3.1 Colloidal properties of CNCs
The particle size distribution of CNCs aqueous dispersions was investigated by dynamic light scattering (DLS), showing a bimodal distribution, as shown in Fig. 1a, in which the peak with larger peak area corresponded to an average hydrodynamic diameter of 89.2 nm (PDI = 0.23). The appearance of this peak indicated the presence of aggregates, which was attributed to the large specific surface area characteristic of CNCs, and they may be caused by the presence of a large number of hydroxyl groups in CNCs through hydrogen bonding association [40]. At the same time, it can be observed from Fig. 2b that the zeta potential of the CNCs aqueous dispersion was − 37.3 mV, indicating that during the sulfuric acid hydrolysis of MCC, the hydroxyl groups on the cellulose polymer molecular chain underwent an esterification reaction with sulfuric acid groups (Fig. 1c), making the CNCs negatively charged. In addition, the stability of CNCs suspension was higher than that of MCC solution observed from Figs. 2a and 2b, which may be due to the negative charge on the surface of CNCs. This made the double-layer electrostatic repulsion between CNCs and realized the stable existence of CNCs in aqueous solution, which also played an important role in preventing the aggregation of nanoparticles [41].
From Figs. 2a and 2b, it can be also observed that the CNCs dispersion was light blue, while the MCC dispersion was white. As the negative charge of CNCs in the suspension produced the repulsive forces, no precipitate was formed after long-term storage, so the CNCs suspension revealed good stability. SEM images of MCC showed irregular shapes with the size ranging from 8 to 53 µm (Fig. 2c). Nonetheless, the CNCs prepared by sulfuric acid hydrolysis of the amorphous region of MCC exhibited "needle-like" or "rod-like" morphology as observed by SEM, TEM and AFM (Figs. 2d ~ 2f). However, it can be also observed that the CNCs exhibited a layered structure in both SEM images or TEM images and AFM images, which may be ascribed to the existence of hydrogen bonding between the nanofibers.
3.2 Morphologies and pore structure of the composite hydrogels
Figure 3 presents the macroscopic morphologies of different types of the composite hydrogels. It can be observed that all of hydrogels exhibited good 3D morphologies. With the addition of CNCs, the transparency of the Alg/G/CNCs composite hydrogel decreased, showing milky white and light blue. When the content of CNCs was constant, the Alg/G/CNCs composite hydrogel appeared milky white with the increase of gelatin content. The macroscopic morphologies and SEM images of internal pores of various hydrogels after freeze drying were shown in Fig. 4. From Fig. 4a, it was obviously that the hydrogels still maintained good cylindrical morphologies after freeze-drying. This was mainly due to the ionic cross-linking of alginate and the covalent cross-linking of gelatin under the action of HAP/GDL endogenous ionic cross-linking and EDC/NHS covalent cross-linking, thereby constructing an interpenetrating network system.
Moreover, the various hydrogels after freeze-drying possessed the regular three-dimensional porous network (3D) structures, which was attributed to the sublimation of ice crystals from the hydrogel during the freeze-drying process. It is known in the biomedical field that a good 3D porous structure for hydrogels is beneficial for cell growth and delivery of nutrients and metabolic wastes [39]. Compared with Alg hydrogels, Alg/G composite hydrogels had smooth pore walls with different pore sizes. Meanwhile, with the addition of CNCs to the Alg/GT matrix to form Alg/G/CNCs, it can be observed that the addition of CNCs made the pore size of the composite hydrogel more uniform and the pore walls seemed to become rough. The reason may be that the addition of CNCs strengthened the pore structure of the hydrogels, forming ordered ice crystals and making the pore size more uniform, which was beneficial for cell adhesion and extracellular matrix production [42]. Meanwhile, the addition of CNCs also reduced the pore size of the composite hydrogels, which was probably due to the fact that CNCs themselves acted as a filler, so that the gaps in the interpenetrating network formed by Alg/G were filled by CNCs, thereby reducing the pore size. In addition, the comparison between Figs. 4d ~ 4f showed that with the increase of gelatin content, the pore wall thickened, the pore structure decreased, and the porosity decreased. Moreover, these nanocomposites did not show obvious agglomeration, which indicated that the CNCs were uniformly dispersed in these alginate/gelatin composite matrices. Compared with Alg/0.5G/CNCs composite hydrogels, Alg/G/CNCs composite hydrogels had a smaller pore size, which may be on account of the filling effect of gelatin and the intermolecular interaction that reduced the pore size. Meanwhile, Alg/2G/CNCs composite hydrogels possessed a larger pore size, because the composite hydrogel contained a large amount of gelatin, and the covalent cross-linking of gelatin under the action of EDC/NHS made them have strong resistance to deformability, resulting in a larger pore size.
