Establishment of hairy roots
For all the 24 treatments, the initiation of hairy roots was observed over 8–16 days upon inoculation with all four bacterial strains, depending on explants, bacterial strains, and genotypes under study. In general, little amounts of callus formation was initially formed and quickly turned into hairy root formation. Each treatment about establishing hairy roots exhibited various behavior, as detailed below.
According to the ANOVA results (Table 2), for both features of “induction rate” and “number of induced roots”, the interaction among three main factors (i.e., G*S*E interaction) was statistically significant (p < 0.0001, p < 0.05, respectively). Thus, the result of this part was only explained. Based on the mean comparison results for “induction rate”, all the 24 treatments were placed in 12 groups, of which both treatments of “G2/ATCC/LEAF” and “G3/ATCC/LEAF” with the same value of 86.67% were the superior, while G2/A4/LEAF treatment possessed the least amount of 10.00% (Fig. 2A). For the second criterion of “number of induced roots”, again 12 separated groups were acquired, “G3/ATCC/LEAF” followed by “G3/ATCC/STEM” were the first (8.27) and second (7.43) top treatments, while both “G2/A4/STEM” and “G2/A4/LEAF” treatments were together located in the lowest orders (1.23, and 1.07, respectively; Fig. 2B). Notably, to “simultaneously” make discrimination among 24 diverse treatments as well as to determine the most powerful treatment(s) for elicitation assay, a clustered heat map was applied. In this sense, all the 24 treatments were clustered into three major groups, of which only four treatments of G2/ATCC/LEAF, G2/ATCC/STEM, G3/ATCC/LEAF, and G3/ATCC/STEM were located in the first group, with the maximum levels of both traits of “induction rate”, and “number of induced roots” (Fig. 2C). As a result, all these four superior cell lines were nominated for estimation of the next feature of “growth curve” of hairy roots.
Table 2
The ANOVA results to study the potential impacts of explants, bacterial strains, and genotypes on “the number of induced roots” and “induction rate (%)” of W. somnifera hairy roots.
Source of variation
Mean Square
(number of induced roots)
Mean Square
(induction rate)
Note: G, S, and E designate genotype, strain, and explant, respectively.
**: Significant at the 0.01 probability level; *: Significant at the 0.05 probability level; ns: Not significant.
By now, different strains of A. rhizogenes followed by various explants have been employed to assess their ability to induce hairy roots in W. somnifera (Namdeo and Ingawale 2021; Shasmita et al. 2018; Tripathi et al. 2018). For instance, among three Agrobacterium strains of A4, MTCC532, and ATCC 15834 applied to induce hairy roots in leaf and shoot tips of W. somnifera, upon applying four various protocols, the leaf tissue inoculated with ATCC 15834 was selected as the superior one in terms of hairy root induction frequency, agreeing with the current results (Dehdashti et al. 2017). Furthermore, the same authors indicated that the number of induced roots from shoot tips was a little more than leaf tissue (Dehdashti et al. 2017), while in our current study, leaf tissue gave better results in terms of the same feature. At the study of (Sivanandhan et al. 2013), transformation rate was as high as 90% in the leaf explants infected with R1000 strain, followed by generating of 28.2 hairy roots per explant upon 12 days of culture. Using three strains of R1000, MTCC 2364 and MTCC 532 to induce hairy root of leaf explants of W. somnifera, R1000 was the most powerful, and among the various conditions tested, the highest transformation rate (93.3%) was acquired for the same candidate in response to sonication (15 s) and heat treatment (41 ºC for 5 min) (Thilip et al. 2015). Considering the preference of opines, the A. rhizogenes strains are usually detached into five Agropine, Nopaline, Mannopine, Octopine, and Cucumopine groups, of which Agropine-type strains like R1000 and ATCC 15834 have been applied widely, actually owing to a possessing high efficacy for hairy root induction (Dehdashti et al. 2017; Namdeo and Ingawale 2021).
