The strandflat in Western Norway (Fig. 2a) is a subhorizontal (Fig. 2b) region partly above and partly below the present sea level. It is slightly deeper/lower in the north, where most of it is submerged (Fig. 3). As a whole it ranges from roughly -150 to 60 m elevation, separating two much larger geomorphic provinces: the elevated inland region and the offshore North Sea rift region. Both of these provinces are defined by west-sloping denudation surfaces into which the strandflat has been excavated.
The Mesozoic offshore denudation surface
West of the strandflat, a Jurassic denudation surface has been preserved below Mesozoic sediments (Fig. 3). This surface, commonly referred to as top crystalline basement, is the Jurassic topography sculptured on crustal rocks that represent a westward continuation of onshore rocks; Proterozoic to Silurian Paleozoic gneisses, magmatic rocks and schists, and limited amounts of very low-grade Devonian clastic rocks. This is confirmed through offshore commercial wells drilled to basement. All the cores available from near-shore basement show fresh crystalline rocks with very little sign of weathering (Fig. 4).
The Jurassic unconformity is diachronous, younging towards the mainland, but of early to middle Jurassic age near the coast. It represents a low-relief paleotopographic surface locally affected by erosional channels of Cretaceous age15. The unconformity was subjected to late Jurassic to early Cretaceous rift faulting, producing relatively minor east-dipping faults north of Sognefjorden, while major west-dipping faults to the south (e.g., Øygarden Fault) are mainly of early Triassic age with only modest Jurassic-Cretaceous reactivation. The base Jurassic unconformity dips relatively steeply (~15°) north of Sognefjorden, as constrained by excellent 3D seismic data that in this area extend close to the coast (Figs. 3 and 5). Most of the strong rotation here relates to a major listric east-facing rift fault west of the study area. During this late Jurassic to early Cretaceous faulting, the Måløy Slope was flexed into a gigantic rollover structure. This structure abruptly terminates southwards at the rift transfer structure at the latitude of Sognefjorden. South of this fundamental transfer structure, the polarity of the rift system changes. Here, major west-dipping Permo-Triassic faults, such as the Øygarden fault, dominate the structural picture, with thick sequences of Triassic sediments in their hanging walls. Their limited Jurassic activity did not rotate Jurassic layers much (Fig. 5), and the near-shore Jurassic denudation surface east of the Øygarden fault dips gently to the west (Fig. 4). Also younger strata up to Neogene dip to the west, and most of this westerly dip can be attributed to coupled onshore uplift – offshore subsidence after the Mesozoic rifting. A regional angular unconformity separates the subhorizontal Quaternary deposits from underlying Neogene and older west-dipping sediments, and the last major phase of onshore uplift is therefore considered to be of Neogene age. The Neogene itself is characterized by extensive deltaic build-outs (Fig. 6) reflecting increased depositional rates that reflect onshore Neogene exhumation.
The post-Mesozoic onshore denudation surface
The onshore topography east of the strandflat is dominated by a system of elevated plateau elements (e.g., Fig. 7b) separated by fjords and valleys. Traditionally the plateaus are correlated into a topographic surface interpreted as an inherited pre-glacial landscape (the so-called paleic surface), reshaped by localized Pleistocene glacial, glaci-fluvial, fluvial and colluvial erosional processes. There is general consensus that the Pleistocene fjords to a large extent represent pre-glacial fluvial drainage systems that were repeatedly exploited and many places severely deepened by glaciers. The largest fjord, the Sognefjord, was deepened to more than 1,000 m below current sea level, up to -1,500 m in its central part16. The fjords shallow where they meet the strandflat, although many of them do show a westward continuation as relatively shallow channels through the strandflat (Figs. 2a and 3).
The elevated plateaus between the fjords have been interpreted in different ways. Some regard them as a fragmented pre-glacial landscape surface that represents a mid-Jurassic peneplain capped at about 1 km altitude by a Miocene peneplain formed near sea level and elevated in the Pliocene17 (Japsen et al., 2018). Others argue that they represent remnants of a degraded base Cenozoic landscape surface18 (Doré, 1992). This interpretation draws on the classical idealized interpretation of a low-level paleic surface (peneplain) that was uplifted from near-sea level to the current elevations of mountain peaks and plateaus19,20 (Reusch, 1894; Gjessing, 1967). If correct, it allows for this surface to be continued offshore as the base Cenozoic (Top Shetland Group) stratigraphic level.
There is, however, no strong evidence that the summits outline an isochronous surface of base Cenozoic or any other fixed age, and the fact that surfaces of different elevations coexist in the inland reflect the simplistic nature of this model. Others have therefore tried to classify plateaus of different elevations as being of different ages21. Obviously, such correlations are inherently difficult without independent dating. While surface dating without stratigraphic constraints is inherently difficult, apatite fission track and (U-Th)/He thermochronometry22,23 suggests that the currently exposed peaks and mountainous plateaus east of the coastal region (the paleic surface) were still buried at depths of around two kilometers at the dawn of the Cenozoic. Hence, the base Cenozoic topographic surface must be located roughly two km above the paleic surface.
