In the current study, we examined the manifestation of psychological resilience in everyday life in a group of young adults under stress, during their basic combat training in the military. Using ecological momentary assessment (EMA) of IC and of mood, we found that for those with higher levels of self-reported resilience, higher daily IC was associated with better daily mood. However, no such association existed for those with medium or lower levels of resilience. In addition, these effects were present only for female, but not for male, participants in our sample. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to show that higher levels of resilience are associated with specific associations between IC and mood in daily life. As such, it validates and broadens the conceptualizations of current models of resilience, which suggest a central role for cognitive control – and mainly IC processes – in contributing to resilient outcomes in the face of adversity or during stressful life situations [6, 8]. Specifically, the model by Parsons and colleagues suggests that resilience relies on one’s ability to apply appropriate CC processing in each situation, using an overarching mapping system, which guides the application of information processing based on situations and perceived needs [6]. Previous studies have indeed provided validation for this and related models, using a one-time measurement in the lab, which showed the expected association between CC and resilience [11, 46]. Similarly, literature related to resilient outcomes following childhood trauma or malfunctioning also suggests that those that show psychological resilience are those who can better activate frontoparietal areas and that are able to exert better emotion regulation strategies [46, 47]. Here, we show for the first time the ecological aspect of this assertion, by showing that the momentary level of IC is related to the current emotional state only in those who are more resilient.
The results of our study are also in line with recent imaging studies, which have shown a link between increased resilience and prefrontal control of limbic system areas. The results suggest that cognitive control mechanisms are closely related to mood and resilience. As an example, Admon and colleagues (2009) investigated resilience in Israeli soldiers using a threat-relevant paradigm. Researchers found that lower amygdala reactivity pre-deployment predicted lower PTSD symptoms post-deployment, as well as greater hippocampal-vmPFC functional coupling post-deployment [48]. Using a different measure of threat and reward responses, researchers found that resilient soldiers maintained a balance between threat and reward responses after military service [49]. A recent study by Demers and colleagues included a sample of healthy adults with and without a history of childhood trauma and found that across the entire sample, better adaptive Demers and colleagues conducted a recent study of healthy adults with and without childhood trauma histories. They found that more IC over negatively-valenced distractors and higher activation of the prefrontal (right frontal pole) were associated with better adaptive functioning in everyday contexts across the entire sample. [50] Our results are consistent with this conclusion.
The results of the current study further substantiate the definition of resilience into a real-life stressful situation, showing that not only CC in general is associated with resilience, but that the momentary association between IC and mood underlies self-reported resilience. As such, these results provide the first ecological validation of the definition of resilience, which relies on the IC ability to inhibit variations and momentary mood reductions. As cognitive abilities, including IC, have been shown to fluctuate over time, given different levels of fatigue, stress and external conditions [51, 52], a one-time measurement of IC may not provide the full picture of IC abilities, stressing the need for a repeated, ecological assessment of IC and its association with momentary mood provides additional information.
While to the best of our knowledge, no previous study has examined the association between momentary IC and momentary mood in relation to mental resilience, our results are still in line with some of the previous literature on EMA which shows association between CC and mood in clinical and healthy samples. For example, a recent study by Smith and colleagues [53] examined daily IC and momentary mood in relation to binge eating behavior in 40 women with eating disorders. To that end, they tested the associations between intra-individual variability in self-regulatory capacity with negative affect. The authors found that among those who reported regular compensatory behaviors, binge eating was more likely on days with lower momentary negative affect when food-related IC was better. Conversely, lower momentary negative affect was related to lower likelihood of binge eating on days with poorer IC. However, since IC was examined only once per day, it is unclear whether negative affect impairs momentary ICs' capacity or vice versa [53]. Other studies included a group of young adults and found that on days with more reported negative affect and reduced motivation, performance on a WM task was also reduced [see also 33, 34, 35].
