The outcome of cutting-edge high-tech research is cloud computing. It has been used in education. Intuitive text, images, music, and video are combined for new stimulation to stimulate learners' interests. Cloud computing is the process of choosing and using appropriatecontemporary instructional resources that focus on learning outcomes and content [29]. Methods like as student participation in lesson planning, integration with tried-and-true techniques, and course development are all part of this, using a variety of materials info to communicate with them, and building a sensible teaching. It is clear from experience that integrating cloud computing technologies with martial arts instruction is successful. Videos can be used in a teaching demonstration using cloud computing technology to slow down the action so that students can obviously recognise the sequence of actions and create an accurate mental image of the action that is simple to replicate and understand. A Many educational materials may now be shared online because to the Internet era's rapid development. Students may see a variety of vintage martial arts instructional films in the classroom due to video resources [30]. The use of animations and multiage looping and a vibrant teaching environment may encourage pupils to think creatively. Through the proper direction, students may discover their own thoughts rather of merely copying the teacher's actions and behaviours. The utilisation of networks for global synchronization might help China's educational system stay up with the times and regain its vitality. (2) Targeted instruction makes learning more scientific, and classroom multimedia technology integration brings together teachers, students, and online media. Simply said, multimedia courseware is a tool that aids teachers in their teaching. The design must take into account both the various demands of the learners and the features of the educational material. Text, graphics, photos, sounds, animations, and other media assets are then merged in both time and space to integrate and give them interaction in order to develop and build supplementary teaching courseware. First, information as a whole is classed and arranged. The course materials are chosen with the interest and intelligence of modern college pupils in mind. More focused instruction keeps learners engaged and encourages initiative in the learning process. Students may comprehend the fundamental theoretical information while being standardised by the scientific instructional material and language. The teaching of martial art follows accepted scientific principles from comprehending the pace of the music to becoming used to the tempo of gestures. It may increase students' aptitude for composition and colour harmony as well as their degree of artistic aesthetics. It can also inspire students' particular martial art propensity toward imaginative and vibrant multimedia courseware. Students are guided by the special dynamic teaching situations to deliberately join the learning mode, go into the depths of one's own imagination, and turn passive imitation into active inquiry. Not only do the instructional materials improve with this approach, but it also makes sense given the current movement to overhaul physical education. The clip's unique visual style does a great job of connecting classroom learning with real-world contexts through its use of shape, sound, and colour. Arrangement, which strongly encourages the students' creativity.
Wuchang Institute of Technology aims to create a cloud computing interactive teaching platform to support the initial teaching model in order to develop high-level technical talents, force colleges and universities to adapt to more intense competition, and make professional courses more appealing to students. The cloud computing interactive teaching platform uses the dynamic Web database and application system's 3 layer structure, specifically the B/S distributed architectural mode, which consists of a client, a web server, and a database server. The deployment of a cloud computing interactive practise training system platform and server in the main computer room will make it simpler to gather instructional materials, apply them in each training classroom, and save and store audio and video courseware. The system administration, user registration and rights management, on-demand, live broadcast, and recording, resource development and management, and teaching evaluation modules are the five components that comprise the blockchain interactive teaching platform as shown in Fig. 1.
The fundamental parameters, the central server, the recording configuration, upgrade management, and database administration are all included in the system management module. The platform administrator is primarily responsible for configuring and maintaining this module. The platform creates five distinct user types in the user registration and rights management module in accordance with various use rights: system administrators, instructors, and students are introduced as three custom users, while visitors and membership are two non-deletable roles established by default. The system administrator has the most authority of all of them, and he or she may provide the other four sorts of users the proper operating privileges. User registration function: the user is a "visitor" while exploring the platform's homepage. Click "Register" to reach the registration page and fill it out. When registration is successful, the website moves to the personal centre.If the system administrator so chooses, they can additionally request that the user be upgraded to the "Membership" role at this time. The user who oversees daily platform maintenance and management, has the most power and may handle all system modules. Second, the teacher user is primarily in charge of entering resource data, including uploading course materials or videos and interacting with student data. Third, student users may study online or download materials and visit the teacher online to ask questions. Using the recording feature is the system administrator often makes use of this feature. As background music plays, the administrator arrives. Resource creation and management module: Through the platform, users may record and upload videos, edit videos, build micro courses and other resources, and categorise, change, and remove resources in the management module. Teaching evaluation module contains the system administrator must prepare a strong teaching evaluation activity in advance and then communicate to the pertinent staff the related event name, start time, and invitation code. The administration of alert notifications is the second part of system management. It's important to keep in mind that this is not a regular notification notice by the standards of the platform design, which is shown in Fig. 2.
