In this study, radiotherapy induced tumor vascular remodeling by changing the vascular density and oxygenation level and increased the infiltration of immune cells and the expression of PD-L1 in the tumors, thus promoting the inhibition of tumor immune environment activation. Compared with histopathological biopsy, noninvasive quantitative imaging is valuable in providing anatomical and vascular information on the tumor response to radiotherapy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to use MR/PA bimodal imaging to observe the response of tumor vessels and the microenvironment to different radiotherapy regimens in tumor-bearing mice.
Tumor growth is affected in many ways during radiotherapy, and the differences in a radiotherapy fractionation scheme are important factors in controlling tumor progression and metastasis. In this study, we found that tumor growth was continuously inhibited by radiotherapy, and the effect of high-dose fractionated radiotherapy was more obvious than that of low-dose fractionated radiotherapy. Of course, this effect may have been related to our radiotherapy program. The inhibitory effect of low-dose fractionation radiotherapy on tumor cell growth was short-lived and weak, while interval high-dose fractionation radiotherapy can cause a wide range of DNA double-strand breaks, destroy the ability of cellular self-repair, and thus accelerate tumor cell apoptosis. Therefore, we should not only ensure the inhibitory effect of high-dose radiotherapy on tumor growth but also consider the interval of treatment. Ki-67 expression, the best marker of cell proliferation, and apoptosis marker expression were assessed to compare the effects of dose differences on tumor growth. The apoptosis index significantly increased, indicating that high-dose irradiation caused tumor cell death and effectively prevented tumor cell proliferation. In addition to analyzing the growth status of tumors, we also used manganese-enhanced MRI to monitor the changes in apoptosis of tumor cells after radiotherapy. Manganese ions are actively transported to biologically active cells through calcium channels, so T1-weighted positive signals of magnetic resonance imaging were used to reflect the survival status of cells, especially to observe the response of tumor cells to different doses of radiotherapy (23, 24). Compared with that of low-dose radiotherapy, the killing effect of high-dose fraction radiation on tumor cells was more direct and persistent. After high-dose radiotherapy, the degree of signal enhancement in the tumor center was decreased significantly, and the peripheral area of the tumor was more sensitive to high-dose radiotherapy and showed little enhancement, suggesting that the tumor cells in the peripheral region underwent apoptosis at a significant rate. More importantly, through MRI, we found that the radiosensitivity in different regions of the tumor differed. This finding may have been a result of phenotypic and genetically diverse tumor cell populations, and the proliferation rate and therapeutic sensitivity of these cells may differ (25). In addition, when tumor cells recruit stromal cell groups, such as immune cells and endothelial cells, the tumor microenvironment is remodeled, resulting in spatial variation within the tumor (26). The resulting spatial distribution of tumor and stromal cells leads to the progression of different physiological subregions in tumors and differences in the resistance of tumor areas to treatment. The SI in the MR images of the tumors was positively correlated with Ki-67 staining and negatively correlated with TUNEL staining, which indicated that MRI can potentially be used to monitor tumor growth inhibition induced by radiotherapy and to help evaluate the sensitivity of tumor cells to the radiation dose.
Many aspects of vascular biology are affected by radiation and vary according to the dose/grade, time, and model studied (27). Radiotherapy may preferentially prune poorly covered/functional vessels to redistribute blood vessels, but this vascular change may not systematically translate into long-term effects on the tumor (28, 29). Compared with a single dose of high-intensity irradiation, our 2 Gy × 14 and 8 Gy × 3 doses did not cause severe irreversible damage to tumor vessels. After 2 Gy × 14 treatment, the VMI was increased because of the effective stimulation, which may have been related to the retention and improvement of vascular system formation in the first few days after radiotherapy (30). After 8 Gy × 3 exposure, the MVD did not decrease significantly, possibly because of the death of vascular endothelial cells to varying degrees, which would have been quickly attenuated by the formation of new blood vessels, emphasizing the contribution of the fractionation radiotherapy scheme to tumor vessel remodeling.
