Model Structure
Figure 1 shows the model structure and transition states. We used a decision tree followed by a Markov state transition model (10–12) to estimate the incremental cost-effectiveness of each scenario of expanded TPT compared to the current practice (e.g. pre-2020 guidelines), which does not include children age 5–14 years in TPT care. Individuals enter the model if they are HHCs aged 5–14 years of an index case of TB and do not have active TB. The expanded TPT scenarios include testing for latent TB infection (LTBI) by either tuberculin skin test (TST) or interferon gamma release assay (IGRA) followed by treatment with 6H, 3HP or 3HR for those who test positive. TST and IGRA has an estimated sensitivity of 71% and 79% and specificity of 89% and 99% in the base vase scenario, respectively (13). Individuals who test positive for LTBI (whether truly or falsely) are then modelled to undergo LTBI treatment with either 6H, 3HP or 3HR. After undergoing LTBI testing and treatment (if eligible), individual scenario trajectories were simulated using a Markov model with four transition states: (Eligible for screening for) LTBI, active TB, cure (of active TB) and death (related to TB or not related to TB).
The model first implements a decision tree among a hypothetical group representing the newly eligible household contacts for LTBI screening with either tuberculin skin test (TST) or interferon gamma release assay (IGRA). Those who screen positive are treated with 6 months of daily isoniazid (6H), 3 months of weekly isoniazid and rifapentine (3HP) or 3 months of daily isoniazid plus rifampicin (3HR) and every strategy is then compared to a scenario of no screening or treatment for LTBI (NTT). Each subgroup is determined by the outcome of screening then enters a Markov state transition model with four possible states: latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI), active tuberculosis (TB), cured from active TB (Cure) and death (TB and non-TB). This Markov process is simulated over a time horizon of 20 years.
Model Parameters and Target Population:
Table 1 shows all model parameters. The estimated burden of LTBI among children age 5–14 years was 53.1% based on a meta-analysis by Fox et al compiling data for LTBI prevalence among HHCs age 5–14 in low and middle income countries (14).
Table 1
Base Value
LTBI prevalence
Total number of HHCs to be screened
Annual transition probability from LTBI to active without TPT
Proportion Progressing to Active with 6H compared to NTT
Proportion Progressing to Active with 3HP compared to NTT
Proportion Progressing to Active with 3HR compared to NTT
Annual transition probability from active TB to death
Annual transition probability from active TB to cure
6H Drug Cost (180 tablets of 300mg) in USD
3HP Drug Cost (36 tabs of 300–300) in USD
3HR Drug Cost (6x84 doses of RH 75-50mg) in USD
Cost per LTBI outpatient visit in USD
Total cost for one case of active TB in USD
(15, 19, 20)
Utility-Active TB
TST cost in USD
TST sensitivity
TST specificity
IGRA cost in USD
IGRA sensitivity
IGRA specificity
Discount rate (for cost and effect)
(24, 25)
* Refers to the statistical distribution used to vary the model value between the low and high values. |
Based on estimated annual TB cases in the Philippines and the prevalence of active TB among HHCs of
TB patients in low and middle income countries, we estimated that starting with 595,000 index cases results in 797,360 HHCs aged 5–14 years. Among these pediatric HHCs, 11,163 (1.40%) will be diagnosed with TB disease and 786,197 (98.60%) will be eligible for LTBI evaluation; of those eligible for evaluation 417,471 (53.1%) will have LTBI (14–16, 26).
Annual transition probabilities from LTBI to active TB without LTBI treatment was assumed to decline steadily between years 2 and 5 and assumed to be constant after year 5 based on published literature (14, 27). Annual transition probabilities from LTBI to active TB in the setting of LTBI treatment were based on data from a meta-analysis reflecting real world practice of TB preventive therapy and thus treatment completion rates were not explicitly modelled (17). Annual transition probabilities from active TB to cure and death were based on WHO data, including pediatric-specific data when available, on reported TB outcomes averaged from 2019 and 2020 (15). Annual probability of death in the absence of active TB was based on published lifetables for the Philippines (28).
TB patients in low and middle income countries, we estimated that starting with 595,000 index cases results in 797,360 HHCs aged 5–14 years. Among these pediatric HHCs, 11,163 (1.40%) will be diagnosed with TB disease and 786,197 (98.60%) will be eligible for LTBI evaluation; of those eligible for evaluation 417,471 (53.1%) will have LTBI (14–16, 26).
Annual transition probabilities from LTBI to active TB without LTBI treatment was assumed to decline steadily between years 2 and 5 and assumed to be constant after year 5 based on published literature (14, 27). Annual transition probabilities from LTBI to active TB in the setting of LTBI treatment were based on data from a meta-analysis reflecting real world practice of TB preventive therapy and thus treatment completion rates were not explicitly modelled (17). Annual transition probabilities from active TB to cure and death were based on WHO data, including pediatric-specific data when available, on reported TB outcomes averaged from 2019 and 2020 (15). Annual probability of death in the absence of active TB was based on published lifetables for the Philippines (28).
