3.1 ABA network is scale-free pointing to its evolutionary success
Results confirmed that the ABA signalling system is a scale free system where the ‘in-degree’ distribution (the number of in-coming connections of a node) of the network can be represented by \(\text{p}\left(\text{k}\right)\text{=0.43(}{\text{k}}^{\text{-1.15}}\text{)}\) and the ‘out-degree’ (number of out-going connections) by \(\text{p}\left(\text{k}\right)\text{=0.52(}{\text{k}}^{\text{-1.5}}\text{)}\) with MSE (mean square error) <0.001. As stated before, scale-free topology coexists with a high clustering nature in real world networks; thus, it is possible that the ABA signalling network is more likely clustered into hierarchical modules. High clustering also indicates a small number of highly connected nodes (hubs) and a large number of sparsely connected nodes. This allows the network scope for diversity pointing to its evolutionary success.
3.2 ABA network displays modular functional hierarchy
Figure 1 shows how the topological overlap measure decomposes the ABA signalling network based on a neighbourhood size of 1 and 2. Figures 1A and 1B illustrate the dendrogram and the heat map clustering according to dissimilarity measures of neighbourhood size 1 and 2, respectively. According to the results, the network was meaningfully divided into a set of distinguishable clusters and these clusters represented a true biological functional hierarchy. Theoretically, topological overlap measure based clustering shows asymptotic behaviour resulting in larger and tighter modules along the heat map diagonal when the neighbourhood increases above a certain size because all pairs of nodes within a connected network component will be highly interconnected (meets the network diameter) [6]. However, as the size of the neighbourhood increases, the specificity of the interconnectedness decreases. Therefore, neighbourhood size 2 is proposed as the best for biological networks in the literature because higher neighborhood sizes tend to lump nodes together resulting in loss of resolution [7].
Clusters separated by the dendrogram and heat map in Fig. 1 were analogous to each other in that the size of the red boxes along the diagonal of heat map corresponds to the clustering organization in the corresponding dendrogram (see dashed lines connecting the dendrogram and heat map for greater visibility of the clusters). These clusters represent the functional units in the ABA signalling. As neighbourhood size 2 reveals clusters more clearly, three topologically distinct functional modules were identified (by pruning at Ward distance 1.4 in Fig. 1(B)) in the system;
and they represent: osmoregulation (ion channels and regulatory proteins), lipid signalling (inositol, sphingolipid and other lipids) and Ca2+ regulation (see clusters separated by dashed lines in Fig. 1(B)). Closer observation of each of these three modules on the dendrogram shows that there is potential for forming even more specific functional modules within each cluster as evidenced by the sub-clusters within the clusters that can be had at various levels of pruning (heights in the dendrogram in Fig. 1). However, more regulatory molecules need to be discovered to better explain these sub-clusters.
The most prominent cluster on the heat map (lower right red square in Fig. 1(B)) represents the lipid signalling pathways in the ABA system. This prominence may be due to functionally well-preserved regulatory mechanisms. In the dendrogram, sphingolipids and phospholipids (mainly PA) (red cluster on the dendrogram) were separated from other lipids at Ward distance of 1.0 because they form a feedback regulatory loop displaying a noticeable functional independence from other lipids by contributing to ROS producing pathway. It also contained nodes involved in phosphatidic acid (PA) production and RbOH activation (See Supplementary Figure S1 for detail interactions and the summary description presented later). The second lipid signalling functional set (pink sub-cluster on the dendrogram) mainly contained nodes involved in regulating the Ca2+ influx from the internal organelles via Ca2+ 1 PLC feedback regulation.
The second cluster representing osmotic regulation (green group on the dendrogram in Fig. 1B) further specifies the functionality within this main cluster, separating ion channels and their regulatory proteins (mainly PP2C regulation) into two modules.
The third cluster mostly represented Ca2+ regulation (dark blue grouping on the dendrogram) of the system but structural rearrangement (actin) is shown to be very closely associated with the Ca2+ regulatory part. Interestingly, actin rearrangement is currently thought to be an ‘independent’ functional module in the ABA signalling network but our results could not place it in an independent module. It indicates that these two functional sets are heavily dependent on each other making it difficult to further subdivide this cluster but many questions remain unanswered about the connections between the actin cytoskeleton and calcium. For example, calcium-stimulated protein kinases involved in phosphorylating ABPs (Acting Binding Proteins) and their phosphorylation substrates have yet to be identified [8]. Moreover, there are gaps in understanding of how the actin cytoskeleton regulates the activity of calcium-permeable channels. Further, actin regulatory proteins were scattered in other functional modules even though these proteins did not share a true functional similarity with rest of the members in the corresponding modules. This may indicate multiple roles of actin and/or structural rearrangement that are not yet known. Future studies should therefore focus on the signal transduction of calcium to change the actin cytoskeleton and the mechanism(s) through which calcium homeostasis is regulated by the actin cytoskeleton [8]. Additionally, this third Ca2+ dominant cluster reveals a close link to membrane depolarization (yellow group on the dendrogram). Membrane depolarization is due to the activity of various ion channels including Ca2+. This close relationship may indicate a predominant role of Ca2+ in membrane polarization.