3.3 FT-IR analysis
The FT-IR spectra of SA, G and CNCs were displayed in Fig. 5a. SA exhibited its characteristic absorption peaks at 3427 and 2926 cm− 1 which were attributed to O-H and C-H stretching vibrations, respectively, while the peaks at 1621 and 1417 cm− 1 were the asymmetric and symmetric stretching vibration absorption peaks of COO− [43]. The peaks at 1095 and 1033 cm− 1 may be due to the C-O and C-C stretching vibrations on the pyran ring [44, 45]. The characteristic peaks of CNCs at 3410 and 2903 cm− 1 were assigned to the -OH and C-H stretching vibration absorption peaks, and the absorption peak at 1163 cm− 1 was related to the C-O-C stretching vibration. Moreover, the absorption peaks at 1113 and 1059 cm− 1 were ascribed to the C–O stretching vibrations of primary and secondary hydroxyl groups, respectively [46]. G had a broad absorption peak at 3325 cm− 1, which was owing to the presence of -OH and -NH2 in the molecular structure. The peak at 3079 cm− 1 was owing to the N-H stretching vibration, while the characteristic peak at 2939 cm− 1 was due to the C-H stretching vibration. The absorption peaks at 1653, 1545, and 1239 cm− 1 corresponded to the amide I band (υC=O and υC−N), the amide II band (mainly δN−H) and the amide III band (υC−N), respectively [45, 47].
The FT-IR spectra of Alg, Alg/G, Alg/0.5G/CNCs, Alg/G/CNCs and Alg/2G/CNCs composite hydrogels were shown in Fig. 5b. The Alg/G composite hydrogels showed typical characteristic peaks of SA and G. However, compared with G, the intensity of the amide II band in the Alg/G composite hydrogel decreased, which may be due to the covalent cross-linking of G in the EDC/NHS system, and the formation of amide bonds after cross-linking, proving the interaction of this group in the cross-linking reaction. Meanwhile, compared with the Alg hydrogel, the Alg/G composite hydrogel appeared new absorption peaks at 1637 and 1560 cm− 1 corresponding to the stretching vibration of C = O and N-H, respectively, indicating that G was successfully dispersed into the alginate matrix, and the IPN composite hydrogel was formed under the action of the cross-linking agent [45]. In addition, after HAP/GDL physical cross-linking and EDC/NHS covalent cross-linking to form IPN composite hydrogels, the absorption peaks of various composite hydrogels at 1545 and 1621 cm− 1 shifted to the high wavenumber direction to 1560 and 1653 cm− 1, indicating that the interaction between the components of the IPN hydrogel was enhanced, proving that the interaction force was generated between these groups [48]. Furthermore, compared with the Alg/G composite hydrogels, the addition of CNCs made the Alg/G/CNCs composite hydrogels display new absorption peaks at 1163 and 1059 cm− 1, which were attributed to the characteristic peaks of CNCs, indicating that the CNCs as fillers had been uniformly dispersed in the Alg/G matrix. Meanwhile, similar results were observed in the FT-IR spectra of Alg/0.5G/CNCs and Alg/2G/CNCs composite hydrogels. Moreover, the addition of CNCs broadened the peak at 3600 − 2900 cm− 1, implying that strong hydrogen bonds were generated between SA, G and CNCs molecular chains after CNCs were added to the Alg/G matrix [23, 48].
3.4 XRD analysis
The crystal structures of SA, MCC, and as-prepared CNCs were quantitatively analyzed by XRD, and the results were shown in Fig. 6a. It can be observed that the positions of the crystal diffraction peaks of MCC and CNCs were basically similar, and there were crystal diffraction peaks at 2θ = 14.9°, 16.7°, 22.6° and 34.6°, which were assigned to (1\(\stackrel{-}{1}\)0), (110), (020) and (004) crystal planes, respectively, indicating that the hydrolysis of MCC by sulfuric acid to prepare CNCs did not change the structure of cellulose crystals [37]. SA revealed two weak peaks at 2θ = 13.7° and 21.6°, indicating its amorphous crystalline property [10]. Meanwhile, the XRD patterns of each composite hydrogel are shown in Fig. 6b. The Alg/G composite hydrogel showed two broad peaks at 2θ = 14.8° and 22°, and these characteristic peaks belonged to the triple helix crystal structure of calcium alginate and G, respectively [49]. It was observed that the peak intensity at 14.8° was weakened, and this change may be due to the formation of the IPN composite matrix or the formation of intermolecular interactions between SA and G under the action of cross-linking, which destroyed the crystal structure of calcium alginate [43]. In addition, the Alg/0.5G/CNCs, Alg/G/CNCs and Alg/2G/CNCs composite hydrogels exhibited the characteristic peaks of CNCs at around 2θ = 22° which were caused by α-cellulose and semi-cellulose from the (200) plane reflection of the cellulose lattice [50], indicating that CNCs were present in these IPN composite hydrogel matrices. However, the position of this characteristic peak was slightly shifted, and the crystallinity difference may be resulted from the intermolecular interactions.
