditions in different regions varies greatly in China, we conduct a heterogeneity analysis in which 30 provinces are divided into Eastern region, Central region and Western region in this study. The heterogeneity analysis can help us gauge the impacts of each variable on the GLDL in the three different regions; then we can propose different policies based on the regression results.
The results are listed Table 9.
Table 9
Regression results of different regions
| (1) | (2) | (3) | (4) |
Variables | Total | Eastern region | Central region | Western region |
lnTI | 0.056*** | 0.043 | 0.115*** | 0.055*** |
| (5.08) | (1.02) | (4.22) | (4.05) |
lnTR | 0.155*** | 0.134*** | -0.017 | 0.180*** |
| (12.33) | (2.64) | (-0.28) | (6.86) |
lnGFI | -0.110*** | -0.114*** | -0.051 | -0.112*** |
| (-12.14) | (-7.86) | (-1.64) | (-7.13) |
lnLF | 0.408*** | 0.433*** | 0.250*** | 0.427*** |
| (20.38) | (13.02) | (4.14) | (8.74) |
lnEP | -0.006 | -0.174* | 0.030 | 0.000 |
| (-0.09) | (-1.85) | (0.18) | (0.00) |
lnEI | -0.086* | 0.041 | -0.312** | 0.147 |
| (-1.66) | (0.49) | (-2.47) | (1.52) |
Constant | -3.985*** | -4.255*** | -3.324*** | -4.191*** |
| (-26.53) | (-17.43) | (-9.59) | (-15.56) |
Observations | 570 | 209 | 152 | 209 |
Number of id | 30 | 11 | 8 | 11 |
Notes: z-statistics in parentheses *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.1 |
For the Eastern region, TR and LF have a significantly positive impact on GLDL, while GFI and EP exert a negatively influence on GLDL. With regards to the Central region, TI and LF have a significantly positive impact on GLDL, while EI exerts a negatively influence on GLDL. Regarding the Western region, TI, TR and LF have a significantly positive impact on GLDL, while GFI exerts a negatively influence on GLDL.
For TI, the impact of TI on GLDL is not significant for the Eastern region. This may be caused by scale effect of R&D, i.e., the impact of R&D investment on GLDL will gradually increase when the technological level is low; however, the influence of R&D investment will become small when the technological level exceeds a turning point. To be specific, when the technological level is low, it is easy to realize technological innovation as it is relatively easy to invent an early-stage technology. Meanwhile, with continuous development of the early-stage technology, it will become more and more difficult to modify the sophisticated technology as more resources are needed. This is partly confirmed by the values and significance of coefficients of TI in the three regions: the coefficient of TI in the Central region is higher than that of TI in the Western region, meanwhile, the coefficient of TI in the Eastern region is insignificant.
With regards to TR, the impact of TR on GLDL is insignificant in the Central region. International trade is prosperous due to “One Belt and One Road” Initiative in the Eastern region and Western region due to their good location advantage. The volume of international trade in the Central region is small. Therefore, the impact of TR on GLDL is small in the Central region. Moreover, many heavy industries with high pollution are situated in the Central region, an increase in TR in the Central region will result in severe environmental damage, which will hinder the green development of logistics in the Central region. Consequently, the sign of TR in the Central region is negative.
Regarding GFI, the impact of GFI on GLDL is not significant in the Central region. GFI in the Central region is less than that in the Eastern and Western regions. Thus, the crowding-out effect of government investment in the Central region is the smallest in the three regions, indicating that the impact of GFI on GLDL is small in the Central region.
For LF, the impact of LF on GLDL is significant in these three regions, but the coefficient of LF in the Central region is smaller than the counterparts in the Eastern and Western regions. In other words, a U-shaped relationship exist between LF and GLDL, i.e., the impact of land area of logistical storage on the GLDL will decrease firstly, then started to increase after exceeding a turning point.
With regards to EP, EP has a significant negative impact on GLDL in the Eastern region. As mentioned in 4.4.1, the gap between the growth rate of GDP and environmental control input causes the negative relationship between EP and GLDL. Moreover, as the economic development in the Eastern region is better than that of the Central region and the Western region, this kind of gap is more significant in the Eastern region; therefore, EP exerts a significantly negative impact on GLDL in the Eastern region.
Regarding EI, the coefficient of EI is only significant in Central region. Several provinces in the Central region is an important energy base and heavy industry base for China, such as Shanxi, Heilongjiang and Jilin. In other words, many fossil energy production centers or high-pollution industries locate in the Central provinces. In contrast, many renewable energy projects or high-tech industries are situated in the Eastern or Western region. Therefore, EI has a significant negative impact on GLDL in the Central region.