A Single-Phase Modelling for the Oxygen Uptake Rate in Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-220974/v1


A two-parameters [a rate constant k and a factor f (0≤f < 1)] modelling, describing satisfactorily the post-exercise oxygen uptake rate (VO2) as a function of the recovery time (t), is presented. f controls the rate equation dVO2/dt, particularly at t = 0 where (dVO2/dt)t=0 ∝ −k(1−f), a less abrupt decay than (dVO2/dt)t=0 ∝ −k expected from an exponential. Fitting the model to a set of experimental VO2 vs t data after a 3MT it was found a set of values with f close to 0 and another with f > 1/2, with a narrow distribution of values for the half-recovery time τ1/2=(1/k)ln[(2−f)/(1−f)] (〈τ1/2〉=0.641 min, σ = 0.062 min), very similar to that (T) found by fitting a model based on a logit transform (〈T〉 = 0.672 min, σ = 0.081 min). The parameter f is a reliable index of the initial acceleration of the oxygen uptake rate recovery (and likely of the heart rate recovery) and, together with the half-recovery time τ1/2, may be a useful method in characterizing and monitoring performs and exercise forms, very important in the physiology area.

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