A completely different interpretation considers the high-elevation inland landforms as remnants of Caledonian mountains, modified during the Quaternary glaciations24,25,26. Nielsen et al. 24 suggest that it is unlikely for uplifted surfaces to be preserved over long geologic time spans, and that the flat summits of many Norwegian mountains (roughly connected in Fig. 6) therefore are unlikely to be erosional remnants of an uplifted Cretaceous or base Cenozoic paleic surface. In their model, glacial processes, particularly during the first part of the Pleistocene, are called for to explain not only the carving-out of fjords, but also significant lowering of the mountain plateaus. Indeed, some middle way may be envisioned where the landscape was never reduced to a near-sea level peneplane, but significantly lower than today’s landscape, elevated and eroded during Neogene uplift.
Regardless of its origin, it is evident that the strandflat was carved into a terrain defined by elevated surfaces and peaks whose enveloping surface dips towards the North Sea basin, and that this surface was subjected to glacial denudation that resulted in deep glacial valleys and fjords, most of which formed along pre-glacial drainage systems.
The strandflat
The eastern termination of the strandflat is many places well defined by an abrupt change in slope. This knickpoint is typically expressed by a steep cliff separating the subhorizontal strandflat from the several hundred meters higher hilly paleic surface (Fig. 7b). A similar marked change in slope defines the circumferential limit of isolated remnant hills or mountains (monadnocks, “nyker”) within the strandflat proper (Fig. 7a). Interestingly, the strandflat is also locally developed within the outer parts of the fjords, as narrow shoulders near sea level4. From these observations, the strandflat must be younger than the west-sloping “paleic” surface, and it must at least in part be developed after the Pleistocene fjords were eroded below sea level.
The western limit of the strandflat closely coincides with the occurrence of west-dipping Mesozoic sediments on basement, for instance in Profile A in Fig. 5). Most places, however, there is an up to 15 km wide transition zone between the clearly defined subhorizontal strandflat and in situ Mesozoic sediments (the area between the strandflat and the yellow dashed line in Fig. 2 and 5). The westward dip of this transition zone can be close to the Jurassic denudation surface (e.g., Profile i in Fig. 8) but is commonly degenerated to a rougher and more gently dipping surface.
The 3D elevation model from the northern, mostly submerged part of the strandflat shown in Figure 3 illustrates its main features well. New bathymetric data reveal this region as perhaps the best developed part of the strandflat in the study area in terms of width, continuity, smoothness and definition. Still, the strandflat is also here broken up by deeper channels and fault-related lineaments, and it is decorated by several monadnocks (Fig. 6a). The eastern boundary shows the characteristic steep cliff against the paleic surface. The data shows how this paleic surface is lower and younger than the extrapolated Jurassic topographic level (Fig. 3b and red dashed lines in Fig. 5), and higher and older than the strandflat.
The strandflat is less rough than the offshore unconformity and the inland, but has developed numerous irregularities at the vertical scale of ±10 to ±20 m (Fig. 8). In spite of these smaller irregularities, many of which define slightly different horizontal levels within the strandflat domain, the subhorizontal orientation of the strandflat is easily defined. A very gentle westerly slope can be identified, amounting to just a few tens of meters of elevation difference across the strandflat in many cases. As an example, section i in Figure 8 from the strandflat between Bergen and Sognefjorden shows how it is separated in to ~10 km wide sections by three fault-controlled fjords (Fensfjorden, Lurefjorden, and Hjeltefjorden). The strandflat is defined at roughly 30-40 m above the current sea level from the east across Lindås and Radøy, dropping to 10-20 m in the western part. A larger variation (0-60 m) is seen from Profile ii, with the highest levels in the central part. In most of the study area, the average slope of the strandflat is close to that predicted by glacioisostatic uplift since the Younger Dryas (1.3 m/km27). In profile I (Fig. 8), the strandflat appears more horizontal than expected from this postglacial uplift (45 m from the eastern knickpoint through Øygarden, while the observed lowering is around 25-30 m). These variations probably reflect that different parts of the strandflat were formed at period of different relative sea level.
There is also a general northward lowering of the strandflat parallel to the coast, from the south where most of the strandflat is situated above the present sea level to the north where effectively the entire strandflat is submerged (Fig. 9). This coast-parallel variation is fully explained by differences in glacio-isostatic uplift since the Younger Dryas around 11,700 years ago. The post-glacial isobase map for the study area4 shows a variation from approximately 35 m east of Karmøy to -35 m in the north that closely matches the variation in strandflat altitude shown in Figure 9.
Another important feature of the strandflat is the lack of significant Holocene erosion around sea level. In other words, there is no sign of strandflat development since the end of the last glaciation. This is documented by the preservation of fresh glacial striae on the strandflat, also south of Sognefjorden where the strandflat has been uplifted relative to sea-level since the Younger Dryas. Any further evolution of the strandflat would be exposed in this area, while it might have been submerged to the north. Hence, the strandflat must have formed by processes that were active at different and probably colder climatic conditions than the current ones.