The general methodology followed in proposed research is presenetd in Fig. 2. we have selecetd Metformin HCl is oral anti-diabetic agent which is mainly avaialble as tablet pharmaceutical form and many formulations are availble in market. In order to assess the formulations literature has reported few spectroscopic, chromatographic and electrochemical metods. The reporetd electrochemical methods are usually based on potentiometric and conductometric titrations. These electrochemical analysis observed for its own limitationa nd disadvatnges. Hence a novel principle has been applied in order to quantify Metformin HCl where we have preparted various concentartion ranging between 50 to 250 µg/mL and subjecetd to measure the electrical conductance of each concentartion. After measuring the conductance it was observed that as the concentration of analyte in given solution increases the electrical conductnace also increases in linear way. In further investigation we conducted validation in order to confirm the performace of method by evaluatining various parameters like, specificity, selectivity, linearity, range, interday precision, intraday precision, quantification and detection limits, ruggedness, reproducibility, and accuracy as per current regulatory requirements. Further the research has been explored to analyse the accuracy and performance of method to quantify the marketed pharmaceutical preparation containing Metformin HCl.
Apparatus and Instruments
In the current research work we have used electronic analytical weighing balance of SARTORIUS in order to weigh the Metformin HCl bulk drug and tablets, An Ultrasonic bath Sonicator (Ultrasonic cleaner) was used for the purpose of sonication and solubility enhancement, in order to measure the electrical conductance of analyte solution ELICO CM 183EC-TDS analyser version 2.3 was used.
Reagents and chemicals
The Millipore water was obtained from direct-Q UV water purification system from Department of Pharmacognosy, KLE College of Pharmacy, Belagavi.
Process Development
The process was established using an electrical conductivity meter using Millipore water as a cost effective and easily available solvent. A number of concentrations of Metformin HCL were prepared in Millipore water and electrical conductance was noted. Diverse concentrations of Metformin HCl were detected to display changed values of electrical conductivity. The electrical conductivity was observed to be increasing as the concentration increases in linear order. In direction to test the appropriateness of the proposed method, the marketable tablet preparation of Metformin HCL was studied quantitatively. An electrical conductivity meter “ELICO CM 183EC-TDS analyser version 2.3” was used for investigation and its instrumentation is given in Fig. 3 (Yadav 2021).
Preparation of Primary Stock Solution of Metformin HCl
50 mg of Metformin HCl was precisely balanced and transported into 50 mL calibrated volumetric flask and volume was made up to the mark using Millipore water as diluent produce 1000µg/mL (Suryawanshi 2020).
Preparation of Working Standard Solution of Metformin HCl
In order to prepare working standard solutions different volumes of primary stock solution were pipetted out and transferred into separate 50 mL volumetric flasks and volume were made up to the mark using Millipore water to produce 50 to 250 µg/mL of Metformin HCl. (Pancham 2020 and Uday 2021).
Sample Preparation and Extraction Procedure
Twenty tablets of Metformin HCl (500mg label statement) were weighed and powdered. A portion corresponding to 500mg was assessed and added to a 100 mL volumetric flask and volume was made up to 100 mL with Millipore water and sonicated for 20 minutes and the solution was strained by Whatman filter paper. From the above stock solution dilution was done to obtain 100µg/mL concentration. This solution was tested for calculating its percentage purity (Bossunia 2017 and Murugesan 2022).
Validation of Proposed Conductometric Method
International conference on harmonization (ICH) Guidelines were followed in order to validate the proposed new conductometric method in terms of precision, linearity and range, specificity and selectivity, limit of quantification (LOQ), limit of detection (LOD), ruggedness, and accuracy etc (Chandran 2007).
Specificity and Selectivity
The specificity of the process developed was calculated by computing the conductance of Millipore water. In order to prove the specificity of method the standard concentration of Metformin HCL (100µg/mL) was prepared and conductance was measured.
Linearity and Range
The linearity method is useful in order to evaluate and quantify different concentration ranging from lower to higher value of drug concentrations. It was evaluated by preparing different concentrations and measuring the electrical conductivity. The standard concentration containing 50–250µg/mL of Metformin HCL was prepared and electrical conductivity of each were measured. The calibration standard was constructed by scheming the amount of analyte versus electrical conductance (µS) and statistical calculations were done to produce linearity and range data.
Detection and Quantification Limits of Analyte: The detection limit of analyte is the lowermost quantity of analyte which can be sensed but not precisely measured and it was resolute by using statistical formula: LOD = 3.3\(\frac{\sigma }{S}\).
The quantification limit is the quantity of analyte which can be sensed and quantitatively resolute with exact precision and it was intended by using the formula: LOQ = 10\(\frac{\sigma }{S}\).
Where\(\sigma\) = standard deviance and S = slope of the standardisation typical curve.
The precision was approved out in terms of intraday and interday by performance of analysis in triplicate solutions at lower, middle and higher concentration levels. The conductance of three replicate concentration of Metformin HCl at three different quantity was measured, and % Relative Standard Deviation (RSD) standards of each for its obtained conductance were measured. The intraday precision was evaluated on same day at three different time intervals and Interday precision was determined by performing the analysis on three different days.
the ruggedness of proposed process was conceded out by altering the specialist to check the reproducibility of technique. It was measured by examining the triplicate solutions at lower, middle and higher concentration levels and measuring the electrical conductivity. The % RSD values were calculated and observed for its accuracy.
Accuracy was established by using recovery experiments, by the estimation of % mean recovery of sample at three diverse levels like 150%, 100%, and 50%. At every level, three determinations were approved out and % mean recovery was designed. The standard addition method was used to know the accuracy of proposed analytical technique.
Quality Assessment and Quantification of Metformin HCl using Validated Conductometric Assay Method
Twenty tablets of Metformin HCl (500mg label statement) were collected and powdered. An amount corresponding to 500mg was balanced and added to a 100mL volumetric flask and the final volume was made up to 100 ml using Millipore water and sonicated for 20 minutes and the solution was strained by Whatman sieve paper. From the above stock solution dilution was done to obtain 100µg/mL concentration. This solution was tested for calculating its percentage purity. In order to extract the accurate amount of analyte, small amount of methanol was used and trial studies were performed.