Identification Of Hairy Root By Pcr
To confirm the resultant transformed hairy roots obtained from both leaf and stem tissues of three genotpes of W. somnifera inoculated with all the three different strains of A. rhizogenes (i.e., ATCC15834, A4, and LBA9402) and one strain of A. tumefaciens (C58C1), PCR assay was conducted using rol C gene. In this context, subsequent to amplifying rol C gene, an expected size value of 629 bp was observed for all the transformed hairy roots, while no amplicon was observed in non-transformed in roots belonging to the in vitro sterilized plants, corroborating the successful generation of the resultant hairy roots (Fig. 3). It is argued that Rol genes paly fundamental functions in hairy root induction as well as production of diverse PSMs (Wojciechowska et al. 2020), of which rol C gene seems to possess an accessory role (Pal et al. 2013).
Growth Curve Of Hairy Root Lines
As mentioned above, the four treatments of G2/ATCC/LEAF, G2/ATCC/STEM, G3/ATCC/LEAF, and G3/ATCC/STEM were selected as the most relevant candidates among the others, and subsequently utilized for calculation of growth index (GI). During nine successive weeks, hairy root samples were checked to measure growth ratio and subsequent GI of hairy roots in terms of the fresh weight (FW). As could be seen in Fig. 3, all the samples nearly completed the corresponding logarithmic phase in the 6th week, reaching subsequently to a steady phase. After nine successive weeks, however, only G3/ATCC/LEAF was able to keep its steady phase, while the others failed, as each one experienced a decline. Therefore, only G3/ATCC/LEAF was lastly selected for elicitation process. Considering the GI quantities obtained at 9th week (Fig. 4), all the four clones were ascendingly ranked as G3/ATCC/LEAF, G3/ATCC/STEM, G2/ATCC/LEAF, and G2/ATCC/STEM with the values of 10.18 g FW, 5.4 g FW, 4.9 g FW, and 4.55 g FW, respectively.
Comparison of Withaferin A production at both “ in vivo ” and “elicitation-assisted in vitro” conditions
The withaferin A quantities either in hairy root lines or leaves of three genotypes were measured by HPLC. Based on ANOVA results, there was a significant difference among control (non-elicited hairy root samples), all the five hairy root sample groups treated with five different elicitations, and three genotypes of W. somnifera (only leaf tissue) in terms of withaferin A accumulation (Table 3; p < 0.0001). In this sense, the mean production of withaferin A ranged from 0.33 mg/g DW for G3 to 17.45 mg/g DW for “5.0 mM β-CD + 100 µM MeJA” treatment (Fig. 5). Locking more carefully, the simultaneous action of both MeJA and β-CD at two levels of β-CD (5.0 and 0.5 mM) resulted in the maximum accumulation of withaferin A (17.45 and 9.57 mg/g DW, respectively), as a significant difference was undertaken compared to the control as well as other treatments (p < 0.05). Notably, the treated hairy root clones with “5.0 mM β-CD + 100 µM MeJA” possessed statistically higher amounts than that of “0.5 mM β-CD + 100 µM MeJA” (p < 0.05). The three remaining treated sample groups of “100 µM MeJA”, “5.0 mM β-CD”, and “0.5 mM β-CD” could produce lower amounts of withaferin A (i.e., 3.31, 3.25, and 2.02 mg/g DW, respectively), which were not significantly different from control (1.40 mg/g DW), G1 (0.35 mg/g DW), G2 (0.57 mg/g DW), and G3 (0.33 mg/g DW) (Fig. 5).
Table 3
The ANOVA results to study potential differences of Withaferin A production among five elicited and control groups of hairy roots followed by the leaf tissue of three different genotypes of W. somnifera namely G1, G2, and G3.