3.5 Thermal stability analysis
Figure 7 shows the thermogravimetric curves of different hydrogels measured at a heating rate of 10°C/min under N2 atmosphere. It was observed from the TGA curve that the weight loss rate of each sample was in the range of 58%~65% at 500°C. From the DTG curve, it can be seen that, except for the Alg hydrogel indicating two main weight loss stages, all of other IPN composite hydrogels revealed three main degradation stages. The highest degradation temperatures in the first degradation stage of Alg, Alg/G and Alg/0.5G/CNCs, Alg/G/CNCs and Alg/2G/CNCs composite hydrogels were 55.8 ℃, 53.5 ℃, 51 ℃, 46.5 ℃ and 66.5 ℃, respectively, which was mainly ascribed to the removal of physical adsorption water [10]. While the second degradation stage was between 200 and 300°C and the significant degradation occurred during this stage, which may be attributed to the chain scission and ring-opening reactions of alginate [39]. Compared with Alg hydrogel, IPN composite hydrogels including Alg/G and Alg/0.5G/CNCs, Alg/G/CNCs and Alg/2G/CNCs possessed a third degradation stage between 300 ℃ and 400 ℃. This may be due to the scission of the polymer molecular chain and the scission of peptide bonds (gelatin degradation) [51]. At the same time, it is also shown that the formation of interpenetrating network structure between G and SA or CNCs under the action of cross-linking improved the thermal stability of the composite hydrogels. With the increase of G content, Alg/2G/CNCs showed the highest thermal stability performance, which may be owing to electrostatic interaction or intermolecular hydrogen bonding between G and SA or CNCs, or due to the formation of tough and tight network structures through the crosslinking effect, which helped to improve the thermal stability performance of the composite hydrogels [36, 38].
3.6 Mechanical property analysis
As a biomedical material, the composite hydrogel should have suitable mechanical strength to support cell growth and support tissue load [35]. The compressive strength of the composite hydrogel was measured by a universal material testing machine with the results shown in Fig. 8a. Although the homogeneous Alg hydrogel was prepared by the endogenous ionic crosslinking method, its compressive strength was still only 0.109 MPa. However, the compressive strength of the Alg/G composite hydrogels prepared by the interpenetrating network technology was significantly improved to 0.701 MPa, which was mainly attributed to the covalent crosslinking of GT by EDC/NHS and the construction of the interpenetrating polymer network, which enhanced the mechanical properties of alginate ionically crosslinked networks. Compared with the Alg/G composite hydrogel, the compressive strength of the Alg/G/CNCs composite hydrogel increased to 0.982 MPa, indicating that the addition of CNCs enhanced the mechanical strength of the Alg/G/CNCs composite hydrogel. This may be attributed to the fact that the addition of CNCs to the IPN hydrogel matrix as a reinforcing agent led to its formation of the denser and highly entangled networks, thereby increasing the compressive strength [52]. Moreover, it further indicated that the mechanical strength of the composite hydrogels depended not only on the reinforcement of the nano-fillers, but also on the interaction with the polymer matrixes [53, 54]. For the Alg/G/CNCs series composite hydrogels, it was found that the compressive strength of the Alg/2G/CNCs composite hydrogels with the highest gelatin content reached a maximum of 1.750 MPa, which was attributed to the covalent cross-linking effect of a large amount of G in the EDC/NHS to form the network structures with higher crosslink density and more entanglement. Another notable explanation was that after G was added to the alginate matrixes, their mechanical properties were greatly improved due to the filling effect of G and the intermolecular interaction force, thereby indicating the better mechanical strength.
3.7 Swelling behavior analysis
Swellability is an important indicator for evaluating biomedical materials due to its important role in the transfer of nutrients, metabolic waste, tissue fluid absorption and cell penetration [55–57]. As shown in Fig. 8b, the Alg hydrogel exhibited uncontrollable swelling behavior due to the strong hydrophilicity of SA, which reached about 29 times its own weight after half an hour, and excessive swelling would destroy its mechanical integrity, which was not conducive to its biological application. However, under the action of EDC/NHS cross-linking agent, the free amine and carboxyl groups in the Alg/G IPN composite hydrogel matrix formed a network structure through covalent cross-linking, which reduced the number of free hydrophilic groups. As a result, the Alg/G composite hydrogel exhibited controllable swelling behavior. Therefore, the IPN structure formed between the polymer molecules in the composite hydrogel Alg/G matrix significantly improved the uncontrollable swelling behavior of the Alg hydrogel. At the same time, it can be observed that the Alg/G/CNCs composite hydrogel exhibited lower swelling than the Alg/G composite hydrogel, which may be due to the addition of CNCs that enhanced the interaction between the SA and G to form the denser network structures. In addition, CNCs as fillers partially occupy the network space of the hydrogel, resulting in the hydrogel with smaller pore size, thereby reducing the water absorption of the Alg/G/CNCs composite hydrogel [42, 52, 58], and further controlling the swelling of the IPN composite hydrogel. The above analysis results implied that the construction of IPN and the addition of CNCs could effectively regulate the swelling behavior of alginate hydrogels.
