The Antarctic Peninsula ecosystem has been disproportionately affected by regional warming trends over the last several decades (Jones et al. 2019), with cascading effects for organisms that depend on a suite of ideal conditions for optimal feeding, growth, and reproduction (Quetin et al. 2007). We observed inter-annual changes in body condition in five species of Antarctic euphausiids that cannot be fully explained by changes in trophic position or sources of dietary carbon. While differences in annual lipid content were not significant for all species between years (likely due to small sample sizes for some species), we observed a general pattern of low lipid content in 2014 for all euphausiids. We also observed higher lipid content in 2016 for all species except E. triacantha. Because the SAM phase was variable and mostly positive in the six months leading up to the survey period each year ( accessed 11 August 2021) and sea ice cover was relatively low and similar in spatial coverage in both 2014 and 2016 (Walsh et al. 2020), we propose that environmental conditions generated by the neutral 2014 ENSO event and the extreme 2016 ENSO event were responsible for the observed trends in euphausiid lipid content between these years. Below we discuss how these events shaped the pelagic environment each year, how the prevailing environmental conditions may have affected prey quality and availability for each euphausiid species, and how Antarctic euphausiids may be affected in the future by projected increases in the frequency of extreme climate events.
Annual differences in environmental conditions and the biological community
We observed shallow UML depths, highly stratified surface layers with low salinity, and high levels of primary production in 2014. These conditions are consistent with the prevalence of warm CDW in the survey area that likely resulted from the strong easterly wind burst during austral winter that stopped the anticipated ENSO event from developing (McPhaden 2015). Wind stress anomalies around Antarctica may result in differences in sea surface height that shoal the boundary between cold surface water and warmer water below, causing bottom Ekman flow of CDW onto the continental shelf (Spence et al. 2017; Webb et al. 2019).
Environmental conditions in 2014 likely facilitated phytoplankton blooms dominated by smaller species, primarily cryptophytes (Moline et al. 2004; Mendes et al. 2013). While we did not analyze phytoplankton community structure, small species such as prymnesiophytes and cryptophytes may have been the dominant species in 2014. E. superba do not graze efficiently on most assemblages of prymnesiophytes or crytophytes, even when chl a concentrations are high (Haberman et al. 2003).
Phytoplankton communities composed of smaller species are advantageous to salps, which graze more efficiently than E. superba on smaller particles (Moline et al. 2004). Although salp abundance among sampling stations during the study was highly variable between years, salps were more than twice as abundant in 2014 (2014: 10.12 ± 22.77 ind. m− 2 (SD); 2016: 4.16 ± 5.79 ind. m− 2 (SD)). Because phytoplankton communities dominated by prymnesiophytes and cryptophytes are grazed at low rates, these ecosystem conditions may sustain high chl a concentration and may negatively impact primary and secondary consumers (Mendes et al. 2013).
Atmospheric and ocean circulation patterns were different in 2016 as a result of the extreme ENSO event. Spatial shifts in the subtropical and polar front jets during ENSO-positive events result in colder, icier conditions in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean and warmer, less icy conditions in the Pacific sector (Yuan 2004). The dip in the subpolar jet toward the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula during ENSO-positive conditions intensifies the Weddell gyre, causing WSSW to flow into the northern Antarctic Peninsula region (Loeb et al. 2009; Reiss et al. 2009). We observed evidence of WSSW in the survey area in 2016 consistent with previous observations from the survey area of deep UML depths and low chl a concentrations associated with ENSO-positive conditions and WSSW intrusion (Reiss et al. 2009).
WSSW is iron-enriched (Reiss et al. 2009; Ardelan et al. 2010), which favors the growth of larger phytoplankton cells (Helbling et al. 1991). Chl a concentration has been shown to be inversely related to phytoplankton biovolume, with low concentrations of chl a related to high concentrations of larger-celled phytoplankton (Felip and Catalan 2000). Although we did not measure water-column iron in this study, the observed environmental conditions in 2016 are consistent with the massive diatom bloom that occurred around the northern Antarctic Peninsula in spring and summer of 2015/16 (Costa et al. 2021).
Annual differences in source carbon
E. frigida, E. superba post-larvae and larvae, and T. macrura were all enriched in δ13C in 2016, while E. crystallorophias and E. triacantha showed no differences in δ13C between years. In polar environments, higher values of δ13C generally indicate increased feeding on sea-ice resources compared to water-column resources (Frazer 1996), but may also indicate increased benthic feeding (France 1995) or feeding in highly productive areas (Fischer 1991).