Source of variation
Mean Square
(Withaferin A production)
**: Significant at the 0.01 probability level |
In the earlier works, similar “elicitor-assisted enhancements” have been recorded towards accumulation of various withanolides including withaferin A under in vitro conditions. Upon treatments of hairy roots (via inoculation of leaf explants of W. somnifera with A. rhizogenes strain LBA 9402) with three different MeJA concentrations of 10, 15, 20 µM over a time series of 2, 4, 6, 8 h, the highest amounts of withanolide accumulation was observed at 20 µM MeJA treatment for 4 h (Saxena et al. 2017). Comparing to the control, the production of withanolide A, withaferin A, withanoside IV, withanoside V were ameliorated up to 13.21 (5.6 times), 5.275 (3.9 times), 0.1929 (2.7 times) and 0.161 mg/g DW (3.2 times), respectively (Saxena et al. 2017). Elicitation with Piriformospora indica (CHP; concentrations of 1%, 3% and 5% over 24, 48 and 72 h) increased withanolide A, withaferin A, withanoside IV, and withanoside V amounts versus control, with the maximum levels of 6.37 (2.7 times), 3.28 (2.5 times), 0.171 (2.34 times) and 0.147 mg/g DW (2.9 times) (3% CHP; after 48 h) (Saxena et al. 2017). At the study of (Pandey et al. 2016), A. rhizogenes-mediated transformation of sterol glycosyltransferase–4 (Ws-Sgtl4) gene induce hairy roots from the leaf tissue of W. somnifera, and subsequently elicited with salicylic acid (SA; 1.0 mM) and MeJA (100 µM) over 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, and 48 h exposure time. Based on the results, the maximum amounts of withanolide-A in both T2 and T3 hairy root clones were reached after 12 h treatments with MeJA (respectively, 23- and 20-fold than control) and 9 h elicitation with SA (respectively, 39- and 32-fold than control) (Pandey et al. 2016). Individual applications of SA (0.0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 µM) and MeJA (0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0, and 20.0 µM) in the hairy roots derived from R1000 infected leaf explants of W. somnifera over a time series of 2, 4, 6, 8 h could lead to remarkable growth in withanolides accumulation rather than control (Sivanandhan et al. 2013). Upon elicitation with MeJA and SA, the maximum quantities of withanolide A (114.38 mg/g DW, 50-fold; 132.44 mg/g DW, 58-fold higher than control), withanone (69.89 mg/g DW, 38-fold; 84.35 mg/g DW, 46-fold), and withaferin A (57.46 mg/g DW, 34-fold; 70.72 mg/g DW, 42 times) were detected at 15 µM MeJ and 150 µM SA for 4 h after elicitation, respectively (Sivanandhan et al. 2013). Based on the results of (Thilip et al. 2015), without applying any elicitation, the ratios of both withaferin A and withanolide A were recorded as 6.17 mg/g DW and 3.82 mg/g DW. Such a high levels of both compounds was concluded to be because of potential consequences of T-DNA integration on the secondary metabolite production (Bansal et al. 2014; Bulgakov 2008; Thilip et al. 2015). As the last example, the production of withanolides was improved in the leaf explant-derived hairy roots of W. somnifera upon treatment with the extract of the seaweeds of Gracilaria edulis and Sargassum wightii over a time series of 0.0, 24, 48, 72 h exposure time (Sivanandhan et al. 2015). After 40 days of culture with 48 h exposure time (as the best time), considering 50% G. edulis extract, the contents of withanolide A, withaferin A, and withanone were respectively recorded as 5.23, 2.24, and 4.83 mg/g DW, while for S. wightii (60%), the values of 143 3.78, 1.94 and 2.56 mg/g DW were respectively detected. Overall, comparing to the control, the obtained withanolides magnitudes were substantially in higher levels of 2.32- to 2.66-fold in the hairy root culture (Sivanandhan et al. 2015).
Comparing the aforesaid records to our results, the acquired withanferin A magnitudes were in high levels of 6.84-fold and 12.46-fold values for the joint application of both MeJA and β-CD, that is “0.5 mM β-CD + 100 µM MeJA” and “5.0 mM β-CD + 100 µM MeJA”. The results indicated that simultaneous exogenous application of both MeJA and β-CD seems to be accompanied by a synergistic impact on the accumulation of withaferin A, albeit both MeJA and β-CD could also lonely improve production of this metabolite as compared with the control, concluding that elicitation could be an appropriate vehicle to ameliorate accumulation of Withaferin A in vitro.
Effect Of Elicitation On The Expression Levels Of Genes Responsible For Withanolides Biosynthesis
The expression profiles of four selected genes involved in withanolides biosynthetic pathway were studied for the hairy roots treated with five different elicitations namely MeJA (100 µM), β-CD (0.5 and 5.0 mM) and combination of both (i.e., 0.5 mM β-CD + 100 µM MeJA and 5.0 mM β-CD + 100 µM MeJA) after 48 h exposure compared to control (Fig. 6a-d). In general, the expression levels of all the four selected genes enhanced in all the five elicitation classes after 48 h exposure time as compared with control (Fig. 5a-d). Details for each gene are as follows.