The cost of LTBI treatment regimens was based on procurement estimates provided by the Stop TB Partnership and corroborated through the Philippines NTP (18). To estimate the cost of active TB, we used the reimbursement rate for directly-observed-therapy short-course (DOTS) package in the Philippines of $111.03 and added a cost of hospitalization assuming a 5-day length of stay on average and 3% chance of hospitalization based on WHO reporting on drug sensitive TB for all ages in the Philippines (15, 20). The cost of IGRA was based on the reported cost of QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus as reported by the Stop TB Partnership (23). The cost of outpatient visits, TSTs, and hospitalizations were based on the average values at the community health unit for outpatient care and primary hospital level for inpatient care as reported by the Value TB study (19). All costs were measured in 2021 US Dollars after adjusting for inflation in the following ways: Philippines specific inflation calculator was used when cost was estimated from local sources; consumer price index was used for inflation adjustment when cost was derived from international supplier; official exchange rates from the Philippines central bank were used when cost estimates were provided in Philippine Pesos (29–31).
Effectiveness was estimated as the number of quality adjusted life years (QALYs) gained, assuming that utility for the LTBI state was similar to that of the underlying general population estimated to be 1.0, whereas the utility for active TB was assumed to be 0.67 based on published literature (21, 32). Based on literature regarding post-TB sequelae, we also assumed a decrement in health utility of 0.053 following successful treatment of active TB (22, 32). Utilities were applied on an annual basis. The total costs and total effects were used to generate an incremental cost effectiveness ratio (ICER) by dividing the incremental cost for every strategy compared to the current pre-2020 guideline strategy of no testing or treatment for LTBI (NTT) by the incremental QALY gain for every strategy compared to NTT. We also provide a second set of ICERs comparing each strategy to the next most cost-effective strategy. Both costs and effectiveness were discounted by 3% per year based on the recommendations of the U.S. Second Panel on Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine and WHO Guide to Cost-effectiveness Analysis, we also explored the effects of 0% and 5% discount rates on the results (24, 25). The model used a time horizon of 20 years and was performed from the perspective of the Philippines public healthcare system which covers TB care (20). Willingness to pay threshold explored in this analysis relied upon the Philippines GDP per capita as estimated by the World Bank and based on the recommendations of the WHO Guide to Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (24, 25, 33). For additional details on model parameters, please refer to S1 Supplementary Appendix.
Model Assumptions:
We assumed that, in the absence of progression or reactivation to active TB, individuals with LTBI have no risk of TB-related death. We assumed the cost of LTBI treatment to include an initial outpatient visit for consultation followed by a monthly outpatient visit for follow-up and refill over the duration of treatment per the Philippines TB guidelines (6). We assumed that LTBI treatment would be delivered per the same guidelines by self-administered therapy and thus excluded costs of directly observed therapy.
According to the Philippines TB guidelines, chest x-rays are used for all HHCs over the age of 5 as part of active TB disease evaluation and thus we assumed their cost to be equal in all strategies. Individuals with false-positive test results were assumed to have no risk of progression to active TB. Reinfection with TB after the testing and treatment period was assumed to occur equally in all groups and was thus not explicitly modeled. We also assumed all cases of active TB to be drug sensitive and occurring in individuals without HIV co-infection since there are no current guideline recommendations for TB preventive therapy among HHC of people with MDR/RR TB and the prior inclusion of people living with HIV in TPT recommendations (6, 15). Based on published literature, the probability of severe adverse events that would require medical attention in the context of LTBI treatment in this age group is exceedingly rare and thus we did not explicitly include incremental adverse events in the model (17, 34, 35). Finally, we assumed that the ratio between reported and estimated TB cases to be constant across age groups and that TB outcomes remain constant during the time horizon of the analysis.
Base Case and Sensitivity Analyses:
Our base case starts with a population of 786,197 HHCs age 5–14, which is the estimated number of individuals eligible for the intervention in the Philippines. To determine the parameters that had the most effect on model outputs, we performed a one-way deterministic sensitivity analysis by varying each parameter by +/-10% of the base value without violating logical boundaries (e.g. 0–1 for probabilities). We also performed multivariate probabilistic sensitivity analysis (PSA) based on 1000 trials. In each trial, parameters were sampled following a uniform statistical distribution (Gamma distribution for cost parameters, random selection for HHCs eligible and beta distribution for all other parameters) to account for parameter uncertainty. The PSA was used to generate a cost effectiveness plane comparing different TPT strategies to NTT. In addition, we used the PSA to quantify the probability of cost effectiveness for each regimen based on either testing strategy by employing a net monetary benefit approach (10, 11). We used our PSA to calculate uncertainty ranges at the 2.5th and 97.5th percentile for each reported value; we provided these ranges within parentheses when presenting results. We also explored price points under which IGRA would achieve similar results to TST. All analyses were performed using Microsoft Excel 2016 (Microsoft; Redmond, Washington, USA).
Institutional review board (IRB) approval was not required according to guidelines from the University of Virginia IRB office, as this research did not involve human subjects.