E. crystallorophias are mostly found at the southernmost stations of the survey area, while E. triacantha are mostly found at the northernmost stations. In 2016, neither species was common around the tip of the peninsula or in the eastern Bransfield Strait, where WSSW has the strongest influence during ENSO-positive events (Reiss et al. 2009; Dotto et al. 2016; Moffat and Meredith 2018) and where differences in environmental conditions between years were most likely to impact the δ13C signal of food resources. Conversely, E. frigida, E. superba post-larvae, and T. macrura were distributed more broadly across the continental shelf area and likely encountered a feeding environment that was influenced by the WSSW intrusion into the survey area and the diatom bloom that occurred earlier in the year. We found that ratios of fatty acids (FA) indicative of diatom consumption in E. superba post-larvae were high in 2016 relative to 2014, suggesting diatoms were abundant in the survey area in 2016 (Walsh et al. 2020). These results indicate that δ13C enrichment in E. frigida, E. superba post-larvae, and T. macrura occurred either through consuming diatoms directly, or through consuming diatom-dependent prey.
Although E. superba larvae were also enriched in δ13C in 2016, ratios of FA indicative of diatom consumption in larvae were identical between 2014 and 2016 (Walsh et al. 2020), suggesting that although diatoms were abundant in 2016, larvae did not rely on them for nutrition. E. superba post-larvae may perform deep vertical migrations (> 1000 m) and feed on benthic resources (Schmidt et al. 2011), and while E. superba larvae may also feed on benthic resources during winter (Daly 2004), their vertical migration patterns are poorly understood and may vary by region. Given the lack of extensive sea ice in both years and the presence of larvae over the continental shelf and slope, we propose that larvae were likely enriched in δ13C as a result of benthic feeding; however, future studies should focus on vertical migration patterns in E. superba larvae to understand the extent to which larvae exploit benthic resources.
Annual differences in trophic position
E. frigida were enriched in δ15N by 1‰ in 2016 and were the only species with a significant difference in δ15N values between years. While this difference may reflect a larger contribution of heterotrophic prey in E. frigida in 2016, it does not represent a full trophic level shift. Mean differences in δ15N values between years for all other species ranged from 0.06‰ (E. triacantha) to 0.4‰ (T. macrura), indicating that differences in environmental conditions and in the phytoplankton community between years had a negligible effect on trophic position.
Annual differences in body condition
In 2014, environmental conditions likely resulted in an ecosystem-wide shift in the phytoplankton community to small species, leading to less-efficient grazing and bottom-up effects on the body condition of all euphausiids, despite their varied habitats, feeding strategies, and life histories. In 2016, all species except E. triacantha had higher lipid content. The high iron concentration present in WSSW may have resulted in lipid-enriched diatom assemblages. Cellular FA concentrations in diatoms grown in an iron-rich environment are higher than in diatoms grown in an iron-limited environment, and copepods that fed on iron-enriched diatoms had higher total FA concentrations than those that fed on iron-deficient diatoms (Chen et al. 2011). Diatom consumption has also been linked to higher growth rates in E. superba post-larvae (Pond et al. 2005).
While high lipid content in 2016 suggests that E. crystallorophias and T. macrura fed to some extent during winter, their improved body condition may reflect more favorable feeding conditions in their respective habitats during the previous spring and summer. Both species may not feed consistently throughout winter and instead store more than half their lipid as wax esters, which are a long-term form of energy storage and which allow them to maintain high levels of lipid throughout winter in preparation for spawning prior to the spring phytoplankton bloom (Hagen and Kattner 1998; Ju and Harvey 2004). Source carbon and trophic position were nearly identical in E. crystallorophias between years, yet lipid content nearly doubled in 2016, suggesting that prey quality was the driving factor in lipid accumulation in southern sampling areas. T. macrura varied in source carbon between years but trophic position remained consistent, suggesting that their nearly two-fold increase in lipid content resulted from either primary or secondary consumption of diatoms during the spring/summer diatom bloom.
E. frigida and E. superba store lipid as triacylglycerol (Phleger et al. 1998), which is a short-term form of energy storage (Nicol et al. 2004), and therefore cannot rely on lipid accumulated during spring and summer to survive winters with low productivity. The nearly two-fold increase in lipid content in E. superba post-larvae in 2016 was likely the result of directly feeding on diatoms throughout the winter. In contrast to E. superba post-larvae, which aggregate in the Bransfield Strait during winter (Reiss et al. 2017), E. frigida are considered an oceanic, “cold water” species (Mackey et al. 2012; Loeb and Santora 2015) and are generally found over the northern area of the continental shelf. Diatoms may have been less abundant in areas where E. frigida are common because of less influence of WSSW and an onshore-to-offshore gradient in large to small phytoplankton cells (Montes-Hugo et al. 2008). Little is known about the overwintering strategies of E. frigida; however, this species was enriched in both δ13C and δ15N in 2016, yet had only a moderate increase in lipid content, indicating that they may have been secondary consumers of diatoms.