The above three main functional clusters (subsystems) are highlighted on the ABA signalling digraph in Fig. 2 using the same colours as in the dendrogram under the same headings - lipid regulation, osmoregulation and Ca2+ and Actin regulation. Figure 2 highlights these three as seven functional modules as indicated on the dendrogram in different colours representing: immediate downstream effectors of ABA (light blue box), inositol pathway (pink box) and sphingolipid and phosphatidic acid pathway (red box); ion channels (teal box) and ion channel regulation (mainly via PP2C) (green box); depolarization (pale yellow box) and Ca2+ and actin regulatory pathways (dark blue box).
The light blue cluster, which was topologically closely associated with lipid signalling, did not represent any specific signalling pathway but, instead, the reception of the ABA signal by various lipids, proteins and enzymes on the plasma membrane. This may not currently have a true biological meaning beyond signal transfer, as the majority of the reactions in this subset are putative connections where elements of true regulations are yet to be discovered.
3.3 Hub nodes of the ABA network
The roles of different nodes within a network are often understood through centrality analysis to quantify the capacity of a node to influence, or be influenced by, other nodes [9] and to identify key players (hubs) in biological processes. Top ten nodes ranked by eight centrality measures, Maximum Neighborhood Component (MNC), Maximal Clique Centrality (MCC), Density of Maximum Neighborhood Component (DMNC), degree and four centralities based on shortest paths (Bottleneck (BN), Closeness, Betweenness and Edge Percolated Component (EPC)) using cytoHubba [10] are shown in Table 1. Overall, results of all the centrality measures were comparable and most produced the same results. Hub elements of the ABA signalling network identified by these global and local centrality measures were, primarily, SLAC1, RbOH, PP2C, ACTIN, DEPOLAR and Ca2+ (yellow nodes in Fig. 2) and, potentially, ROS, CDPK, MAPK and PA (red nodes in Fig. 2). They acted as central elements in each of the three main functional subsystems and in six of the seven modules indicating their importance for the functioning of the system. For example, SLAC1 (Slow activating anion channel) plays a crucial role in osmoregulation of the system via membrane depolarization and slac1
Table 1
Top ten elements in the network identified by different Local and Global centrality measures.
Local | Global |
MNC | MCC | DMNC | Degree | EPC | BN | Closeness | Betweenness |
PP2C | CA | CDPK | CA | CA | CA | CA | CA |
CDPK | PP2C | SLAC1 | PP2C | PP2C | ACTIN | PP2C | PP2C |
MAPK | CDPK | ACTIN | ROS | Depolar | PP2C | RBOH | PA |
Depolar | Depolar | pH | Depolar | ROS | RBOH | ACTIN | ROS |
CA | MAPK | ABH1 | RBOH | RBOH | Depolar | SLAC1 | RBOH |
PIP2 | ACTIN | RBOH | ABA | CDPK | SLAC1 | Depolar | SLAC1 |
SNRK2 | ROS | CAM | PA | PH | PLD | CDPK | ABA |
pH | ABA | MALATE | MALATE | SNRK2 | GPA1 | PA | Depolar |
MNC - Maximum Neighborhood Component, MCC - Maximal Clique Centrality, DMNC - Density of Maximum Neighborhood Component, EPC - Edge Percolated Component, and BN – Bottleneck |
mutants are strongly ABA insensitive [11]. ROS are central to cation efflux, Ca2+ signalling, as well as actin rearrangement. Ca2+ signalling is believed to play a secondary role in stomatal closure and be primarily responsible for closure maintenance. PP2C, the principal negative regulator of the ABA signalling network, is tightly regulated with many connections as inhibition of PP2C is the most fundamental need of the system to sustain the proper functioning of the osmoregulation and structural rearrangements required for stomatal closure under stressed conditions. Actin, representing actin rearrangement, is essential for collapse-free cell shrinkage.