However, the literature in this regard is somewhat mixed, and other studies failed to find such associations between momentary cognition and momentary mood [31, 32, 51, 54]. For example, recent studies by Von Stumm showed no effect of mood on working memory (WM) performance [31]. Similarly, Small and colleagues found no associations between inter-subject variability of self-reported depressed mood and performance on working memory tasks; however, they did find a link between self-reported average scores of fatigue and cognitive tests in a small sample of cancer survivors [54]. A potential account for this lack of association between momentary cognition and mood given our current results is that baseline resilience has not been considered. Thus, it could be that for participants with higher levels of psychological resilience, such associations would have been found. Future studies are needed to further elucidate the link between CC and mood in ecological setting in relation to psychological resilience, in both clinical and non-clinical populations.
There was a significant sex effect in our study: momentary IC was associated with momentary mood in females with higher levels of resilience, but not in males. Because the study included an unequal number of males and females, this finding should be interpreted with caution. Since all participants were in the exact same environment, it is unlikely that sex differences in this study can be explained by differences in adversity type or severity. This may be due to the fact that resilience outcome measures are not sex sensitive. Due to the fact that existing conceptualizations of resilience do not account for how sex roles, social expectations, perceptions, and the environment interact to differentially shape women's and men's experiences of adversity and their responses to it, men are typically higher on measures of resilience than women [55].
Previous studies further suggested that mood variability may impact CC. The sex difference found in the current study might therefore be linked to our previous findings suggesting that females reported higher levels of variability in mood during the two-week tracking period than males [43]. Indeed, sex differences in the prevalence of mental illness - such as rates of depression among females compared to higher prevalence of impulse control disorders among males [56, 57] may also account for the differences we see in our current investigation. Finally, sex differences were also reported in the CC brain circuitry, using neuroimaging and electrophysiology studies among healthy samples [58, 59]. Our EMA-based results provide additional evidence for sex differences from a real-time ecological perspective.
This study has a few limitations that should be considered in future studies of ecological manifestation of resilience. A main limitation is that due to the field conditions of the study, the number of EMA samples per participant was rather low and may limit the generalizability of the findings. Although the number of samples suffices for the analyses conducted, denser sampling, as was done is other studies [e.g., 27, 60] is advised and may have significantly strengthened the analytical approach and the validity of the findings. Second, our sample, of young adults from a distinct mixed-gender unit of the IDF, is relatively homogeneous in terms of age and nationality, and includes twice as many female participants. This may limit the generalizability of the findings and calls for replication studies in broader samples.
The findings of the current study, which used “in the field” measurement of daily IC and mood, further substantiate the definition of resilience into a real-life stressful situation, showing general CC association with resilience, as well as momentary association between IC and mood underlies self-reported resilience. Our results provide the first ecological validation of the definition of resilience, which relies on the IC ability to inhibit variations and momentary mood reductions. Consequently, these results lend valuable support to cognitive models of psychological resilience and may contribute to our understanding of resilient behavior in the real world.
There are two significant implications for these results. First, they emphasize the importance of including smartphone-based EMA tools in studying cognition and emotion. The increasing use of smartphones and related mobile technology over the last decade [28] makes it easier to deliver EMA assessments remotely and provide significant data with high ecological validity. As noted previously, the use of mobile assessments allows the integration of multiple sources of contextual and cognitive data and hence may improve the precision of the data collected [25]. In addition, the results may have implications for interventions which aim to strengthen psychological resilience under stressful situations. Given the malleability of resilience, it is considered a potential intervention target which may improve one’s ability to cope with stressful situations and adversities [7]. Our results suggest that incorporating ecological momentary interventions (EMIs; [21]) to improve or build resilience may help bridge the gap in current mental health care for youth and young adults by enabling better access to interventions “in each moment” and in an appropriate context in daily life [61]. Thus, novel interventions may incorporate EMI with existing interventions to achieve better resilience amidst stress in young adults. Future studies should examine the utility of such interventions on resilience, taking into consideration sex differences in underlying resilience mechanisms.