1- Description of the sample search:
The age of the entire sample ranged between 18 and 40 years, with a mean of 31.91 ± 4.863 years, while the average age of the retrospective sample was 31.88 ± 4.933 years and the prospective sample was 32.19 ± 4.187 years.
The sample was divided into three age groups. The first was patients younger or equal to 25 years old (115 women out of 1000, with a percentage of 11,5%, the second between 26 and 32 years old (372 women out of 1000, or 37,2%), and the third group between 33 and 40 years old (513 women out of 1000, or 51.3%).
Distribution of the auxiliary fertilization variable
The sample was divided into two groups according to the final results of IVF, the first group is the group in which assisted reproduction succeeded in inducing pregnancy which included 528 patients (52.8%), and the second group is where assisted reproduction failed which included 472 patients (47.2%).
Distribution of the anti-cardiolipin ACL (IgG) antibody variant in the studied sample:
The value of the IgG anticardiolipin antibody titer in the studied sample of women ranged between 3 and 48 with an average of 5.460 ± 7.0048, as shown in Table-1.
Table-1 Distribution of the anti-cardiolipin ACL (IgG) antibody variant
Std. Deviation
When studying the values of these opposites and the extent of their height, they were divided into two groups, the first group is pf values greater than 20, and therefore the probability of a positive antiphospholipid syndrome in 44 patients out of 1000 increases by 4.4%, and the second group with antibody values less than 20, according to (Figure-1).
Distribution of ACL anticardiolipin (IgM) variable in the studied sample
Its value of ranged between 0.4 and 52, with a mean of 3.441 ± 4.7232, as shown in Table-2.
Table-2: Distribution of ACL anticardiolipin (IgM) variable in the studied sample
Standard Deviation
When studying the values of these opposites and the extent of their height, they were divided into two groups, the first group has values greater than 20, and therefore the probability of positivity for antiphospholipid syndrome in 26 out of 1000 patients increases by 2.6%, and the second group with antibody values less than 20, according to (Figure-2).
Distribution of the Lupus LA anticoagulant variable in the studied sample:
Lupus anticoagulant was studied in 50 women from the prospective sample group, and its value ranged between 7 and 58, with a mean of 23.40 ± 9.549, as shown in Table-3
Table-3: Distribution of the LA lupus anticoagulant variable in the studied sample
Standard Deviation
The status of LAC
Valid N (listwise)
When studying the values of these opposites and the extent of their height, they were divided into two groups, the first group of values of these opposites being greater
Thus, the probability of positive antiphospholipid syndrome in two patients out of 50 increases by 4%, and the group of antibody values in it is less than 40, 46 women out of 50, with a percentage of 96%.
The distribution of digital research variables:
The Shapiro-Wilk test was conducted to study the distribution of numerical variables data in the studied sample. The results of this test showed that the age variable is the only variable with a normal distribution, thus, we will use it for analysis
Standard tests, on the other hand, did not follow the normal distribution of other numerical variables so they will be subject to non-standard analytical tests (Table-4).
Table-4 The distribution of digital research variables in the studied sample
Parametric tests
Number of IVF
Non-parametric tests
Number of failed IVF
Non-parametric tests
Duration of Infertility
Non-parametric tests
ACL_G value
Non-parametric tests
ACL_M value
Non-parametric tests
LAC value
Non-parametric tests
Number of Oocytes
Non-parametric tests
2- Statistical Analysis
- The association of a variable ACL anticardiolipin (IgG) value with the patient's age:
Using Spearman's Correlation Test, no correlation was observed, where the value of the age variable was P=0.144, which is greater than the 5% specified in our study (Table-5).
Table-5: The association of a variable ACL anti-cardiolipin (IgG) antibody value with the patient’s age.
ACL_G value
Spearman's rho
Correlation Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed)
ACL_G value
Correlation Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed)
For the ACL (IgG) anticardiolipin antibody variant groups, the average age of women in the positive group was 31.503 ± 5.046 years old, while the negative group’s average age was 31.933 ± 4.858 years old. By conducting the Independent Samples T-test, the value was determined to be P = 0.564 which is greater than the 5% approved in our study.