Based on the ANOVA results (Table 4), none of five different elicitations was able to significantly affect positively/negatively affect the expression levels of HMGR throughout the experimental treatments (p > 0.5). However, the expression levels of HMGR were somewhat upregulated in all the five different treatments, of which only the treatment with 0.5 mM β-CD was statistically different from control, with the fold change value of 4.76 (Fig. 6a).
Table 4
The ANOVA results to study potential effects of elicitation on the expression levels of four selected genes responsible for withanolides biosynthesis among five elicited and control groups of hairy roots of W. somnifera.
Source of variation
Mean Square
Mean Square
Mean Square
Mean Square
**: Significant at the 0.01 probability level; *: Significant at the 0.05 probability level; ns: Not significant. |
Unlike HMGR, the elicitation could significantly augment the expression levels of the second gene of interest SQS (Table 4; p < 0.5). In this sense, with the exception of “0.5 mM β-CD + 100 µM MeJA” treatment, the sample groups treated with the four remaining elicitations statistically exhibited substantial differences as compared with control in terms of the transcript levels of SQS gene (p < 0.05; Fig. 6b).
Regarding the third gene of interest, SMT-1, a significant difference was again observed among all the treated and non-treated samples (Table 4; p < 0.0001). Interestingly, co-treatment with MeJA (100 µM) and β-CD at both levels (i.e., 0.5 and 5.0 mM) coincided with the maximum transcript magnitudes of the same gene (31.45, and 33.55 fold change, respectively), as significant differences were undertaken compared to the control alongside the three remaining elicited sample groups (p < 0.05; Fig. 6c).
The expression pattern of the last gene of interest, SDS/CYP710A, was statistically significant over all the elicited/non-elicited samples (Table 4; p < 0.01). In this context, a number of fluctuations were detected, of which three separate sample groups elicited discretely with “0.5 mM β-CD”, “0.5 mM β-CD + 100 µM MeJA”, and “100 µM MeJA” with the fold change values of 4.59, 3.35, and 5.07 were statistically different rather than control (Fig. 6d). However, the two remaining sample groups treated individually with “5.0 mM β-CD”, and “5.0 mM β-CD + 100 µM MeJA” with the transcript quantities of 1.44 and 2.88 exhibited no significant differences as compared with control (Fig. 6d).
Correlation between relative gene expression and in vitro production of Withaferin A
Among different correlations calculated between four selected genes and withaferin A levels over the five different elicited treatments as well as control group, only the expression pattern of SMT-1 gene was significantly associated with withaferin A production (ρ = 0.912; p-value = 0.00000), while for the rest three genes and the same secondary metabolite no obvious relationship was deduced (Fig. 7). Meanwhile, among the four genes under study, only HMGR exhibited an association either with SDS (ρ = 0.518; p-value = 0.0275) and SQS genes (ρ = 0.629; p-value = 0.0051), while the remaining correlations were not statistically significant.
As mentions above, the transcript levels of all the four selected genes enhanced in all the five elicitation groups after 48 h exposure time as compared with control, agreeing with the earlier works in hairy root cultures of W. somnifera (Saxena et al. 2017; Sivanandhan et al. 2015). Comparing to control, apart from some fluctuations, simultaneous and/or individual exogenous applications of both MeJA and β-CD could lead to a growth in transcript magnitudes of the four selected genes involved in withanolides biosynthetic pathway. Most importantly, upon applying “0.5 mM β-CD + 100 µM MeJA” and “5.0 mM β-CD + 100 µM MeJA”, a substantial difference was occurred transcript levels of SMT-1 gene comparing to control, suggesting synergistic effects of both elicitors. Resembling to this, the synergistic effect of MeJA and cyclodextrin elicitors on taxane production in Taxus x media cell cultures could led to an increase in the expression of genes involved in the taxol biosynthetic pathway, followed by taxanes accumulation including taxol (Sabater-Jara et al. 2014).