BnaAP36s and BnaAP39s are highly expressed in flower organs in B. napus
We previously identified 154 APs genes in B. napus (Huang et al., 2022). Among them, BnaAP36 and BnaAP39 homologs, were significantly up-regulated after pollination (Fig. 1A). There were six and two homologs of BnaAP36 (BnaA08G0069800WE, BnaC08G0065400WE, BnaA04G0084200WE, BnaC04G0369400WE, BnaA05G0142500WE, and BnaC06G0142300WE) and BnaAP39 (BnaA06G0191600WE and BnaC03G0512100WE) in B. napus genome, respectively (Figure S1). We named these BnaAP36 and BnaAP39 homologs, BnaA08.AP36, BnaC08.AP36, BnaA04.AP36, BnaA05.AP36, BnaC06.AP36, BnaA06.AP39 and BnaC03.AP39, respectively. The protein sequences of these homologs of BnaAP36 and BnaAP39 shared high identity with the Arabidopsis AP36 and AP39, from 81.19% to 85.59%, and 83.01% to 83.05%, respectively (Figure S2 and S3). Both BnaAP36s and BnaAP39s contained signal peptide in N-terminal, and aspartic protease domain in C terminal (Figure S2 and S3). Like other eukaryotic aspartic proteases, both BnaAP36s and BnaAP39s contain two catalytic Asp residues within two conserved active sites with the sequence Asp-Thr/Ser-Gly-Ser/Thr (Figure S2 and S3), suggesting these proteins could be functional as aspartate proteases.
Subsequently, the tissue expression data of BnaAP36s and BnaAP39s was obtained from BnTIR ( et al., 2021). The homologs of BnaAP36 were found to be highly expressed in 4 mm flower buds (Figure S4A-F). Interestingly, only BnaA08.AP36, BnaC08.AP36, BnaA04.AP36 and BnaC04.AP36 were highly expressed in anther (Figure S4A-D). Compared to BnaAP36s, BnaA06.AP39 and BnaC03.AP39 were expressed in anther and 4 mm flower bud (Figure S4G-H). Then, the expression of BnaAP36s and BnaAP39s was verified by RT-qPCR, and the results showed that BnaAP36 homologs was highly expressed in open flowers (Figure 1C). Notably, BnaA08.AP36, BnaA04.AP36, and BnaC04.AP36 were also expressed in other tissues, including root, stem, leaf, flower bud, stigma and seed (Figure 1C). Like RNA-seq results, BnaA06.AP39 and BnaC03.AP39 were highly expressed in open flower (Figure 1D). These two genes were also expressed in stigma (Figure 1C-D). To gain the accurate tissue expression pattern of BnaAP36s and BnaAP39s, BnaC08.AP36 and BnaA06.AP39 were chosen, and the constructs which contained GUS reporter gene driven by ~2kb promoter of BnaC08.AP36 and BnaA06.AP39 were generated, and transformed into Arabidopsis, individually. No GUS signal was observed in vegetative tissue, such as root and leaf (Figure 1E (i) and 1F (i)). The BnaC08.AP36pro::GUS activity was observed in the stigma and stamen (Figure 1E (ii-v)). Like BnaC08.AP36, the BnaA06.AP39pro::GUS signal was also reported in the stigma and stamen (Figure 1F (ii-v)).
Sequence analysis indicated that BnaAP36s and BnaAP39s were GPI-anchored proteins ( (Figure S5). To determine the subcellular localization of BnaAP36s and BnaAP39s, we transiently expressed the BnaC08.AP36-GFP and BnaA06.AP39-GFP fusion genes in tobacco epidermal cells. The fusion proteins were predominantly localized to the plasma membrane (PM) (Figure 1G), which is colocalized with the PM marker CBL-RFP (Yang et al., 2021). These results indicate that BnaAP36s and BnaAP39s belong to membrane-anchored aspartic proteases.
Generation the functionally deficient mutants of BnaAP36s and BnaAP39s in B. napus
To study the function of BnaAP36s and BnaAP39s in B. napus, we then generated mutant lines of the BnaAP36s and BnaAP39s by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing toolbox. Four single-guide RNAs (sgRNAs) were designed to target the homologs of BnaAP36 (Figure 2A). Among them, sgRNA1 targeted the first exon of BnaA08.AP36, BnaC08.AP36, BnaA05.AP36 and BnaC06.AP36; sgRNA2 targeted the first exon of BnaA05.AP36 and BnaC06.AP36; sgRNA3 targeted the sixth exon of BnaA08.AP36, BnaC08.AP36, BnaA04.AP36, BnaC04.AP36, and BnaA05.AP36; and sgRNA4 targeted the seventh exon of all six BnaAP36 homologs (Figure 2A). Two sgRNAs, sgRNA5 and sgRNA6, were designed to target the two homologs of BnaAP39 at the first and second exons, respectively (Figure 2C). Then, these two constructs were transformed into B. napus Westar (WT) individually. Ten and nine mutants of BnaAP36s and BnaAP39s were isolated in the T0 generation (Table 1 and 2). Short deletions or insertions at the sgRNA target sites were validated by Hi-TOM sequencing (Figure 2, Table 1 and 2). The editing efficiency was quite different among the sgRNAs. For example, no mutation site was identified in sgRNA1, sgRNA2, and sgRNA3 at the BnaAP36 targeted sites, while sgRNA4 was simultaneously generated mutations at six homologs of BnaAP36 (Figure 2B, Table 1). In T0 generation, two lines cr-bnaap36-3 and cr-bnaap36-6 were homozygous sextuple mutants, while the other cr-bnaap36 lines and all cr-bnaap39 lines were heterozygous mutants (Table 1 and 2). Then, the two sextuple homozygous mutants, cr-bnaap36-3, cr-bnaap36-6, and two homozygous mutants cr-bnaap39-4 and cr-bnaap39-9, were isolated by Hi-TOM sequencing in T1 generation (Figure 2C and 2D; Table 1 and 2), and these four mutants were chosen for phenotypic characterization.
