Fig. 4 shows the shapes of the bulb under the same drawing conditions in a furnace with a graphite heater of 125 microns fiber diameter from samples No. 1 and 2. The length of the bulb doped with Cr2O3 is significantly less than that of a bulb made of pure SG. This is due to the different values of the heat transfer coefficient from the heated sample to the environment.
Based on the distribution of diameter (d) along length (z) in the bulb zone, it is possible to calculate the constant (B) [21] proportional to the heat transfer coefficient during SG cooling of according to equation (2):
ln ln (d/df) = ln ln (dO/df) - Bz, (2)
where df is the fiber diameter equal to 0.125 mm; d0 is the normalized diameter ≈ 5 mm.
Constant B is determined by the slope of straight lines for dependence ln ln (d/df) on the z coordinate along the axis of the bulb (Fig. 5). The ratio of this constant value for two samples is ≈ 2, which indicates a significant increase in the heat transfer coefficient when alloying the core with chromium. Therefore, the cooling time up to 1000 oC for samples No. 1 and 2 differs twice (Fig. 1).
It is obvious that the shape of the bulb and its surface relief, depending on the cooling rate of the SG, is determined both by the Cr2O3 concentration and thickness of the cladding.
The paper shows a significant dependence of the SG surface roughness on its cooling rate. The height of the relief peaks of the SG cooled in the air atmosphere is 7 nm, while at water glass quenching and chromium radiation cooling the profile peaks do not exceed 1.5 nm.
Previously, it was found that defects in the surface of silica fiber that reduce its strength [22] are usually caused by the presence of micro-admixture of coloring elements (Cr and Fe). Their high emissivity leads to local cooling and an increase in the SG viscosity, which prevents its plastic deformation. Therefore, the size of such defects does not change in the process of fiber drawing, which determines its low-strength state. The presence of a chromium-doped radiating SG can prevent such behavior of localized defects containing coloring impurities. The cooling rate increase also contributes to the hardening of the high-temperature homogeneous state of the doped silica glass, which is prone to liquation. In the technology of the active light guides doped with rare earth elements (Er, Yb, etc.), it can lead to a decrease in optical losses.
The optimization of Cr2O3 concentration and preform design, aimed at improving the cooling efficiency of SG, can lead to an increase in the strength of the silica fiber. This opens up prospects in the creation of high-strength fiberglass composite materials reinforced with such fibers. A high strength-to-weight ratio of such materials ensures the progress in a number of industries, especially in the construction industry, machine tool manufacturing and space technology.