Our preliminary analyses showed associations of the T, A, T, T and G alleles of the rs6067472, rs10485614, rs2143511, rs6020608 and rs968701 polymorphisms, respectively, with lower obesity/overweight prevalence and lower values of obesity-related phenotypes (i.e., hip circumference, BMI, body fat percentage, FMI, SBP and leptin). In addition, the haplotype block TATTG constituted by these polymorphisms was associated with lower body fat percentage and FMI. Finally, physical activity may modulate the influence of PTPN1 polymorphisms on adiposity markers in European adolescents. Alleles of rs6067472, rs2143511, rs6020608 and rs968701 polymorphisms were associated with lower adiposity in adolescents meeting the physical activity recommendations.
Previous genetic-association studies have linked PTPN1 polymorphisms with obesity-related phenotypes17, including type 2 diabetes status, total and low-density cholesterol, glucose metabolism, blood pressure and adiposity markers across several Caucasian and Hispanic cohorts34–38. In contrast, other studies have failed to find associations between PTPN1 polymorphisms and obesity-related traits17 like glucose regulation, diabetic status or adiposity in variety of cohorts39,40 including Iranian 41 and Pima populations42. With respect to the polymorphisms included in the present study, the rs968701 and rs6020608 have been previously associated with obesity-related phenotypes (glucose regulation and blood pressure), but without considering multiple test correction34–36. In contrast, we found these and other PTPN1 polymorphisms associated with several adiposity markers. Finally, we found no evidence of association for PTPN1 and obesity-related traits in Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS). This inconsistency can be caused by differences in population-dependent penetrance and allele frequencies, as well as subject age, ethnicity and sample size. In the case of GWAS, many more markers are analyzed compared to candidate-gene studies, increasing the risk of false positives and making even more important to control for this type of error. However, some methods for multiple-comparison correction can be too conservative 27,29, especially when many genetic markers are analyzed and many of them are in linkage disequilibrium as in the case of GWAS43. In that scenario, a stringent control of false positives may lead to the no detection of genes with smaller effects compared to genes strongly associated with obesity-related traits (e.g., FTO). To our knowledge, there is no previous evidence about the interaction between physical activity and PTPN1 polymorphisms in genetic association studies.
PTPN1 is a negative regulator of the insulin signaling pathway44 as supported by studies showing better glucose homeostasis45 and lower weight gain13 in Ptpn1 knockout mice. Despite the relevance of PTPN1 on insulin signaling, we did not find any association between PTPN1 polymorphisms and phenotypes related to glucose homeostasis. This could be explained by the differential effect of PTPN1 across tissues. It has been shown that mice with specific Ptpn1 deletion in muscle had improved glucose homeostasis but no differences in weight gain45. In contrast, insulin sensitivity did not increase in adipose tissue of whole-body Ptpn1 knockout mice despite the decrease of adiposity16,46. Therefore, PTPN1 protein could have a different function in adipose tissue. Importantly, the associations found between PTPN1 polymorphisms and adiposity in the present study could be explained by the influence of PTPN1 on energy balance, as it has been reported increased resting metabolic rate and energy expenditure in Ptpn1 knockout mice16. The impact of PTPN1 on energy balance could be exerted through leptin, given its role in the downregulation of leptin signaling14,15,47. Leptin regulates energy homeostasis by influencing food intake and energy expenditure48. Accordingly, Bence et al.49 showed increased leptin levels along with reduced food intake and weight in mice with a neuronal-specific Ptpn1 deletion. Our results partially support the influence of PTPN1 on adiposity through leptin, as the AC-CC genotype of rs10485614 was associated with higher leptin levels. In addition, two of the adiposity markers more associated with PTPN1 polymorphisms, fat mass index and body fat percentage, showed a strong positive correlation with leptin (P < 0.0001 and ρ > 0.6 in both cases; Supplementary Figure S2). These results suggest that leptin resistance could have a relevant role in the patterns of adiposity in this cohort and may be mediated by PTPN1. However, we must bear in mind that rs10485614 was only associated with leptin according to FDR < 0.1 and was not associated with adiposity. This could be caused by the lower number of minor homozygotes for this polymorphism in our cohort, preventing the test of associations under non-dominant models.
PTPN1 could influence energy expenditure not only through leptin, but also through leptin-independent pathways. Several studies have shown increased energy expenditure and decreased adiposity in Ptpn1 knockout mice without differences in food intake16, 50–52. Interestingly, other studies reported lower weight despite existing no differences in food intake for Ptpn1 knockout mice lacking leptin-responsive hypothalamic neurons14 or with leptin deletion15, compared to mice having active Ptpn1. These results suggest a role of PTPN1 on energy expenditure and adiposity independently of leptin in general, and leptin-reduced satiety in particular. The pathways (leptin-dependent or independent) through which PTPN1 favor energy expenditure could implicate the activation of brown adipose tissue (BAT), a relevant tissue on non-shivering thermogenesis53. In this regard, it has been shown higher activity of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a mediator of leptin’s effects54, in BAT and muscle tissue of Ptpn1 knockout mice, leading to gene expression changes that enhanced energy expenditure55. Similarly, the deletion of Ptpn1 in mice seems to favour BAT mass and activity after cold exposure56, along with increase brown adipogenesis57,58 (but see Klaman et al.16 for contrary results). Finally, the influence of PTPN1 on energy homeostasis and adiposity could be mediated by the tropomyosin receptor kinase B (TrkB) and its ligand, the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), as both play a key role in the regulation of energy homeostasis59. It has been shown that Ptpn1 knockout mice have higher phosphorylation of TrkB and higher increases of core temperature under a treatment of BDNF compared to wildtypes60. This suggests that the deletion of Ptpn1 can enhance BDNF-mediated energy expenditure, supporting that PTPN1 could influence energy homeostasis, and consequently adiposity, through different pathways.
