While the mechanical stresses in flexion-extension, compression-elongation and torsion have been studied many times and better understood at the level of the femoro-popliteal arterial axis during knee flexion, knowledge of the mechanical stresses which can be exercised on the ilio-femoral axis during hip flexion, remains to be determined (13). The conformational changes of the ilio-femoral artery is a subject that has been studied only a few times, especially on the determinism of the location of the arterial folding point.
Indeed, it has already been demonstrated that the femoral artery presented with a change of its direction during flexion of the hip and that the common femoral artery is a fixed segment during these movements.
This anatomo-radiological study, allows us to confirm that the folding point of the ilio-femoral axis was located cranially to the inguinal ligament but below the departure of the extern iliac artery. The arterial kink zone was located between 82 and 95mm from the common iliac bifurcation. This corresponded to an average distance varying from 26 to 38mm, if the fictitious line of the inguinal ligament was taken as a reference.
Our results are consistent with literature showing that the femoral artery is fixed and the folding point is located above the inguinal ligament (5).
Sung Il Park et al, who took as a reference acetabular roof and inguinal ligament, came to the same conclusion (1). They had also reported a correlation between age and distance to the inguinal ligament.
Our radio-anatomical study was carried out thanks to the iconographic and numerical results of the ilio-femoral angiographic examinations requested in the case of the diagnostic and pre-therapeutic assessment of a suspected involvement of iliac arterial endofibrosis. Our study population was homogeneous, young and free from any calcified arterial pathology, which can induce a displacement of the plication zone. The lesion of arterial endofibrosis is a lesion of endoluminal myointimal hyperplasia, of low thickness, which cannot disturb the physico-elastic properties of the artery during flexion (14). Furthermore, since the contralateral intra-arterial injection catheter was positioned upstream, at the ostium of the CIA, it could not induce any disturbance in the arterial plication zone. The measures of the other published studies were confronted with this bias.
However, the measurements were performed with the patient lying on the examination table, in supine position. As other authors, we hypothesize that there might be some difference in the location of the bend point between standing and supine position. This hypothetical difference seems to be insignificant for us, given the orders of magnitude in length of the arteries studied.
In addition, if our study confirms several works and data, on the constraints in bending which the arterial axis undergoes, it does not allow us to evaluate the modifications in torsion and in compression of the ilio-femoral axis, during the hip flexion.
Like other authors, we chose several anatomical landmarks, such as the inguinal ligament or the origin of the EIA (1,11,15). These anatomical reference points are recognized in other published studies. They are very easily identified on all the examinations currently available to us.
Knowledge of the location of the arterial flexion point during hip flexion is of considerable clinical and therapeutic importance in vascular pathology.
Arterial iliac kinking during flexion of the hip joint or during the pedalling motion, is well reported in high-performance athletes. The fact that the kink was located within the EIA, support the etiopathogenic hemodynamic hypotheses of arterial endofibrosis (14). Repetitive hip movements are responsible of turbulent flux in the EIA, creating shear stress on the bench artery wall. This may explain the preferentially iliac external arterial location of this non-atheromatous lesion.
Endovascular treatment is the reference surgical treatment for ilio-femoral atherosclerotic stenotic lesions. However, the implantation of a stent in the kind of flexible arterial segment, can be complicated by early thrombosis, restenosis by myointimal hyperplasia, stent fracture (16). These poor results result in these external iliac location, among other things, from the inadequacy of the physico-elastic properties of the biomaterials, to withstand the repeated stresses in elongation-compression, plication and torsion of the arterial axis, during hip flexion movements (17). Even if hip joint is less vigorously mobile than the knee joint, the last 5 cm of the EIA should be now considered as a high-stress zone for intravascular implantable devices, given the verified anatomical changes. These data are to be taken into consideration with great importance in determining the positioning of stents or endoprostheses, in the choice of their physical characteristics, when covering vascular lesions in this area.