While E. superba larvae had increased lipid content in 2016, the difference was unremarkable compared to euphausiids that likely consumed diatoms at some point prior to or during winter, suggesting that benthic resources were suboptimal compared to pelagic resources in 2016.
E. triacantha are distinct among the five euphausiids with respect to habitat and diet. They are considered an oceanic, “warm water” species and are distributed across the most northern areas of the continental shelf and slope and are found mostly in the Drake Passage (Mackey et al. 2012), where they perform deep diel vertical migrations (Loeb and Santora 2015). E. triacantha are mostly carnivorous and have coarse mesh-size filter baskets for feeding (Loeb and Santora 2015), and may be unable to graze efficiently on small phytoplankton cells. While other omnivorous or carnivorous species may be secondary consumers of diatoms, E. triacantha gain lipid independent of diatom availability (Stübing and Hagen 2003).
E. triacantha also differ from other euphausiids in their phenology. E. triacantha are the only euphausiids with considerable temporal overlap of their adult stage with E. superba larvae (Loeb and Santora 2015). Positive correlations between abundance anomalies of E. triacantha and E. superba larvae have been observed over 17 years of U.S. AMLR Program summer surveys, suggesting that E. superba larvae, primarily furcilia stages, may be a primary prey item for E. triacantha during late winter (Loeb and Santora 2015).
Patterns of lipid accumulation in E. triacantha between years may have been related to the degree of habitat overlap between E. triacantha and E. superba larvae. In 2014, these species had a high degree of overlap in dietary source carbon, suggesting that both fed in the water column on suboptimal resources and that E. superba larvae were an available prey item for E. triacantha. However, in 2016, benthic feeding in E. superba larvae may have made them unavailable as a prey item for E. triacantha, which are not common over continental shelves (Mackey et al. 2012). Although E. triacantha store a small proportion of their lipid as wax esters (Phleger et al. 1998), the sharp decline in lipid between 2014 and 2016 suggests that E. triancantha must continue to feed to some degree throughout winter, and that they may have a substantial impact on E. superba populations around the northern Antarctic Peninsula.
Of all euphausiids in this study, E. triacantha may be the most negatively affected by changing conditions around the Antarctic Peninsula. Under warming conditions, both E. triacantha and E. superba are expected to shift their distributions south, although not to the same extent (Mackey et al. 2012). E. triacantha will likely remain farther north (Mackey et al. 2012) and are projected to have reduced habitat overlap with E. superba in the future.
Winter sea ice is strongly related to E. superba recruitment (Siegel and Loeb 1995; Loeb et al. 1997, 2009; Atkinson et al. 2004; Saba et al. 2014); however, extensive winter sea ice does not necessarily translate into high abundances of E. superba larvae around the northern Antarctic Peninsula (Walsh et al. 2020). Therefore, although ENSO events result in colder, icier conditions in this region, the strong influence of the positive SAM may mean that ice cover will be more variable and perhaps more mobile in the future. Abundant E. superba larvae may not be available to E. triacantha every winter because of the unpredictable nature of sea ice around the northern Antarctic Peninsula. Additionally, a substantial proportion of E. superba larvae around the northern Antarctic Peninsula may not be the result of local production, but rather may be transported to this region from “upstream” areas farther southwest along the peninsula (Siegel et al. 2003; Siegel 2005; Conroy et al. 2020). Larvae may advect northeast in ocean currents, and increasing evidence suggests that larvae are also transported within sea ice (Meyer et al. 2017; Veytia et al. 2021). While ENSO events increase sea ice extent around the northern Antarctic Peninsula, they have the opposite effect along the western Antarctic Peninsula because of the weakened polar front jet and the anomalous heat flux to this area from the north (Yuan 2004). Increased presence of CDW on the western peninsula shelf resulting from other modes of climate forcing (i.e., the SAM) may further reduce sea ice cover along the western Antarctic Peninsula (Vaughan et al. 2003). Decreased sea ice cover in these upstream regions may have negative consequences in the future for E. triacantha around the northern Antarctic Peninsula if they do rely on E. superba larvae as a primary prey item during winter.