- The correlation of the variable anti-cardiolipin (MACL) antibody (Ig) value with the patient’s age:
By performing a Spearman's Correlation Test, a weak positive correlation was observed between the value of the age variable and the value of anti-cardiolipin ACL (IgACL) IgACL (IgM) antibodies in the studied sample. The significance value was P < 0.001, which is less than the 5% determined in our study, while the value of the correlation coefficient was rho = 0.135.
- The anticardiolipin ACL (IgM) anticardiolipin variant groups:
The average age of the women in the positive group was 32.58 ± 4.254 years old, and the negative group’s average was 32.89 ± 4.87 years old, and by conducting the independent Sample T-test. P = 0.480 was not statistically significant.
- The association of lupus LA anticoagulant variant with the age of the patient:
By performing a Pearson's Correlation Test, the value of significance between the value of the variable age and the value of the lupus anticoagulant variable LA among the women of the studied sample, was observed to be: P = 0.990, which is greater than the 5% specified in our study.
For the LA lupus anticoagulant variant groups, the mean age of the women in the positive group was 33.00 ± 8.485 years old, and the negative group’s was 32.42 ± 4.428 years old, by conducting a T-test, the value of P = 0.860 was not statistically significant.
The variable number of previous assisted fertilization times with antiphospholipid antibody variables:
- The association of variable ACL anticardiolipin (IgG) value with the number of previously assisted fertilizations:
Using Spearman's Correlation Test, no correlation was observed .In the studied sample, the value was P = 0.057, which is greater than the 5% specified in our study (Table-6).
Table-6 Correlation of variable ACL anti-cardiolipin (IgG) antibody value with previous assisted fertilization times.
The number of IVF
ACL_G value
Spearman's rho
Number of IVF
Correlation Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed)
ACL_G value
Correlation Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed)
For the ACL (IgG) anticardiolipin antibody variant groups, the mean number of fertilizations with previous assistance in the positive group was 2.45 ± 2.04 times, the negative group’s was 2.13 ± 1.398 times, by conducting the Mann-Whitney test, the P value was 0.60.629, which is greater than the 5% adopted in our study ( Figure-3).
The association of variable ACL anticardiolipin (IgM) value with the number of previous ARTs:
By performing a Spearman's Correlation Test, a weak positive correlation was observed, where the value of P = 0.001, which is less than 5% specified in our study (Figure-4).
The average number of previously assisted fertilization times in the positive anti-cardiolipin ACL (IgM) group was 2.15 ± 1.347 times, and in the negative group it was 2.14 ± 1.435 times, and by performing the Mann-Whitney test, the P value was 0.910, which is greater than the 5% approved in our study.
By performing a Pearson Correlation Test and Spearman's test, no correlation was observed between the value of the variable number of previously assisted fertilizations and the value of the lupus anticoagulant variable LA in the sample women. P = 0.592, which is greater than the 5% specified in our study.
For the LA lupus anticoagulant variant groups, the mean number of previous ARTs in the positive group was 2.50 ± 0.70 times with an average rank value of 35.25, and in the negative group it was 2.15 ± 1.571 times with an average rank of 25.09, and by performing the Mann-Whitney test, the P value was P = 0.306 which is statistically insignificant.
- The variable number of previous assisted fertilization failures with antiphospholipid antibody variables:
The association of variable ACL anti-cardiolipin (IgG) antibody value with the frequency of assisted fertilization failure:
Previous Spearman's Correlation Tests showed no correlation was observed, where the value of P = 0.903, which is greater than the 5% specified in our study (Table-7).
