Test materials and reagents
Test pathogens: Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici races CYR32, CYR33, CYR34; isolates of Pst; Puccinia graminis Pers tritici Eriks and E Henn; Puccinia recondita, Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici, Puccinia striiformis West. f. sp., Puccinia recondita. f. sp. agropyri. The pathogens were provided by the Key laboratory of Comprehensive Management of Agricultural Pests of Qinghai province, and the college of plant protection, Northwest A&F University.
Test materials: Mingxian 169 wheat seedling leaves were collected from the Dashijia, Heerjia, and Chada villages in Guide County, the Shangduoba, Xiaduoba, Xingfu, and Longshang villages in Hualong County, Ahetan village in Xunhua County, Baiwujia village in Minhe County, the Kangjia, Hanjia, Baojia, Maojiazhai and Benkang villages in Datong County, Gelong village in Huzhu County, Xiakou village in Ledu Country, and Jianzha County in Yangjiacun (Fig. 1). There was a distance of at least 50 m between samples in a single wheat field to avoid duplication of any original isolate during the season.
Reagents: RAA-nfo nucleic acid amplification reagent (type test strip) was acquired from Qinghai Baisai Trading Co., Ltd.; HybriDetect was purchased from Milenia Biotec Versailler Straße, Gießen Milenia; Premix Ex TaqTM Ⅱ was purchased from TaKaRa; all primers used were synthesized by Shanghai Sangon Biotech Co., Ltd.
Extraction Of Pathogenic Bacteria Dna
Extraction of pathogenic bacteria DNA
Wheat stripe rust samples were stored at 4°C in a desiccator. There were 10 blades of Mingxian 169, and 30 blades of each sample at each sampling point. The genomic DNA of Pst and other control pathogens was extracted using the CTAB method (Wang et al., 2015). The concentration of the obtained DNA was measured using a NanoDropTM One ultra-micro ultraviolet spectrophotometer and the DNA integrity was checked using 2% agarose gel. It was stored at -80℃ until use.
Rpa Reaction System Establishment
Preparation began by adding 40.9 µL of buffer A, 2 µL of forward and reverse primers (10 µmol/L), and 0.6 µL of probe (10 µmol/L) to the detection tube containing the test dry enzyme preparation, then 2.0 µL of the test sample DNA and 2.5 µL of buffer B were added. This was mixed thoroughly by inverting the tube 5–6 times, then the solution was centrifuged at a low speed for 10 seconds. The PE tube was then placed in a water bath at a constant temperature of 39°C and incubated for 10 min. After the reaction, 50 µL DNA extract (volume ratio = 24:25:1) was added for extraction, the tube was centrifuged at 12000 rpm for 5 min and the supernatant was collected. Finally, 20–40 µL of the supernatant was diluted 20–50 times with sterile water or PBS, resulting in a dilution volume that was not less than 100 µL.
The Ordinary Pcr Reaction System
A specific primer of Pst, PS4F/PS4R, was used for ordinary PCR detection. The reaction system was as follows: MasterMix 12.5 µL, primers (10 µmol/L) 1µL each, template 1µL, and ddH2O 9.5µL. The amplification program was as follows: 95℃ pre-denaturation 3 min, 95℃ denaturation 1 min, 67.2℃ annealing 30 s, 72℃ extension 1 min, 35 cycles; extension 72℃, 5 min; storage at 4℃. A sample of 4 µL was taken for electrophoresis.
Design Of Rpa Primers And Probes
In this study, the Pst effector gene PS4593 was used as the target gene sequence (GeneBank: XM_003319396) (Cheng 2015; Coram 2011) in conjunction with the characteristics of RPA primers, and eight sets of primer pairs were designed using Primer 3.0 online software (Table 1). CYR32 was selected as the source of Pst and RPA flow test paper and conventional PCR detection were used to select specific fragments of Pst. The PCR stock solution was sequenced and analyzed in NCBI, and the primers with low homology were selected. The fragment design probe, sequencing, and primer design were performed by Shanghai Sangon Biological Engineering Co., Ltd.
Table 1
recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) primer sequence
RPA specific detection of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici
In this study, the physiological races CYR32, CYR33, and CYR34 of Pst were selected, they are currently the main popular physiological species of Pst in wheat production in China, and the above physiological races have been identified by Chinese differential hosts of Pst, which were composed of 19 wheat varieties; isolates of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici; Puccinia graminis Pers tritici Eriks and E Henn; Puccinia recondita; Blumeria graminis f. sp. Tritici; Puccinia striiformis West. f. sp.; Puccinia recondita. f. sp. agropyri. Wheat gDNA served as the control bacteria, and water was used as the negative control. PS-RPA-F, PS-RPA-R primers, and probe PS-LF-Probe were used to test the specificity of RPA, which was verified by conventional PCR.
RPA-sensitivity testing of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici
A 1 µL sample of CYR33 gDNA was taken and 10-fold serial dilution was conducted to obtain the appropriate concentration as follows: 100 ng/µL, 10 ng/µL, 1 ng/µL, 100 pg/µL, 10pg/µL, 1 pg/µL, 100 fg/µL and 10 fg/µL, 1 fg/µL, and ultimately, 100 ag/µL. The RPA test and an ordinary PCR test were performed, and the results were compared.
Detection of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici isolates
Wheat volunteer seedlings and late-autumn seedlings were collected in the Datong and Huzhu Counties of Qinghai Province. Pst had occurred in the standard samples. The obvious urediospores of Pst appeared on the leaves, but the physiological races of the standard samples were not determined. RPA and PCR analyses were performed to assess the presence of mixed bacteria.
The Practicality Of Rpa Testing System
Mingxian 169 wheat leaves were inoculated with CYR34, and samples were taken after 24 h of humidification culture at 5–10°C between inoculations. After 1 to 8 d, leaves were collected to extract DNA. Historically, the Guide, Xunhua, Hualong, and Minhe counties frequently suffer from wheat stripe rust outbreaks (Yao et al., 2018). The diseased plants were marked in late November 2020 and the marked seedling leaves were collected at the end of March 2021, when no Pst uredospore had appeared on the surface of the leaves. Twenty-one leaf samples were collected for DNA extraction and stored at -80℃. RPA detection and conventional PCR detection methods were used to detect whether the samples were infected with Pst.