3.4 Functional Flow of the ABA signaling network
Considering the spatial arrangement (as discussed above) and temporal behaviour of these modules incorporating timing for their signalling events (temporal behaviour of this system based on timing of events from literature and from an asynchronous Boolean model discussed in [12, 13]), the functional flow of the ABA signalling network can be abstracted as depicted in Fig. 3. Specifically, after a comprehensive review of the biological literature on the relevant time durations (half activity) for each reaction corresponding to the network edges in the ABA network, an asynchronous updating scheme was introduced to the model and system dynamics were studied [12, 13]. Integration of asynchrony in a deterministic manner in the asynchronous Boolean model captured the order of the events happening inside the ABA system through precise information processing. It follows the order of events happening in the network from the reception of the signal to the generation of output - stomatal closure. Figure 3 shows the integration of signal transduction through various signalling components between ABA reception and stomatal closure. From a high-level perspective, the functional flow of this network starts at the plasma membrane of the guard cell followed by the cytoplasm and internal organelles. All these components are cross-linked and connected with a series of feedback loops towards accomplishing the goal of stomatal closure.
From a detailed functional perspective, at the plasma membrane, the first module to respond to the ABA signal is all the membrane proteins and lipids, which are directly regulated by ABA (Fig. 3, panel (A)). This includes the ABA receptor complex (activated in less than a minute) and several other enzymes (for clarity, individual elements are not shown in Fig. 3). Enzyme activation at the
plasma membrane leads to the activities of lipid signalling pathways (e.g., PI3KP, PI4KP, SpHK and PLD) that are activated within the first few minutes (phospholipid within a minute and sphingolipid in two to four minutes). This confirms that as the building blocks of the plasma membrane, lipids are the first to receive and quickly proceed with the signal transduction. Lipid signalling modules proceed with the signalling mainly by invoking Ca2+, actin and oxidative signalling pathways (ROS and NO). Some enzymes (e.g., primarily SnRK2, MAPK, and CDPK) act on regulating ion channel protein modifications and pH changes in the cytoplasm (panel(B) of Fig. 3 and Ion channel regulation functional module (green box) in Fig. 2). As can be seen, almost all elements are related to both Ca2+ and osmoregulation (panel (C) in Fig. 3)
By means of these processes, ABA boosts the activities of all the functional modules identified in the network. These modules cross link with each other to achieve specific tasks needed for stomatal closure (C-E panels in Fig. 3), while maintaining their activities by a number of feedback loops. Of them, the fastest visible cell behaviour is ion channel activities regulating osmosis of the guard cell which takes place within two minutes from receiving the ABA signal (note the green arrows in Fig. 3). Osmotic regulation is basically achieved through the regulation of ion channels, depending on the gating properties of the respective channels. These channels can either be regulated by post-translational modifications (mainly phosphorylation) of channel proteins and/or voltage sensing. It can be assumed that post-translational modification initiates anion efflux (Cl-/\({\text{NO}}_{\text{3}}^{\text{-}}\) and malate2-). As a result, the electrical properties of the plasma membrane become more positive facilitating the voltage potentials required for opening of the voltage sensitive channels for K+ efflux. According to the time scales observed in the literature [12], it can be assumed that guard cell osmoregulation starts by pumping out both anions and cations (K+). Inhibition of influxes of K+ appears secondary as regulation of these events happen on a slower time scale. However, Ca2 + signalling proceeds with its activities before the inhibition of these influxes.
It is reported in the literature that structural rearrangements follow osmotic regulation. Topologically, actin reorganization and Ca2+ regulatory subsets are closely connected and are grouped in the same functional module (dendrogram in Fig. 1, dark blue box in Fig. 2 and purple arrows in Fig. 3). This clustering can be accepted because both oxidative pathways and lipid dependent pathways directly regulate actin and Ca2 + signalling pathways (refer to the orange coloured arrows from both to actin via actin regulatory processes and to purple arrows from both to Ca2+ in Fig. 3). Furthermore, Ca2+ and actin are linked by a positive feedback loop where Ca2+ activates actin and actin, in turn, through other regulators (from Ca2+ to actin via actin regulatory processes (orange coloured arrows) and from actin to Ca2+ via ion channels/pumps (purple coloured arrows) in Fig. 3), regulates Ca2+. Ca2+ signalling is initiated by ROS (via channel protein modifications) and inositol signalling and then by NO and actin. All of them make feedback regulatory loops with Ca2+, making Ca2+ the most connected element in the system (note the relative abundance of purple arrows in Fig. 3). These signal transduction mechanisms progressively reduce the cell turgor and affect structural rearrangements in a coordinated manner to support safe cell shrinkage without collapse (Panel (D) in Fig. 3) to achieve the output of the biological system, i.e. stomatal closure (Panel (E) in Fig. 3).