Hypoxia is a consequence of a high tumor cell proliferation rate and an abnormal structure of the tumor vasculature (31), and HIF-1α is the main regulator of hypoxic transcription. There was no significant change in the expression of HIF-1α after 2 Gy and 8 Gy exposure. This outcome may have been due to the reoxygenation of tumor parenchyma cells that survived radiotherapy, an outcome that largely depends on the radiation scheme (32). A complex dose–response relationship between radiation-injured tumor vessels, tumor cell reoxygenation and reaggregation is suggested. During PAI monitoring of tumors after radiotherapy, we found that the contents of HbT and HbR in tumor vessels decreased and SO2 increased in high-dose group, suggesting that the morphology and oxygenation level of tumor vessels was affected to varying degrees, which may depend on the size of tumor vessels (33). The difference in the response of tumor vessels to different doses of radiation reflects the spatial heterogeneity of the tumor, especially the changes in blood vessel density and oxygenation level and the redistribution of blood flow. Anum and others called the physiological tumor habitat, and differences in imaging and histological findings are evident among different vascular and cellular tumor habitats (34). In general, the PAI parameters confirmed vascular degenerative changes after radiotherapy and were able to detect subtle changes in tumor oxygenation levels with high sensitivity, suggesting that the degree of vascular degeneration is related to radiotherapy dose, radiation-dose fractionation, regional tumor heterogeneity and other factors.
As an immunomodulator, radiation can directly stimulate immune cells to produce cytokines and chemokines that affect the local immune response, and this immune response varies on the basis of the radiotherapy program and tumor model (35–37). The activation status of T and NK cells is suggestive of antitumor immunity; immune cells can kill target cells via various mechanisms following activation. Radiation can enhance the cytokine secretion and cytotoxic activity of NK cells (38). Compared with the 2 Gy × 14 treatment, 8 Gy × 3 better promoted NK-cell recruitment to the tumor microenvironment, which may have been due to an increase in the radiation dose that was conducive to the release of tumor exosomes, promoting NK-cell polarization (39, 40). According to our results, compared to the low dose, 8 Gy × 3 can better promote the aggregation of CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells in the tumor. The CD4+ T-cell population contains effector T cells and Treg cells, which play roles in immune stimulation and immunosuppression, respectively (41), and the Treg cell subpopulation was not significantly changed after irradiation, but overall, high-dose radiotherapy seemed to disrupt the balance of the CD4+ T-cell populations. In addition, the mechanism by which high-dose radiation affects CD8+ T cells involves the promoted infiltration of immune cells into tumors through vascular endothelial cells or through the local production of chemical inducers (42). TAMs undergo two types of polarization, and TAMs undergoing M2-like polarization show inhibited production of immune cytokines (43). However, different doses of radiotherapy can lead to conflicting effects on TAM polarization; no significant change in TAMs was observed in this study, and therefore, further study and evaluation of the relative contribution of radiotherapy to TAM polarization types are needed.
PD-L1 has been proven to be a key immune checkpoint molecule expressed on the surface of immune cells and highly expressed on the surface of cancer cells. PD-L1 enables tumor cells to escape the host immune response by inducing T-cell depletion and inhibiting effector T-cell function (44). We found that 8 Gy × 3 radiotherapy triggered more PD-L1 expression than 2 Gy × 14, which suggested that high-dose fraction radiotherapy may induce a greater local inflammatory response in tumor tissue and enhance tumor-specific T-cell infiltration in the tumor microenvironment (45). Notably, the negative regulation of immune cells by PD-L1/PD-1 may be an important host-mediated mechanism of tumor-acquired radiation resistance, and the expression of PD-L1 induced by radiotherapy indicates an opportunity for the subsequent application of PD-L1/PD-1 axis inhibitors. Combination therapy enhances the antitumor immunity of the host and improves the curative effect of the respective treatments (45, 46). In our study, radiotherapy combined with an anti-PD-L1 antibody regimen effectively controlled tumor progression. In terms of survival rate, the radiotherapy dose regimen of 8 Gy × 3 was slightly better than that of 2 Gy × 14 for immunoregulation. Some studies have suggested that the dose-grading regimen of immune checkpoint drugs with 8 Gy × 3 radiation exposure should be the standard grading scheme for an immunotherapy combination (47–49). However, a consensus on the best radiation doses and fractionation plan has not been reached. Our study preliminarily explored the effects of differences in radiation doses and fractionation plans in a combination treatment of breast cancer. The best plan for combined radiotherapy and immunotherapy needs to be assessed considering many variables, such as the effect of tumor subtype, immune response of the tumor and immunotherapy type.
In conclusion, different doses of radiotherapy have different effects on tumor vascular remodeling and tumor immune microenvironment activation, and radiotherapy can promote the therapeutic effect of immune checkpoint inhibitors. MR/PA bimodal imaging can be used as an imaging marker to evaluate tumor vessels after radiotherapy and better guide the combined immunotherapy strategy of tumors.