Table-7 Correlation of a variable ACL anticardiolipin (IgG) value with the number of previous assisted fertilization failures
The number of failed IVF
ACL_G value
Spearman's rho
The number of failed IVF
Correlation Coefficient
− .004
Sig. (2-tailed)
ACL_G value
Correlation Coefficient
− .004
Sig. (2-tailed)
The average number of fertilization failures with former assistance in the positive ACL (IgG) anticardiolipin antibody group was 02.0 33 ± 2.09 times, while in the negative group’s, it was 1.751 ± 1.431 times, by conducting the Mann-Whitney test, the P value was 0.45, which is greater than the 5% approved in our study (Table-8).
Table-8 The average number of previous ART failures in the IgG anticardiolipin group.
Status of ACL_G
Std. Deviation
Std. Error Mean
Number of failed IVF
The association of a variable ACL anticardiolipin (IgM) value with the number of assisted fertilization failures
By using Spearman's Correlation Test, no correlation was observed. ACL (IgACL) antibodies in the women of the studied sample where the value of P = 0.67, which is greater than the 5% specified in our study (Table-9).
Table-9 Correlation of a variable ACL anticardiolipin (IgM) value with the number of previously assisted fertilization failures.
Number of failed IVF
ACL_M value
Spearman's rho
Number of failed IVF
Correlation Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed)
ACL_M value
Correlation Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed)
The average number of fertilization failures with previous assistance in the positive ACL (IgM) anticardiolipin group was 1.65 ± 1.441 times, and the negative group’s was 1.77 ± 1.463 times, by conducting the Mann-Whitney test, the P value was 0.572.
The association of lupus anticoagulant variant LA with the number of previous ART failures procedure:
By using Pearson's Correlation Test, no correlation was found between the variable number of previously assisted fertilization failures and the value of the LA lupus anticoagulant variable among the sample women P = 0.557, which is greater than the 5% specified in our study .
In the LA lupus anticoagulant variant groups, the average number of previous ART failures in the positive group was 2.00 ± 0.0001 times with an average rank of 35.50, and the negative group’s was 1.771 ± 1.7161 times with an average rank value of 25.08, and by conducting the Mann-Whitney test, the value of P = 0.294 was determined not statistically significant.
- Study of infertility pattern variable with antiphospholipid antibody variables.
Study of variable ACL anticardiolipin (IgG) antibody value with infertility pattern:
By conducting the Mann-Whitney test to compare the numerical values of the anticardiolipin variant ACL (IgG) between the group of women suffering from primary infertility 5.474 ± 6.9989 (mean ranks = 505.76) with a group of women with secondary infertility 5.340 ± 7.0872 (average ranks = 455.70), no statistically significant differences between the two groups were found, P = 0.092, which is greater than the 5% approved in our study (Table-10).
Table-10: study of the variable ACL anti-cardiolipin (IgG) antibody value with infertility pattern.
Type of Infertility
Std. Deviation
Std. Error Mean
ACL_G value
For the positive ACL (IgG) anticardiolipin antibody variant, the Chi-Square test showed no statistically significant differences as the P value was 0.753 ( figure-5).
Study of variable ACL anticardiolipin (IgM) antibody value with infertility pattern:
By conducting the Mann-Whitney test to compare the numerical values of the anti-cardiolipin ACL (Ig CL) variant (IgACL) between IgACL (IgM) in the group of women with primary infertility was 3.377 ± 4.5157 (average ranks = 498.41) and in the group of women with secondary infertility it was 3.985 ± 6.2183 (average ranks = 518.31). The statistically significant differences between the two groups was P = 0.504, which is greater than the 5% approved for our study (Table-11).
Table-11 The ACL anti-cardiolipin (IgM) antibody variable with infertility pattern
The type of Infertility
Std. Deviation
Std. Error Mean
ACL_M value
For the positive anticardiolipin variant ACL (IgM), the Chi-Square test showed no statistically significant differences as the value of P = 0.141 (Figure-6).
A study of the association of a lupus LA anticoagulant variant with the pattern of infertility:
By conducting the Mann-Whitney test to compare the numerical values of the LA lupus anticoagulant variable between the groups, the values of the group of women with primary infertility were 22.76 ± 9.27 (mean ranks = 24.63), and in the group of women with secondary infertility they were 30.75 ± 10.996 (mean ranks = 35.50). No significant differences were observed statistically between the two groups as P = 0.1520 which is greater than the 5% approved for our study (Table-12).