Finally, the association of the minor T allele of rs6067472 with lower adiposity and SBP is congruent with results in mice showing a protective effect of PTPN1 deletion against adrenergic hypertension. Bruder-Nascimento et al.52 reported that Ptpn1 knockout mice suffered lower increases of arterial pressure under chronic sympatho-activation. Note, however, that we did not find a strong signal for this association in our study. SBP was associated with PTPN1 polymorphisms only in the first, exploratory analysis (FDR < 0.1), without enough support for the association in further analyses.
We not only found that PTPN1 polymorphisms are associated with obesity-related traits, but also that their influence may be modulated by physical activity. When considering the interaction with physical activity, PTPN1 alleles were associated with less adiposity only in physically active adolescents. These results suggest the existence of a synergy between PTPN1 and physical activity. Evidence coming from mice suggests that physical activity could decrease the content of PTPN161,62, while Guerra et al.63 showed an increase of PTPN1 levels in the vastus lateralis of human subjects under bed rest. In addition, it has been shown in mice that aging increases levels of liver PTPN1, adiposity, and the inhibition of insulin signaling61. All these changes associated with aging were reverted when mice were exposed to acute exercise. Therefore, PTPN1 variants associated with less content/functionality of PTPN1 in combination with the attenuation of PTPN1 effects by high levels of physical activity may favor a greater reduction of adiposity, that is, they may have a synergistic effect. There are several mechanisms through which the interaction between physical activity and PTPN1 could occur. For example, it could be mediated by Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1). SIRT1 positively impacts insulin resistance through the repression of PTPN1 in cell cultures64, being upregulated and having the same effect in the skeletal muscle of old mice exposed to exercise65. Therefore, physical activity could inhibit PTPN1 through SIRT1 upregulation. However, we did not find enough support for the association between markers of glucose regulation and PTPN1 polymorphisms. An alternative explanation for the interaction between PTPN1 polymorphisms and physical activity on adiposity could be related to energy expenditure and homeostasis. As previously mentioned, PTPN1 deletion seems to increase mass and activity of BAT and upregulate the BDNF pathway. Interestingly, physical activity could also increase energy expenditure through similar routes66,67. This is congruent with our results showing that PTPN1 polymorphisms were associated with lower adiposity only in physically active adolescents. High levels of physical activity in combination with genetic variants that reduce the functionality or content of PTPN1 may have a synergistic effect on energy expenditure, decreasing adiposity.
All the PTPN1 variants analyzed are intronic, but they could exert an effect on PTPN1 through gene expression. Data from GTEx (https://gtexportal.org/) shows contrasting results for the polymorphisms included in the present study. For example, the rs10485614 polymorphism is associated with lower gene expression for the AA genotype respect to AC68. In our study, the AC-CC genotype of rs10485614 was associated with higher leptin levels (FDR = 0.08), which is congruent with the hypothesis that alleles associated with lower PTPN1 levels may be protective regarding obesity-related traits. However, other variants showed opposite results, like the rs2143511 polymorphism. The protective T allele of this polymorphism is associated with higher PTPN1 expression69. Note, however, that these results come from whole blood, not adipose or muscle tissue. As previously mentioned, the effect of PTPN1 could vary depending on the tissue. We have not found different expression levels associated with the studied polymorphisms for adipose and muscle tissues, which are the most relevant tissues for interpreting our results. Another possible explanation is that these polymorphisms are in linkage with a coding variant influencing the function of PTPN1. We found certain support for this hypothesis when comparing the explicative power between several models: i) Model including the PTPN1 haplotype; ii) Model including the 5 PTPN1 polymorphisms as independent predictors; iii) Models lacking one of the polymorphisms each time. Each individual variant showed little independent explicative power (Supplementary Data S3). In other words, each individual polymorphism does not explain much phenotypic variability independently of the rest of variants (further details also explained in supplementary appendix). This suggests that the polymorphisms included in this study are possibly tagging a unique causal variant that could influence the function of PTPN1. Given the lack of data about PTPN1 levels for specific tissues in the present study or cell culture experiments for PTPN1 activity with the studied variants, possible mechanisms of action can only be hypothesized. Therefore, more research is needed to elucidate the specific mechanisms by which these PTPN1 variants and physical activity may influence adiposity and other health markers.
Limitations of the present study should be considered. Firstly, this is a cross-sectional study, hence cause-effect relationships cannot be determined. Our results should be tested in future experimental studies to assess direct causal correlation between PTPN1 polymorphisms and obesity-related phenotypes, along with the interaction with physical activity. In addition, these associations could be modified by gene-gene and other gene-environmental interactions. Finally, we have no information about patterns of relatedness between participants, and we do not know the ethnic/racial origin of the sample. Our results should be considered carefully and studies with larger sample size could help to further support the role of PTPN1 gene on obesity and its interaction with physical activity.
In summary, we found that PTPN1 polymorphisms are associated with adiposity markers in European adolescents. Our results also suggest that the influence of rs6067472, rs2143511, rs6020608 and rs968701 on adiposity markers can be modulated by physical activity. PTPN1 polymorphisms were only associated with lower adiposity in physically active individuals. Therefore, those individuals who meet the recommendations of daily physical activity may have a potential benefit, that is, a reduction of obesity risk by modulating the genetic predisposition to obesity.