Achieving platform administration and upkeep while conducting online teaching is the primary and most important role of the cloud computing. The aforementioned factors primarily concern the use of cloud computing in the educational process, and scientifically sound assessment techniques. Figure 3 shows the program's sign-in screen.
Cloud based Neural network model:
Let CS be the input neurons of the resource management strategy used in martial arts using edge cloud computing technology. The input layer \({CS}_{1}, {CS}_{2}, \dots , {CS}_{\alpha }\) does not have the sigmoid function and its only transmits the signal to the hidden layer. Let \({U}_{ij}, i=1, 2, \dots ,\alpha ;j=1, 2, \dots , \beta\)be the weight matrix of the hidden neurons. Then the output of the resource management strategy in martial arts of hidden layer strategy as in Eq. (1).
$${output}_{i}=\sum _{i=1}^{\alpha }{ECS}_{i}{U}_{ij} \left(1\right)$$
Where \({output}_{i}\) is the neurons in the activation of edge cloud computing technology in the hidden layers and \({U}_{ij}\) is the weight between the neuron \(i\) in the hidden layer \(j\) and also\(\stackrel{-}{output}=U\stackrel{-}{DS}\). The single pole sigmoid activation functions of edge cloud computing as in Eq. (2).
$$d\left(ECS\right)=\frac{1}{1+{e}^{-CS}} \left(2\right)$$
Then by the Eq. (1), to find \({d}_{DS}^{{\prime }}\) as in Eq. (3).
$${d}_{ECS}^{{\prime }}=\frac{{e}^{-ECS}}{{\left(1+{e}^{-ECS}\right)}^{2}}=d\left(ECS\right).\left(1-d\left(ECS\right)\right) \left(3\right)$$
Then the output of the resource management strategy in martial arts as in Eq. (4).
$${ECS output}_{ℎ}=\sum _{j=1}^{\beta }{d}_{i}{We}_{ℎi} , ℎ=1, 2, \dots , \gamma \left(4\right)$$
where\(\gamma\) is the number of outputs of the resource management strategy and \({ECS output}_{1}, {ECS output}_{2}, \dots , {ECS output}_{ℎ}\) is the output of the resource management strategy under the guidance of edge cloud computing and also \(\stackrel{-}{\widehat{ECS output}}=We \stackrel{-}{d}\). The weight \({We}_{ℎi}\) between the neuron \(i\)and\(ℎ\). The hyperbolic or bipolar sigmoid function of the martial arts under the guidance of edge cloud computing defined as in Eq. (5).
$$d\left(ECS\right)=\frac{2CS (1-{e}^{-2ECS})}{1+{e}^{2ECS}} \left(5\right)$$
Then by Eq. (4) and Eq. (5), we have obtained Eq. (6).
$${d}_{ECS}^{{\prime }}=\frac{4.{e}^{-2ECS}}{{\left(1+{e}^{-2ECS}\right)}^{2}}=\left(1-d\left(ECS\right)\right)\left(1+d\left(ECS\right)\right) \left(6\right)$$
The error per epoch is represented in Eq. (7).
$$E=E+\frac{{\left(\stackrel{-}{{e}_{ECS output}}\right)}^{2}}{2} \left(7\right)$$
The backward propagation algorithm is based on the principle of gradient. The gradient of the errors for the neurons in the outer layer as in Eq. (8).
$${\delta }_{ECS output}={d}^{{\prime }}{e}_{d} \left(8\right)$$
where\({d}^{{\prime }}\) is the derived activation function and \(\stackrel{-}{{e}_{ECS output}}=\stackrel{-}{ECSoutput}-\stackrel{-}{\widehat{ECSoutput}}\) and also the decision error vector is \({e}_{d}={We}^{T}\stackrel{-}{{e}_{ECS output}}\). By using the single pole sigmoid function of the edge cloud computing, the updated Eq. (9) is obtained.
$${\delta }_{DS output}=d\left(1-d\right){e}_{d} \left(9\right)$$
The gradients for the weight between the hidden layer \(ℎ\) and the output layer of edge cloud computing are as in Eq. (10).
$$\varDelta {We}_{ℎi}=\varDelta {We}_{ℎi}+{output}_{i}{\delta }_{ECS output} \left(10\right)$$