3.8 In vitro degradability analysis
In order to more truly reflect the degradation behavior of the composite hydrogels in the human body, these composite hydrogels were immersed in the SBF solution at 37°C to study their degradation rate within 14 days. As shown in Fig. 9, it was found that in SBF solution, with the increase of G content in the composite hydrogel component, the degradation rate increased significantly, which was attributed to the sensitivity of G to water. This result was due to the hydrolysis mechanism, that is, as G began to be removed from the IPN hydrogel, the space it occupied became void, which further promoted the decomposition of the rest of the sample [55, 59]. Furthermore, the composite hydrogels containing CNCs were found to have a lower degradation rate, which may be ascribed to their uniform dispersion and hydrophobicity [60], or it may be that CNCs enhanced the interaction between the polymer matrixes, thereby improving the stability of the composite hydrogel in SBF solution. Additionally, crystallinity and hydrophilicity were also important factors affecting the degradation rate. Since the crystalline regions of CNCs were more resistant to hydrolysis, their crystallinity and crystal size would reduce the degradation rate of the polymer matrix [61].
3.9 In vitro cytocompatibility of the composite hydrogels
In vitro cytocompatibility measurement were performed with mouse osteogenic MC3T3-E1 cells to examine the in vitro biocompatibility of the composite hydrogels to evaluate their potential applications in the biomedical field. As shown in Fig. 10, after 2 d of culture, MC3T3-E1 cells exhibited good attachment ability on these composite hydrogels. At the same time, cells were found to proliferate at the pores of the composite hydrogels, and these results suggested that the porous network structures of the composite hydrogels could provide a favorable 3D environment for cell attachment and proliferation. However, due to the lack of cell recognition sites in SA, there was less cell adhesion on the surface of Alg hydrogels, while G had the RGD polypeptide sequence, which could significantly enhance the adhesion of cells to the Alg/N composite hydrogel [62]. At the same time, it was observed that the cell adhesion on the Alg/0.5G/CNCs and Alg/G/CNCs composite hydrogels was significantly better than other hydrogels. These results may be due to their pore size suitable for cell growth, and the mutual bonding between CNCs and the polymer matrixes to form a highly entangled network on the pore wall, making the nanoscale roughness on the pore wall, which was conducive to cell adhesion and the production of extracellular matrix [42, 63].
The CCK-8 kit was used to detect the in vitro cytotoxicity of the composite hydrogels with the results shown in Fig. 11a. Taking the tissue culture plate as the control group, after culturing for 2 d, the absorbance of the composite hydrogels in each group was higher than that of the control group, indicating that these composite hydrogels had good biocompatibility. More interestingly, when cultured for 5 d, in contrast, the Alg/0.5G/CNCs composite hydrogel containing G and CNCs with relatively large pore size had the highest absorbance, indicating that its cell viability was higher than other experimental groups. This result showed that appropriate G content, pore size and CNCs content had positive effects on the cell proliferation [64, 65].
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is an important biomarker of early osteoblast differentiation. After 7 d of culture, the ALP activity of MC3T3-E1 cells on the composite hydrogel was improved compared with the control group, as shown in Fig. 11b. Meanwhile, it was observed that the ALP activity of Alg/G, Alg/G/CNCs and Alg/2G/CNCs composite hydrogels was significantly higher than that of Alg hydrogel and Alg/0.5G/CNCs composite hydrogels. Among them, Alg hydrogel showed low ALP activity due to its poor cell adhesion, and Alg/0.5G/CNCs composite hydrogels with lower G content exhibited similar ALP activity to Alg hydrogel. On the contrary, Alg/2G/CNCs composite hydrogels exhibited the highest ALP activity during cell differentiation. This result may be related to the G content in the composite hydrogel, and the addition of an appropriate amount of G could promote cell differentiation. Furthermore, it is found that the ALP activity on the Alg/G/CNCs composite hydrogel was significantly higher than that of the Alg/G composite hydrogel, which may be ascribed to the CNCs contained in the composite hydrogel, indicating that an appropriate amount of CNCs was beneficial to promote cell differentiation [38, 39]. Therefore, the above results indicated that various physical and biochemical factors of biomaterials played a crucial role in the survival, proliferation and differentiation of cells.