Table-12 Study of the association of lupus LA anticoagulant variable with infertility pattern.
Type of Infertility
Std. Deviation
Std. Error Mean
Status of LAC
For the LA positive lupus anticoagulant variable, the Fisher test showed no statistically significant differences as the value of P = 0.155.
A study of the final result of IVF with antiphospholipid antibody variables:
Study of variable ACL anticardiolipin (IgG) antibody value with recent ART result:
By conducting the Mann-Whitney test to compare the numerical values of the anti-cardiolipin variant ACL (IgG) between the groups, the values in the group of women whose IVF succeeded in producing a pregnancy were 5.187 ± 6.0911(Mean ranks = 505.83) while the values in the group of women whose ART did not succeed in producing a pregnancy were 5.765 ± 7.8982 (average ranks = 494.53), and no statistically significant differences were observed between the two groups as P = 0.535, which is greater than the 5% approved in our study.
For the positive ACL (IgG) anticardiolipin antibody variant, the Chi-Square test showed no statistically significant differences as the P value was 0.486 (Figure-7).
A study of variable ACL anticardiolipin (IgM) value with recent ART result:
By conducting the Mann-Whitney test to compare the numerical values of the anti-cardiolipin variant ACL (IgM) between the groups, the values with women whose assisted fertilization process succeeded in producing a pregnancy were 3.163 ± 3.461 (mean ranks = 503.04) and in the group of women whose ART did not succeed in inducing pregnancy they were 3.752 ± 5.8073 (average ranks = 497, 66), so no statistically significant differences were observed between the two groups as P = 0.7690, which is greater than the 5% approved in our study (Table-13).
Table-13 Study of the variable ACL anticardiolipin (IgM) value with the last assisted fertilization result.
Final result
Std. Deviation
Std. Error Mean
ACL_M value
Success (Pregnancy)
For the positive anti-cardiolipin ACL (IgM) anticardiolipin variant, the Chi-Square test showed no statistically significant differences as the P value was 0.278 (Figure-8).
Study of the association of lupus anticoagulant variant LA with recent ART outcome:
By conducting the Mann-Whitney test to compare the numerical values of the LA lupus anticoagulant variable between groups, values in women whose ART had succeeded in producing a pregnancy were 21.68 ± 11.205 (average ranks = 21.90) and in women whose ART did not succeed in producing a pregnancy they were 25.12.12 ± 7.379 (average ranks = 29.10), thus, no statistically significant differences were observed between the two groups, P = 0.0800, which is greater than the 5% approved in our study (Table-14).
Table-14 Study of the association of the LA lupus anticoagulant variable with the last ART result.
Final result
Std. Deviation
Std. Error Mean
Status of LAC
Success (Pregnancy)
Study of the variable duration of infertility in years with antiphospholipid antibody variables:
Study of the association of variable ACL anticardiolipin (IgG) value with the duration of infertility in years:
By performing a Spearman's Correlation Test, a weak positive correlation was observed between the value of the variable duration of infertility in years and the value of ACL (IgG) antibodies among the sample women, where the value of P < 0.001 which is smaller than the 5% specified in our study. The value of the correlation coefficient reached rho = 0.1760 .
For the ACL (IgG) anticardiolipin antibody variant groups, the mean duration of infertility in years in the positive group was 9.07 ± 5.60years (mean ranks = 592.58), and in the negative group it was 7.22 ± 4.60 years (average ranks = 495.73), and by conducting the Mann-Whitney test, the P value was 0.029, and it is less than the 5% approved in our study indicating no statistically significant differences between the two groups.
A study of the association of variable ACL anticardiolipin (IgM) value with the duration of infertility in years:
By performing Spearman's Correlation Test, a weak positive correlation was observed between the value of the variable duration of infertility in years and the value of ACL (IgM) antibodies in the sample women, where the value of P = 0.44, which is less than the 5% specified in our study, the value of the correlation coefficient reached rho = 0.0640.