Disruption of BnaAP36s or BnaAP39s genes result in lower seed setting rate
Then, the two sextuple homozygous mutants, cr-bnaap36-3, cr-bnaap36-6, and two homozygous mutants cr-bnaap39-4 and cr-bnaap39-9, were grown in the field for phenotype observation. Like wild-type and transgenic negative plants (without editing), cr-bnaap36-3, cr-bnaap36-6, cr-bnaap39-4 and cr-bnaap39-9 mutants exhibit normal development during vegetative stage, and the flower organs didn’t show any defect in BnaAP36 and BnaAP39 mutant lines (data not shown). Then, the silique lengths of cr-bnaap36 were about 3.8-4.9 cm, which was shorter than wild-type (5.5 cm) and transgenic negative plants (5.6 cm)(Figure 3A and 3B). The seed set was also reduced in cr-bnaap36, about 11-18 seeds per silique in cr-bnaap36, which was significantly less than wild-type (28 seeds/ silique) and transgenic negative plants (27 seeds/ silique) (Figure 3C). To further investigate the function of male or female gametophytes in responsible for the seed set reduction, the silique length and seed set were calculated in which cr-bnaap36 plants were used as the male or female parent in crosses with wild-type plants. When using cr-bnaap36 as the male parent, the silique length and the seed set were no difference between cr-bnaap36 × wild-type and wild-type × wild-type (Figure 3A – 3C). When taking cr-bnaap36 as the female parent, the silique length and the seed set were reduced (silique length: 3.9-5.2cm; and seed set: 12-19 seeds/ silique) (Figure 3A – 3C), similar to cr-bnaap36 self-crossing. Like cr-bnaap36, the silique lengths were 3.8-4.0 cm in cr-bnaap39, which was shorter than wild-type (5.5cm) and transgenic negative plants (5.6 cm)(Figure 3D and 3E). The seed set was also reduced in cr-bnaap39, about 11-14 seeds per silique in cr-bnaap39, which was significantly less than wild-type and transgenic negative plants (Figure 3F), and the seed set reduction was due to the female gametophytes (Figure 3D – 3F).
Next, the viability of mature pollen grains in the BnaAP36 and BnaAP39 mutants was examined by Alexander staining. Compared with wild-type plants, no obvious differences were detected in the mature pollen grains of the cr-bnaap36 mutants (Figure 4A and 4B). Compared with 98.6% of pollen grains in the wild type, approximately 9% of pollen grains from the cr-bnaap39-4 (8.4%) or cr-bnaap39-9 (9.1%) mutant could not be stained by Alexander, and the pollen grain was smaller with abnormal cytoplasm (Figure 4A and 4B). These results suggested that a portion of pollen grains may be dead or unviable in the cr-bnaap39 mutant.
PTs in BnaAP36s and BnaAP39s mutants display abnormal micropylar guidance
Very low inactive pollen ratio in the BnaAP36s and BnaAP39s mutants (Figure 4) could not explain why the lower seed-set markedly higher than that of wild-type plants (Figure 3). Therefore, we observed pollen tube growth after self- and cross-pollination using aniline blue assay. The pollen grains of wild-type, cr-bnaap36-3, cr-bnaap36-6, cr-bnaap39-4 and cr-bnaap39-9 could germinate normally, and a large number of PTs could elongate and cross the stigma after 24 hours (Figure 5A-5B), suggesting the reducing the seed-set does not due to the failure of pollen - stigma recognition and PTs elongation.
Further, we tracked the path of PTs growth toward to the micropyles after self-pollination. Compared with 88% entered (Figure 5C (i) and 5D) in the wild type, less PTs grew normally and entered the micropyles directly (cr-bnaap36: 64%-65%, cr-bnaap39: 66%-67%; Figure 5D). About 35%, and 33% of cr-bnaap36 and cr-bnaap39 pollen tubes showed abnormal guidance, and pollen tubes were growing on the ovule surface or twisting around the funicular surface, ultimately missing the micropyles (Figure 5C (ii-iii) and 5D). Then, the path of WT PTs was tracked after pollinating the cr-bnaap36 and cr-bnaap39 stigma. After 24 h, about 34%, and 36% WT PTs were failed to enter the micropyles directly (Figure 5D). Therefore, the micropylar guidance is hampered in the pollen tube of cr-bnaap36 and cr-bnaap39.