For the ACL (IgM) anticardiolipin antibody variant groups, the mean duration of infertility in years in the positive group was 5.081 ± 8.31 years (mean ranks = 557.27), and in the negative group it was 7.27 ± 4.651 years (average ranks = 498.98), and by conducting the Mann-Whitney test, the P value was P = 0.308, and it is greater than the 5% approved in our study, so there are no statistically significant differences between the two groups.
Study of the association of lupus LA anticoagulant variant with the duration of infertility in years:
By using Spearman's Correlation test, there is was a moderate positive correlation observed between the value of the variable duration of infertility in years and the value of the lupus anticoagulant variable LA among the sample women.
The studied significance value was P = 0.028, which is less than the 5% determined in our study. As for the correlation coefficient, Spearman’s showed a value of rho = 0.311.
For the LA lupus anticoagulant variant groups, the mean duration of infertility in years in the positive group was 17.50 ± 10.607 years (average rank = 43.75), and in the negative group it was 7.33 ± 4.795 years (average rank = 24.74), and by conducting the Mann-Whitney test, the value P = 0.040 was statistically significant.
Study of the variable number of eggs stimulated with antiphospholipid variables:
A study of the association of variable ACL anti-cardiolipin (IgG) antibody value with the number of induced eggs:
By using Spearman's Correlation Test, no correlation was observed between the value of the variable number of eggs stimulated and the value of anticardiolipin ACL(IgG) in the sample women. The studied value was P = 0.782, which is greater than the 5% specified in our study.
For the ACL (IgG) anticardiolipin antibody variant groups, the mean number of induced oocytes in the positive group was 7.928 ± 10.43 (mean ranks = 499.74), and in the negative group it was 8.13 ± 10.540 (mean ranks = 500.01), and by conducting Mann-Whitney test, P = 0.0995 which is greater than the 5% approved in our study, sp there are no statistically significant differences between the two groups.
A study of the association of variable ACL anticardiolipin (IgM) value with the number of induced eggs:
By performing the Spearman Correlation Test, a negative correlation was observed between the value of the variable number of eggs stimulated and the value of anticardiolipin ACL (IgM) antibodies in women. P = 0.004 which is less than the 5% specified in our study. The value of the correlation coefficient rho = − 0.0900.
For the ACL (IgM) anticardiolipin antibody variant groups, the mean number of induced oocytes in the positive group was 10.62 ± 8.09 (mean ranks = 508.06), and in the negative group it was 10.52 ± 8.123 (mean ranks = 500.30), and by conducting Mann-Whitney test. P = 0.892 which is greater than the 5% approved in our study, thus, there are no statistically significant differences between the two groups.
Study of the association of lupus anticoagulant variant LA with the number of oocytes stimulated:
By performing a Pearson Correlation test, and Spearman correlation test, no correlation was observed between the value of the variable number of eggs stimulated and the value of the variable lupus anticoagulant LA among the women of the sample studied, where the significant value was P = 0.523, which is greater than the 5% determined in our study.
For the LA lupus anticoagulant variant groups, the mean number of oocytes induced in the positive group was 11.0011 ± 5.657 times with an average rank of 31.50, and in the negative group it was 10.35 ± 8.581 times with an average rank value of 25.25, and by conducting a Mann-Whitney test, the P = 0.551, which is statistically insignificant.
Studying the correlation of the variable of age with the number of induced eggs:
By running Spearman's Correlation test, a negative correlation was observed. P < 0.001, and rho=- 0.395 (Scatter-1).
Study of the correlation of the variable of age with the number of previous ART failures:
By performing a Spearman's Correlation Test, a weak positive correlation was observed. between the value of the variable number of previous ART failures and the value of the age variable in women in the studied sample, where the value of P = 0.045, which is less than the 5% specified in our study. The value of the coefficient of correlation rho = 0.056 (Scatter-2).
We found only one patient with IgG and IgM positivity for anticardiolipin antibodies.